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Wrong, to commit Wrong. What is worse, he is described as sentencing not only Adam and Eve, but all their descendants, to hard labor and other pains and penalties during life, which would be closed by death. The appearance of the Infinite in the garden in the form of a man and mistaken by Adam as the gardener (what did Adam know about gardeners?) is all terribly out of joint with the character of the Infinite as we have so far observed It. Yet what could we expect of the Hebrew writers who at different periods compiled the story of Genesis? It was the picture that came to them of Man's advent into this world. Vague and misleading as the picture is, it is one that we cannot pass over as entirely unworthy or attention. The Hebrew prophets, poets and historians were feeling feebly in the dimness of the times to find whence they came. They found something, as do all who seek, but the assumption that they found it all is as ridiculous as that Franklin discovered everything about electricity while flying his kite. What these seers evidently thought they found was Man thoroughly developed as an animal suddenly coming into the possession of REASON. As light has been continually breaking upon us for these many centuries, this picture cannot be entirely ignored. Did Man come into the possession of Reason in his physical prime, or did Reason develop in the ratio of his physi

cal progress? Now Reason is the Consciousness of being a Man, and of somehow knowing the way to be the best Man. A Man, conscious of being a Man, could never have been conscious of being anything else, for Consciousnesses are not interchangeable as to species. The ape, having a Consciousness of his species, could not by any psychological somersault suddenly become conscious of being a man. If there has ever been anything nearer like a man than an ape, he must either have been a man or not one. If he was a man he had Reason, and he could not have had it except he got it from someone who had it, unless he were suddenly endowed with it by Infinity as a creative afterthought, so to speak. Such a thing would be entirely out of harmony with the progressive plan of development and could not, of course, be the result of eating a particular kind of fruit. But speaking of him as a man before he had Reason—a knowledge of Right and Wrong-is a contradiction of terms, for Reason itself is what constitutes a Man. It would be just as absurd, if such a thing were conceivable, to speak of a dog which had been miraculously endowed with Reason and thereby given the status of a man, as having been a man before he received this endowment. It is inconceivable that Man was Expressed at all if not, on this experiential plane, to seek for a RIGHTNESS OF HIS OWN

FINDING, and how could he seek for this if not possessed of Reason? It therefore seems that the impossibility of the Consciousness without Reason being instantly changed into a Consciousness with Reason proves that Reason has been inherent in Man during his entire evolution as an animal. This is also borne out by the fact that Man was so evidently designed at some period and on some plane to reach perfection by means of his Reason, that that supreme quality must have been always in his composition, otherwise all the time spent in his development as an animal on this experiential plane was wasted, and Infinity knows no waste.

We are dealing here mainly with the development of the human Subconsciousness, and have been led into the above dissertation as to the point in Man's development when this Subconsciousness began to be affected by his Reason. Having decided that Reason has always affected his development, let us return to the main topic. The Subconscious is man's Memory Life, built up of the repetitional-what is ordinarily known as habit. These habits are acquired, as all animals acquire them, except that the reasoning power of Man has, through his use of it and the use made of it by his ancestors, tended to make his Subconsciousness a somewhat more complex thing than that possessed by other animals. It may as well be noted

here that the human Subconsciousness does not reason, though it is affected by Reason. This statement may be at variance with the opinions expressed by writers who affirm that the Subconsciousness is capable of reasoning deductively, though not inductively, but it is nevertheless correct. The scientists referred to have found that subjects in a state of hypnosis when given a suggestion will reason from a premise assumed to a logical conclusion, but are incapable of anything but deductive reasoning. This is not reasoning, but the consecutive following of a principle through its workings. All Life does this. As has been shown, all Life has a Supraconsciousness as well as a Consciousness if it be an elemental atom, or a Supraconsciousness and a Subconsciousness if it be a combination of atoms. The Supraconsciousness is the Omnipresent, the Infinite Life, which directs the movements of the Conscious or Subconscious, and is always Right. This Unreasoning Life pursues an unvarying course of Rightness. The human Subconsciousness is disturbed in this automatic pursuit of Rightness by Reason. In hypnosis it is noticeable that the subject under the influence of another's Consciousness may be given the most absurd proposition as its premise of rightness, and he will carry the argument to its conclusion with all the gravity and profundity of something reasonable. This is because the

Subconsciousness has been interfered with in its automatic pursuit of Rightness, by the suggestion of a wrong principle, which it seizes upon and follows with the same avidity as it always follows what it esteems to be Rightness, no matter how that sense of Rightness is acquired, whether by memory or the suggestion of Reason. This is not reasoning, but being influenced by Reason, which is clearly an associate-Consciousness, not a component part of the human Subconsciousness. The human Subconsciousness thinks, as all Mind thinks, and, thinking, acts.

The illustration furnished by hypnosis, that the Subconsciousness is not only affected by Reason but is equally affected by wrong reasoning as by right reasoning, makes it clear to us how the wrong reasoning of ourselves and our ancestry has affected, and is affecting, our Subconsciousnesses. If it were not for this faulty reasoning the human race would be as automatically and generally healthy as other species of animals. Conversely, it seems distinctly to show that Right Reasoning would give us an immunity from even that proportion of sickness that comes to animals as the result of environment and the law of decadence.

Upon our Subconsciousnesses we rely for what we call the automatic functioning of our bodies, the workings of all our organs, the movements of our limbs,

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