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ucation, 144-145; power to borrow
money, 74; powers and duties of super-
intendent of public instruction, 36; pro-
visions for continuation schools, 176;
public libraries, 195; purchase of sup-
plies, 36; school bonds, 73; school for
deaf, 200; school holidays, 148; school
taxes in city districts, 78; single school
district, 55; State board for vocational
education, 168; tax estimates, 78; teach-
ers' certificates to foreigners, 88; text-
books, 140.

Military schools, 188.

Military training, 143-146.
Mining schools, 187.

Minnesota, agricultural lands and school
districts, 55; branch school of agricul-
ture, 174; child-welfare, 208; classes for
blind, 203; colony for epileptics and
feeble-minded, 206; compulsory school at-
tendance and exemptions, 123; condi-
tions upon which lands are deeded to
school districts, 84; construction and use
of schoolhouses in State parks, 84; con-
solidation of schools, 117; county board
of education, 40; county free libraries,
195; county school tax, 79; distribution
of State aid, 110; director of State teach-
ers' employment bureau, 36; evening
schools, 153; expenditures for county
graduation exercises, 162; extension work
in agriculture and home economics, 157;
formation of school districts, 55; free
tuition in State institutions for persons
recently in war work, 183; general school
tax, 79; high-school board examinations,
162; industrial school for girls estab-
lished, 213; issue of bonds, 74; industrial
rehabilitation, 168; leasing of school
lands, 60; nurses, employment, 136; pay-
ment of school funds to counties, 68;
playgrounds, 156; provisions for voca-
tional education, 168; public libraries,
195; publication of proceedings of school
boards of independent school districts,
48; salaries of county superintendents of
schools, 43; school funds, 58; school tax,
78; school taxes in school districts, 79;
schools for deaf and blind, 200-201;
State aid to consolidated schools, 117;
State board of education, 30-31; State
funds for payment of high-school tuition,
163; support of dependent children in
their homes, 213; tax for buildings at
State university, 183; tax for school pur-
poses, 78; tax for teachers' retirement
fund, 103; taxation in school districts,
79; traveling expenses of county superin-
tendents of schools, 43.
Mississippi, attendance at county public
schools, 55; attendance at independent
school districts, 55; attendance of chil-
dren of county school district upon
school of independent district, 55; au-


thorizing children of separate school dis-
tricts to attend county public schools,
55; clerk for superintendent of public
instruction, 36; compulsory school at-
tendance, 123; county superintendent of
schools collector of rents, 60; depart-
ment of archives and history, 195; dis-
continuance or abolition of separate
school district, 55; duties of State board
of education, 68; evening part-time
schools, 153; Federal vocational education
act accepted, 169; formation of school
district, 55; home economics, 147; issue
of bonds for school purposes, 74; lessees
of sixteenth-section school land to have
credit for improvements, 60; penalty for
failure to take school census, 113; per
capita fuel tax, 79; prizes for agricul-
tural clubs, etc., 148; sale of school prop-
erty, 117; schools for Indian children, 199;
separate school districts, 55; summer nor-
mals, 111; teachers' homes, 87; teachers'
licenses without examination, 94; text-
books, 140; transportation of school chil-
dren, 117; use of funds from leasing six-
teenth-section lands, 60.

Missouri, agricultural and country life sta-
tistics, 158; apportionment of school
funds after an epidemic, 68; betterment
of agricultural and rural conditions, 158;
chief clerk for State superintendent of
public schools, 36; colony for feeble-
minded, 206; commitments to industrial
home for Negro girls, 213; commitments
to industrial school for girls, 213; com-
mitments to training school for boys,
214; continuation schools, 176; com-
pulsory school attendance, 123-4; cura-
tors of State university, 183; division
of child hygiene, 133; employment in
hazardous occupations prohibited, 129;
employment of children, 129; enticing,
aiding, or assisting inmates away from
industrial home for girls, 213; high-
school training in large counties, 163;
increase of tax for school purposes, 79;
inspection and supervision of training
teachers for rural schools, 110; rate of
school tax, 79; salaries of county super-
intendents of schools, 43; salaries of
teachers of blind, 203; school for deaf,
201; schools for blind and feeble-minded,
201; State teachers' colleges, 107; teach-
crs' certificates, 90; vocational education,

Modern languages, instruction, 149-151.
Montana, agriculture and home economics,
158; Americanization schools, 153; ap-
portionment of school funds, 62; bond
issue for county high-school purposes,
163; codification of school laws, 22; con-
tinuation schools, 177; compulsory age
limit for school attendance, 124; "county
unit" of school administration, 40; cre-


ation of rural school district, 40; duties
of county superintendents of schools and
apportionment of school funds, 43; exam-
ination of accounts of school districts,
48; fire escapes, 86; high-school tax in
counties not having county high schools,
163; juvenile courts, 210; leasing of
State agricultural lands, 60; regulates
sale of timber on school lands, 60; regu-
lation of public accounting, 183; salaries
of county superintendents of schools, 43;
statute of limitation, 74; schools for
feeble-minded, 206; State Vocational
school for girls, 214; vocational educa-
tion, 169.

Municipal boards of education, 46-52.
Museums. See Libraries and museums.
Music. See Teachers' certificates.


Narcotics, effect on human system, 146.
Nebraska, amount of bonds, 74; annual
county exhibit of school work, 158; ap-
pointments by school boards, 95; bi-
ennial appropriation for normal train-
ing in high schools, 110; child-welfare
bureau, 208; college of dentistry and
college of business added to State uni-
versity, 183; consolidated and high
schools, 118; county high-school taxes,
163; county and State certificates, 91;
course of study for rural schools, 141;
district tax, 74; duplicates of employ-
ment certificates, 129; English language
the medium of instruction, 150; func-
tions of boards of education, 48; high-
school privileges for all qualified high-
school pupils, 163; leasing of school
lands, 60; medical inspection, 136; meet-
ings of public nature required to be in
English language, 150; merging cities
and villages with metropolitan cities,
55; power to borrow money, 74; private
schools, 191; public libraries, 196;
qualifications of State superintendent of
public instruction, 36; regulation of
high-school tuition, 163; right of emi-
nent domain, 84; salaries of county
superintendents of schools, 43; salaries
of teachers during epidemic, 98; sec-
tarian instruction forbidden, 149; spe-
cial warrant tax, 79; State tax for nor-
mal schools, 107; tax for schools, 80;
tax levies and bond issues, 74; tax
limits in cities, 80; teachers' qualifica-
tions, 95; transportation of school
children, 117-118; vocational education,

Nevada, agricultural and home economics
extension, 158; care and custody of de-
pendent, neglected, or delinquent chil-
dren, 214; continuation schools, 177;
compulsory attendance of children at


Government schools, 124; consolidated
schools, 118; county tax for district
high-school purposes, 164; deputy to su-
perintendent of public instruction, 37;
English language medium of instruction,
150; Federal vocational education act
accepted, 170; "Frances Willard Day"
observance, 148; library commission,
196; local schools of mines, 187; man
agement of governmental agencies, 74;
Nevada School of Industry, 214; "pub-
lic-school teachers' permanent fund,"
103; "public-school teachers' retirement
salary fund," 103; retirement of teachers,
103; salaries of deputy superintendents,
37; school census, 113; State school fund
apportioned to counties, 68; teachers'
training building at university, 183; vo-
cational education, 169.

New Hampshire, establishing State board
of education, 22-23; exemption from
school attendance, 124; management and
control of State institutions, 31; public
libraries, 196.

New Jersey, acts repealed relative to teach-
ers' pensions, 103; agricultural extension
work and home economics, 147; author-
ity to withdraw from retirement fund,
103; boards of school estimate, 80; bonus
for board of education employees, 98;
budgets by school districts, 80; charitable
and educational organizations, 192; cleri-
cal assistants to county superintendents
of schools, 44; commission to investigate
teachers' pensions, 104; consolidated
bond issue for school purposes, 75; con-
tinuation of trustees, 104; continuation
schools, 177; composition and regula-
tion of sinking-fund commissions, 75;
dental clinics for school children, 134;
department of education, 37; educational
institutions and public libraries exempt
from taxation, 192; employment of
minors, 129; examination of accounts of
school districts, 55; expenses of county
superintendents of schools, 44; fees for
records of birth of children, 129; finances
of school districts, 80; fire drills in
schools, 132; history of people engaged
in military or naval service in World
War, 196; industrial rehabilitation, 170;
investment of teachers' retirement fund,
103; juvenile courts, 210; library com-
mission, 196; minimum salary, 98; new
teachers' pension and retirement system,
103; playgrounds, 156; public libraries,
196; pupils of public schools entering
naval or military service, 141; qualifica-
tions of medical students, 189; reduction
of members of school boards, 48; removal
of secretary or clerk of school board, 48;
required courses in community civics and
American problems in high schools, 164;
safety, health, work hours, of employees

New Jersey-Continued.

in other than mercantile establishments,
129; salary of assistant commissioners
of education, 37; school elections, 80;
schools for crippled, 204; schools for de-
fective classes, 201; schools for feeble-
minded, 206-207.

New Mexico, agricultural college, 186;
board of control for educational institu-
tions, 31; child-welfare service, 31;
classification and valuation of State
lands, 60; cleanliness of unincorporated
towns and villages, 134; compulsory at-
tendance and exemptions, 124; consoli-
dated schools, 118; farm and live stock
bureaus, 158; girls' welfare board, 214;
health authorities, 134; issue of bonds
for school purposes, 75; leasing of State
lands for mineral purposes, 60; night
schools, 153; part-time schools, 124:
rural teachers' salaries, 98; special
school tax, 80; student teachers, 108,
taxation of incomes, 63; teaching Span-
1sh, 150; transportation of normal-school
students, 107.

New York, agricultural school on Long
Island, 186; amending law relating to
age of children committed to State Agri-
cultural and Industrial School, 214; ap-
pointment of local historians, 196; char-
ter for Buffalo in relation to teachers'
pensions, 104; choice of members of
boards of education, 49; citizenship of
teachers, 95; college of forestry at Syra-
cuse University, 189; commission to in-
quire into retirement pensions, etc., 104;
compensation of teachers attending in-
stitutes, 112; consolidated schools, 118;
continuation schools, 178; Cortland
State Normal and Training School, 108;
deputy to act for district superintendent
in military or naval service, 48; dupli-
cate school census, 113; duties of trus-
tees of the College of the City of New
York, 49; education of blind, 203; edu-
cation of physically defective children,
201; exemption from attendance because
of physical or mental condition, 125;
extension of time for report of commis-
sion, 104; finances of town boards, 56;
formation of school districts, 55; free
textbooks, 138; general board of religious
education, Protestant Episcopal Church,
192; hours of labor of minors and
women, 130; increase in number of pro-
fessors and assistant professors in State
college for teachers, 108-109; instruction
in patriotism and civics, 142-143; in-
struction of illiterates, 154; kindergar-
tens, 152; local boards of health, 134;
Long Island Agricultural School, 174;
military training, 145; new site for Cort-
land State Normal and Training School,
108; night schools, 153-154; physical ed-
ucation, 145; principal and teacher cer-


New York-Continued.

tificates for attendance or nonattend-
ance, 125; public libraries, 196; "Pub-
lic school" and "Teacher" defined, 104;
publishing reports of boards of educa-
tion, 49; qualifications of teachers, 88;
retired for physical or mental incapaci-
tation, 104; retirement of employees of
boards of education, 104; salaries of dis-
trict superintendents, 49; salaries of
faculties of State college for teachers,
108; salaries of faculties of State teach-
ers colleges and normal schools, 108;
supervisory districts, 49; teachers for
illiterates, 108; teachers' salaries, 98;
terms of members of city school boards,
49; textbooks seditious in character for-
bidden, 138; town boards of education,
75; township system of school adminis-
tration substituted for district system,
56; university scholarships, 184; use of
schoolhouses as polling places, 156;
women and minors as messengers, 130;
scholarships at Cornell University, 186;
school attendance of non-English speak-
ing and illiterate minors, 124-125;
schools for deaf and dumb, 201; schools
for feeble-minded, 207; sentences to
house of refuge and State training school
for girls, 214; State scholarships in Cor-
nell University, 180; State scholarships
for discharged soldiers, sailors, and ma-
rines, 180.

Night schools. See Evening schools.
Normal and training schools, county and
local, 109-111.

Normal schools, county and local, 109-111;
State, 106-109.

North Carolina, amending charter of Cas-
well Training School, 207; appointment
of county boards of education, 40; bonds
for higher institutions, 180; change the
name of State Normal and Industrial Col-
lege to North Carolina College for
Women, 109; clothing for inmates of
State school for blind and deaf, 202;
compulsory attendance at school, 123-126;
county school budget, 80; eleventh of
November a legal holiday, 115; employ-
ment of children, 125–126; Federal voca-
tional education act accepted, 170; ex-
empting school leagues from annual fran-
chise tax, 192; free textbooks, 138;
health certificates for teachers, 134; in-
corporation and boundaries of graded-
school districts, 56; incorporation of dis-
tricts, 75; indigent children, 126; juve-
nile courts, 210; permitting children in
orphans' homes to attend public schools,
215; physical examination and treatment
of school children, 136; powers of board
of education, 56; provisions for farm-life
schools, 174; public welfare, 208; salary
of State superintendent of public instruc-
tion, 37; schools for adult illiterates,

North Carolina-Continued.

154; sanitary equipment for public
schools, 134; school taxes, 23; six-
months' school term, 114; surplus funds,
71; tax in special-tax districts, 80; teach-
ing agriculture, home economics, and
manual training, 148; transportation of
girls and women to State home and in-
.dustrial school, 214; treasurer to borrow
money for educational institutions, 59;
uniformity of high school textbooks, 140;
validation of acts of certain religious,
educational, and charitable corporations,

North Dakota, annual reports of school
district treasurers, 49; annual tax levy,
81; bonding of school districts for build-
ing schoolhouses, 75; board of adminis-
tration for educational institutions, 31-
32; board of arbitration for transporta-
tion of children, 119; changing name of
State Reform School, at Mandan, to
State Training School, 215; consolidated
schools, 118-19; contingent fund for
State institutions, 181; deputy superin-
tendents in counties, 44; duties of State
examiner, 32; election of State superin-
tendent of public instruction and county
superintendents of schools, 37; employ-
ment of children in coal mines, 130; for-
mation of new common-school districts.
56; investment of State permanent school
funds, 62; investment of university and
school land funds, 62; limits of tax
levies, 81; medical inspection, 137;
minimum hours and wages for women
and minors, 130; night schools, 154; pen-
sion benefits for instructors, etc., in
State educational institutions, 104; sal-
aries and expenses of county superin-
tendents of schools, 44; school tax re-
duced, 81; State aid for rural schools,
119; tax on elector and property, 81;
teaching, grading, testing and classifying
agricultural products, 148; transporta-
tion of pupils, 119; use of public build-
ings and parks for public meetings, 156;
vaccination may not be required, 137;
vocational education, 170.


Ohio, Americanization work, 154; care of
dependent children by county commis-
sioners, 215; certification and oath of
allegiance of teachers, 88; certification
of teachers supported with Federal aid,
92; civics in schools, 142; compensa-
tion of members of boards of educa-
tion in rural-school districts, 49;
county children's homes, 215; county
normal schools, 110; display of United
States flag on school buildings. 81; Eng-
lish language medium of instruction,


150; examination of applicants for
teachers' certificates, 88; Federal voca-
tional education act accepted, 170;
health districts, 134; home demonstra-
tion agents, 158; hours of employment of
minors, 130; lease and sale of school
and ministerial lands, 60; levy taxes for
fund deficiencies, 75; life, temporary,
and kindergarten-primary certificate, 91;
limitation of bank deposit, 71; Lincoln's
Birthday legal holiday, 115; members of
city school boards, 49; powers and duties
of boards of education, 49, 56-57; pub-
lic-school libraries, 199; relief of needy
blind, 204; schooling certificate, 130;
schools for feeble-minded, 207; State
aid for weak school districts, 69; State-
wide teachers' retirement system, 104-5;
tax levy for deficiencies, 81; transfer of
territory to or from a centralized school
district, 56; valuation of school lands
under perpetual lease, 60.
Oklahoma, Americanization work, 154;
board of managers of State Training
School for Boys and other similar insti-
tutions, 215; board of regents of uni-
versity, 184; "children's code commis-
sion," 208; compulsory education, 126;
consolidation of schools, 119; continua-
tion schools, 178; county high schools,
164; deputy county superintendents of
schools, 44: dissolution of consolidated
school districts, 119; dissolution of
school districts, 57; English language
medium of instruction, 150; formation
of school districts, 57; free scholarships
at A. and M. College, 186; investment
of sinking funds, 75; lighting, heating,
ventilation and sanitation of school-
houses, 86; method of consolidation,
119; Miami School of Mines created,
187; military academy, 188; powers and
duties of library commission, 197; pro-
vides for State budget, 59; provision of
a secretary for commissioners of State
land office, 60; public libraries, 197;
regents of Colored Agricultural and Nor-
mal University, 187; regents of State
College for Women, 189; registering pu-
pils and visitation of schools, 50; re-
lating to school funds, 57; salaries of
county superintendents of schools, 44;
separate schools for white and colored
races, 131; school for feeble-minded, 207;
State commission for adult blind, 204;
State's contribution excluded from bond
issue, 85; supplementary appropriations
for rural schools, 69; teachers' pensions,
105; textbooks, 140, 148; transfer of
children, 119; transfer of delinquent
Negro boys from State penitentiary to
school at Taft, 215; transportation of
school children, 119; vacancies in boards
of education, 57.

Oregon, additional support for State uni-
versity, 181; appointment and salaries of
deputies in county offices, 45; boundaries
of school districts, 57; care or support of
delinquent, dependent, or defective chil-
dren, 215; child welfare, 209; commit-
ments to Oregon State Training School,
215; continuation schools, 178; county
high schools extended, 164; county school
tax, 82; court of domestic relations, 210;
disposal of old equipment at State insti-
tutions, 184; district school tax, 82;
duties of State librarian, 197; duties of
teachers, 95; educational aid for dis-
charged soldiers, sailors, and marines,
181; English language medium of in-
struction, 150; establishing county school
districts, 41; examination of pupils, 142;
Federal vocational education act accepted,
170; juvenile courts, 210; laws relating
to children, codification, 208; legislative
service and reference bureau, 197; length
of school term, 114; limit of tax levy in
school districts, 81; minimum salaries
for teachers, 99; physical education, 145;
practice schools for Oregon State Nor-
mal School at Monmouth, 109; public
libraries, 197; school district libraries,
199; State, county, and city boards of
health, 134-135; tax levy and budget, 82;
tax levy in third class district, 81; teach-
ers' contracts, 95; twenty-second of Feb-
ruary half holiday, 115.


Part-time schools. See Continuation schools.
Patriotism, instruction, 142–143.
Pennsylvania, boards of trustees of normal
schools, 109; certificates to graduates in
music, 92; consolidation of schools,
119-120; closing of schools, 96; county
or assistant county superintendents not
eligible to office of school director, 45;
course in patriotism, 143; delegates to
State conventions, 50; English language
medium of instruction, 151; expenses of
county superintendents and assistant
superintendents of schools, 45; extend-
ing benefits of Soldiers' Orphan Indus-
trial School, 215; fires and fire preven-
tion, 132; Frances Willard Day, 115;
industrial rehabilitation, 171; instruc-
tion in citizenship and principles of Gov-
ernment of United States, 154; instruc-
tion in "safety-first methods," 146;
medical inspection, 137; minimum
salaries for teachers, 99-101; occupation
tax, 137; pay of teachers attending in-
stitutes, 112; period of compulsory
school attendance of children, 126;
physical training and ethics, 146; play-
grounds, 156; prohibition against levy
of taxes while change of boundary is


pending, 82; public auditoriums, libra-
ries, etc., 197; purchases and sales of
property for normal schools, 109; re-
demption of school bonds, 50; removing
persons confined in prison, who are seri-
ously ill, to other institutions, 215; re-
organizing department of agriculture,
32; repair of school buildings by con-
tract, 84; salaries of attendance officers,
126; salaries of deputy superintendents
of public instruction, 37; salary of State
superintendent of public instruction, 37;
school district surrounding another dis-
trict to purchase site in other district,
84; school tax in first-class districts, 82;
schools for blind, 204; schools for
feeble-minded, 207; sites for township
high schools, 164; State board of educa-
tion, 32; State library and museum,
197; State scholarships for graduates of
high schools, 181; transportation of
pupils, 57; transportation of school chil-
dren, 119-120; transfer of poor funds,
72; tuberculous children, 208; vaccina-
tion required, 137; validation of certifi-
cates, 93.

Pensions, teachers. See Teachers' pensions.
Physical education, 143–146.

Physical examination and medical inspec-
tion, 136-138.

Physiology and hygiene, instruction, 146.
Pictorial or graphic representations, 148-

Plan of classification, 6-8.
Playgrounds, 155–157.

Poll taxes, school purposes, 83.
Population, school. See School population.
Porto Rico, absence with pay, 96; acting
graded school principal, 96; diploma of
principal teacher in Porto Rico equivalent
to high-school diploma, 109; education of
illiterates, 154; night schools, 154; Poly-
technic Institute may confer degrees,
189; qualifications of teachers of Eng-
Jish, 96; scholarships in the United
States for high school graduates, 174;
tax for high school, 104; "Teachers'
Day," 148; teachers' pensions, 105;
training courses for teachers in high
schools, 110; transfer of "La Egida Del
Maestros' " "fund to teachers' retirement
fund, 105; written consent necessary for
use of school buildings as hospitals, 84.
Private and endowed institutions, State
control, 190-192.

Professional and higher technical educa-
tion, 185-189.

Professional schools, 188-189.

Professional training of teachers, 106-112.
Public school libraries, 199.


Qualifications of voters, 52-53.

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