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hard working man hisdaily rations of bread and meat because they cost money; not that policy which would prompt a man to sell the foundation from under his house that he might provide his parlors above with more elegant furniture.

Let our Legislators retrench in every rational way; but let them not tap the reservoirs of power and then try to lift themselves over the fence by the straps of their boots: the thing can't be done. Let them begin with the thousand and one superfluities for which the people are compelled to pay their money, and when they get through with that job, it may not be out of place to raise the question, whether our Agricultural Societies and other industrial associations which have done and are doing so much to develope the resources of the State and to give Wisconsin an honorable rank among the most enterprising and prosperous States in the Union, should not be deprived of the little aid they have hitherto received through legislative enactments.

The Dog Law Again.-The Dorg has become an important institution in Wisconsin. He not only retards the progress of wool-growing to the amount of some hundreds of thousands of dollars dead loss per annum, but likewise saddles quite a tax upon the people of the State through the periodical and protracted legislative discussion of which he is the unfailing occasion.

The law of 1859-60, though it may be inoperative in some localities, because of a lack of pluck and energy, on the part of those whose duty it is to see it enforced, is nevertheless a good law and has done much for the encouragement of sheep husbandry in some portions of the


A similar law operates finely in Massachusetts, and we can see no reason why it should not succeed in Wisconsin, unless the farmers of the old Bay State have more intelligence and public spirit, which we presume no Badger farmer will be likely to admit. No law is invariably and to the full extent enforced. But is that a sufficient reason for the abrogation of all law?

One thing especially speaks well for the present law: whenever it has been faithfully enforced, the people have

To Non-Subscribing Readers.—Of the nine thousand five hundred copies of the February No. some will be sent to persons who are not regular subscribers.— Our object in doing this is to give to as many as possible of the friends of industry in the Northwest who may not have seen the FARMER, an opportunity to learn something of the character of the journal, which, for 13 years has been working for the promotion of all the great material interests of this portion of our country. If it should happen to fall into the hands of some farmer, who, during the whole period of its existence, has been either "farming it on his own hook" or patronizing some foreign magazine, he will pardon us for insisting, First, that no man, however wise, possesses so much wisdom that he can learn nothing from the experience and observation of other men, and secondly that it is the duty of every farmer, who has the ability, to aid in the support of those agencies which are specially and most intelligently devoted to the progress of his own State, and the good of the occupation to which he belongs.

We are determined to go ahead whether those for whom we labor appreciate our efforts and sacrifices or not; but it would nevertheless, be very gratifying to receive substantial evidence that those labors are not

disregarded by the very class of men whom they are chiefly intended to benefit.

Again, we say, carefully examine this number. It is no better than the average during the year. If you like it send us your name and dollar; if not, keep the dollar and be good enough to give the FARMER to some neighbor who may esteem it of more worth than the small amount of its subscription price.

Added Force." The harder the times, the harder the work." Appreciating the force of this maxim, we have just recently added to our working force by associating with us in the Publication Department our worthy friend and former book keeper, C. M. Campbell, Esq., of this city. Mr. C. was among the first to answer the call of his country when the First Wisconsin Regiment marched upon the traitorous foe, and now that the army rolls are full, and more men are offered than can be em

come, not only to acquiesce in it, but to deprecate its ployed in the defence of the Constitution and the Laws,


We have no idea that it will be seriously interfered with, this winter, though we are informed that some member who represents a large dog interest is pledged to do his best against it. To him and to all others who concur with him we would say: Let the law alone gentlemen, unless you are very sure of giving us a better one.

Sheep Husbandry in New Mexico.-We have just received, too late for publication in this number, another very interesting letter from the pen of Judge KNAPP, of the U. S. Court of New Mexico, on New Mexico as a Country for Wool-growing. It will not spoil, however, by being laid over one month, and may be looked for in the March No.

he has wisely decided to give his efforts to the work of helping forward the cause of industrial improvementmore worthy and more in need of help now than everthrough a more extensive circulation of the FARMER in

this and the neighboring States. He will have immediate charge of the Circulation Department of the business of publication, and we bespeak for him the cordial cooperation of all our local agents and working friends throughout the country.

The Farmer for Premiums.-Knowledge is worth more than money. We hope our friends, the officers of County Agricultural Societies will remember this in making up their lists of premiums for 1862, and use as many copies of the FARMER as may be consistent with the best interests of their respective organizations.

Don't Wait for Others.-There is an old saying running in this wise: "If you want anything done, go and do it." It is still good, sound advice, as appears by the following, from one of our true and faithful friends. There are 60,000 farmers in Wisconsin who ought to be classed among our regular subscribers, and if each of our present readers would persuade a half dozen of his neighbors to do so, we might have that number of names on our Subscription Book. Will not each subscriber send us at least one other name?

ROSENDALE, January 19th, 1852. FRIEND HOYT:-Enclosed find one dollar for the WrsCONSIN FARMER for this year, I have been waiting for some one to start a club but no one appeared to do any thing in the matter. I have been a subscriber to it nearly all of the time since its first publication. I like the tone of the paper; wish that it had a much larger circulation. I have often thought how very negligent most farmers are to their own interest in letting a paper devoted to their good maintain a struggling existence simply for the want of the little help they could so easily

render. Never mind; I trust there is a large number of sterling friends who will stand by you in your efforts to keep up the best agricultural paper in the West, notwithstanding the tightness of the times, and then with the return of prosperity to the country the circulation of the FARMFR will more nearly equal its high merit. Send it along to me, and calculate on all the assistance it is in my power to render you. H. W. WOLCOTT.

New Elevator.-We are glad to learn that one of our most enterprising Warehouse firms is about commencing a new Elevator on the North Branch, to be used mainly, we believe, for receiving grain which comes in over the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad. It will be of the largest size, and built in the most substantial manner, and will be completed at an early day. It will be furnished with ten of Fairbanks' five hundred bushel

Better Late than Never.-At the last State Fair, Samuel Charlesworth, Esq., of Omro, was the successful competitor in the exhibition of "Suffolk Sows, two years old and over." The published list made it appear that the award was made to J. V. Robbins, of Madison-an error for which our own transcribing clerks were responsible. Our attention, as Secretary of the Society, was called to the mistake during the early spring, and we immediately corrected the record, forwarded the $10 to Mr. C., and promised to publish in the Farmer.But somehow the slip prepared for the paper was mislaid, and our memory, relieved by the act of writing the notice, no longer held the publication of it as a thing yet to be done.

We hope our friend Charlesworth will pardon the omission, and that as a breeder of superior Suffolks he may continue to flourish as heretofore.

Agricultural Legislators.-In the Senate, 11 of the 33 members are farmers, and in the Assembly the

proportion is still larger. It has been said repeatedly in other years, that, as a class, the agricultural members of the Legislature have shown more narrowness and prejudice towards the institutions and agencies in operation for the promotion of the industrial interests of the State than have the members of the other professions. It re mains to be seen whether there is any real truth in this statement, as applied to the present Legislature.


The Madison Mutual Insurance Company.-We publish in this number a statement of the fiscal affairs of this highly prosperous and popular Company for the year 1861, together with a concise summary of its plan of operations.

We are pleased to see that even the remarkable results of 1860 have been greatly exceeded, notwithstanding the

Hopper Scales, each one of which, so perfect will be the pinch of the times and the general derangement of busi

ness. Probably no other company in the United States can boast of such a career as this institution has had

during the past three years. Certainly none in the West has flourished in like manner; from which three conclusions are deducible:-First, that its plan of operations is

machinery, can be loaded to its full capacity and the load discharged in a few minutes. This shows the immense amount of grain which can be handled in this Elevator, and is a sufficient guaranty to farmers as well as receivers and shippers, that correct weights will be given.-sound and judicious; secondly, that its business has been Chicago Tribune.

The World's Fair.-Persons desirous of contributing articles to the Great International Exhibition cannot do better, we believe, than to entrust their transportation to THE MORRIS EXPRESS, New York. The last No. of the FARMER contained a full statement of their rules, rates, London Agencies, &c. We expect to be in London, ourself before the opening of the Exhibition, and will endeavor to see that no Western contribution is overlooked or slighted.

"Uncle William" will entertain the readers of the "Corner" next month with an illustrated story of the Flying Squirrel.

entrusted to able, energetic and faithful men; and thirdly, that the property holders of Wisconsin are coming to realize more fully the importance of securing themselves against the ordinary risks of loss and of doing so in the safest and most economical manner.

The officers elect are men eminent for their financial ability and moral integrity. With such a system and with such management, this Company is deserving of the extraordinary success which has made it so conspicuous among the insurance companies of the country.

See Mr. Powers' advertisement of a superior Grain Drill and Horse Rake.

Messrs. Plumb, Willey & Co. have a new advertisement in this No. of all sorts of nursery stock. They are

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neglected, and which can be attended to withWe refer to the grind

March is a border month-a nondescript, out regard to weather. neither winter nor spring, though rather being and chopping of food for stock. February longing to the former than the latter, in this climate. Rough winds and alternate freezing and thawing characterize it. It is nevertheless crowded full of demands upon the energies of the farmer; and he who does his work well now will be ahead of time during the busy months of spring and summer and reap a rich reward of his enterprise in the fruit-bearing days of autumn.


To this end, during the stormy days overhaul all your implements and see that they are properly repaired and fitted for early and uninterrupted use. The provident farmer will have few break-downs in the field or in the harvest.

Collect and prepare your field and garden seeds of every intended variety. Spare no pains to get the best. Good seed is always a paying investment.

Make your arrangements for a fair quantity of good hardy fruit-trees well adapted to climate and soil. The fruit-growers of Wisconsin are much better posted now than they were six years ago as to varieties, exposures, planting and cultivation. Trust to their judgment rather than to the irresponsible hucksters who annually peddle and too often swindle in all parts of the Western country. Be in time.

Poles, brush, stakes and labels, designed for the garden, should all be made ready while

but little else can be done.

and March are the most trying months on all
classes of domestic animals, and many a farmer
loses a good share of the benefit of good keep-
ing through the winter, by letting his stock
run down in the early spring. Work horses
and cattle, and breeding animals of every kind
must have extra good care just now.
forget it.



The clover which you have been promising yourselves and your more thrifty, systematic neighbors, for two or three years should be sown each successive spring, should be neglected no longer. In March, after a light snow, is a good time for the seeding.

Fork over the compost heap and haul out all manure that can be economically used, while the sledding is yet good.

All who have maple groves will, of course, make an extra effort this month to draw from them all the sweetness they can be made economically to yield.

All who have not laid in a good stock of ice will naturally consider this their last chance. It is a great luxury in the hot weather of summer, and may just about as well be enjoyed as


Plowing should commence as early as the furrows will turn up without packing; not before. Observe the golden mean in all these important farm operations, but never, on any

There is yet another work that must not be account, be behind time.

Wisconsin Industry and the State Ag. Society.

Believing that the State Agricultural Society, while it is doing so much to promote the industrial interests of Wisconsin, might prove a yet more efficient agency if properly encouraged and strengthened by those farmers and friends of industry who, now, through misapprehension, refuse their hearty co-operation, we have determined to publish from time to time, in the FARMER such reports of its plans, operations and condition as may be interesting to the public.

A full detail of the doings of the Society is published from year to year in the vol. of "Transactions," but as the publication of this is often delayed by illiberal legislation until that detail has lost a portion of its interest a brief current summary in the FARMER will no doubt be acceptable to the public and tend to further the interests of the organization. The following Report of the Executive Committee for the year 1862 makes a plain and candid showing of the condition of the Society at the present time as well as of the reasons therefor, and will be read by all who desire the promotion of the worthy objects with a

view to which it was established:

To His Excellency, LOUIS P. HARVEY,

Governor of Wisconsin:

SIR-The Executive Committee of the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, in presenting the Eleventh Annual Fiscal Report, herewith submitted, desire to congratulate you and the people of the State upon the comparative prosperity with which Wisconsin has been favored during the past year.

border States; but it is likewise and largely due to the fact that we are an agricultural people, producing immense quantities of the great food staples which must always sell at in value, in time of war. some price, and which are usually enhanced

It is also an occasion for congratulation, that the times have shown the population of our State to be unsurpassed in hardiness, industry, on the globe. Nearly one-seventh of our energy and productive capacity by any people adult male population have left the avocations of peace and entered the ranks of war, and the part of those who have remained at home must have still further diminished the productive force of the country. The crops of various kinds were nevertheless gathered without material waste, and the granaries of Wisconsin are to-day full of the evidences of the extraordinary enterprise and energy of her farmers. The wheat crop of the past year, though but little more than half as large as the great crop of 1860, nevertheless fell but ittle, if any, short of the average for several previous years.Owing to the inadequacy of the means of transportation, however, much of it is yet unsold, and the prices, thus far, have been far from remunerative. To remedy this deficiency, many new vessels are being constructed for our lakes, and it seems almost certain that, after the first great movement in the Spring, the prices will advance to fair and rumunerative rates. Other crops compare favorably, as to yield, quality and pecuniary returns, with the general average of years.

distraction of attention and interest on the

The extraordinary yield of fruit of all kinds has been a happy circumstance for the fruitgrowing interests of the State, as many who had been discouraged by previous failures, will now begin the work of planting and cultivating in good earnest.

Every year adds perceptibly to the improvement of our stock, and very many localities are now able to boast of horses, cattle, sheep and swine of the most approved breeds. There is much to be done in this direction, however, and it is the purpose of the State Agricultural Society to do yet more than heretofore in the way of stimulating our farmers to a healthy competition, and of directing their efforts, by means of the inculcation of correct principles of breeding.

In times of political revolution, like the present; when the Government is rocked to its very foundations; when one-thirtieth of the whole population are in arms; when the commerce of the country is seriously damaged, and the public mind is occupied, almost to the exclusion of everything else, with the Wool-growing has derived considerable adgreat problem of continued national existence, vantage from the law for the protection of -in times like these, it is certainly very extra-sheep, approved March 23d, 1860, and it is ordinary that our youthful State should have moved forward in a career of growth and prosperity scarcely surpassed during any year of its history since the palmy days before the financial crash of 1857.

This anomaly is doubtless owing, in some degree, to our remoteness from the actual

hoped that there will be no retrograde movement on the part of the Legislature in relation thereto. The efficiency of the law may possibly be increased, but it should by no means be repealed, so long as it accomplishes any measure of good.

Many rational improvements in the system scene of hostilities, and our consequent immu- of farming, embracing the important operanity from the desolations liable to fall upon the tions of draining, subsoiling, manuring and

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