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some expression of love for the deceased, and their sympathy for the bereaved. On the funeral occasion, Mr. Morse's military friends paid that respect which was due an officer worthy of their highest trust. The procession which was formed at the church, to follow him to his final resting-place, was half a mile in length. At this time there was assembled a larger concourse of people in Roselle than had ever assembled on any other occasion. Mrs. Morse felt deeply the loneliness of her widowhood, she rested entirely upon the promises of God who saith, "I delivered the poor that cried, and the fatherless, and him that had none to help him. The blessing of him that was ready to perish came upon me; I caused the widow's heart to sing for joy." "Leave thy fatherless children, I will preserve them alive, and let thy widows trust in me."

Mrs. Morse, in a few months after the death of her husband, according to agreement, sent George to a distant part of the state to learn a trade, leaving her fatherless child to the care of Him who had promised to protect him.

George kept a journal, and sent it to his mother monthly; by this she was enabled to correct and encourage him when she thought it necessary; and he was kept informed of everything of interest that came under his mother's observation. A few months before the time of his apprenticeship expired, his mother wrote the particulars relative to Mr. Radford's death, informing him also that Colonel Bertram had, two years before, built a distillery about a mile from the village. The circumstances connected with Mr. Radford's death were of the most aggravating character. One year

before the time above-mentioned, he made an attempt to destroy his own life by taking poison. He arose early in the morning, as was his custom, and walked over to his store and drank what he designed to be his last draught, and returned immediately to his house, and told Mrs. Radford, on entering, that he should be dead in less than an hour, and also what he had done. Dr. Williams was immediately sent for, who administered medicines to counteract the poison, proving, in part, effectual in its operations, but a continuation of suffering was the lot of the poor inebriate.

He afterwards accomplished his design by opening the jugular vein. In the character of Mrs. Radford, when passing through this trial, the sustaining grace of God was manifested. When she entered the room where her suicidal husband sat, he gave her

a sign of recognition! No shriek of horror escaped her lips; pale and trembling she knelt by his side and continued to agonize before God in prayer, filling her mouth with argument, urging her suit with confidence until the wearied spirit took its flight. Every eye was filled with tears but hers.

"Her lifted eyes without a tear

The gathering storm could see;
Her steadfast heart, it knew no fear,
That heart was fixed on Thee."

Incidents similar to this brought the public mind to realize the necessity of doing something immediately to check the evil with which they were being overwhelmed. Amid the opposition of prejudiced minds a Temperance Society was formed; Dr. Theodore Wil liams was their President. He labored faithfully with Walter Bertram,

and at length succeeded in obtaining his "pledge."

Colonel Bertram gave up the manufacture and sale of alcohol, and did what he could to repair the evil that he had been the means of bringing upon society. Josephine did all that was in her power to divert the mind of her brother from his former associates. Dr. Williams did what he could to assist her, and success seemed about to crown their efforts,-Walter unexpectedly broke his pledge, threw off the restraint of home, and resolved to go south. He told his determination to his sister; she wept and entreated. He was blind to one, and deaf to the other. When Josephine communicated to her father and mother Walter's intention, they settled upon him several thousand dollars, hoping that this would be an inducement for him to stay at home; but in

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