Imágenes de páginas



Que heria con mas furia y mas violencia;
De suerte que ninguno, y yo con ellos
Podiamos tener el pie tan firme
Que pisada la arena seca y rezia
Debaxo de los pies no deslizase.
Que si fuera la tierra de la Libia
Un poco mas pesada, dura y fuerte
Que tuviera unas cuevas cavernosas
Donde este viento y otro se encerraran,
Al mundo lo sacaron de sus quicios:
Mas no hallando en la arena resistencia
Estable permanece eternamente,
O sea ya menguante, o ya creciente.
"Viendo pues la braveza deste viento
En el suelo tendidos nos echavamos,
En el cuerpo apretando los vestidos,
Abraçando la arena como suelen

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despojaronle primero

sur vestidos y colores, y estava como cordero levantado en el madero por nosotros peccadores ?

Respuesta. "Señor no soy obligado

a saber vuestra intencion, mas segun tengo pensado de algun ansaron asado

quesistes hazer mencion. En el huevo fue nascido,

y del huevo fue sacado, muerto, pelado y vendido despues en palo espetado."

[Noble Instinct in the Canine race. ·] "COмo es costumbre ser muy favoridos Los dueños de los perros Baleares, Teniendo tan agudos los sentidos Que los guardan por asperos lugares, Ellos velan, y siendo acometidos, Aunque sean de muchos centenares, Defienden a su dueño hasta la muerte, Con el valor mostrando su alta suerte." NIC. ESPINOSA. 2 part. de Orlando Furioso, canto 11, p. 55.

On the wall of the staircase in the Town House of Toledo these verses are inscribed.

"Nobles discretos varones
Que gobernais a Toledo,
En aquestos escalones
Desechad las aficiones,
Codicias, amor, y miedo :
Por los comunes provechos
Dexad los particulares:
Pues vos fizo Dios pilares
De tan altissimos techos
Estad firmes y derechos."


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[Influence of Woman.]

¿Qué peso puede hacer en la balanza Que los reynos levanta o los inclina, De una flaca muger la resistencia ?” QUINTANA.

[Supremacy of Virtue.]

"El Todosabio nunca en desconsuelo, nacion alguna tiene abandonada, de la amable virtud sin los exemplos." VARGAS Y PONZE.

[Señores Españoles?] "SEÑORES Españoles? que la hicistes Al Bocalino o boca del infierno, Que con la espada y militar gobierno Tanta ocasion de murmurar le distes? El alba con que siempre amanecistes

Noche quiere volver de escuro invierno, Y aquel Gonzalo y su laurel eterno Con quien a Italia y Grecia escurecistes. Esta frialdad de Apolo y la estafeta

No se que tenga tanta valentia, Por mas que el decir mal se la prometa; Pero se que un vecino que tenia De cierta enfermedad sano secreta, Poniendose un raguallo cada dia.” TOMÉ DE BURGUILLOS, p.


[Safeguard of Innocence.]


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"When the curtain drew up, the first scene presented a view of the clouds, where a figure, like a Chinese Mandarin, seated in a chair, was like an arbiter or judge, placed between St. Michael and Satan. Satan accuses Michael, and Michael scolds like an oyster whench, and at last kicks Satan on the head, and tumbles him down out of sight, telling him to go to hell for his impudence. The Chinese-like figure then walks about the stage, and repeating the words of the Latin Bible, creates the world. When he orders the sun to govern the day, a lanthorn, with a round glass in it circles over the stage, which is darkened; in like manner the moon and stars appear; the waters next appear, with fishes' heads jumping through them; but when land animals are to be made, real sheep and dogs are produced through the trap-doors, one of which latter entertained the audience by barking at the sheep, and was like to have been rude to his supposed maker, had not a leg projected from behind the scene given him a kick, which sent him off howling. Adam is next made, he rises through the stage, walks about a while, lies down to sleep, and the Chinese figure pulls Eve out of his side, and gives them their charges: these two are quite naked, but much smaller, and no way to be compared in excellence to the puppets of Opera. The next scene presents an orange-grove, a serpent climbs a tree, talks to Eve, and gives her an orange of his teeth, which she takes and tempts Adam. The next scene presents the Mandarin figure calling upon Adam, who appears with his spouse in their fig leaves; they are conwalked erect, falls flat on his belly: Adam demned, and the serpent, who till now and Eve are now presented in sheep-skins, he with a spade, and she with a distaff; Adam laments dolefully, but Eve comforts him, and puts him in mind that they were to beget children. Cain and Abel next appear, offer sacrifices, and Cain kills his brother, and kicks him sadly; the Mandarin figure condemns Cain, and ascends the clouds; the mouth of hell then appears, like




then go and get them, for I have not ten half farthings for you!' and never was a low joke better relished in the days of Gammar Gurton's needle, than I was witness to the reception of this, from a crowded audience that would have done no disgrace to the pits of either Drury-Lane or CoventGarden. After this comes the story of Holofernes, the birth of Christ, and the massacre of the children of Bethlehem; with which the piece closes. Besides the few I have mentioned, innumerable are the low allusions of this performance. Before the massacre of Bethlehem, Herod is represented in the dress of a Turkish Moor, the old enemy of Portugal, walking about in great agitation; lies down on a couch to sleep; the dragon jaws of hell again appear, vomiting devils, and flashes of fire; the devils make a merry dance to music round the sleeping tyrant, and often whisper him; they vanish, he awakes, and gives his order, &c. and with a curious puppet representation of grim-whispered soldiers tearing children from their mothers and killing them, and the mothers scratching the sol

the jaws of a great dragon, amid smoke and lightning vomits up three devils, one of them with a wooden leg; these take a dance round Cain and are jocular; one of them invites him to hell to drink a dish of brimstone coffee, another asks him to make up a party at whist; Cain snarls, and they tumble him and themselves together headlong into the squibvomiting mouth. The next scene presents the Mandarin figure ordering Noah to build an ark; Noah sends his servant to engage a carpenter, but where do you think? why to Lisbon, to Antonio de somewhat, the King of Portugal's head ship-carpenter, (and the name of the present gentleman of that office is always introduced.) The scene now represents the streets and night-humours of modern Lisbon. The messenger, who is in no hurry, stops at different taverns (things like our London chandlershops, where the caraille drink; for except one French and one English house or two, there is not anything like a decent tavern in all Lisbon,) and everywhere he attempts to be the buffoon: ergo, he meets a dog, the dog barks at him, and he lectures the dog on the vices of his master, whose ill-diers, the admirable piece was at last manners, he says, he is imitating; then he brought to a conclusion." meets an Irish woman, with a squalling child in her arms; he asks his way to the carpenter's, and she asks him to tell her her way home again; both complain of the child's bawling, and he gives her a bit of sweetmeat he had just picked up in a corner to put in its mouth; but this joke ends dirtily. After meeting and talking with the variety of street-walkers, he arrives at the carpenter's house, which discovers a scene like the inside of an English village wheelwright's shop and kitchen; the carpenter bargains hard, and is willing to take Noah's note of hand, but his wife wants ready money, and insists upon paying her debts before she is drowned. And how much do you owe?' says Noah's messenger, ‘I have got a trifle about me at your service.' 'So much-no more?' 'Yes, so much more!' ‘Joseph — Maria — Jesus - no more! Yes, ten thousand moidores will do.' 'Ha, ha,

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IN a General Chapter of the Dominicans held at Salamanca in 1551. The Friars in the Indies were dispensed from the obligation of wearing woollen next the skin, and were allowed to substitute under garments of Melinge ?—Cañamaso ?—or Leno basto?


Oy passan en cantidad," says FR. JUAN de Melendez, "Anascotes, Lanillas, y Estameñas, y Estameñas de que se pueden hazer: pero si es lo mismo no averlas, que valer caras, y si esto basta para que aya penuria, y subsista el motivo de aquella dispensacion, otros lo jusguen, que yo no me atrevo à das parecer en materia de tanto escrupulo." TESOROS VERDADEROS DE LAS YUDIAS. vol. 1, p. 137.


They were likewise allowed to eat meat instead of fish, because in all the interior of Peru fish was extremely dear, and also por la debilidad de la tierra, y poca virtud en general de todos los alamentos.-Ibid.


This passage has never been condemned by the Inquisition. The Romish Church cares not what blasphemy it sanctions against God, nor what treason against the best interests of man, so long as its own power is not in question.

[Barbarous Cruelty of K. Jayme.] K. JAYME el Conquistador, was a good deal molested by a suit which D. Teresa Vidaure preferred against him at Rome, affirming that he was married to her. The Bishop of Girona, who had formerly been the King's confessor, was called upon to give his testimony, which he did in secret, and it proved the assertion to be true. Jayme sent for him, he was seized as soon as he entered the palace, and carried into a remote apartment, where his tongue was cut out.-MIEDES, 1. 14, c. 19.

Because Jayme was advised not to prosecute the siege of Valencia, Miedes, his historian, takes occasion to introduce the following rascally remarks.

"Ir is full lamentable to see kings and princes, in weighty affairs of government, refer to the opinion of others, without saying or doing anything themselves: it so being, that kings with the sceptre which they receive from the hand of God, have something divine communicated wherewith to govern well, and being kings, may therefore discourse better than other, and almost prophesy that which is to come.

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For it

was not in vain that Solomon said, speaking upon this subject, the heart of kings is in the hand of the Lord;' by whose favour every kingdom hath its particular guardian angel appointed to be its watch; and it is certain that this angel accompanies a king, and directs his proceedings to good end. And so a king ought, having heard the opinion of others, to state his own, and follow it, though it be against the advice of many."-L. 11, c. 3.

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George de Montemayor.

Quien de Marlota i Capellar ornado

Piensa, mientras se mira i se compone
El azul estrellado terciopelo
Que esta vestido de un sereno Cielo.
"Quien el alfanje saca, i la fineza
Haziendo alguna prueva en el, admira,
Quien la lavor alaba, la riqueza
Quien solamente con cudicia mira,

"No muy lexas deste valle, hazia la parte donde el sol se pone, esta una aldea en medio de una floresta, cerca de dos rios que con sus aguas riega los arboles amenos, cuya espessura es tanta, que desde una casa a la otra no se paresca. Cada una dellas tiene su termino redondo, adonde los jar-Quien quisiera compararle, i la pobreza

dines en verano se visten de olorosas flores, de mas de la abundancia de la ortaliza, que alli la naturaleza produze, ayudada de la industria de los que en la gran España llamen Libres, por el antiguedad de sus casas y linages."—Diana, p. 75.


[History of the Cid]

"ALPHONSUS PEREZ, Granatensis, scripsisse dicitur eleganter Latinâ linguâ, Historiam Roderici Didaci de Bivar cognomento Cid, de quo auctorem laudo Franciscum de Pedraza, in Historia Urbis Granatensis."

Con elado despecho le retira,

I assi al fin todos todo lo alabavan
I al dueño engrandecian i embidiavan.
"Tambien Armeno en yelo convertido
Atonito, confuso, envelessado,
Esta mirando el tragico vestido
Cual si estuviera en piedra transformado."
El Monserrate, Christoval de Virues.
It was the armour of Lixerea, his wife.

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[Marvellous Armour.]

"A LA real galera donde estava
Con Armeno Garin, llegò un soldado.
Trayendo de la Mora linda i brava

El vestido de estrellas adornado,
El alfanje del ombro le colgava

De los braços las ropas, i el tocado
(Que a la curiosidad misma ecedia)
De las manos, i alegre assi dezia.
"Bien puede aver ganado plata i oro
Otro en esta jornada peligrosa,
O cautivado algun valiente Moro

O avido alguna joya mui preciosa,
Mas cosa que, sin serlo, en un tesoro
Es digna de estimarse por hermosa,
Yo la e ganado, i si esto no es creido
Miresse este bellissimo vestido.
"Diziendo assi, delante del cuitado

I triste Armeno, en manos de otros pone
La Almalafa, la Aljuba, i el Tocado
Que con diversos lazos se dispone.

Christoval de Messa. La Restauracion de
España. 1607.

His hopes of an universal monarchy.
"Si una ley, si un pastor, si un cetro solo,
Tiene el mundo en tu tiempo en todas

Del nuestro al contrapuesto ultimo Polo,
Derribando rebeldes estandartes;
Las Musas reynaran, y el sacro Apolo,
Reynaran los estudios y las artes,

Y alabando un piadoso, un sabio, un fuerte,
Triunfaran del olvido, tiempo, y muerte."

Pelayo has been sent by Munuza to Cordova, who wanted him removed that he might carry off his sister. On his return

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