Imágenes de páginas


parecia salir acompañado de la Justicia de equel Rey supremo, a quien disponia y ordenava esta Caza, como Montero Mayor suyo." God's chief huntsman! or the hangman's whipper-in! but he always prayed four hours for the soul of every malefactor whom he condemned, and ordered thirty masses to the same account.

115. He was praying for his wife in her sickness, and the Christ of his crucifix said to him these very identical words: "Si tu quieres que te dexe a la Duquesa mas tiempo en esta vida, yo lo dexo en tu mano, pero te aviso, que a ti no te conviene esto." Borja resigned himself, and she died. 169. Every thing was done to magnify the importance of such. The door of his palace, through which he passed when he forsook it, was blocked up, p. 139. And when he performed his first mass, the Pope proclaimed a plenary jubilee for all who should hear it. When Francisco el Pecador went begging in his own country, p. 171, with a wallet round his neck, the houses were all deserted for the sight, and the women gave him alms upon their knees, and kissed the mark of his footsteps.

201. He it was who influenced Cardinal Henrique to found the College at Evora. He used to say that his desengaño was but the echo of that which dwelt in the breast of Borja.

270. After the death of Joam III. some disciplines were found in his cabinet stained with blood. His royal breast may be called the common country, and the cradle of the company.

274. At Evora Monte one of his companions exhorted the master of the Estalagem to pray daily for the life of Sebastian, whose life was of so much consequence to the crown, that if he died it would pass to the King of Castile, the man raised a mob, and was about to stone P. Bustamente for the supposition.


Historia Jesuitici Ordinis a M. Elia Hasenmullero. Francofurti, 1591.



11. THE first companions, he says, at Paris, peculiares sibi vivendi regulas, quas constitutiones vocant, conscribunt, vel potius jam ante a Caraffa Cardinale conscriptas, sibi applicant."

30. In Germany it was their business to obtain pupils, and cajole them to enter the order; this from a German is believeable. 32. The words of the Italian rule imply a theocratic superstition. "Ricognoscendo il Superiore, qualunque egli sia, in logho di Christo nostro signore."

39. The Assistentes receive all letters of business.

41. Quaintly saith Elias Hasenmuller, "Beatus vir, qui non abiit in consilio Generalis Jesuitici; et in viâ Assistentium ejus excæcatorum non stetit, et in cathedra pestilentium Professum non sedit."

44. It was their policy to depute power in Germany to Italians or Spaniards, if there was a German rector or visitor, &c. appointed, a Spaniard was placed to watch him, ne quid præter morem Hispanicum agat."


59. The temporal coadjutors-the helots of the order were kept in ignorance. "Nessuno de queglo si recevono per gli officii particolari di casa, imperi ne legere, ne scrivere, o s'alcuna cosa sapesse, non imperi pui lettere, ne altri gl'insegni, senza licenza del proposito Generale, ma bastera loro in santa simplicita et humilta servire a Christo nostro signore."

64. Many of these temporal brothers found the work so hard that they ran away


their taylors, shoemakers, &c. he says. "Ne tamen nomine Temporalium offendantur dicunt, illos non minores esse merito quam reliquos; si eodem spiritu res mundanas, quo illi Spirituales tractent. Quia non sibi ipsis, nec hominibus, sed sociis Christi Jesu, imo ipsi Jesu inserviant."

73. In the Colleges were spiritual præfects to watch the noviciates if they inclined toward the world.



112. Trifling faults were ridiculously punished, if one of the order had been detected in talking foolishly, he was to repeat his folly before the whole at dinner. He who broke a dish was to carry the pieces round the dinner table-then beg for a new one. He who had thrown good food to the cat or dog, was to eat with them under the table.

208. Obedience. At Landsperg the rector like Francisco ordered a noviciate to plant rapas root upward; the boy did otherwise, and for penance was made say at meal time "Non quæ Natura vel mea ratio jubent, sed Superioris mandata exequenda sunt."

At Rome one of the fathers walking with a novice said to him, "roll in that dung and then go home." The rector seeing him return in so beastly plight, asked what had happened? and hearing, said, "Go to the taylor and receive a new suit for your obedience."

But the oddest story is to come. At Verona a sick brother was ordered to eat ginger, and apply an ointment to his abdomen. The master suspected that his illness was feigned to obtain better food, it was to me you vowed obedience, said he, not to your physician, you will therefore rub yourself with the ginger, and eat the ointment. The sick man obeyed, and his obedience was reported to the rector, who ordered him thenceforth veal and capons for his food.

587. What of truth can be extracted from this calumny? "Ignatium Loyolam, primum Societatis auctorem, ipsius vitæ auctor, placide defunctum scribit.


Turrianus, Jesuita mihi notissimus sæpe dixit, illum in cœna, prandio, missa, in recreationibus etiam ita a dæmonibus exagitatum, ut in magnâ copiâ frigidissimum mortis sudorem fuderit. Bobadilla dixit, illum sæpius conquestum, se nunquam et nullibi a dæmonibus tutum esse posse. Octavianus Jesuita, Romæ minister seu novitiorum oeconomus, retulit mihi, dicens, Sanctus erat noster pater Ignatius, sed circa

agonem ita tremebat, quasi febri esset corruptus, et suspirans dixit, multa bona contuli in Ecclesiam Romanam, multas nostrorum provincias, multa collegia, domus, residentias et opes nostræ Societatis vidi; sed hæc omnia me deserunt, et quo me vertam ignoro. Turrianus dixit, ipsius comitem assiduum, usque ad missæ aram, fuisse dæmonem. Tandem vero cum tremore ipsum obiisse, mortuumque nigerrimo vultu conspectum esse, idem affirmavit. Cum anno 1554 ipsius corpus ad templum, ab Alexandro Farnesio extructum, transferre vellent, testibus omnibus Jesuitarum Professis, ipsius cadaveris ossa non sunt inventa; fingentibus ipsis, ea esse per angelos forsan translata. Quod ego non negarim, si angelos malos intelligant."

588. The speech of Turrianus, a Jesuit, to Hasenmuller is remarkable. "Utinam, inquit, Augustanam Confessionem, contra quam scripsi, et libros Antonii Sadaelis Lutherani, mei antagonista, nunquam legissem: illi me ita dubium fecerunt (quod tamen tibi amico meo sub rosâ dictum velim) ut neque prorsus Lutheranis assensum præbere, neque omnino a nostris discedere possum. Sed quid faciam? non est qui me juvet. Cumque eum ex verbo Dei consolarer, ait, 'Vera sunt quæ dicis: sed ego senex hinc exire non possum.' Sic miser ille in dubitationibus periit."

S. Francisco Xavier.

"FRANCISCO," said IGNATIUS, who was then on a sick bed, "Bobadilla is too ill to go to India, and the Portuguese ambassador is in haste and cannot wait, the province must be yours." Xavier replied, "Lo I am ready," he mended his garment, and took leave of his brethren, and departed the following day. RIBADENEIRA, p. 121.

LAINEZ affirmed that Xavier had a prophetic presage of his destination, that when they were travelling together in Italy, Xavier would often wake and exclaim,"Quam sum Deus bone defatigatus. I


dreamt brother that India and Ethiopia were placed upon my shoulders, and that I supported them, but the weight almost crushed-itaque fessus valde sum."-Ibid.


LUCENA says "It was an Indian as black as an Ethiopian." Laynez is the authority, and he is the true founder of the Jesuits.

"No bishop, no king. A trim paradox, and that ye may know where they have been a begging for it, I will fetch you the twin-brother to it out of the Jesuits' cell. They feeling the ax of God's reformation hewing at the old and hollow trunk of Papacy, and finding the Spaniard their surest friend and safest refuge, to sooth him up in his dream of a fifth monarchy, and withal to uphold the decrepit Papalty, have invented this super-politick aphorism, as one terms it, One pope and One king."-MILTON. Of Reformation in England, p. 17.


VASC. (Vida de Alm. dedication) speaks of the zeal of Salvador Correa de Sa Alcardo, Governor of St. Sebastian's, in their defence, “naquelles fatais motins do Rio di Janeiro," when the people "arremeteo as ultimas violencias" against them. The governor rewarded the messenger who brought him the first news of the outrages of St. Paulo.

S. Francisco.

CHRIST was the corner stone of the temple-Francisco the stone with the arms of God over the gate way.-D. Bartolome CAYRASCO DE FIGUERVA. Templo Militanti, 4 parte, p. 9.

THAT throne which Lucifer lost for his pride-Francisco gained for his humility.


NUNCA le hambre cometio adulterio.-10.


Or humility-the characteristic quality the nose in the face of his virtues, as old Fuller would have called it-the doctor has some odd things

"Esta virtud para ganar el cielo Mas que virginidad es necessaria.



No solo no aprovechan las virtudes
Sin Humaldad, mas causan grandes males.
Le Humildad que es perfeta propriamente
Consiste en quatro cosas, la primera
Es asi despreciarse; la segunda
No despreciar a nadie; la tercera
Es despreciar el mundo y sus enrredos,
Y despreciar desprecios es del quarta."

PERFECT humility, says he, is that of a man, who not only thinks himself the greatest sinner in the world, but the cause of all the sins that are committed in the world. 17.

THE Gebir poet understood it better, "A tattered cloak that pride wears when deformed."

"FUIT quoque dulcissimi nominis Jesu tanta perfusus dulcedine, ut cum nominare illud contingeret, labia (præ amoris dulcedine) lingere videretur."-Pet. Rodulp. TosSINIANENSIS, p. 4.

SAITH Owen the quaint,

"Sum, fateor, doleoque, Minorum ex ordine fratrum;

Frater, opes patrias et bona, major, habet."

Guelherme ANGLICO, who was elected in the room of Joao Capella the Judas, worked so many miracles after his death that to keep peace in the convent Fr. Elias the general of the order, was obliged to beg he would work no more-it brought such a rabble there. Dead as well as alive he was obedient, 189. A like story of Fr. and Pedro Cataneo. Cornejo, vol. 1, p. 356.



FR. PACIFICO his biographer was a poet, and a liar. The first time he heard him preach he saw his swords that with his words wounded the hearts of the hearers. Did he pass off his metaphor as a miracle? he used to see a cross of rainbow colours upon his master-no one else saw it but the sight was vouchsafed him for his great piety. He it was who was rapt up to heaven and saw Lucifer's chair vacant, and was told that it was to be filled by Francisco.

[blocks in formation]

"No hay porque—

Que mientras durare el mar
Los peces han de ser pocos,
Ne en tierra podra faltar
Copia de necios y locos."

CASTELLEJO, tom. 2, p. 181.

THE petticoat story claimed by the Cistercians. "Non nostrum est tantas componere lites." If the Dominicans have committed a trespass upon the premises of B. the aggrieved party must bring a suit of ejectment. But though we know that justice came from heaven and returned, we have not the least reason for suspecting that law did the same. The question however we may fairly say comes under the cognizance of the courts below.

The Inquisition founded to accelerate the effect of his sermons, as I remember to have seen in a pamphlet upon the Harrowgate waters a pint recommended as an aperient, with two ounces of Glauber's salts to assist their operation.

I believe the Franciscans designed to follow the example of the Moslem and supersede Jesus Christ.

The lies invented for, and the infamous tricks practised by, their founder, led to this, he had proclaimed himself the living pattern and parallel of the Redeeming God. If their systems at all differed, the one must therefore yield.

The Franciscans at one time attempted to leave off the vulgar æra, and actually dated from the infliction of the Five Wounds.

But the eternal gospel is the main proof, and this with the prophecies of Jacquin and S. Brigida must be examined.

The Dominicans were the apes of the Franciscans; the one could not contradict the other-it was therefore who could invent the greatest miracles, and so we have two kings of Brentford in the calendar, embracing one another in their pictures, while their followers hate each other in their hearts.

Sins mortal and venial. So far the Catholics are right as they admit a distinction, the folly is to attempt to lay down the line.

THE monastics all favoured by the Pope as lessening the power of the bishops, a

MEETING of the two worthies.-1. 2. 3. sort of commons that protected the sove

Mirac. of St. Franc.

reign against the aristocracy. They may

[blocks in formation]

also be regarded as a standing army, whereas | had no particular habit, wearing that of the the regular clergy were a militia, who had a patriotic feeling towards their country.

St. Domingo.

DOMINGO DE GUZMAN was born at Caleruega in the year 1170. He was of noble family, and professed as a regular canon of St. Augustine's. The invention of the rosary had given him a fame among the Catholics, when the Pope sent him to preach at Tolosa; there he remained ten years, and there formed the plan of the Inquisition. It was speedily adopted, and the founder was nominated Inquisitor General. A crusade was preached against the Albigenses, and Domingo accompanied the army. "Now," says his biographer," he made out the list of the heretics, writing down their names and employments and age and sex and qualities; now he prepared the dungeons and made ready the tortures; now he became an Argus . . . all eyes for the faith." I will not particularize these horrors. Suffice it to say, that in one day fourscore persons were beheaded, and four hundred burnt alive, by this man's order and in his sight. When this worthy friend of Simon de Montford had thus increased his fame, he determined to complete it by founding a new Order. With this intent he repaired to Rome, during the sittings of the Lateran Council. The Pope advised him to follow the good old examples in his rule; he accordingly chose that of St. Augustine, according to the Order of the Præmonstratenses. His first convent was built at Tolosa; his friars were allowed only room for a mat to sleep on, and a small table for the convenience of study; the cell of the bee being small. Some of these cells, which were nine feet long and seven and a half wide, he condemned as being palaces. Like wards in an infirmary, they were to have no doors, that the Superior might at all times see what was going on. As yet they

1 1216. F. Fr. de Possadas. 2 Luis de Sousa.

regular canons, till the Virgin fancied a uniform, showed Reginald the pattern in a dream, and made him enter the order that he might wear it.

Till this time there had been no clausure imposed upon the nuns. They dwelt in what were called Beatorios, subject to no confinement; this was now thought a scandal, and the Pope appointed Domingo to hive the wild bees. Some resistance was made by those with whom he began; it was in vain, and to this saint the rigour of the nunneries, the secret abominations which have been practised, and the unuttered and unutterable miseries which have been endured in those dreadful prison-houses are to be immediately ascribed.

His next invention was the Militia of Christ. Each member swore that he would, when summoned, take up arms to defend the rights of the Church, and sacrifice his property and life in the cause. Married men were to have the consent of their wives, who were prohibited from contracting a second marriage; the husband was to swear that his wife should never detain him from this holy warfare, lest he should suffer like the bidden guest, who refused the King's invitation, because he had married a wife, and could not come. After some years, when the triumph of the Popes was complete, this was changed into the order of Dominican Penitents, and the Familiars of the Inquisition have since grown out of it.3 His last measure was to convert his order into a Mendicant Society, in imitation of Francisco.

Domingo is the only Saint in whom no solitary speck of goodness can be discovered. To impose privations and pain seems to have been the pleasure of his unnatural heart, and cruelty was in him an appetite and a passion. No other human being has ever been the occasion of so much human

misery. The desolations committed by Attila or Timur shrink into insignificance

3 Luis de Sousa.

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