Imágenes de páginas



[Declaration of the Uros, that they were not Men, but Uros.]

THE Uros who inhabited Lake Titicaca said they were not men, but Uros, as if they were a distinct species. This is related by HERRERA as a proof of their savage state, instead of their pride.-5. 2. 13.

[Extreme Heat in the Sound of Mexico.] "In the Sound of Mexico," says GAGE, "the heat was so extraordinary, that the day was no pleasure unto us; for the repercussion of the sun's heat upon the still water and pitch of our ships, kindled a scorching fire, which all the day distempered our bodies with a constant running sweat, forcing us to cast off most of our clothes. The evenings and nights were somewhat more comfortable, yet the heat which the sun had left in the pitched ribs and planks of the ship was such, that under deck and in our cabins we were not able to sleep, but in our shirts were forced to walk or sit or lie upon the deck. The mariners fell to washing themselves and to swimming, till the unfortunate death of one of them made them suddenly leave off that sportfor before any boat could be set out to help him he was thrice seen to be pulled under water by a shark."

[Cortes and his Vergantines.1]

"His Vergantines being nayled and throughly ended, Cortes made a sluise or trench of halfe a league of length, twelve foote broade or more, and two fadome in depth. This worke was fiftie dayes a doying, although there were foure hundred thousand men dayly working; truly a famous worke, and worthy of memory. The Vergantines were calked with towe and cotton woll, and for want of tallow and oyle they were, as some reporte, driven to take man's grease, not that they slewe men for

1 See Du CANGE in v. Navicula Species.-J. W. W.

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[The Brazilian Humming Bird.] "THERE is among the rest a certain small bird, no bigger than a joint of a finger, which, notwithstanding this, makes a great noise; and catched with the hands whilst it is sitting among the flowers, from whence it draws its nourishment. As often as you turn this bird, the feathers represent a different colour, which makes the Brasilian women fasten them with golden wires to their ears, as we do our rings."— NIEUHOFF, Voyages and Travels into Brazil, &c.

[Vineyards of Mendoza.]

THE Country about Mendoza in Chili is particularly fruitful in vineyards. - DoBRIZHoffer, vol. 3, p. 143.

[Wonderful Hammock Bridge.] "WE observed something at a distance which appeared like a great net, hanging across the river, between two mountains. We got into a path that led up to it; and upon the best observation we could make at that distance, we could not determine whether it were designed for a bridge, or a net to catch fowls or beasts in. It was made of cane, and fastened to four trees, two of

2" Intendunt acres arcus, amentaque torquent." VIRG. Æn. ix. 665. — J. W. W.

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which grew on the mountain on this side, and the other two on the mountain opposite to it, on the other side of the river. It hung downwards like a hammock, the lowest part of it, which was the middle, being above forty feet from the surface of the water; but still we could not certainly judge whether this was intended, in reality, as a bridge for passengers, and were in doubt whether it might have strength sufficient to bear a man's weight. We were therefore some time before we could prevail with ourselves to venture on it; and when we did, it was but slowly, and with great caution, for the bottom was made of such open work, that we had much ado to manage our feet with the steadiness required. Every step we took gave great motion to it, which, with the swiftness of the stream below, occasioned such a swimming of the head, that, I believe, we were a full hour in getting over; but having accomplished it, we sat us down to view and admire this compleat piece of workmanship and ingenuity, for such it really was. We could not conceive how it was possible for it to be conveyed from one mountain to the other, considering with what force the water ran in this place, which we knew would make it impracticable for men to swim over with one end of it, nor could it be done in canoes, or any other thing that we could suppose to be made use of by the Indians; for though they are certainly a people of great dexterity in their own way, yet we knew very well they are utter strangers to all arts in use with the Europeans, and others, on such like occasions. We observed this bridge to be very old and decayed, and guessed it might have hung there some hundreds of years, and, if so, it must have been before the Spaniards entered the country; but, as the people here have no use of letters, we could never come to any certainty concerning its antiquity. This we learned, however, by inquiry made of the natives, that it had hung in the manner we saw it, time out of mind, and that it had been (but they knew not when) a very publick road for passengers,

though now quite disused. I must not forget to acquaint the reader, that the breadth of the river under the hammock bridge (as : we called it) is a full quarter of a mile."The Journey and Adventures of JOHN COCK


[Marvellous Water Tree.]

"ON the morning of the fourth day, we came out on a large plain, where were great numbers of fine deer, and in the middle stood a tree of unusual size, spreading its branches over a vast compass of ground; curiosity led us up to it. We had perceived, at some distance off, the ground about it to be wet, at which we began to be somewhat surprised, as well knowing there had no rain fallen for near six months past, according to the certain course of the season in that latitude; and that it was impossible to be occasioned by the fall of dew on the tree we were convinced, by the sun's having power to exhale away moisture of that nature a few minutes after his rising: at last, to our great amazement as well as joy, we saw water dropping, or as it were distilling fast from the end of every leaf of this wonderful (nor had it been amiss if I had said miraculous) tree; at least, it was so with respect to us, who had been labouring four days through extreme heat, without receiving the least moisture, and were now almost expiring for the want of it. We could not help looking on this as liquor sent from heaven, to comfort and support us under our great extremity. We catched what we could of it in our hands, and drank very plentifully of it; and liked it so well, that we could hardly prevail with ourselves to give over. A matter of this nature could not but excite us to make the strictest observations concerning it; and accordingly, we staid under the tree near three hours, and found we could not fathom its body in five times [?] We observed the soil where it grew to be very stony; and upon the nicest enquiry we could afterwards make, both of the natives of the country and


Spanish inhabitants, we could not hear there was any other such tree known of throughout New Spain, nor perhaps all America over; but I do not represent this as a prodigy in nature, because I am not philosopher enough to ascribe any natural cause for it; the learned may, perhaps, give substantial reasons in nature, for what appeared to us a great and marvellous secret."-Ibid.


principal chains of the Alleghanies, Blue Ridge, &c. all run in a transverse direction to the course of the great rivers; and that these rivers have been forced to rupture their mounds and break through their ridges, in order to make their way to the sea from the bosom of the valleys. This is evident in the rivers James, Potowmack, Susquehannah, Delaware, &c. when they issue into the lower country."-P. 74.

[Curious Cure for the Springhalt.] "ALIQUANDO seu nervorum convulsione, seu rheumate corripiuntur equi, pedibus. insistere ut nequeant. Tales Hispani milites ligatis fune pedibus sternunt; illorum tibias liberaliter permingunt, calcibusque suis tundunt identidem; solutos conscendunt, ac vel tergiversantes ad cursum urgent. Duriusculus hic curandi modus, sed brevissimus, me inspectante, admiranteque exitum optatum habuit."-DOBRIZHOFFER, vol. 1, p. 269.

Araucan Language.

"How is it," HERVAS asks," that a nation which has always been barbarous speaks a dialect infinitely more perfect than that of a nation which has always been cultivated? Because idioms are not of human invention, and because every nation speaks that which God infused into its progenitors at Babel." -Tom. 2, p. 108.

[Mountains of the United States, and Course of the Rivers.]

"IN the structure of the mountains of the United States," says VOLNEY, 66 a circumstance exists more striking than in any other part of the world, which must singularly have increased the action and varied the movements of the waters. If we attentively examine the land, or even the mass of the country, we must perceive, that the

[Pleasant Fall of Waters and the Rainbow when the Sun shineth.]

"THERE is a brook which falleth from the high rocks down, and in falling disperseth itself into a small rain, which is very delightful in summer, because that at the foot of the rock there are caves, wherein one is covered, whilst that this rain falleth so pleasantly: and in the cave, wherein the rain of this brook falleth, is made, as it were, as rainbow when the sun shineth; which hath given me great cause of admiration." Description of New France, by DE MONTS.

[The Preparations in Death for a Change proximate to Life.]

"THE body of Tlaltecatzin was embalmed and then arrayed in his royal robes and seated on the throne, the crown on a richly wrought eagle at his feet, a tyger at his head, and a bow and arrows in his hand."Torquemada, vol. 1, p. 87.

[Description of the Ambassador of Montezuma.]

BERNAL DIAZ describes the embassadors of Montezuma to Campoala thus, “Traian ricas mantas labradas, y los bragueros de la misma manera (que entonces bragueros se ponian) y el cabello luzio y alçado como atado en la cabeça, y cada uno unas rosas



ohendolas y mosqueadores que les traian | otros Indios como criados, y cada uno un bordon con un garavato en la mano."-P.


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[Deliverance in Death.]

Dès qu'un sauvage est mort, on l'habille le plus proprement qu'il est possible, et les esclaves de ses parens le viennent pleurer. Ni mères, ni sœurs, ni frères, n'en paroissent nullement affligez, ils disent qu'il est bienheureux de ne plus souffrir, car ces bonnes gens croyent, et ce n'est pas où ils se trompent, que la mort est un passage à une meilleure vie. Dès que le mort est habillé,

on l'assied sur une natte de la même manière que s'il étoit vivant; ses parens s'asseyant autour de lui, chacun lui fait une harangue

à son tour ou on lui raconte tous ses ex

dans un double cercueil d'écorce, dans lequel on a eu la précaution de mettre ses armes, des pipes, du tabac et du bled d'Inde. Pendant que ces esclaves portent le cadavre, les parens et les parentes dansent en l'accompagnant, et d'autres esclaves se chargent du bagage, dont les parens font présent au mort, et le transportent sur son cercueil.” -BARON DE LAHONTAN, Nouveaux Voyages dans l'Amerique Septentrionale.

[Aboriginal American Cradles.]

"LES Mères se servent de certaines petites planches rembourrées de coton, sur lesquelles il semble que leurs enfans ayent le dos collé; d'ailleurs ils sont emmaillotez à nôtre manière, avec des langes soûtenus par de petites bandes passées dans les trous qu'on fait à côté de ces planches. Elles y attachent aussi des cordes pour suspendre leurs enfans à des branches d'arbres, lors

qu'elles ont quelque chose à faire, dans le tems qu'elles sont au bois."-Ibid.


[Iroquois Destruction.]

ploits et ceux de ses ancêtres; l'orateur qui parle le dernier s'explique en ces termes : Un tel, te voilà assis avec nous, tu as la même figure que nous, il ne te manque ni bras, ni tête, ni jambes. Cependant, tu cesses d'être, et tu commences à t'évaporer comme la fumée de cette pipe. Qui est-ce qui nous parloit il y a deux jours, ce n'est pas toi, car tu nous parlerois encore; il faut donc que ce soit ton âme qui est à présent dans le grand pais des âmes avec celles de nôtre nation. Ton corps que nous voyons ici, sera dans six mois ce qu'il etoit il y a deux cens ans. Tu ne sens rien, tu ne connois rien, et tu ne vois rien, parceque tu n'es rien. Cependant, par l'amitié que nous portions à ton corps lors que l'esprit t'ani-habitans, et ces pauvres sauvages qui ne moit, nous te donnons des marques de la vénération dûe à nos frères et à nos amis.'

“Dès que les harangues sont finies les parens sortent pour faire place aux parentes, qui lui font les mêmes complimens, ensuite on l'enferme vingt heures dans la Cabane des Morts; et pendant ce tems-là on fait des danses et des festins qui ne paroissent rien moins que lugubres. Les vingt heures étant expirées, ses esclaves le portent sur leur dos jusqu'au lieu où on le met sur des piquets de dix pieds de hauteur, enseveli

"POUR ne point perdre de tems, Mon' de Champigni annonça la rupture par un barbare hostilité. Il envoya trois cens Canadiens pour enlever deux villages d'Iroquois, villages situez à sept ou huit lieües du fort. Les conquerans eurent bien-tôt expédié l'affaire. Etant arrivez vers le soir, ils n'eurent que la peine de se jetter sur les

se défioient de rien se virent en même tems entourez, saisis et liez. Dans ce triste équipage on les conduisit à Trontenac. L'Intendant leur y fit une desagréable réception : il ordonna qu'ils fussent attachez de file à des piquets par le cou, par les mains et par les pieds. J'y vis ces enfilades d'Iroquois attachez comme je vous l'ai marqué. Ce spectacle m'attendrit, et me causa de l'indignation. Ce qui me surprit le plus, ce fut de trouver ces prisonniers tous chantans. Je crus d'abord que c'étoit ou stupidité, ou


Philosophie naturelle; mais on me dit que c'étoit une coûtume établie chez tous les peuples du Canada; lors qu'ils sont prisonniers de guerre, c'est par le chant qu'ils expriment leurs plaintes et leurs regrets. Cette mélodie dure nuit et jour, et leurs airs sont des in promptu composez sur le champ par la nature ou plûtot par le douleur. Toute la lettre de leur musique me paroissoit fort sensée, et j'aurois bien défié Mr. nôtre Intendant de pouvoir y répondre solidement. Jugez-en vous-même, Monsieur, voici les paroles que ces infortunez répétoient le plus souvent, vous les ferez noter par tel musicien qu'il vous plaira; pour les bien comprendre, il faut sçavoir que les conquérans des deux villages avoient égorgé les vieillards, cette circonstance m'étoit échapée. 'Quelle ingratitude! quelle scelératesse! quelle cruauté!' s'écrioient-ils, dans leurs lugubres et discordans concerts, 'nous n'avons cessé depuis la paix de pourvoir à la subsistance de ce fort par nôtre pêche, et par nôtre chasse. Nous avons enrichi les François de nos Castors, et de nos autres pelleteries, et pour récompense, on vient traitreusement dans nos villages; on massacre nos pères et nos vieillards; on nous fait esclaves, et l'on nous tient dans une posture ou l'on ne peut se défendre des moucherons, ni par conséquent attraper le sommeil. On nous a fait souffrir mille morts quand on a versé devant nos yeux le sang de nos pères, et si l'on nous conserve la vie, c'est pour nous la rendre plus affreuse que la mort même. Est-ce donc là cette nation dont les Jésuites prônent si fort la droiture et la bonne foi? Mais les cinq villages auront soin de nôtre vengeance, et nos compatriotes n'oublieront jamais l'horrible violence qu'on nous fait.' C'est la substance de ce qu'ils chantoient."— Ibid.

[Extraordinary Instance of Natural Eloquence, or, Columbus and the Old Man of Cuba.]

"As Columbus hearde masse on the shore of Cuba, there came towarde him a certaine


governour, a man of fourescore yeares of age, and of great gravitie, although hee were naked saving his privie parts. Hee had a great trayne of men wayting on him. All the while the prieste was at masse he shewed himselfe very humble, and gave reverent attendance, with grave and demure countenance. When the masse was ended, hee presented to the admirall a basket of the fruites of his countrey, delivering the same with his own handes, when the admirall hadde gentlely entertained him, desiring leave to speake, he made an oration in the presence of Didacus the interpreter, to this effect, I have bin advertised (most mighty prince) that you have of late with great power subdued many lands and regions, hitherto unknown to you, and have brought no little feare upon all the people and inhabitantes of the same: the which your good fortune you shall beare with lesse insolency, if you remember that the soules of men have two journeyes after they have departed from this body. The one, foule and darke, prepared for such as are injurious and cruell to mankinde: the other, pleasant and delectable, ordained for them which in their life time loved peace and quietness. If therefore you acknowledge yourself to be mortal, and consider that every man shall receive condigne rewarde or punishment for such thinges as hee hath done in this life, you will wrongfully hurt no man.' When hee had saide these wordes and other like, which were declared to the admirall by the interpretation, hee marveiled at the judgment of the naked olde man."-Peter MARTYR.

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