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[Pallets, or St. Eppalets.]

"EPPALETS, or Hippoletts, vulgarly Pallets in Hertfordshire. This place was dedicate to a supposed saint of that name, that in his life-time was a good tamer of colts, and as good a horse-leach; and for these qualities so devoutly honoured after his death, as all passengers by that way on horseback, thought themselves bound to bring their steeds into the church, even up to the high aulter, where this holy horseman was shryned, and where a priest continually attended to bestow such fragments of Eppolettes' myracles upon their untamed coltes and old wanton and for worne jades, as he had in store, and did availe so much the more or less as the passengers were bountifull or hard-handed, but he that was coy of his coyne had but a cold and counterfeit cure."-NORDEN'S Hartfordshire.

[Spiritual Pride not confined to the Rich.] SIR WILLIAM PETTY says it is natural "for those who have less wealth, to think they have the more wit and understanding, especially of the things of God, which they think chiefly belong to the poor."-Political


Doctor Sanders-Cranmer's Enemy.

"SUFFICETH it us to know that as the Herneshaw, when unable by maine strength to grapple with the Hawke, doth slice upon her, bespattering the Hawke's wings with dung or ordure, so to conquer with her taile which she cannot doe with her bill and beake, so Papists, finding themselves unable to encounter the Protestants by force of argument out of the Scripture, cast the dung of foule language and filthy railing upon them, wherein Sanders ex

[Conversion of Bohemia.]

"THE Bohemians who came with Anne when she married our Richard II. took back with them the books of Wickliffe, which thus fell into the hands of John Huss, a more illustrious Reformer. "This Queen Anne," says FULLER, "taught our Englishwomen modestie in riding on side-saddles, in exchange whereof the English taught her countrymen true religion. The conversion of Bohemia may fitly be stiled the issue of this marriage. See here the pedigree of the Reformation, wherein Germany may be counted the son, Bohemia the father, and England the grandfather."-Life of Huss, Abel Redivivus.

[Tyndal's Bokes.]

"AND then are they also to all Tyndal's bokes, whiche for the many folde mortall heresyes conteyned within the same openlye condempned and forbydden, they are, I saye, yet unto those bokes so sore affectionate, that neyther the condempnation of them by the clergy, nor the forbydding of them by the kinges hyghnes, with his open proclamations upon greate paynes, nor the daunger of open shame, nor parell of paynfull deth, can cast them out of some fond folkes handes, and that folke of every sorte." -BARLOWE'S Dialoge.

[English Roman Catholic Fugitives.] "By this may be discerned the number of our English fugitives, with their colleges, nunneries, and monasteries beyond the seas, which yeerely draw out of our land a hundred at least, of young gentlemen and gentlewomen; who although they pretend conscience and want of charity here



the occasion of their departure, yet none (I dare say) in the world, they being gone over, more envious and hard-hearted than they themselves each to other. As your private-gentlemen fugitives hunt after advancement by disparaging others of their own rank, your priests disparage the Jesuits; the Jesuits the priests; the priests again the monks, the monks the friars, and the Jesuits all. Insomuch that if you visit any of them, your entertainment shall be scarce anything save their upbraidings and exclamations against one another's monasteries and private persons: so that it would be no small pains for a man so long to travel amongst them, until he might find three persons to speak well of each other; this being a fault so common amongst them, that they are noted amongst all nations whatsoever with whom they converse. Others there are whose most earnest expectation and heartiest desire is the ruin and utter destruction of their own native country, which is the issue of their departure; and accordingly God doth prosper them, laying on them the like punishment he inflicted on the Jews, by dispersing of them through many nations, and giving them up to dissension among themselves, and living in great want and misery."-WADSWORTH'S English Spanish Pilgrim, p. 76,


[Candle-crossing of the Dead.]

"I was once called to one of my kinsfolk it was at that time when I had taken degree at Cambridge, and was made Master of Arts: I was called, I say, to one of my kinsfolk which was very sick, and died immediately after my coming. Now, there was an old cousin of mine, which after the man was dead, gave me a wax candle in my hand, and commanded me to make certain crosses over him that was dead, for she thought the devil should run away by and by. Now I took the candle, but I could not cross him as she would have me to do, for I had never seen it afore. Now she

perceiving that I could not do it, with a great anger took the candle out of my hand, saying, 'It is pity that my father spendeth so much money upon thee!' and she took the candle and crossed and blessed him, so that he was sure enough. No doubt she thought that the devil could have no power against him."-LATIMER'S Sermon on the Epistle for the 21st Sunday after Trinity.

[Superstitious Ringing of Bells.]

"YE know when there was a storm of fearful weather, then we rang the holy bells; they were they that must make all things well; they must drive away the devil. But I tell you, if the holy bells would serve against the devil, or that he might be put away through their sound, no doubt we would soon banish him out of all England. For I think if all the bells in England should be rung together at a certain hour, I think there would almost be no place but some bells would be heard there. And so the devil should have no hiding-place in England, if ringing of bells would serve. But it is not that that will serve against the devil: yet we have believed such fooleries in times past, but it was but mocking, it was the teaching of the devil. And no doubt we were in a miserable case, when we learned of the devil to fight against the devil."-LATIMER, Ibid.

[The Devil not afraid of Holy-Water.]

"WHAT a trust and confidence have we had in holy water and holy bread! also in ringing of holy bells and such fooleries,but it was good sport for the devil; he could laugh and be merry at our foolishness; yea, and order the matter so to keep us in the same error. For we read in stories that at sometimes the devil went away from some men, because of the holy water, as though that holy water had such strength and power that he could not abide it. O

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crafty devil! he went away, not for fear of
the holy water, but because he would main-
tain men in error and foolishness. And no
doubt it was the devil's teaching, the using
of this holy water. It was not long ago
since I, being with one of my neighbours
that was sick, there came in an old woman,
and when she saw the man sore sick, she
asked whether there was no holy water to
be gotten. See here the foolishness of the | 15, before King Edward VI.
people, that in the time of the light of God's
most holy Word, will follow such phanta-
sies and delusions of the devil."-LATIMER,

so friendly unto him, to bring him unto it
in this world. I am not afraid to name
him. It was Master Sherington, an honest
gentleman, and one that God loveth. He
openly confessed that he had deceived the
King, and he made open restitution. Oh,
what an argument may he have against the
devil, when he shall move him to despera-
tion."-LATIMER's last Sermon on Luke xii.

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[Latimer on Restitution.]

"Ar my first preaching of restitution, one man took remorse of conscience, and acknowledged himself to me that he had deceived the King, and willing he was to make restitution; and so the first Lent came to my hands £20 to be restored to the King's use. I was promised £20 more the same Lent, but it could not be made, so that it came not. Well, the next Lent came £320 more. I received it myself and paid it to the King's Council. So I was

asked what he was that made this restitution. But should I have named him? Nay, they should as soon have this weasand of mine. Well now this Lent came £180 10s. which I have paid and delivered this present day to the King's Council, and so this man hath made a godly restitution. And so, quoth I to a certain nobleman that is one of the King's Council, if every man that hath beguiled the King should make restitution after this sort, it would cough the King £20,000 I think, quoth I. Yea, that it would, quoth the other, a whole £100,000. Alack! alack! make restitution for God's sake; ye will cough in hell else, that all the devils there will laugh at your coughing. There is no remedy but restitution, open or secret, or else hell. This that I have now told you of was a secret restitution.

"Some examples hath been of open restitution, and glad may he be that God was

[First Ring of Bells in England.] "THE first ring of bells in England was at Croyland. Turketule the Abbot, who died 975, made one large one, which he called Guthlac, after the Saint who first cleared that place of the devils that molested it, and sanctified it by his life and death. Turketule's successor Egelric, added six others, which he named Bartholomeo, Bertelin, Turketule, Tolwin, Pega, and Bega.

Pega was a Saint, and sister to Guthlac. Bertelin was his disciple, and author, as it appears, of most of the fables related of him. There was an especial good reason for naming one after St. Bartholomeo, for consecrated bells have a virtue against thunder and lightning; and the identical thumb with which that apostle used to cross himself when it thundered, was among the relics of the monastery, having been presented to Turketule by the Emperor." -QUÆRE?


[Orders appertaining to the Church of

Crosthwaite, i. e. Keswick.]

"THE Commissioners for Ecclesiastical causes, Ann. Eliz. 13, make order concerning the goods of the church of Crosthwaite (Keswick), namely; that the eighteen sworn men and churchwardens should provide, before Christmas then next following, two fair large communion cups of silver, with covers, one fair diaper napkin for the communion and sacramental bread, and two fair pots or flagons of tin for the wine;



which they shall buy with the money they | Nativity of our Lady, St. Laurence, Mary

shall receive for the chalices, pipes, paves, crosses, candlesticks, and other church goods that they have to sell; and that they shall sell for the use of the church, such popish relics and monuments of superstition and idolatry as then remained in the parish; and namely, two pipes of silver, one silver paxe, one cross of cloth of gold, which was on a vestment, one copper cross, two chalices of silver, two corporate rasts, three hand-bells, the Sion whereon the paschal stood, one pair of censures, one ship, one head of a pair of censures, twenty-nine brazen or latyn-chrismatories, the vail cloth, the sepulchral cloths, and the painted cloths with the pictures of Peter, Paul, and the Trinity. They farther decree, that the four

vestments, three tunicles, five chestables,

and all other vestments belonging to the said parish church, and to the chapels within the said parish, be defaced and cut in pieces, and of them, if they will serve thereunto, a covering for the pulpit, and cushions for the church be provided: and likewise the albes and amysies sold, and fair linen cloths for the communion table, and a covering of buckram fringed for the same be provided, and that for the chapels in the same parish be provided decent communion cups of silver or tin. And that a decent perclose of wood, wherein morning and evening prayer shall be read, be set up without the quire door, the length whereof to be seven foot,

and breadth seven foot, with seats and desks within the same. And that they take care that the church be furnished with a Bible of the largest volume, one or two communion books, four psalter books, the two tomes of the homilies, the injunctions, the defence of the apology, the paraphrases in English, or instead thereof Marlorat upon the Evangelists, and Beacons Postil, and also four psalter books in metre. And that there be no service on the forbidden holy days, viz. on the feasts or days of All Souls, St. Katherine, St. Nicholas, Thomas Becket, St. George, Wednesday in Easter or Whitsun week, the Conception, Assumption, and

Magdalene, St. Anne, or such like: and that none shall pray on any beads, knots, portasses, papistical and superstitious Latin primers, or other like forbidden or ungodly books: and that there be no communion at the burial of the dead, nor any month's minds, anniversaries, or such superstitions used."-NICHOLSON AND BURN'S Cumberland, p. 89.

[St. Blessis' Heart, and St. Algare's Bones.]

bacchanals, the prescript miracles that are "To let pass the solemn and nocturnal bacchanals, the prescript miracles that are done upon certain days in the West part of England, who hath not heard? I think ye

have heard of St. Blessis' heart which is at

Malvern, and of St. Algare's bones, how long they deluded the people, I am afraid Sermon preached before the Convocation of to the loss of many souls."-LATIMER'S the Clergy.

[Romish Trumpery.]

"SOME brought forward Canonizations, Unions, some Tot-Quots and Dispensations, some Expectations, some Pluralities and some Pardons, and these of wonderful varieties, some Stationaries, some Jubilaries, some Pocularies for drinkers, some Manuaries for handlers of reliques, some Pedaries for pilgrims, some Oscularies for kissers; some of them engendered one, some other such features, and every one in that he was delivered of was excellent, politic, wise, yea, so wise, that with their wisdom they

had almost made all the world fools."LATIMER, Ibid.


[Why Kings should not have too many

"I was once offended with the King's horses, and therefore took occasion to speak in the presence of the King's Majesty, that



dead is, when abbies stood. Abbies were ordained for the comfort of the poor, wherefore I said it was not decent that the King's horses should be kept in them, as many were at that time, the living of poor men thereby minished and taken away. But afterward a certain nobleman said to me, What hast thou to do with the King's horses? I answered and said, I spake my conscience as God's word directed me. He said, Horses be the maintenance and part of a King's honour, and also of his realm, wherefore in speaking against them ye are against his honour. I answered, God teacheth what honour is decent for a King, and for all other men according to their vocations. God appointeth every King a sufficient living for his estate and degree both by lands and other customs; and it is lawful for every King to enjoy the same goods and possessions; but to extort and take away the right of the poor is against the honour of the King; if you do move the King to do after that manner, then you speak against the honour of the King."LATIMER'S First Sermon before King Ed

ward VI.

[Lying Miracles.]

"DURING the reign of Pope Sixtus IV. a young virgin called Stine, in the town of Hame in Westphalia, who had been lately converted to the Christian faith, was marked on the hands, feet, and side, with the wounds of our Saviour. About fifteen weeks after her conversion, on the feast of the holy sacrament, she displayed her wounds in the presence of twelve witnesses, and foretold that within two hours afterward they would be no more seen; which was verified,-for at that precise time the wounds were all perfectly healed."-Contin. of MONSTRELLET. Johnes's Trans. vol. 2, p. 122.

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marks on her hands and feet, similar to the wounds of our Saviour, that ran blood, which appeared to all who saw it very marvellous.”—Ibid. vol. 12, p. 106.

[Pedro de Olivam and the Franciscans.] "PEDRO DE OLIVAM litigated certain privileges enjoyed by a convent of Franciscans. They admonished him not to be the enemy of the Mother of God. He replied that while he lived he would maintain his quarrel. He soon died, knawing the tongue that had offended, and was buried in the sepulchre of his fathers. After thirty-three years the grave was opened and the corpse found entire,- que tinha nojo a terra de lhe comer o seu corpo blasfemo et arrogantefor the earth had loathed to consume his proud and blasphemous body."— Historia Serafica. MANOEL DA ESPERanca.


[Literal acceptation of the words goods are nothing unto thee."— Abuse of God's blessings.]

"EN ce temps n'estoit point de mémoire De tant de Bulles, ne de Prothenotaires, Qui ont huit, neuf Dignitez ou Prebendes, Grans Abbayes, Priourez et Commandes ; Mais qu'en font-ils? ilz en font bonne chiere:

Qui les dessert? ilz ne s'en soucient guere: Qui fait pour eulx? ung autre tient leur place:

Mais, ou vont-ilz? ilz courrent a la chace :
Et qui chante? ung ou deux povres moines:
Et les Abbez? ilz auroient trop de peine:
De contempler? ce n'est pas la maniere:
Et du Service? il demeure derriere.
Ou va l'argent? il va en gourmandise:
Et du conte? sont les biens de l'Eglise :
Et les Offrendes? en chiens et en oyscaulx :
Et des habitz? ils sont tous damoyseaulx :
Et les rentes? en baings et en luxure:
De prier Dieu ? de cela l'en n'a cure:

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