Imágenes de páginas


Scorpion and Mouse, matched
against each other, 594. The
scorpion the cure of his own
poison, 599.

Scote faire la, supposed origin
of the term, 370.

Scots, the, Strafford's remarks
Scotland, ex-
upon, 184.
tracts relative to, 195, &c.
The canny Scot, 332.
Scythe, Military, 318.
Sea-Calves and Seals of the
Gulph of Bothnia, 601.
Sea, the Grass Sea, why so
called, 583. Spuma maris,
or, excrement of the sea,
584. Chopping seas, 614.
A tamer of ferocity, 657.
Sea-Cow, Steller's, disappear.
ance of, 603.
Sectaries, wisdom of leaving

them alone, 31. Divers, 58.
Seelig Michael, monastery of,


SELDEN, released by the inter-

vention of Laud, 135.
Selemnus River, or, the Lover's
cure, 613.

SELYMUS II. his ambassador's
chamber, 508.
Semana la Divina, 252.
SENECA, 142, 145.
Sepharad, the, who? 653.
SEPULVEDA'S Collection of
Ballads, references to, 284.
Sermons, advertisement for sale

of, 1807, 103. Reading of,
prohibited by the lesser
Council of Lausanne. 109.
An hour, the length of, ib.
Reciting by rote, 114.
Seronge, les toiles peintes de,
qu'on apelle OBITES, 514.
Serpent, great jewel taken from

the head of, &c. 347.
Serro and Cochilhas, what?

Sesamum Orientale, oil of, 431.
mit, 24.

Shadow, Hindoo superstition,



tics, quoted, 69, 70, 72.
Shugreen, what? 464.
Shamachy, the grapes of, 520.
Shard-borne, derivation of, 646.
Sharks, danger of, living or
dead, 590.
Shark's Teeth, instruments of
war, 351.


Sheep and Goats, what? 42.
Sheep called by name, illus
tration of John x. 3., 70.
Ancient care of, in Wales,
Sherbet, 467.


SHERLOCK. Wickedness in a
poor estate the cause of more
poverty - Improveable ta-
lents, 86.
Shin-wood, why so called, 605.
Shiraz, robber tombs near,

SHIRLEY, quoted, 340-1.
Shoes, shining, 335.
Siamese notion of the end of
the world, 421.
Strafford's time the good
deputy of Ireland, 198.
Sign-boards, common use of,

Silks-shot, Quære? 333.
Silk, interdicted by Mussul-

men, and the interdiction
eluded by the intermixture
of a little cotton, 448.
Silver, the first got in Ireland,
sent over by Strafford, an
ingot of 300 ozs. 197.
de, 242.

Simoniacal corruptions, 63.
Singadi, or Night Tree, Man-
delslo's account of, 494, and
Sir William Jones's,
Sins, parallel of our own and
Jewish, 76. Monstrous pro-
position that God is the au-
thor of, 105. Worse than
leprosy, 319.

Sir, origin of the term, and its
wide use, 641.
SIRIBIO, the magician, and
prophetic bird, 467.
Sisebut, 271.

Sisters, succession through, in
Malabar, and among the
Natchez, 409.
SKELTON, extracts from, 308.
Dame Pallas to the Queen
of Fame-The Countess of
Surrey deviseth a Coronet of
Lawrell for Skelton, her
Clerke, ib.

Skopshorn, mountain of, 624.
Sleeping at Church, remarks

on, 25.

Slingers, Irish. 339.
Sloe-juice Ink, 602.

Snakes, eaten, a receipt for


growing young, 324.
sea, a sign of land, 578.
Snow-blindness, among the AD-
des, 530. Remedy against,

Snuff, to take it in, i. e. to be
angry, 654.
Snufflers, Puritanical, “As if
the way to heaven was
through the nose," 153.
Soap, vegetable, in India, 429.
Societies and Orders, religious,
analyzed, 70.

SOCRATES Scholasticus,quoted,


Soldier English, where well
fed, fearless of death and
danger, 667.

Soldiers, enrolment of, 664.
SONNINI, his account of the

Mountain of Birds, 468.
Quoted, 490, 491, 492, 495,
499, 500.

Sophia, Saint, the tesserated |
Mosaic of, 614.


Sophis, head dress of, 409.
SORBIERE'S mistake about a
ship with two keels, and two
foremasts Rare use of
forks and ewers by the Eng
lish, 667. Why they ad-
mire their own language, ib.
Sorbus Aucuparia, or, Moun-
tain Service, 589.
Sortes Biblica, 113.
Soul, the doom of one who
despises his, 365.

SOUTHEY, ROBERT, his regret
in Cumberland for the flow-
ers and insects of his child-
hood, 602. His brother's
account of chopping seas,

SOUTH'S Sermons,


from, 4. Drum ecclesiastics,
12. An orthodox man with-
out religion, 13. Mysteries
revealed to the meek, 26.
Painful treatment of the
Christian ministry, 36. Un-
prepared ministry under the
usurpation, ib. Remarks on
Puritanical preaching, 39.
Difference of ministrations,
44. God's witness of him-
self, ib. Triumph of vice,
103. Interpreting gifts of
fanatical preachers, 105.
Men's hearts most forestall
them in heaven, 106. World-
ly wisdom of the Romish

church, ib. Itch in the ear,

107. On reciting sermons


of, concerning the root of all
our confusions, 87.


ped of Woolsley in Stafford-
shire, 600.

by rote, 114. Description Stones, Spirit, of the Indians, Street-lighting, early at Paris,

of true wit, 121. Fanatical
persuasion, 124 His high
opinion of Abp. Laud, 134.
State of insecurity during
the rebellion, 145. Puritan
claptrap addressed to the
daughters of Sion, 146. Ma-
hommedan story: where did
South find it? 449. Pain
felt differently by different
constitutions, 653.
Sow that had devoured a child,
execution of, at Meulont at-
tested, 606.
Spaniards, factious affection to,
in Elizabeth's reign, 638.
Spanish, corruptions, 277.
LITERATURE, 209, &c.
SPAIN, Lord Clarendon's opin-
ion of, and of the Spaniards,
particularly as respects their
literature, 140. Schemes
for reducing Ireland under
Spanish dominion, 203.
Change of arms in, 358.
Speaking loud, Strafford's re-
marks upon, 181.
Specie, defined sense of, 661.
Sphinx, quoted, 364.
Spialls, Henry VII.'s use of,
defended, 665.
Spirit, fanatic, a deadly one
Perverseness of spirit, 6.
Holy Spirit, as described by
Huntington, 125. Spirit-
stones of the Indians, 593.
Spiritual Exercises, 374, &c.
and Directorium in Exerci-
tia, 375.

Spurs, "Par esperons on com-
mence soy armer." Proverb,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Storm, dreadful one of 1196 as
described in Hoare's Giral-
dus, 632. In Forbes's Ori-
ental Memoirs, 634.
STRAFFORD'S Letters, extracts
from, 134, &c. Would have
no one to be a bishop before
forty, 135. Expression of
his obligations to Laud, 136,
155, &c. 164, &c. Recom-
mendation to the King rela-
tive to fines of delinquents,
165. Thanks Laud for his
good advice, 166. No desire
to be Lord Treasurer, 167.
Account of his means, and
vindication of his expendi-
ture, 170. Obligations to
Laud, ib. His desire to hurt
no one, but confession of a
natural stiffness, 172. The
Abp. of Tuam's valediction
to, ib. Offered his life if he
would urge the King to Epis
copacy, 173. Letters and
dispatches, extracts from,
177, &c. Naturally not sus-
picious, 178. Opposed to all
non-residents in Ireland as
well lay as ecclesiastical, ib.
Care against ill bishops,
179. Constant integrity of,
-Advances his own money
to save the crown, ib.
trustiness, 191. Advises the
King rather to employ men
of fortune than adventurers,
183. Letters to Laud, 183.
Advises the re-establishment
of the mint, 200. Advises
the King not to let gun-
powder be made in Ireland,
201. Purchases the customs,
which had been usurped or
alienated, for the crown,
ib. No rebellion in Ireland
if Strafford had lived, 203.
Intimacy with Vandyke,
Strawberry, large double crop-




STRYPE, 2. Expenses of the
three constant martyrs in
Bocardo, 16.

Student's directions, according
to the Institutes of Menu,

Stuie, or, Stoc, what? 331.
bucket rope, 616.
Subsidies, Strafford's care for
in Ireland, that the rich
might bear the burden as
well as the poor, 182.
Subterraneous Fires, 620.
SUDRAC KING, the wailing of
the fortunes of, 512.
Sugar of the Canary Islands,
its sometime excellence, 610.
Sugar-cane in Hayti, planted
by one Aquilon, a Canarian,
569. Drink made from, 597.
Sultania, Mosque of, idea that
the well of water there comes
underground from Mecca,


Sumatra, extraordinary creep-
er of, 409.
Sun-rising, ancient custom of
the Christians assembling to
view from the steps of the
Basilica of St. Peter discon-
tinued, as savouring of Gen-
tilism, 44. Caution of com-
batants to get the sun of
their adversaries, 359.
Superstition and Enthusiasm,
evils of, 64. Forced abolition
of, 119.
Superstitions, 302. Influence
of, 621.
Surinam Moat, 526. The line
of, ib. Razor-grass of, ib.
SUSSEX, religious destitution
of, 3.

Suttee, the passing of, 451.
Suyzaros, the sword of, what?

[blocks in formation]


ter, described by De Foe as
a harbour for flies, 647.
SYLVESTER II. marvellous ac-
count of, 624.



Tabasco, town of, 531.
dians of, make wells on the
shore, to procure fresh wa-
ter, 602.

Table Mountain, 616.
TACITUS, extract from his An-
nals, apposite to Cromwell,
142. To Charles and his
Parliament, 145.
Tagus, Etymology of, 260. Its
source, 268.
Talmud, story from, 647.
Tamaraca, theft of, 530.
Tanistry, law, or custom of,
in Ireland, 204.
Tanjour, the Rajah of, and the
description of commodities
for which a demand can ex-
ist, 452.
Tariga, population of the val-
ley of, 524.
Tatars, American, 529.
Tattooing Indian, 634.
Tauris,petrifying springs near,


TAVERNIER, 464. Les Char-
latans à Baroche, 465. Gor-
geous heretical mosque at
Tauris, 466. Wood in the
desert, &c., 468.

medan dread of Christian
defilement, 469. Size of the
Pistachio Tree, and Pista-
chios of Aleppo, 470, 471.
Account of the wools of Ker-
Rose water of
man, 472.
the women of Yezd, 473.
Persian jars for wine, 479.
Plaister like marble, 483.
Turkish buildings,and splen-
did interior of the Turkish
houses, 484. Simplicity of
Persian beds-In the open
air, sur leurs terrasses, 485.

The dancers, 492. Cha-Se-
phi's way of mourning for
his murdered wife-Way of
warming Persian houses-
Persian love for tobacco, 493.
Caravanseras, 495. The rice
of Navapoura, 497. Taver-
nier's entertainment by Cha
Sefi, 503. Palanquin-bear-
ers, 517.



can recompense for a certain |
change, but a certain truth,
142. Old Testament divines
who have too much squinted
towards Moses, ib. Govern-
ment of the church by bi-
shops, ib. Lineally descend-
ed from the martyr, Rowland
Taylor, 194. Saying of, 205.
Diversity of saints, and their
particular charge, 389.
Tea, imitation of, from leaves
of the hornbeam, 592.
Teeth, Black, in esteem a-
mongst the Banyans, 415.
Singular custom in Trinidad
Bay of grinding down the
teeth to the gums, 524.
Teftis, glazed windows at, 508.


flammatory causes, 608. O-
pinion of the Spaniards, 642. |
State of the Low Countries
in 1670, ib. Further cha-
racter of Spain, 643.
glish politics that live only
by the day, 663.
Temporalities, wisdom in re-
storing, without which no
man will take pains, 135.
Termites, delicious food, ac-
cording to Dr. Winterbot-
tom, 532.
Tertzena, in the Morea, excel-
lence of the wine of, 584.
Testudo Aboriginal, or,

Yucutan instrument of the
tortoise shell, 570.

Thieves in the East, clad in
stone doublets, 504.

Tholsel, at Dublin, what? 609.
Thorough, or Thorow, empha-
tic use of the word by Straf-

ford, in his letters, 171, 176.
Thunder, the angel of, 439.
TIMBERLAKE, account of the
great jewel taken from the
serpent's head, and used in
conjuring, 347.

Tinting of Arms,account of, 350.
TIRANTE, quoted, 341. Cere.

mony of degrading a knight,
346. Custom observed in En-
dast on the birth of a male
Establishes a

child, 354.
military watch at Constanti-
nople, 619.
TLALTECATZIN, the body of
Preparations in death for a
change proximate to life,535.

[blocks in formation]

vantages of, 278. Verses on
the wall of staircase in the
town of, 288. Early use of
the word for a sword, by Lly-
gad Gwr, bard to the last
Llewelyn, 320.


Toleration, during the great
rebellion, more harmful than
any persecution for seventy
years before, 150.
TOMICH, PERE quoted, 341.
A good precedent for with-
holding supplies, &c. · The
habit of a conqueror not the
habit of the conquered-Lo
Rey Ceremonios, 343.
Tonga Mythology-Tonga Bo-
latoo, or, Island of the Gods,
626. Initiation of their chil-
dren in cruelty, 638.
Tongue, necessity of speaking
in one understood by the
people, 2. Division of tongues
after Adam's exile from Pa-
radise, 439.
TORQUEMADA, his statement
that the Indian kings were
war-makers on their acces.
sion, and why, 576.
TORPES, SAINT, account of, and
Southey's intent to make a
poem of it, 378.
TORQUATUS, &c. The Seven
Bishops, 379.
Tortoise, age of, 598.

Tournaments, places for match-

makings, 337. Armas del
Torneo, ib.

TOURNEFORT, account of the
ceiling of Mahomet Bey's
Seraglio, 506. Angora Goats,


Trabuco, used by Cortez when
his powder failed, at the
siege of Mexico. Probably

[blocks in formation]

Trade Winds, account of, 581.
Transformation, unhappy, 114.
Transubstantiation, 80, 285.
TRAQUAIR, Laud's opinion that
he was treacherous, 196.
Treacle, etymology of the
word, 599.

Treading out the Corn, in the
East, 472.
Tree-eaters, 531.

Trees, removal of large ones,
354. Marvellous one of Or-
fa, 448.

Trent, Council of, originator of
the Indices Expurgator, 389.
Tripeti, the Pagoda of, 411.
Tripolitza, storks of, 584. Ca-
parisoned horse of, 623.
Tristis, Sud, assimilated use of
the words, 665.
Trolhätta Falls, 579.
Truce and Peace, private form

of, from the Partidas, 325.
Truth-telling, in John Dunton's
days, uncommon in New-
England, 651.
Tuum, O'Connor's wonderful
castle at, 324.
Tub-thumpers, 109.
TUBAL, some question about,

Tuburroch, or, Holy Gift, 521.
Turf and Twig, taking posses-
sion of by, 641.
Turkish Indolence, 500. Water
Fête, 512.

TURRIANUS, the remarkable
speech of, to Hasenmüller,


Turtle-dores, sacred in Egypt,
495, 500.
TUSSER, quoted, 325. The geld-
ing of foals, 331.
Twaddle, religious, 74.
TYNDAL'S books, affection for,
Typhoon the, account of, from

D. Joam de Castro, in Pur-
chas, 629.
Friars at Lisbon, 276.
remark, that all the Irish
that come to Spain, come for
love of them, &c. 202.

Umbrellas, fanciful danger
from, 358.



Uniformity in Religion pre-
served by force, 2.
Unity, Romanist, 101.
Unpreaching Prelates, 10.
Urns, Russian, heated by char-
coal, 596.

Uros, their assertion that they

were not men, but Uros, 533.
Ursula, and the 11,000 Virgins,

Ushant, Isle of, 656.
to the English Canons being
received in Ireland, 162.


VALENTIA, LORD, Travels of,
quoted, 429. Abyssinian

Valladolid, English College at,
mode of making bread, 431.
remarks on-Thought to be
the immediate cause of the
attempt at Invasion by the
Spanish Armada, to reduce
the English by force to the
Catholic Religion, 126.
quoted, e. g. 425, 440. Death
of his wife, 631.
VALVERDE, the Dominican, the
companion of Pizarro, 656.
for Lady Stanhope, and
breach with, because she
would not pay the price set
upon her picture, 205.
Vappe, i.e. Vinegar, 207.

Stratagematis et Sophisma-
tis Politicis Societatis Jesu,

[blocks in formation]


Vestments, Priests and Stu-
dents, according to the In-
stitutes of Menu, 492.
Venner, his remark on his di-
al, 668.

VIEYRA, the Jeremy Taylor
of Portugal, 259. Account
of Pedro II.'s first-born Son,
279. Queen Maria Fran-
cisca, 280-1. Pater-Nosters
and Ave-Marys in Portu-
guese, 280. His account of
the Astrologer Merlino, and
the Comet of 1580, 281. Af-
fonso VI., 282, 385.
DE, Historia de la Nuera
Mexico, 532.

Villa Real, town of, in Guata-
mala, 640.

Vine, the leaves of, a substitute
for tea, and the prunings
good for making vinegar and
wine, 647.

Virgin, vain worship of, 344.
The Painter and the Virgin,
366. Ladders of Christ and
the Virgin, as seen by S.
Francisco, 385. Image of,
at Venice, 621. The Pro-
testant Irish Gentleman and
the Virgin Mary, 656.

Monserrate de, 237,271,229.
Virtue, add to your faith, dif-
ferently understood by the

Puritans and St. Paul, 194.
VISHNOO, prostration to, 437.
Viverra Putorius, Phosphoric

properties of the urine of, 561.
Volcano, the ashes of, carried
the distance of 300 leagues,
or more, 526. Volcanic
islands, 586.

VOLNEY, the monotony of E-
gypt, 499. The disappoint-
ment which Egypt suggests,
507. Mountains of the U.
nited States, and course of
the Rivers, 535.
VOLTAIRE, and the Cid of Cor-
neille, 260.

[blocks in formation]


Wales, devotion of, to Charles


Wall-painting, 316.
WALKER'S Irish Bards, ex-
tracts from, 344. Blaosg, or
Concha Marina, 349, 360.
Interred gold discovered from
a harper's song in Ireland,
361. Bardish lament, ib.
WALSH, JOHN, and the earth-
quake at Lisbon, 120.
WALTON, IZAAC, his thankful-
ness for not belonging to the
bringers in of the Covenant,

Waltz, modern, the old La

Volta, 327.

Wanderers from church to
church, 106.

tion for exposing fanatics,


pitality, 104.
His College

of Matrons, 123.
WARD'S Hindoos, quoted, 427,
434, &c. Indru and Gund-
hurvusanu, 454. Mountain
of Sheeva and Doorga, 457.
WARE, SIR JAMES, quoted,
349, 355, 365.
Water, boiled with cedar and

coriander, 359. Holy water,
384. Easy way of raising
in India, 408. Effect of wind
on, 478.
Water, fresh, how to procure
on the sea-shore, 601.
Water tree, account of, 534.
Pools, 581.

Wattle buildings in Ireland,


Wedding garments, a curious

list of, belonging to the Lit-
tleton family, 326.
Welch, extensive use of the
term, 345.

Wells, Oriental, 414. The sing.
ing well at Monghyr, 429.
Wells of Solomon, 478. The
burning well, 587.
WENTWORTH recommends to
Charles to secure the Pala-
tinate by all princely provi-
dence from being possessed
by the French, 180.
WESLEY, thoughts on
earthquake at Lisbon, 28.
And the Creek Indians, 60.
One day as a thousand years,
106. Justification and sanc-






tification, 110. Why the
young are more zealous than
the middle aged, 111. Near-
ness of departed ones, ib.
Remarks on the Statute of
Mortmain, ib. The cock-
fighter-Lincoln College
Experience-Passive Pray-
- Perseverance in dry
duty An exacter of disci-
pline-Wesley and Quaker-
ism, 112. Wesley and Ro-
chester's Divine Poems, 114.
Quotations from Journal of,
115-117. Unnecessary mark-
ing of words in poetry by,
648. His use of the word
66 Nill," ib. His account of
a Chancery bill-American
Independence hatched in
England, 651. Fish waiting
for their prey round a water-
logged wreck - Curious in-
stance of new sight - His
opinion of farmers expressed
in St. Pierre's words, 654.
Loss of the art of music, 655.
West India, Conquest of, quoted,
529, 531, 570, 571. Conse-
cration of an idol--The hol-
low idol that spake - The
idol Quecaleovatl The
images of Mexitili and Tez-
calipoca- Cortes' ensign,
&c. 570. A certain fierie
mountain of, 630.
WESTON, his ill will to Straf-
ford, 182.

Wexford, once the most re-
formed part of Ireland, Ro-
manized by the priests, 197.
Wheat crop, evil anticipated

from the failure of, 608.
Whickham, origin of the stra
tum of burnt earth there,

Whirlinds, called Dragons, dis-
persed by the beating of new
swords crossways, 623.
Whiston Cliffs, warning of, 27.
WHITE, KIRKE, extracts from
papers of, 339, 343.
White powder, 337.
address to Count
Zinzendorff, 18.
tory lightly esteemed by Dr.
Johnson, 110. Supineness
of the clergy previous to his
appearance, 113. His mi-
nistry never treated by Dr.
Johnson with contempt, 117.

His ora-

care in drawing up his notes
for preaching, 117.
WICLIF, opposed to the intro-
duction of the New Song, 82.
Widow, curious custom in the
Netherlands of the widow
laying the keys upon the
coffin of her insolvent hus-
band, together with like in-
stance of the girdle, belt,
and purse, from Monstrellet,
WILFORD, Asiatic Researches,
Peti-suca and his wife Ma-
risha, 476. Contest between
the Dèvatàs and the Daityas,
and how it was brought to an
end, 477. Hindoo lake of the
gods-The Rajah's unhal-
lowed love, 480.

Wind, the poison wind, what?
446. Destructive winds in
the forests of northern Eu-
rope, 611. Effect of hot,

Wine, mixture of sacramental
with water, first introduced
by Pope Alexander I. 103.
Burnt wine to fortify the
stomach, 334.

Witch, the, from Du Bartas,


Witchcraft, a Duke of Milan

sends to a King of England
for a soothsayer, or a book
for the cure of, 622. Ex-
periment in, 623.
WITHER, GEORGE, extracts
from, 300, &c. Christmas
Carol by, 302. Mentions the
hunting of the martin and
the cat, ib. The willow-
branch and the yellow hose,
ib. Dainty dames and their
apparel, 304. Court her-
maphrodite His detestation
of Hispaniolized English-
men, ib. His horror of cox-
combry, 307.

WITIZA, 275, 276.

Witt's Recreations, extracts
from, 313, &c.

WOGAN of the house of Wis-
ton, alias DRINKWATER,
supposed death of, one of
Charles's judges, 320.
Wolves, rapacity of at Caun-
pore, 648. Taming of one,
Women professors,


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