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Publick Affairs be allowed, and the Present Stewards

be Reimbursed in Convenient Time.

Signed 24th Abovesaid

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Voted: This was accepted cheerfully by the Representatives as an Answer for Settling Civil Governt with the Massachusets Colony in New England as attest EBEN PROUT

Clerk to the Representatives

Written on the other Side

Upon the Publication here of it was declared by the Gentlemen Subscribing that they do not intend an Assumption of Charter Government; nor Would be so Understood. Being Ordered to Read the Within written Declaration; was also Ordered to publish what is Above written, Which I accordingly did at the Same time 24th May 1689


On May 25 "Simon Bradstreet Esq3 is desired, and Appointed to be President of this Council," and "Mr Isaac Addington is Nominated, and appointed Clerk of the Council, and is Ordered to Officiate as such." 2 On the same day the following paper was presented: BOSTON the 25th May 1689

Directed to the
Council for Safety

of the People &



We being greatly Sensible of the Necessity of JoynConservation of the ing every Good Mans Assistance to Your Present, and future Endeavours for the preservation of the peace, of this place, in this dangerous Conjuncture; And Relying on the Integrity of Your Verbal, and printed promises by Inviolably preserving this people, and place in Obedience, unto the direction we expect from the Crown of England; And good Treatment to the persons of all, and Severally the Gentlemen, as was by us Signifyed a vi. 28.

1 Court Records, vi. 26–27.


in Our Advice to St Edmund Andros, upon the delivery of the Fort. And to take off all Disatisfactions that may have Risen from any Disputes, or Arguments, We shall Endeavour to pacify the Disatisfied in our Regards, and promote the Publick Tranquility, as far as in us Lyes



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On May 29 William and Mary were proclaimed in Boston.2 On June 5, "At the Council for Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace," "The Representatives also from the Several Towns, according to the Signification Sent. Met,' Met," and "Mr Thomas Oakes, was Chosen Speaker."4 On June 6, "At the Council, and Convention of the Representatives," "The Humble Address, and Petition of the Governour, and Council, and Convention of Representatives of the People of Your Majesties Colony of the Massachusets in New England" was "drawn up Read and agreed to be Sent" to the King and Queen.5

On June 7 the following proceedings occurred:

To the Honourable Simon Bradstreet Governour, Tho Danforth Deputy Govern, and Assistants now Sitting

The Declaration of the Representatives of the Several Towns in the Massachusets Colony

Humbly Sheweth.

That Whereas your Honours in the Answer to the Declaration given in, to You by the Representatives of

1 Court Records, vi. 28.

2 In an address to William and Mary dated May 20, signed by "Simon Bradstreet in the Name and behalf of the Council," it was declared that "We heartily congratulate Your Majtics happy accession to the Crown" (vi. 24); and in another address drawn up June 6, signed by "Simon Bradstreet in the Name, and behalf of the Council and Convention," it was stated: "Your Majesties happy Accession to the Royall Throne was most Joyfully Congratulated by Your Subjects in this Colony, and the proclamation there of here performed upon the Nine, and Twenty'th Day of May last past, with all the Decency, and Solemnity, the Place is Capable of Affording, and all Imaginable expressions of Joy" (vi. 32-33). 5 vi. 32-34.

3 vi. 30.

• vi. 31.

Declaration of the Representatives from the several towns.

form of the oath taken by the Gov & Lieut Gove

the Several Towns, the 24th May 1689 did Consent to Accept the Care, and Government of the People of this Colony, according to the Rules of this Charter, and putting forth such farther Acts of Authority Civil, and Military, as were Necessary Untill by Direction from England there be an Orderly Setlement of Government, And upon publication there of, were pleased to Declare you did not, intend Assumption of Charter Government; We do now humbly pray Considering the present Circumstances of this Colony you would be pleased by Vertue of the Authority devolved on You, by us the Representatives of the Several Towns in this Colony to Accept Government according to our Charter Rules by the Names of Govern' and Council for the Massachusets Colony, And exercise such Authority in the Said Colony, as was formally Used by the Laws made by our Charter Government (excepting such as may be Judged repugnant to the Laws of England) until farther Orders from England; And that the Major General, and five Assistants lately Chosen take their Respective Oaths, And pray there may be no Delay in this Matter We cannot proceed in any thing until this foundation be Setled.

7 June 1689 Voted in the Affirmative

attest EB: PROUT Cl

Accepted by the Govern & Council


The following Oath was Adminstred unto the Govern by Tho Danforth Esq Deputy Govern' before the whole Assembly

Whereas you S. B. are chosen to the Place of Governour over this Jurisdiction of the Massachusets for the Remaining Part of this Year, and till a New be Chosen, and sworn or until there be a Setlement of Government here from the Crown of England, do Swear Accordingly by the Great and Dreadful Name of the Ever living God that you will be faithful, and bear true Alegiance to their Majesty's King William and Queen Mary, and that You will in all Things Concerning Your Place, according to Your best Power & Skill Carry, & Demean Yourself for

the Said Time of Your Government, according to the Laws of God, and the Advancement of His Gospell, the Laws of this Land, and the Good of the People of this Juresdiction, You shall do Justice, to all Men without Partiality, as much as in You Lyeth, You shall not exceed the Limitations of a Governour in your Place, So help you God

The Like Oath Mutatis Mutandis by Simon Bradstreet Esq Govern unto Tho' Danforth Esq Deputy Govern'

On June 11 "Mr Isaac Addington is Chosen Secretary;" 2 and on June 13

Mr Isaac Addington took his Oath, as Secretary as followth Vizt Whereas You I: A: are Chosen Secretary for the Remaining part of this Year, Or Until there be a Setlement of Government here by Direction from the Crown of England. You do Swear by the Ever living God; That You will in all Things faithfully Demean Yourself in the Said Office That You will truely, and faithfully According to Your Best Skill and Wisdom frame, all Acts, and Instruments of Public Concernment referring to Your Office, duely Observing such Directions, as Shall from Time, to time be given Unto You by the Government; here; and fairly Record, and Safely Keep the Same. That you will not disclose their Consultations, where you shall have express Charge of Secrecy, That You will Without Delay, Impart to the Governour or Council, Whatever, Letter, or Information shall Come to Your Hands referring to Your Office and of Publick Concernment; That You will not Wittingly or Willingly exceed the Limits of Your Place. - So help You God in Our Lord Jesus Christ 3

On June 22, "At the Convention of the Govern and Council and Representatives,"

Declaration to enforce y Laws

It is Declared that all the Law's made by the Governour and Company of Said Colony that were in force on the Twelfth Day of May One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Six (Except any that are Repugnant to the Law's of England) are the Law's of this Colony, and Continue in force until farther Setlement; To which all Inhabitts and Residents here are to Give due Obedience 4

1 Court Records, vi. 34-35.

⚫ vi. 37.

3 vi. 38-39.

4 vi. 47.

On November 9 the Convention "Adjourned to the Second Wednesday of Dec' next at two a Clock afternoon;"1 but a letter from King William dated August 12 was read "At the Convention of the Govern' and Council, and Representatives of the Massachusets Colony, in Boston, Tuesday the third of December 1689 convened by Order of the Govern' and Council upon the Arrival of a Ship from London." The letter is in part as follows:

And Whereas You give us to Understand, that you have taken upon You the Present Care of the Government until you should receive Our Orders therein; We do hereby Authorise and Impower you to Continue in our Name your Care in the Administration thereof, and Preservation of the Peace, Until We shall have taken such Resolutions, and given such Direction, for the more Orderly Setlemt of the Said Governmt as shall most conduce to Our Service, and the Security and Satisfaction of our Subjects within that Our Colony, . . . the 12th day of August 1689 . . . By His Majesties Command


To such as for the time being

take Care of Preserving the Peace

and Administring the Laws in

Our Colony of the Massa

chusetts Bay in New England'


On December 16 it was declared, in reference to the King's letter of August 12, that "All their Majties Subjects as well Officers Civil, and Military; & all Inhabitants and Strangers residing within this Colony are therefore hereby required to take notice there of, and to Yeild Obedience unto the Said Governmt accordingly as they will Answer the Contrary.' 994

On January 24, 1690, it is "Agreed that this Convention be Henceforth termed a General Court, and be Accounted such in all Respects." 5

On May 28, 1690,

Election was made of Governour, Deputy Gov' Assistants, and other Publick Officers, as follow Vizt

Simon Bradstreet Esq' Govern and Sworn.

Thomas Danforth Esq Deputy Gover1 and Sworn. . . .

Isaac Adington Secretary Sworn."

1 vi. 88. 2 vi. 88.

3 vi. 90.

4 vi. 97.

5 vi. 105.

• vi. 133.

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