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was the son of Uther Pendragon that was given into his charge.

At last, when years had passed and Arthur was grown to be a tall youth well skilled in knightly exercises, Merlin went to the Archbishop of Canterbury and advised him that he should call together at Christmas-time all the chief men of the kingdom to the great cathedral in London. For," said Merlin, "there shall be seen a great marvel by which it shall be made very clear to all men who is the lawful King of this land."


The Archbishop did as Merlin counseled. He bade barons and knights come to London to keep the feast, and to pray heaven to send peace to the kingdom.

The people hastened to obey the Archbishop's commands and, from all sides, barons and knights came riding in to keep the birth-feast of our Lord. And when they had prayed, and were coming forth from the cathedral, they saw a strange sight. There, in the open space before the church, stood on a large stone an anvil through which was thrust a great sword; and on the stone were written these words: "Whoso can draw forth this sword is rightful King of Britain born."

At once there were fierce quarrels, each man demanding to be the first to try his fortune, none doubting his own success. Then the Archbishop decreed that each should make the trial in turn, from the greatest

baron to the least knight; and each in turn, having put forth his utmost strength, failed to move the sword one inch, and drew back ashamed.

So the Archbishop dismissed the company, and having appointed guards to watch over the stone, sent messengers through all the land to give word of great jousts to be held in London at Easter, when each knight could give proof of his skill and courage, and try whether the adventure of the sword was for him.

Among those who rode to London at Easter was the good Sir Ector, and with him his son, Sir Kay, newly made a knight, and the young Arthur. When the morning came that the jousts should begin, Sir Kay and Arthur mounted their horses and set out for the lists; but before they reached the field, Kay looked and saw that he had left his sword behind.

Immediately Arthur turned back to fetch it for him, only to find the house fast shut, for all were gone to view the tournament. Sore vexed was Arthur, fearing lest his brother Kay should lose his chance of gaining glory, till, of a sudden, he bethought him of the sword in the great anvil before the cathedral.

Thither he rode with all speed, and the guards having deserted their posts to view the tournament, there was none to forbid him the adventure. He leaped from his horse, seized the hilt, and instantly drew forth the sword as easily as from a scabbard; then, mounting his horse and thinking it nothing strange

that he had done, he rode after his brother and handed him the weapon.

When Kay looked at it, he saw at once that it was the wondrous sword from the stone. In great joy he


sought his father, and showing it to him, said: "Then must I be King of Britain."

But Sir Ector bade him say how he came by the sword, and when Sir Kay told how Arthur had brought it to him, Sir Ector bent his knee to the boy and said: Sir, I perceive that you are my King, and here I tender you my homage "; and Kay did as his father.


Then the three sought the Archbishop, to whom they related all that had happened; and he, much mar

veling, called the people together to the great stone, and bade Arthur thrust back the sword and draw it forth again in the presence of all, which he did with


But an angry murmur arose from the barons, who cried that what a boy could do, a man could do; so, at the Archbishop's word, the sword was put back, and each man, whether baron or knight, tried in his turn to draw it forth, and failed. Then, for the third time, Arthur drew forth the sword.

Immediately there arose from the people a great shout: "Arthur is King! Arthur is King! We will have no King but Arthur"; and, though the great barons scowled and threatened, they fell on their knees before him while the Archbishop placed the crown upon his head, and swore to obey him faithfully as their lord and sovereign.

Thus Arthur was made King; and to all he did justice, righting wrongs and giving to all their dues. Nor was he forgetful of those that had been his friends; for Kay, whom he loved as a brother, he made chief of his household, and to Sir Ector, his foster father, he gave broad lands.


U'ther Pendrag'on: Uther, the leader or chief.-Igraine: I-grān'.— pos'tern-gate: private gate.-jousts (justs): mock combats between two knights.-lists: enclosed fields where jousts are held.-tourʼnament: mock combats where there are several knights on each side.-foster father: a man who takes the place of a father in caring for a child.


Thus Arthur was made King, but he had to fight for his own; for eleven great kings drew together and refused to acknowledge him as their lord, and chief amongst the rebels was King Lot of Orkney who had married Arthur's sister, Bellicent.

By Merlin's advice, Arthur sent for help over-seas, to Ban and Bors, the two great Kings who ruled in Gaul. With their aid, he overthrew his foes in a fierce battle near the river Trent; and then he passed with them into their own lands and helped them drive out their enemies. So there was ever great friendship between Arthur and the Kings Ban and Bors, and all their kindred; and afterwards some of the most famous Knights of the Round Table were of that family.

Then King Arthur set himself to restore order throughout his kingdom. To all who would submit and better their evil ways, he showed kindness; but those who persisted in wrong he removed, putting in their places others who would deal justly with the people.

And because the land had become overrun with forest during the days of misrule, he cut roads through the thickets, that no longer wild beasts and men, fiercer than the beasts, should hide in their gloom, to the harm of the weak and defenceless. Thus it came to pass that soon the peasant ploughed his fields in safety,

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