Imágenes de páginas

-a doctrine which is a standing menace to our republican institutions and the liberties of the people; and we demand the repeal of laws which clothe a Secretary of the Treasury with the more than imperial power to issue bonds and increase the public debt at his will and pleasure without specific authority from Congress. "Resolved, That we favor the payment of the public debt as rapidly as possible."

Other planks declared for a "tariff for revenue cnly"; a repeal of the tax upon State bank issues, and an income tax; deplored lynchings, and favored such laws as would effectually prevent them.


August 7, 1896.-A resolution authorized the State Committee to negotiate with the Democrats for a fusion on the electoral ticket whenever the Democrats would withdraw Mr. Sewall as VicePresident. Other resolutions indorsed the Populist National platform of 1896; condemned barrooms, and declared against the sale of liquor as a beverage; demanded that the convict lease system be abolished and that the convicts be employed by the State in some way which shall not compete with free labor. eral appropriations for public schools and for persions for the old Confederate veterans were recommended. The use railroad passes and telegraph franks by public officials was condemned, and so was lynching. Speedy trials were demanded for accused persons. The fee system was condemned, and it was demanded that all public officers be put on salaries. A demand was made for a free ballot and a fair count.




May 16, 1896.-This was the money plank:

"Whereas, The Republican Convention of 1888 declared in favor of gold and silver as standard money of the United States, and condemned the action of the Democratic party for its efforts in attempting to demonetize silver; and

"Whereas, The Republican National Convention of 1892 substantially reiterated the declaration of 1888; and

"Whereas, The question of crystallizing into law the utterances of the last two conventions named, and of every utterance heretofore made by the Republican party of this State, recently arose in the United States Senate; and

"Whereas, Senators Henry M. Teller, Fred T. Dubois, Thomas H. Carter, Lee Mantle and Frank Cannon demanded the re-enforcement of said platform and utterances under conditions known to all; therefore be it

"Resolved, That we heartily indorse the action of Senator Dubois in joining with nis associates named in the fearless position named in behalf of the free coinage of silver and protection to American industry and reciprocity, one and inseparable."

August 28, 1896.-The platform indorsed that of the National Convention, and adopted a plank indorsing "the faithful and laborious services of George L. Shoup" in the United States Senate "in

his efforts to protect the interests of Idaho, and in maintaining the integrity of the Republican party.'


June 16, 1896.-The platform demanded the immediate restoration of the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1, as such coinage existed prior to 1873, without waiting for the action of any other Nation on earth, such gold and silver to be full legal tender for all debts, public and private.

Resolutions were offered condemning the financial policy of President Cleveland and Secretary Carlisle, but there were such fiery speeches made that the resolutions were withdrawn.

August 22, 1896.-The platform affirmed allegiance to that adopted by the National Convention of 1896.

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ever have been, to any and every scheme that will give to this country a currency in any way depreciated or debased, or in any respect inferior to the money of the most advanced and intelligent nations of the earth. We favor the use of silver as currency, but to the extent only, and under such restrictions, that parity with gold can be maintained. The Republican party, from the days of Lincoln, has been devoted irrevocably to the doctrine of protection to home industry, and we hereby renew and reaffirm our faith in this fundamental principle. We believe in a tariff that will produce revenue sufficient to meet the wants of government honestly and economically administered, and high enough to insure to home labor regular and remunerative employment. We advocate the unrestricted exchange of noncompetitve articles. We believe in reciprocity-the reciprocity of James G. Blaine-reinforced by experience and an earnest wish to extend our foreign commerce to the fullest extent consistent with the control of our own market in the sale of articles that can be profitably produced at home."


Other planks declared that the Monroe Doctrine should be upheld, and that there should be a firm, vigorous and dignified policy toward all nations, with a strengthening of the coast defences and an largement of the Navy to command the respect of other Governments; expressed sympathy for the Cubans in their struggle for independence, and condemned Governor Altgeld for failing to enforce the laws in perilous times, and for not keeping his promise to prevent competition of convict labor with free labor, and for the extravagant, insufficient and partisan management of the State institutions.


Tune 23, 1896.-The financial plank declared: "We favor the soundest and safest money known to men, and, as experience has shown that this consists of both gold and silver, with equal rights of coinage and full legal-tender power, we demand the repeal of that Republican and plutocratic legislation which demonetized silver and reduced it to the basis of token money, destroying by one-half the stock of real money, and by doubling the work to pe done by gold doubled its purchasing power, so that the farmers and producers had to give twice as much work to get a dollar as they formerly had, and found it hard to meet the debts, interest, taxes and fixed charges, which were not lowered. In this way the market for those things which the mechanic and laborer made was destroyed and the factories had to shut down. We believe that the benefits of the independence which we gained a hundred years agothe war for which was inititated upon a matter of tribute-hould not be lost by yielding vassalage to a monetary system preferred by other Governments. We demand the immediate restoration of the free and unlimited coinage of both gold and silver as standard money at the ratio of 16 ounces of silver to 1 of gold of equal fineness, with full legal-tender power to each metal, without waiting for or depending on any other nation on earth. We are also opposed to the contraction of the currency by the retirement of any part of the present outstanding Treasury notes.'

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The platform also declared for a tariff for revenue only, demanded "the abolition of Government injunction," denounced "the arbitrary interference on the part of the Federal Government in local affairs by ignoring lawful authorities," and favored a Constitutional amendment authorizing an income tax.

SOUND MONEY DEMOCRATS. August 25, 1896.-The platform declared that the Democratic party is primarily and solemnly pledged to liberty regulated by law; to equal justice to all men of whatsoever condition or persuasion, religious or political; to economy, to peace and honest friendship with all nations, and entangling alliances with none; the payment of debts in honest money, and to the maintenance of the public faith, and is opposed to class legislation, and indorses "every act, Executive, legislative and judicial of the present Democratic National Administration."


The second section declares that the gold dollar is now and for more than sixty years has been the American standard of value fixed by Democratic statesmen, who were opposed to a debased and fluctuating currency, and that it is the measure upon which private and public faith has rested and now rests; and declares unreservedly in favor of maintaining that standard.

Section 3 favors the use of silver as currency and the coinage and circulation of such quantities thereof as can be kept at parity with gold coin, but opposes "the free and unlimited coinage of silver by the United States Government as a measure certain to impair contracts, disturb business, diminish the purchasing power of the wages of labor, inflict irreparable

injury upon commerce and industry, and fasten an ineffaceable stigma upon the financial honor of the American people."

Succeeding sections demand the retirement of the United States from the banking business and the gradual redemption and cancellation of all United States and Treasury notes; charge to the McKinley tariff and the McKinley-Sherman Silver Purchase Act the panic and depression of 1893 and succeeding years; denounce Republican protection as a fraud and robbery of the many for the few; declare for tariff for revenue only; rebuke the Republican National Convention as dominated by the intriguing attorneys of favored interests, and the Democratic National Convention as controlled by agents of the silver mining interests, agitators and demagogues; commend the "honesty, economy, courage and fidelity" of the present National Administration, and declare "uncompromisingly in favor of the constitutional independence of the United States Supreme Court as one of the three co-ordinate powers in this Government."



June 10, 1896.-The platform declared for free coinage of silver at 16 to 1.


May 7, 1896.-"The Republicans of Indiana are in favor of protection. We demand a tariff that will not only secure the necessary amount of revenue, but will also afford adequate and certain protection to the wage-workers and producers of this country. We demand that American sellers shall have the first chance in American markets. From Lincoln to Harrison, under a wise policy of Protection and Reciprocity, we steadily decreased our bonded debt, resumed specie payment, maintained the public credit, kept unimpaired the gold reserve, increased the wealth of the whole country and added to the comfort and happiness of the people to a degree unparalleled in the history of nations. The reversal of this beneficent and patriotic policy by the Democratic party has brought to the American people nothing but distrust, deficit and disaster. We therefore demand a return to the Sound Republican policy of Protection and Reciprocity.

"We are firm and emphatic in our demand for honest money. We believe that our money should not be inferior to the money of the most enlightened nations of the earth. We are unalterably opposed to every scheme that threatens to debase or depreciate our currency. We favor the use of silver as currency, but to the extent only and under such regulations that its parity with gold can be maintained, and in consequence are opposed to the free, unlimited and independent coinage of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1.

"We demand a rigid enforcement of all existing immigration laws by the National Government and the enactment of such further legislation as will better protect our people against the influx of the crimi

nal and vicious classes of foreign countries.

"We believe in a liberal construction of our pension laws, and condemn the unjust and unfair policy of the present Administration in depriving exsoldiers of their pensions without notice and without a hearing, upon charges filed against them. We believe it to be the duty of the State, as well as the Nation, to make suitable provision for the care and maintenance of all unfortunate soldiers, their wives and widows, and we therefore commend the act of the last Legislature of Indiana in providing a suitable home for such soldiers, their wives and widows as may be overtaken by adversity."


June 24, 1896.-The principal planks of the platform were these: "We reaffirm our adherence to and faith in the Democratic doctrine, bimetallism, and therefore demand the immediate restoration of bimetallism by the free and unlimited coinage of both silver and gold as primary money at the ratio of 16 to 1, without waiting the co-operation of Great Britain or any other foreign Power, all such coinage to be full legal tender in the payment of all debts, public and private.

"Resolved, That we believe the existing. tariff laws will be fully equal to all demands for needed revenue for the expenses of the Government, economically administered, under the conditions which will arise from the restoration of bimetallism.

"We are opposed to the redemption and final canceliation of the United States notes (greenbacks), or any other notes or certificates issued by the United States to circulate as money, such redemption and cancellation necessarily involving an increase of the public debt by the issue of bonds and a reduction of the currency.

"We demand a sufficient stable volume of money, gold, silver and paper, to meet the requirements of our growing population and the constant increase of our productive industries."

Other planks protested against the "increase of the public debt by the issue of interest-bearing bonds, or otherwise in time of peace"; demanded that "obligations of the Government in every form be paid and redeemed in conformity with the laws under which they were issued in coin, gold and silver, at the option of the Government of the United States, and not at the option of the creditor"; pathized with the Cubans, and believed that they ought to be accorded all the rights of belligerents, and indorsed Governor Matthews as a candidate for the Presidency.



July 28, 1896.-The platform reaffirmed those of the National conventions of 1892 and 1896, and declared that the Indiana party is in favor of maintaining the party organization.


August 18, 1897.-The platform reviewed with the utmost satisfaction the campaign of 1896, and highly commended the wisdom and energy of President McKinley in

directing the whole force of the Administration toward the early and complete fulfilment of all pledges of the platform at St. Louis. It applauded Congress for so quickly reforming the tariff from a menace against the interests of this country into an adequate protection for the men and women of the United States; it reaffirmed and adopted in every part the declaration of the principles announced by the Republican National Convention in 1896, and pledged for Iowa that the election in November, 1897, should be a still more emphatic evidence of the strength and justice of Republican doctrines; it declared for protection and honest money; it demanded a most rigid economy, consistent with public welfare, in all governments, National, State, and municipal, to the end that the burdens of taxpayers will be lessened; demanded a system of taxation that will justly distribute among the taxpayers the amount necessary for public expenditures, and insisted that all individuals and corporations, in whatever business they may be engaged, shall be so taxed that they shall not escape their fair and proportionate share of the burdens; and it declared against trusts. Upon State questions the platform dwelt at much length, pointing with satisfaction and pride to the long record of wise and economical administration of State affairs by the Republican party, to the benevolent institutions established and splendid edifices erected and paid for, on a rate of taxation uniformly below that of our sister States. It commended the General Assembly for its earnest and thorough efforts to reduce the expenses of government to the lowest practicable point. It indorsed the administration of Governor Drake; it congratulated the farmers of the United States in the selection of James Wilson as Secretary of Agriculture, and commended the laws heretofore enacted by Republican Legislatures, securing to employes of railways the right to indemnity for personal injuries resulting from negligence, and favored such legislation as may be found necessary to perfect such right and prevent its impairment or nullification in letter or spirit.

FUSION (Democrats, Free Silver Republicans and Populists).

June 23, 1897.-The platform approved the Chicago platform entire and reiterated the principle of free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1; said that prosperity promised by Republicans last year is for the benefit of the few protected trusts which contributed to the Republican campaign fund last year; denounced Secretary Gage's proposed banknote scheme and Railway Pooling bill, and declared in favor of several railway and other corporation measures which were defeated in the Legislature last win ter. The liquor question was not mentioned. This omission brought forth howls of derision and anger in the Democratic Convention. It was agreed to by the Committee on Resolutions after a five-hour struggle, its object being to satisfy the Free-Silver Republicans and the Populists, who are mostly Prohibitionists.

SOUND MONEY DEMOCRATS. August 26, 1896.-The platform reiterates the principles recognized as those of

the Democracy; says that the Chicago Convention surrendered these and declared for a new sectionalism of the West and South against the East and North; declares that the Chicago platform is mischievous in its tendencies and a menace to free government. It denounces the Chicago attitude toward President Cleveland, whom it eulogizes. The attack on the Judiciary is denounced, and the attitude of the Chicago gathering on money is discussed at some length. The declaration on this subject is substantially as follows:

"That platform threatens to debase the coinage through ultimate coinage of silver at an arbitrary and fictitious ratio. It virtually pledges, if placed in power, to repeal the act for the resumption of specie payment. These are not Democratic principles, and cannot receive our support. The election of a President pledged to these principles will precipitate a financial crisis whose consequences cannot be predicted. We favor the use of gold and silver, maintained at parity; we adhere to the gold standard till true bimetallism can be achieved. We demand a reorganization of present financial laws, especially those which compel the issue of Government bonds to maintain National credit. We reaffirm the past declarations of the party on the tariff and on State issues."


March 10, 1896.-The platform arraigned and condemned the National Democratic Administration as unstatesmanlike, un-American and without ability to manage the affairs of the Government at home, or diplomatic intelligence and courage to enforce the rights and maintain the dignity and honor of our country in its foreign relations. It has denied the right of American labor to protection against the pauper and criminal labor of foreign nations, It has failed to provide the means of meeting the penses of the Government with its current income, and has changed the Republican policy of reducing the public debt to the Democratic practice of increasing it, and this, too, in a time of profound peace. It has once more given convincing evidence that the Democratic party has neither the patriotism nor the ability to manage the affairs of our Government with safety to the Constitution or solvency to its finances.


"We recognize a conviction and purpose among the body of the people as universal as intelligent to rid the country of Democratic misrule by placing it once more in the hands of its friends, the same Republican party which has before saved it from Democratic misrule and governmental im.becility."

T August 11. 1896.-The

platform indorsed the nominations of McKinley and Hobart, declared for protection, reciprocity and sound money as the three cardinal principles of Republicanism; opposed the free coirage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 by this country alone, although favoring the fullest possible use of gold, silver and paper money consistent with maintaining them at a parity; condemned the

pension policy of the present Administration, and declared for more liberal interpretation of present pension laws; favored better roads; favored State and National aid for irrigation; urged amendments which wil make the Interstate Commere law more effective, and heartily indorsed the administration of Governor Morrill and his associates.


June 3, 1896.-This was the most important plank:

"Resolved, That we demand the free and unlimited coinage of both gold and silver at a ratio of 16 to 1 without any 'effort toward international agreement, believing this great country capable of taking care of itself."

The resolution further provided that the delegates to the National Convention be instructed to vote for no man for the Presidential nomination not holding wellknown views favoring silver. The resolutions as reported were adopted.

The platform adopted commended the Administration in So far as regards Cleveland's vigorcus foreign policy, his efforts for tariff reform, his firm stand toward Spain and the Americans held in Cuban prisons.


August 6, 1896.-The platform indorsed the National Populist code of principles; severely arraigned the Republican State administration, and demanded the enactment of a maximum freight rate bill by the next Legislature.


Aug. 10, 1897.-First-That we reaffirm the principles of the Republican party as set forth in the platform adopted by it at St. Louis in 1896.

Second-That we indorse the Republican National and State administrations, and especially commend the action of our present State officials in their efforts to to suppress mob violence and preserve the financial credit of the State.

Third-We commend the action of the representatives of the Republican party in the passage of the Tariff bill, which will raise revenue sufficient to support the Government, prevent the issue of interestbearing bonds, protect American labor and maintain the National credit.

Fourth-We are opposed to a system of Civil Service that builds up an official class of practically life tenure in almost all branches of the public service, and we demand that the Civil Service be so modified as to limit the terms of service to four years, with the privilege of reappointment or promotion, subject to such restrictions as will secure competent officials and to every section of the country its proper portion of them.

Fifth-We heartily sympathize with the struggling people of Cuba in their efforts to secure liberty and independence.

Sixth-That we recommend to the people the adoption of the constitutional amendments submitted by the last Legislature, allowing all cities and towns the privilege of regulating under legislative supervision the method of levying the

taxes they impose on themselves for city and town expenses.


July 14, 1897.-The platform adopted was. in part, as follows: "The National Democracy of Kentucky, in convention assembled, cordially approve the action taken last year resulting in the Indianapolis convention, the nomination of Palmer and Buckner, and the complete reorganization and perpetuation of the Democratic party, not only for that campaign, but for all time. We reaffirm as the pledge of the Democratic party that when intrusted with federal power it will enact such tax laws as will produce sufficient revenue and framed for revenue only, levying necessary taxes only and impartially, and without bounties, bonuses, or favors; will reform the currency laws so as to maintain the standard of the world and furnish a sound, stable, and sufficient currency of gold and silver, interchangeable with each other at equal commercial value; will regain, with suitable revenue and navigation laws, the supremacy of the seas; enforce a proper Civil Service system; preserve the public order: maintain the public peace, and protect the rights, liberties and property of the citizens by such means as may be necessary, at home and abroad. We denounce the free and unlimited coinage of silver as inevitably producing silver monometallism, and we advocate a gold standard and the coinage of silver to the requirements of commerce as offering the only means of maintaining bimetallism, and denounce any attempt to fix the ratio between the metals arbitrarily by law without reference to their commercial value as unsafe and dangerous to public welfare and private interests. The Democrats of Kentucky renew their allegiance to the principles of true Democracy, as exemplified by the administration of Grover Cleveland, and as illustrated by his eminent Secretary of the Treasury, John G. Carlisle, and pledge themselves to renewed and unceasing efforts to embody and substantiate them in the National policy."


June 2, 1897.-The platform adopted, in part, was as follows:

"Resolved, That we hereby reaffirm our faith in the principles set forth and enumerated in the platform adopted by the Democratic party in National Convention held at Chicago, in July, 1896, and we adopt said platform as that of the Democracy in Kentucky. The principles adopted and set forth in that platform are the true principles of Democratic faith, and we urge upon all true Democrats to stand by them at all times and under all circumstances and conditions.

"We indorse the canvass made by William J. Bryan, the nominee of the Democratic party for the Presidency in the last election. We commend its wisdom and approve it as just and fair to all parties and all interests of our common country. We recognize in him the fearless orator and statesman and the great champion of the people's rights against the moneyed power, the monopolists, the syndicates and trusts. We pledge him the support of a united Democracy in our State."

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June 15, 1896.-The adopted was as follows:

money plank

"Resolved, That we are in favor of the soundest and best money the ingenuity of man can invent. And that as experience has demonstrated that this money consists of both gold and silver, with equal rights of coinage and full equal legal-tender power on the basis of sixteen ounces of silver to one of gold, the delegates from this convention to the Chicago Convention are hereby instructed to support a plank in the National platform declaring for the free and unlimited coinage of silver at said ratio, with full legal-tender power, and without reference to the action of other nations, and to support the candidacy before said Convention of such men only as are in full and pronounced sympathy with said plank, and in order that our views may be more effectually enforced, the said delegates are hereby instructed to vote as a unit.'

Other planks declared for tariff for revenue only, and urged that "sugar, rice and lumber, a part of Louisiana's industry, be included in any tariff schedule that may be adopted by the general Government;" denounced the American Protective Association, and advocated the improvement of the Mississippi River.

A minority report in favor of the use of both gold and silver as the standard money of the country, and to the coinage of both metals without discriminating against either, was voted down.

SOUND MONEY DEMOCRATS. August 27, 1896.--The platform reaffirmed the declarations and principles of the Democratic Convention at Chicago in 1892 as the true expressions of sound Democratic doctrine; denounced the action of the Chicago Convention of 1896 as an attempted betrayal of the party to the Anarchists, Socialists, and Populists, and affirmed that its declaration of principles is not binding upon any true Democrat. They favored the organization of some financial plan whereby the Government will redeem all its outstanding circulating notes in gold coin and retire from the banking business and oppose the free coinage of silver except by international agreement that will maintain its parity with gold.


August 5, 1896. The platform denounced both the Democrat and Republican platforms, put a full Bryan and Watson electoral ticket in the field, and refused to consider fusion.

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