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Five years ago Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian physician and educator, opened her first "House of Childhood" (Casa dei Bambin) in Rome, and began to apply her revolutionary methods of education to the teaching of little children. To-day her methods are transforming the schools of Italy, and are making rapid progress in other countries. The method aims toward the full functional development of the individual child. Remarkable attainments in reading, writing and arithmetic result naturally from a basic sense training method.

For anything like a complete understanding of the spirit, methods and materials of this wonderful system, it is necessary to read Dr. Montessori's book itself, which is glowing with the inspiration of a great idea, and is thorough in its treatment of every detail.

Every American teacher and every mother of little children should own and read this remarkable book. The accompanying coupon, properly signed, and enclosing 20 cents, will bring to you a descriptive booklet of absorbing interest. You should mail the coupon to-day.



ROOM 658, FIFTH AVENUE BUILDING, NEW YORK CITY For the enclosed 20c. to cover cost of printing and postage, please send me your 52-page booklet describing the Montessori Method, and illustrated catalogue of the Montessori Didactic Apparatus.



For N.E.A. Delegates and Friends



to and through


in through standard and tourist sleepers leaving Chicago, Union Depot, 6.30 P.M., July 12th

6 DAYS IN WONDERLAND Touring the Park in stages, stopping at the splendid, world-famous hotels, or by stage and in camping party.

Reservations for a large party have already been made, both at the hotels and camps.

Decide right now to make this summer memorable for its perfect vacation. By all means send for a copy of the special folder containing full details.

Gen. Agt.
Burlington Route
CIE 141 So. Clark St.

(P. E.)


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Height 5 inches

'Clipless"-that one word ought to tell the story. This unique little instrument fastens together from two to ten sheets of paper instantly and without a clip; the paper itself forms the fastening.

Either the stand machine, as shown above, or the hand machine, like a punch, does the same thing. Each is made of the finest tool steel, as carefully as a surgical instrument. Guaranteed for five years.

This Saves You 50c

Present this coupon at any stationery store in

Chicago during the meeting of the N.E.A., and it will be ac-
cepted as 50 cents on the purchase price of either style of our
machine. The Clipless Paper Fastener Co., Newton, Iowa


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With one of these machines on your desk it is the simplest thing in the world to fasten together from two to ten sheets, at one move. Think what that will save you no lost sheets -no hunting for pins or clips, each set of papers good as 50 cents to you. Use it. always together-bound like a book, but easily separated You will wonder how you ever when desired. Get a Get a "Clipless" when you are in Chicago.

The coupon above is just as

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got along without a Clipless."

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The World's Masterpieces in Art


Plan to use them in your school the very first of the new school year. Use them for gifts at the close of school in June. Send 25c. for a little collection for yourself now.

4 SEND TO-DAY for catalogue of 1,000 miniature illustrations, two pictures and a colored Bird picture. It also tells about the half-cent size, two-cent size, five-cent size and Bird Pictures. All for three two-cent stamps. Smaller, half-cent size, 3 x 3. Extra Size, 10 x 12, 5 for 35C. Bird Pictures in Colors. 13 for 26c. Large Pictures for Framing. 75C.

Feeding Her Birds

For 25 or More POSTPAID, SIZE, 5 x 8.

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No tendency is more inherent in school children than that of GUESSING about what they could be SURE of. In no way can the teacher better combat this tendency, in no way better inculcate that passion for exact knowledge that is the distinctive mark of the scholar, than by insisting upon frequent use of WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY (G. and C. Merriam Com

THE PERRY PICTURES COMPANY, Box 1, MALDEN, MASS.pany). Nor will insistence by the teacher

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Quality Efficiency-Versatility

It is constructed of the best material and is carefully tested-handsomely finished and absolutely guaranteed.

It is of correct scientific and optical design and everything is required to be properly fitted and constructed. Even the lenses must conform to our specifications. It is simple, accessible, easy to operate, and produces the best possible results on the screen.

It can have accessory apparatus added from time to time for microscope, vertical and opaque projection.

Our little booklet, "Projection Pointers," will help you select an outfit. Our Catalogue of other lanterns and slides is mailed free on request. Ask for it by postcard.



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with the idea, and from the first were enthusiastic." Miss Thompson writes

long be necessary, for no pupil beyond the primary years long uses the NEW INTERNATIONAL without learning that it is an inexhaustible mine of things interesting to HIM, without regarding every new word as worth looking up, without being ashamed to say "I think" when by a reference to the new work he could say "I know"; -without, in short, catching the dictionary habit.


At the present time there is no trip, in the world that should prove as vitally interesting to Americans as that to the Panama Canal. At no time can one find a short cruise at an equally low cost that is more delightful or rewarding than this sail over southern seas.

Particular interest is centered on the canal just now, because of the opportunity, that will never come again, of seeing its marvelous construction and unrivalled engineering feats, at present exposed to view, but shortly to be hidden by the flood of water that will rush through its massive gates. Merely to read of what has been accomplished by American energy and skill, fills the patriotic countryman with pride, but actually to see this "eighth wonder of the world" is an important part of a liberal education.

Notwithstanding opinion to the contrary,

a summer trip in southern waters is unusu ally refreshing and delightful. The luxurious steamers of the United Fruit Company, whose advertisement appears elsewhere in this issue, are specially built for tropical travel. The staterooms are air-cooled and may be regulated down to 55°. The decks are broad and spacious, the cuisine excellent, and every room is an outside one. The whole story is told in an attractive illustrated booklet, "Cruising the Spanish Main," issued by the Company.

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8 years Postmaster, Detroit, Mich. My proposition is the greatest aid to s dents, teachers, speakers, and parents having children in school. I want a few more agent among teachers. Apply at once. Over 70,00 of this proposition have been sold by teache and students during the summer vacations We have room for a few more agents,

thus in giving her experience with the use of "Hawthorne Certificates" in securing a free terms are very generous. A very high q library for her school. The full story, told in her own words, is contained in a 16 page proposition. Address illustrated booklet issued by the Educational Publishing Company, Boston, New York, and icago. It is sent free.


54 Lafayette Avenue, Detroit, Mich



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Mr. Russell Hinman, a Director of the American Book Company, and Chief of its M: JULY 1ST TO AUGUST 10TH Editorial Department, died at his home in

urses will be offered in the usual subjects ig to the degrees of A.B., B.S., M.A,


ecial Courses for Architects, Librarians, ergartners, High School Teachers, Inors in Physical Education, Social Workers, ners of Backward Children, Physicians Clergymen. A Systematic Group of ses for Elementary School Teachers, inng the recent results of educational ch, centered about the School of Obser1, each grade of which is in charge of an t representing a noted school system or ng school for teachers.

tematic Courses in Psychology, with Dr. er's Psychological Clinic and Model es for Backward Children, School Playds, Architectural Drawing-rooms, Botannd School Gardens, Chemical, Physical Biological Laboratories, University MuLibrary, Gymnasium, Swimming-pool thletic Grounds.

circular and information, address

>UNCAN YOCUM, Director of the Summer 1, Box 32, College Hall, University of ylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.

Summit, N. J., on the 28th of April. Mr. Hinman was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, January 23, 1853, and was descended from a family noted in the early history of the Connecticut colony. He was educated at Antioch College, Ohio, where he received the degree of Civil Engineer, and at once obtained employment in his chosen profession with the Southern Railway, which was then under construction.

In 1878, he entered the editorial office of Van Antwerp, Bragg & Company, of Cincinnati, publishers of school books. His natural bent and professional training led him to take an active interest in the

geographic publications of that house, and he was soon busily engaged in making the corrections and revisions necessary to keeping geographies largely in use in the schools accurate and up-to-date.

In 1888, his "Eclectic Physical Geography" was published and was recognized at once as an original work of great merit, although when first issued, it did not bear

the author's name.

The Eclectic Geographies, which had a wide use when Mr. Hinman first began his work with Van Antwerp, Bragg & ComDemand for Physical Directors pany, were subsequently thoroughly re

Is Greater To-day Than Ever

e of the Physical Training School. d Blvd., Chicago

The Physical Culture Training School, Chicago, Illinois, will have a special summer school beginning July 1st.

Learn a profession that is

not overcrowded.

There are thousands of

the smaller cities that would gladly pay a grade teacher an additional salary for supervising the physical work.


Why not combine this your regular teaching work and earn more money? will be conducted in all branches in which we ept beginners, also those who have had some ex

e. We will also offer additional material for ing the scope of work for teachers seeking adinstruction.

field is open to both men and women.

vised by him, even to the extent of practically re-writing the series; and the books profited greatly by his clear and forcible style and exact scholarship.

In 1890, Mr. Hinman declined an appointment as Geographer of the Eleventh Census, and came to New York, where he entered the Editorial Department of the American Book Company. In his twentytwo years of service with the Company, possibly more manuscripts of school textbooks passed through his hands receiving the benefit of his advice and suggestion in process of publication, than have been similarly treated by any other editor in the country. Besides revising many geographies he was co-author of a widely used series,

Boards of Education all over the country are in addition to his physical geography. t of physical directors.

own our quarter-of-a-million dollar building. ad a recognized school. Address




Authors and educators generally, who came in contact with him, were always impressed with his sicentific attainments, his broad knowledge, and his exact scholarship, as well as with his indomitable energy and intense application.

In 1903, Mr Hinman became a Director of the American Book Company, which office he retained until his death. He is survived by his wife and four children and his aged father, who resided with his son at Summit.

Mr. Hinman was a rapid and accurate worker, a man of active and constructive mind. His great experience in selecting manuscripts and seeing through the press books on a wide range of subjects and of all EDUCATIONAL WORKER grades, gave him an unusual breadth of TURER-AUTHOR-TEACHER view and a well-trained jugdment of how

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best to meet the educational demands of

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Without beautiful eyes, no one is really beautiful, while even a homely face is made attractive by eyes that please. Through the wonderful discovery of a famous English chemist who gives the benefit of his advice free to all, you may now have eyes as radiant as the Evening Stareyes that attract and fascinate -eyes that have the power to influence others-eyes that people call wonderful.

His secret will also enable you to secure long, silky eyelashes and thick, well-arched eyebrows, which are to a beautiful eye, what a fine setting is to a brilliant diamond.

In addition, this remarkable discovery makes weak eyes strong, and quickly overcomes smarting effects of wind, dust and sun, besides clearing the eyes of 'bloodshot" and yellow sear. If you wish to make your eyes bright and beautiful, write today, enclosing 2 cents in stamps for reply, stating whether Mr., Mrs. or Miss,

and address your letter to Prof. A. P. Smith, Dept. 486 B. Pine St., Providence, R. I., and you will receive

the secret free.


EUROPE 1912 67-68 Days

First class on steamers. Visiting England, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Italy, France.

Extension to Ireland, $35 extra.


224 N. Hamlin Avenue, Chicago, Ill.

"People are born not made who know how to take you on a summer tour. Miss FitzGerald is a natural feader."- Mrs. Eva D. Kellogg in Primary Education

[blocks in formation]

the schools. He was a public-spirited SUMMER SCHOOL citizen, active in promoting the interests of his community, and was held in high esteem for his attainments and character.

For Kindergarten and Primary Teachers June 18- August 9



This ad is worth $10 to you. Special Proposition for all primary and inter


nade real leading to accuracy through self-activity mediate grade teachers. We will show you how this ad will benefit you this much, or more, with no effort at all on your part.

trong in illustrations and suggestions."

he very best American Primary Number Work." Progressive teachers cannot afford to be without it." -District Superintendent

pies can be obtained of the Author.

Price, 55 cts.

Address MRS. EMILY BENTON PAGE Groton, Tompkins Co., N. Y.

Address at once

C. DICKERSON & SON Weedsport, N. Y.

in Kindergarten Education. Credits offered on one third of regular first and second year work.

SPECIAL COURSES in Primary Methods,
Nature Study, Art for Primary Grades.
Games adapted for Primary Grades.
Write for folders giving full information.


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