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NATIONAL DEFENCE. SIR-When all Europe is covered with standing armies, and the liveries of men, bred for the slaughter, present themselves

than before, seeing that so many of the contributors are gone away. So that the prebibition of French food will, to a certain extent, only increase the evil, which it is intended to prevent. Would it not be bet-on every hand, it is not to be wondered at ter to suffer the cheap food to come, and that the raw, uncouth, unfledged, soldiers thus retain the customers for cloths, of America, should excite the derision and houses, goods and fuel, and the payers of contempt of the present unthinking race of taxes?-Men must eat. They like to eat Europeans. During the greater part of at home best, but they will rather go to a the lives of this generation, they have been cook's-shop than starve. Besides, the accustomed to the pomp and parade of. French can supply them with cheap drink field-days and reviews, by which they have as well as cheap food. There is some dif-acquired an idea, that there can be no ference between a bottle of wine at 5s. and knowledge of military tactics where there. a better bottle at 1s. There is some dif-is not a red coat, and that the man who ference between a house at 100%, and a has not a feather in his hat, his legs cobetter house at 207. Let all be safely set-vered, even in the heat of summer, with tled in France, and let the French Go- uniform gaiters, and his neck bound round vernment (rejecting the advice of our ma- with a leather collar, as if he were in the lignant news-papers), adopt a wise system of stocks, neither possess the requisites of a naturalization, and allow of the possession soldier, nor the courage of a patriot. of real property by aliens; and the corn- Even the noble stand made against the law people will soon see, that all their enemy, in Bantry Bay, at the beginning probibitions are worse than useless. of the war, by a motley crew of tattered, There is something so monstrous in the Irish, armed with sticks, pitch-forks, and idea of compelling people to purchase their other missel weapons, is incapable of doing food dear, when they can purchase it cheap, away the established prejudice, that the that human nature revolts at it. If a law dress is the only thing that constitutes the were passed to compel a man to buy his warrior. Absurd as this opinion may ap Loaf of one baker, who sold it at 2s. while pear, it is nevertheless prevailing, and it the baker in the next street sold his bread is nothing uncommon to hear people, who at 1s. what would be said of such a law? on other subjects talk very rationally, tellWhat would the oppressed man do? Why, ing their neighbours, with the greatest it would require another law, and a most sc- gravity, that it is "all nonsense in the vere one too, to keep him in the country, to Yankees to attempt resistance, as they retain him in existence under such an abo-have never been drilled, nor do they look minable law. Yet, in what respect would like soldiers." Some are even so foolish as such a law differ in its nature from the to say, that the American officers are also law now talked of? Here is the French ignorant, and that, unless some traitors, farmer ready to sell us his wheat, landed in from the mother country, or some of Boney's England, at about 7s. a bushel; and the cast-off Generals, get in among them, they proposed law is to make us give 10s. to never will be able to fight a battle. Thus, the English farmer. Next year, perhaps, before poor Jonathan has had time to learn the French farmer may be able to supply his alphabet in the school of military scius at 5s. a bushel; and are we not to ence, he must, according to these wise purchase of him, till ours will not sell it noodles, strike his flag to the superior skill us for more than 10s? I confess, that such and courage of the demi-gods of the ocean! a law would be no more unjust than many I confess I am sometimes at a loss wheather prohibitory laws that I have heard ther to attribute this disposition to run f. I think, that there ought to be no down the soldiers of all other nations, so prohibitions against importations of any prevailing among my countrymen, to wil sort. I think, that commerce should be ful misapprehension of the truth, or to a quite free, But, because there are pro-spirit of unjustifiable detraction. To one hibitions, I am not bound to approve of or other of these it must be owing; for no additional prohibitions. Because I cannot man, after reading the late accounts, in remove the inposts upon French wine, Iour own Gazettes, of the well fought batam not bound to approve of imposts upon tles in Canada, can acquit himself of parFrench corn and cattle.

tiality, or of envy, if he does not allow, that the Americans shewed as much cou

rage, and as much skill in these affairs as alone debauches the soldier's inclination ; the best dressed, and the best disciplined when, without home, without industry, and regiment that was opposed to them. And without occupation, he must subsist either why should they not? Why should not a by pay or by plunder. Armies composed people, who have given us so many con- of such as these have sometimes enslaved vincing proofs of their bravery at sea, be a nation, under pretence of doing them equally brave on land, without the appen- justice. Our history furnishes a remarkdage of a bit of scarlet affixed to their able instance of this kind, which shews backs, or any other badge or insigniu of clearly what it is that converts a soldier slavery. When I look into the history of into a rebel, and makes him dangerous to my own country I find that our forefathers his country. As gallant an army as this dad no stress on these vain trappings. In nation ever saw, and which, at the same those days, indeed, there was no such time, was particularly stiled the modest and thing as standing armies. Every man, as self-denying, consisted of the youths of the Americans do now, learned to use the London, who, though unused to arms, and weapon of war from his infancy; and drawn in haste out of town, gave signal when he took the field against the foe, he proof of courage through the whole civil neither wore a coat of scarlet, nor a coat wars, and at last defeated the royal army by of green; he fought with that in which he one decisive blow at Naseby. If this army of had been accustomed to fell the tree; he the Parliament, after they had done the repelled the invader; and his grateful business for which they were called out, country were not prevented rendering him had been sent back to their trades, and the homage due to his fame, because he had only been made use of as there was had not gained her battles in the gaudy occasion for them, they would have been attire of modern heroes. It was in these in the nature of a militia, and there days that Britain rested secure in an would have been no danger to apprearmed people, equally terrible to domestic bend from them: But, by keeping them as to foreign despots. It was then, it for several years constantly in the field, might be said with truth, that the only after the war was over; by training them safeguard of the Constitution consisted, to idleness, and making them forget their as it now does in America, in every citi-trades, and depriving them of the common zen being possessed of a sword, and in the methods of subsistence, they were made enactment and administration of the laws not at all the better soldiers, but became the being confided to citizens only. The sub-worse citizens. Their dispositions were ject of standing armies has employed totally perverted; their modesty changed many able pens; and their pernicious in- to presumption; they grew imperions and fluence has been often discanted upon; seditious; they refused to go to Ireland but I do not think any one has done more though they were commanded; neither justice to the subject than Charles Lord would they be disbanded though the ParHawkesbury, in his Discourse on the liament had no other occasion for their Establishment of a National and Consti- service. They petitioned-they remon tutional Force; a work originally pub-strated-they rebelled-and at length delished in the year 1757, but now little stroyed the authority of that Parliament known in this country. His reasoning, which at first called them forth, and had indeed, is so very conclusive, that I can-performed such wonders by their assistnot resist the temptation of closing this letter with the following extract, for which I hope you will contrive to find a corner in your REGISTER.

"The miseries and oppressions (says Lord Hawkesbury), which some States have suffered from the common sorts of armies, have made many absurdly apprehensive, that a firelock or a red coat must necessarily alter the disposition of the persons who have them. They do not observe that these evils have arisen from such only who have made war their profession. It is the idle and dissolute manner of living that


"Most of the nations of Europe were,. till within these three centuries, defended by Militias; and did not Holland, when her own citizens were obliged to be trained, defend herself against the power of Spain? Could the arms of Phillip, conducted by the genius of the Prince of Parma, ever pene trate far into her country? And did not the seiges of Harlaam, Alcamar, and Leyden, when they were garrisoned only by their own burghers, break the spirit of the Spanish veterans › And yet this very country was overrun, and most of her

ever, as the Sovereigns of Europe may be to participate in the freedom of the scas, and indignant as they feci on account of our intolerant sway, it is possible, though by no means probable, notwithstanding the alarms and the vapouring of the Courier, that they may consider it prudent to post

towns taken, in the space of a month, in the year 1672, when the defence thereof was entrusted to 25,000 mercenaries.-It is useless to cite any more examples. The very origin of standing forces shews, that they were not thought indispensably necessary for the defence of a country. They were first raised to suppress rebellious sub-pone the consideration of the question, jects; to command the unwilling subjection of distant and oppressed provinces ; or to extend the conquests of some aspiring prince into distant countries, for which he could not legally command the service of the Militia."

Yours, &c.

until after the Congress, when they will feel themselves at liberty to enter fully into our pretensions, without those restraints which must necessarily arise from the presence of a British Minister. I say this is possible, though somewhat improbable ; and my reason for thinking the interference of the Allies probabic, at present, is its likelihood, and the frequent recurrence of the French journals to the subject.

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A NORTH BRITON. MARITIME RIGHTS. The Courier writer is in a dreadful rage, from an apprehension that our claims to the sovc-following article appeared in a late number reignty of the seas will be called in ques- of the Gazette de France, said to be taken tion at the ensuing Congress. But is there from "the journal of one of the departany thing more natural than that the Con- ments contiguous to the Rhine," and dated tinental Powers, having, as they believe, Vienna, September 29th."Questions of put down the tyrant of the land, should" more general interest are about to occupy also wish to put down the tyrant of the "the Envoys of the great Powers. The ocean? Our corruptionists are not surely "first, without doubt, will be to fix soso vain as to suppose, that the Allies, in lemnly the principles of the law of ncombating Napoleon, were willing, when" tions, of which all speak, but only the he was put down, that a maritime despo- "weak observe. France and Russia are tism, which had so long annoyed them," to stipulate, in the name of humanity, should continue in all its vigour. We" that hereafter neutral commerce shall scem to have secured, for some time at "not be pillaged in time of war, nor be least, the neutrality, if not the support, of " commenced without a previous declaraHolland. But has not Russia, Denmark," tion, nor even without a certain delay in Sweden, Spain, and even Austria, to say "order to negociate. The Emperor Alexnothing of France, had a thousand times" ander has laid down the only plan capaoccasion to complain of the haughty treat- "ble of insuring these great principles: it ment they have received from us on the" is a common compact between the Euroseas?-The moment, too, when our race 'pean Powers to diminish their permanent of naval glory is somewhat checked by the" armies one-half.---Respect for the indeAmericans, seems favourable to the ap-"pendence of nations, the sacredness of prehended design, that the, other ma- the imprescriptible rights of the legiti ritime powers have it in contemplation" mate dynasties, the mutual guarantee of to restrain our arrogance. It is-true, they" established constitutions, the obligation of have all hitherto tried this and failed in the" uniting hereafter against all usurpation attempt. But the result of the struggle" and insurrection, will form the articles of with France shews them what may be ef-" the new secret compact, in which the gras fected by perseverance, and the fatal blow" dual abolition of the Slave Trade will which has been recently given to our naval superiority, may encourage them to the attempt. Formerly these Powers resisted our pretensions almost single-handed.Now, they appear convinced of the necessity of union's and if such a coalition, as that which is spoken of, is formed, is it certain, considering the state of our relations with America, that we shall be able to oppose to it a successful resistance?-Desirous, how


figure also, but only as'accessary."—Although nothing is directly said in this article respecting our maritime rights, there can be little doubt that the writer means these, when he speaks of neutral commerce, and reprobates our practice of commencing war without a previous declaration of hostilities. In a subsequent article from Paris, under the head Vienna, Oct. 5th, it is stated, "We remark that the Prince de



threat of the Courier will have the effect of diverting them from their purpose, if an inquiry into our maritime claims has been resolved on. But how the copying an article from a foreign journal can be Eeld a proof of the animus of any Government towards another, is altogether inconceivable. If this were to be held a just inference, the whole Powers of Europe would-be in a state of constant hostility against our Go

every day in our own Journals. As to Talkyrand being disposed to introduce maritime questions at the Congress, I entertain no manner of doubt. But to suppose, as the Courier does, that the French Minister will be able to force these discussions upon the attention of the Allies, is to admit that France possesses more influence on the Continent than we, in this country, have hitherto been willing to aduit. The fact, in reality, seems to be: the maritime pow ers require no stimulus to induce them to enter upon a topic, which so many causes combine to render highly inviting. Let the proposal come from what quarter it may, I am persuaded it will meet with a cordial reception; and, if once fairly introduced, will not be abandoned, even al, though we should carry our threat into execution of "nailing the flag to the mast, and going down with the ship."

"Talleyrand Perigord has been received "with distinction by the two Emperors "and the King of Prussia. The Prince, "it is said, is to deliver at the opening of "the Congress a Note of the highest im"portance."-In remarking upon this last article, the Courier has published a private letter from Paris, dated the 15th instant, in which the writer says,-"Our Minister, "Prince Talleyrand, as I have heard, is "to remit a Memorial to the Congress, invernment, for the articles which appear "which it is to be urged that the present "is the period which more than any other "that ever preceded it, is the most proper "for the adoption and establishment of "those principles of public and national law, which must tend to cement and consolidate the peace of the world-that "the fixing the limits and demarcations "of the different States is subordinate in importance to those principles-that the application of them merely by land will "be an incomplete adjustment, liable, nay certain, to be disturbed by the clashing "of principles between the maritime powers that these opposite principles may and must tend to hostilities between them, in which, as experience has shewn, "other powers, though not naval, are sure to be involved. Hence no permanent or "long peace can be expected, unless the Congress extends its attention and its "labours to this subject, which France "earnestly and solemnly invokes it to do.—Whether these different statements ought to be regarded as indicating a clear intention on the part of the Allies to take up the subject at the ensuing Congress, I shall not be positive in asserting," the public revenues, by which taxes may, though, as already said, every thing seems to me to point at this. The Courier has intimated, "that on the first serious men"tion of such a stipulation by M. Nessel"rode or Prince Talleyrand, Lord Castlereagh, of whose firmness they are well "convinced, would declare that his coun








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NATIONAL DEBT.-No. III. SIR,-Hume says, that "the source of "degeneracy, which may be remarked in "free Governments, consists in the prac "tice of contracting debt, and mortgaging

"in time, become altogether intolerable, "and all the property of the State be "brought into the hands of the public *. "This practice is of modern date. The "Dutch first introduced the practice of "borrowing great sums at low interest, "and have well nigh ruined themselves


by it. Absolute Princes have also con "tracted debt; but as an absolute Prince

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"nearly threatens all free Governments, servants of an indebted nation; else an ESPECIALLY OUR OWN, AT THE PRE- indebted nation would be justified in dis66 SENT JUNCTURE OF AFFAIRS." A pe- missing all the causes of profusion that riod of nearly sixty years since elapsed, may stand in the way of its liquidating its has no way diminished the truth of this just debts. To an individual, the first ac assertion. If at that time a National knowledged law is self-defence. A nation, Debt was in itself an evil, what must it being an accumulation of individuals, has be at present, when it has been so wanthat same right and duty in a much more tonly and extravagantly increased? Wan-extended sense. If it chuses to exert it, tonly, in stirring up unnecessary wars; and who is there that shall dare say nay! extravagantly, in the mode of conducting Solus populi prime Lex. To suppose the them; while, as to the advantages arish.g now sitting Congress will subscribe to our from these wars, it would be very difficult assumed sovereignty of the seas, cannot for any Minister, or Minister's apologist, enter the mind of the most dull among our to point them out satisfactorily. To be Courtiers. To imagine we are to enjoy sure, war abroad, in its commencement, exclusively all the markets of Europe, gave an opportunity for persecution at would be equally silly. Every nation views home. In its continuance it afforded pre- the first object with jealousy; and as to tences for taxes, for a standing army, and the second, experience, woeful experience, for an enormous increase of navy: it gave has already demonstrated to our complete permanency to a then perictitating system; conviction, that, during these twenty-two it furnished an opportunity of abridging years of sanguinary and destructive warthe liberties of the country; it eventually fare, we have, in nearly an equal proporenslaved the minds as well as the persons, tion, been destroying our customers, and by spreading corruption through the whole teaching them our manufactures. They mass. Even the cap of liberty disappeared now imitate us in all, equal us in most, from our coin, as all true idea of it va- and excel us in many; while our taxes are nished from our minds. Our slackheaded such that we cannot bring our goods into Cappadocian slaves drowned, with their the market to compete with them. As a clamour, every voice raised in behalf of mercantile nation, we have run our race ! freedom. The Constitution was their cry, Adhering to the system of late years, we and the open violation of that Constitution are a ruined nation! and our sapient Miwas their practice! A debt almost beyond nistry have left us but one remedy-- ecothe power of conception ensued: that nomy, and an honest composition with the debt was guaranteed by the rich; but the national creditors. These, we affirm, are poor and their posterity were mortgaged by both within the reach of a THOROUGH the representatives of wealth, to pay both PARLIAMENTARY REFORM, and that interest and capital; and, at the end of THOROUGH PARLIAMENTARY REFORM is twenty-two years, the nation is left in a completely in the power of the people to much worse situation than it was at the bring about, as will be shewn hereafter. commencement of this war: payment of the debt is now impossible. To pledge our posterity for its redemption in future, is MR. COBBETT.-A few days the heighth of stupidity; and to saddle unborn generations with the payment of picked up the leaf of an old book, which the interest, is a worse than highwayman contained the following account of Sabbatti act of injustice. If the debt be payable, Sevi. Perhaps, were it circulated in your let it be paid at present. If it be unpay-valuable REGISTER, the catastrophe of able by us, LET A NATIONAL BANKRUPTCY ENSUE! Let a dividend be made of all the real securities given. If a loss must be encountered, let us meet that loss as men. A Subscriber to your Register. But let us not hand over ruin to our posteSabbatti Sevi, a Jewish impostor, who rity. Our behaviour, in the first instance, appeared at Smyrna in 1666, and pretend-' will be that of honourable men; but, in ed to be the Messiah, which opinion the the second, it would be that of swindlers. Jews in these countries were so possessed Be just before you are generous! Court of, that they left off their trades and busiextravagancies, sinecures, and all need-ness, as assuring themselves that the restoess expences, ought to be foregone by the ration of their kingdom was now come,





the story might serve as a lesson to some who are fond of the marvellous-your Messiah-hunters and others.

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