Imágenes de páginas

Las que engañas y entretienes
Con maldiciones te ayuden,
Y de tu muerte se huelguen.
Piensa Gazul que se burla,
Que es proprio del inocente,
Y alçandose en los estribos
Tomarle la mano quiere.
Miente le dize Señora
El Moro que me rebuelve,
A quien estas maldiciones

Le vengan porque me venguen.

Mi alma aborrece Zayda



la amo se arrepiente, Malditos sean los anos Que la servi por mi suerte. Dexome a mi por un Moro Mas rico de pobres bienes : Esto que oye Lindaraxa Aqui la paciencia pierde. A este punto passo un page Con sus cavallos ginetes,1 Que los llevava gallardos De plumas y de jaezes, La lança con que ha de entrar La toma, y fuerte arremete Haziendola mil pedaços Contra las mismas paredes. Y manda que sus cavallos Jaezes y plumas truequen, Los verdes truequen leonados Para entrar leonado en Gelues.

From LUPERCIO Leonardo.

THE Sun has chased away the early shower, And on the misty mountains' clearer height Pours o'er the clouds aslant his growing light.

The husbandman, loathing the idle hour, Starts from his rest, and to his daily toil Light-hearted man goes forth, and patient now

As the slow ox drags on the heavy plough, With the young harvest fills the reeking soil.

See Third Series, p. 538. Our word “Jennet."-J. W. W.

Domestic love his due return awaits
With the clean board bespread with coun-

try care.

And clust'ring round his knee his children play.

His days are pleasant and his nights secure. Oh, cities haunt of power and wretch


Who would your busy vanities endure!"
June 10th, 1797, at W. Millers,
Christ Church.


Extract from an Epistle.

"EVEN as the river swift and silent flows
Towards the ocean, I am borne adown
The quiet tide of time. Nought now remains
Of earlier years; and for the years to come,
Their dark and undiscoverable deeds
Elude the mortal eye. Beholding thus
How daily life wains on, so may I learn
Not with an unprovided mind to meet
That hour when death shall gather up the

And wither'd plant, whose season is gone by. The spring flowers fade, the autumnal fruits decay,

And grey old Winter, with his clouds and storms,

Comes on the leaves, whose calm, cool murmuring

Made pleasant music to our green-wood walks,

Now rustle dry beneath our sinking feet.
So all things rise and perish; we the while
Do with a dull and profitless eye behold
All this, and think not of our latter end.
My friend! we will not let that soil, which oft
Impregnate with the rains and dews of

Is barren still and stubborn to the plough,
Emblem our thankless hearts, nor of our


Forgetful, be as is the worthless vine
That in due season brings not forth its fruit.
Thinkest thou that God created man alone
To wander o'er the world and ocean waste,

Or for the blasting thunderbolt of war?
Was this his being's end? Oh, how he errs
Who of his godlike nature and his God
Thus poorly, basely, blasphemously deems!
For higher actions and for nobler ends,
Our better part, the deathless and divine,
Was made. The fire that animates my

May not be quenched. And when that breast is cold

The unextinguishable fire shall burst
With brighter splendour. Till that hour

Obedient to my better part, my Friend,
Be it my lot to live, and thro' the world
Careless of human praise, pass quietly.
The Eastern Despot, he whose silver towers
Shot back an emulous splendour to the sun,
He was too poor for Sin's extravagance.
But Virtue, like the air and light of Heaven,
To all accessible, at every heart

Intreats admittance. Wretched fool is he,
Who thro' the perils of the earth and waves
Toils on for gold! a little peaceful home
Bounds all my wants and wishes, add to this
My book and friend-and this is happiness."
June 14th, Christ Church.

La Ardilla y el Caballo.-YRIARTE.
"MIRANDO estaba una Ardilla
A un generoso Alazan,
Que docil à espuela y rienda
Se adestraba en galopar.
"Viendole hacer movimientos

Tan veloces, y a compas,

Con mui poca
De aquesta suerte le dixo;

"Senor mio
De ese brio,
Y destreza,
No me espanto;
Que otro tanto
Suelo hacer, y acaso mas.

"Yo soi viva
Soi activa;

Me menćo,

Me paseo,
Yo trabajo

Subo y baxo;

No me estoi quieta jamas.
"El paso detiene entonces
El buen Potro, y mui formal,
En los terminos siguientes
Respuesta a la Ardilla da :
"Tantas idas,
Y venidas,
Tantas vueltas
Y revueltas,
(Quiero amiga
Que me diga)

Son de alguna utilidad ?
"Yo me afano;
Mas no en vano.
Sé mi oficio;
Y en servicio
De mi Dueno

Tengo empeno,
De lucir mi habilidad.
"Con que algunes escritores
Ardillas tambien seren,
Si en obras frivolas gastan
Todo el calor natural."


A SQUIRREL sat and eyed a horse, Who answering to the rein, Stept stately, or with rapid course

Went thundering o'er the plain.

The squirrel marked his varied pace,
His docile strength and speed,
Then, with a pert conceited face,
He thus address'd the steed.

"Your swiftness, and form,
Your grace, Mr. Horse,
And your state that I see,
Astonish not me,
Because I can equal your best.

"So active am I,
I can run, I can fly,

Above and below,

Here and there I can go,

All action, and never at rest."

The horse, who heard the strange address,
Look'd scornfully aside,

Then paused, and listen'd to his speech,
And gravely thus replied:
"Your vaultings in air,
Your bounds here and there,
I pray you, my friend,
In what do they end,

The use of all this let me know?

"It is not in vain

That I move o'er the plain,
I speed to fulfil

My governor's will,
And in this my ability show."
Some certain writers, squirrel-like,
The steed's advice may fit,
Who, when by Nature gifted well,
In trifles waste their wit.


[Sea-Captain's Exclamation.]

"I, Anthony James Pye Molloy, Can make, break, disrate, and destroy." This was the usual exclamation of this gallant captain of the "Cæsar," as he walked the deck.

[Sire and Baron.]

"THESE ancient barons affected rather to be stiled by the name of Sire than Baron, as Le Sire de Montmorencie, Le Sire

de Beauvin, and the like. And the Baron of Concy carried, to that purpose, this rithme in his device,

'Je ne suis Roy ne Prince aussi
Je suis le Sire de Concy."


RIDICULOUS appearance of the names in V. Varanius-Pipinius heros. Talebotus. Hongreffortus. Scallus.

"NEC cuiquam Bethfortiadum de gente


Tum Talebotream loquitur Suffortus ad aurem."

[Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick.]

"IT was Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, whom Dunois defeated, born in 1380. Whether we consider him as a soldier or statesman,' says Fenn,' he was one of the most considerable personages of his time. In 1408 he visited the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, and on his journey thither acquitted himself with the greatest valour at tournaments, and other acts of valour in the courts of several princes.'"


"Em quem se unis por natureza

Com a mór severidade a mór brandura." ULYSSEA.


"SILENCIO y soledad, ministros puros De alta contemplacion, tened el velo A profanos sentidos inferiores."


LANCE heads gilt. "Outro lhe trazia huma facha d'armas com o ferro dourado." -PALMEIRIM.

"E PORQUE nestes encontros quebrara tres lanças, que trazia, o quinto se deteve, esperando lhe viesse outra. Albayzar lhe mandon dar d'algumas, que tenha pera sua pessoa, porque as vezes justava, e era negra e o ferro dourado."-Ibid.

THE Sound of the drum called by the French Palalalalan.-PASQUIER.


FULLER observes, that "though blood be the best sauce for victorie, yet must it not be more than the meat."

[blocks in formation]

Whose mountain mass darkens the hollow


Yet there it falls not, for the eternal wind
That sweeps with force compress'd the
winding straits,

Scatters the midway stream, and borne afar,
The heavy mist descends, a ceaseless shower.
Methinks that Eolus here forms his clouds,
As Vulcan, amid Etna's cavern'd fires,
Shapes the red bolts of Jove. Sure if some

Of elder times had journey'd here, his art
With many a mystic fable shadowing truth,
Had sanctified this spot, where Man might

From L. LEONARDO. I. 73. 11.
THOU art determined to be beautiful,
Lysis! and, Lysis, either thou art mad
Or hast no looking-glass. Dost thou not

Thy paint-beplaster'd forehead, broad and

With not a grey lock left, thy mouth so black,
And that invincible breath. Rightly we

That with a random hand blind Fortune deals
The lots of life. To thee she gave a boon,
That crowds so anxiously and vainly wish,
Old age, and left in thee no trace of youth,

Wisdom from Nature, marking how the Save all its folly and its ignorance.

[blocks in formation]
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