Imágenes de páginas

been classed by the Romans among the Exterricinei; by the Greeks, among the 'ATÓ μnvoi. ZUINGER, vol. 1, p. 27.

ASCLEPIADES, according to Tertullian, made the tour of the world on a cow's back, and lived upon her milk.-BURNEY, Musical Travels, Preface.

He knew also that athletes cannot be kept at the highest point of good condition. — Ibid. 1. 3, p. 4.

"LIQUID as well as solid food is equally required for the support of the human constitution. The inhabitants of this island owe much of their hardihood and corporeal superiority to malt liquor." - Vancouver, Survey of Hants, p. 209.

Vancouver thinks the excessive use of solid food far more sensual, and altogether |

"THERE is every reason in the world for believing that all sorts of cattle, as well as horses, should seldom, if ever, be allowed to graze, either in summer or winter."-less excusable. YOUNG'S Survey of Sussex, p. 235.

Baumgarten cattle, the Leicestershire school.-Ibid. p. 246.

See too a rich passage on Bakewell's merits. Ibid. p. 228. 274.

Kindness of disposition in cattle means that they soon fatten.-Ibid. p. 249.


"It is a grazier's own fault if ever he attempts to fatten an unkind beast. him only take care of his stock, and he will need no apprehensions of that sort."-Ibid. p. 263.

A BARBER advertised to dress hair in such a manner as exactly to resemble a peruque.—BURNEY's Musical Tour, vol. 2, p.


MAURICE, Sixth Lord Berkeley, had a silver shaving bason weighing sixty ounces. -FOSBROOKE'S Berkeley Family, p. 176.

Nose, nose, jolly red nose; and how got you that jolly red nose.-Ibid. 204. His footman going to London for a bottle of physic.

No left handed woman Tuvǹ àμpidéžios yiyveral.-HIPP. 1. 7, aph. 43. WINTERTON, p. 268.

He knew that women when neither pregnant nor puerperal sometimes gave milk. Ibid. 1. 5, aph. 39, p. 182.

Paar Tλпρäαι Tóre й σrís.—Ibid. 1. 2, aph. 11, p. 33.

To be refreshed and strengthened certes, -not, I think, to be satisfied.

Drunkenness versus gluttony.

WE may say of these memoirs as Mr. Vancouver the agriculturist says of Swedish turnips," their own excellence will prove their best passport to futurity."-Survey of Hants, p. 181.

"He was a poor yokel, foisted upon me in the last stage of consumption, and who remained bedridden until our arrival in the colony. He fell away so fast that I never

expected to land him alive; and certainly

it required the most anxious attention to retain the glimmering spark. I fortunately, however, possessed a very facetious fellow among the hatch, to whom this poor dying creature became strongly attached, never being a day happy whereon his friend neglected to visit him, and often begging me to send this man to him for company, which I gladly did, seeing it invariably put him in good spirits. Wondering what could be the cause of this extraordinary liking, I inquired, and found that Breadman had been a great pig-stealer in his day, which being considered a very vulgar calling among the professional classes (particularly among the towmes), he could get no one to listen to his adventures except this joker, who would laugh with him and quiz him on the particular subjects of his achievements; praise the wonderful expertness with which he had done the farmers out of their grunters, and propose a partnership concern on reaching the colony, if the pigs there were

found to be worth stealing! I really believe the poor creature was kept in existence a full month solely by the exhilarating conversation of his companion. On anchoring at Sydney no time was lost in conveying Breadman ashore, he being so weak that he could not even sit up without fainting; yet in this pitiable state, supporting himself round the hospital-man's neck, while the latter was drawing on his trowsers for him, the expiring wretch mustered strength enough to stretch out his pale trembling hand toward the other's waistcoat pocket, and pick it of a pocket-comb and penknife! Next morning he was a corpse; thus dying as he had lived. Yet, during his whole illness, this man would regularly request some of the sober-minded rogues to read the Scriptures to him, and pray by his bedside! Indeed, ill practices become ultimately so habitual with many, as to be no longer deemed such; and hence no wonder we so often see religion and knavery intimately blended."-Newspaper.

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"AT the house of entertainment we found plenty of angling-rods and lines, the former being any stick like a hop-pole, the latter of string; some with a bit of cork or wood for a float; altogether a worse setout' than a London charity boy on a holiday excursion to the Eel-pie House or the New River. We were rowed off to a floating stage with an awning, and certainly caught plenty of fish, none exceeding four I have often been surprised at


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A CHINESE critic says of a favourite line, "whoever carefully rehearses this verse only once, will find a lasting fragrance in his mouth for ten days afterwards."

"REISELIUS having communicated the observation he had made on his own urine, which he perceived one night to be as luminous as phosphorus, to John Tackius, physician to the Duke of Hesse Darmstadt, and professor of eloquence in the University of Geissen; that famous chemist told him in reply, that he himself studying once with great application of mind to compose the funeral oration of the Duke of Saxe, which he was to pronounce in the University of Geissen; night being come, there suddenly passed out of his eyes a flame which illuminated the paper before him so much that he could write two entire lines before it was dissipated; that this phenomenon had much frightened him, being apprehensive of its boding him some considerable disorder

in his eyes, or even a total loss of sight, as Bartholim seems to prognosticate to those to whom the like happened; but that notwithstanding he had hitherto escaped any bad effect of this kind, though the same symptom had often afterwards made its appearance, and he had seen several other times those brilliant flashes come out of his eyes. Tackius in a short time after died of a dysentery."-Town and Country Magazine, 1777, p. 425.

"Vous qui aimez et qui chantez les chiens, vous ai-je dit qu'il y en avoit un ici, dont le Maître est mort, et qui depuis ce moment passe sa vie sur la fosse du defunt, et quand on force la pauvre Bête à rentrer dans la maison elle va chercher quelque vielle harde de son Maître pour se coucher dessus. Vous me battrez si je vous dis, que l'attachement des chiens ne me touche pas du tout. Ils ont l'air condamné a nous aimer ce sont des machines à fidélité, et vous savez mon horreur pour les machines. Elles m'inspirent une inimitée personnelles-Vive les Chats! tout paradoxe à parté, je les préfère aux chiens. Ils sont plus libres, plus indépendans, plus naturels. La civilisation humaine n'est pas devenue pour eux une seconde nature. Ils sont plus primitifs que les chiens-plus gracieux. Ils ne prennent de la société que ce qui leur convient, et ils ont toujours une gout. tière tout près du salon, pour y redevenir ce que Dieu les a fait, et se moquer de leurs tyrans. Quand par hasard ils aiment ce tyran, ce n'est pas en esclave dégradé comme vos villains chiens qui lèchent la main qui les bat, et ne sont fidèles, que parcequ'ils n'ont pas l'esprit d'être inconstans. Il y a du choix, du parti pris, dans l'attachement des chats-je ne vois que de la stupidité dans celui des chiens. Si de tout tems on à donna la préférence à ceuxci, leur réputation est l'œuvre de l'orgueil humain. Le chien est la créature de l'homme. Ce sot animal n'est plus ce que Dieu l'a fait, il est le produit de la société. C'est une de ces plantes à fleurs doubles, qui n'exist

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Hourly experience demonstrates that clothes may fit, or rather be free from wrinkles, yet not become the wearer; in truth there are now few tailors who are unable to fit the human shape, but this is the least art in tailoring. The dress of a gentleman should not only fit, but be fitting, becoming, and gentlemanly. The practice of W. T. and his assistants has been, and is in the best school, that is, of making almost exclusively for the higher class; by this their taste in dress must necessarily have become good, and their experience with attention enables them to effect the wishes of their customers, relative to dress, with confidence of not being surpassed.

CESAR's horse with humanish feet.-SUETONIUS, p. 540.

BORING the Earth for Water. - John Goode, 14, St. Swithin's Lane, City, sole inventor and patentee for boring the earth to the main spring for water, respectfully begs to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public in general, that he has invented, in addition to his former plan, a method whereby he is enabled to procure double

the quantity of water at the same expense. This invaluable discovery, from the pureness of the water and the enormous expense it saves by working engines, &c. for the benefit and comfort of mankind, is of greater value than any discovery since the creation. The cost of a well boring will not be more than what has been paid to the Water Company for the supply of water for one year. The process of the invention is making rapid strides, by J. Goode sending tools, labelled for their use, to every quarter of the globe, whereby any inexperienced person may use them. References to wells bored by J. Goode, where the engines may be seen constantly at work:-Mr. George Smart, sawmills, York Road, Lambeth; Mr. Taylor, wool-scribbler, 7, Cowper Street, City Road; Mr. Kirk, dyer, Osborne Place, Whitechapel, and numbers of others, too numerous to insert in an advertisement, which may be seen by applying for prospectuses as above. J. Goode has also invented a ma

chine which will raise water to a great height, where the water lies much below the surface. The said machine will not re

quire any attendance. Particulars may be had as above. N. B. Tools for exportation. Persons going abroad cannot lay their money out better than by taking a set of tools with them, as they may be used with success in any part of the world.

"SENSE will be in a little compass, if men would be persuaded to vent no notions but what they are masters of; and were angels to write, I fancy we should have but few folios."-NORRIS, Preface to his Miscellanies.

Two Polish translations of Lucan in 1691, by Chroscinski and Bardzinski.

NORRIS (Misc. 325) enumerates it among the perfections of human nature, that man "not only enjoys the good he unites with, but digests it as it were into himself."

GHOSTS have good memories, which is an argument against materialism, showing at least the infinite subtilization of matter.

They appear of the age at which they became ghosts. Possibly are so in the intermediate state.

"I HAVE heard of an ape that has been too hard for his master at that most ingenious game at chess. But I have known one, very near to a natural, that hath been a great master at it."-GoODMAN's Winter Evening Conference, p. 44.

advertiser offers himself to make, or to un"DANGER.—Unhealthy Climate. — The dergo, any dangerous experiment, the result of which may be beneficial to mankind, as inoculation of the plague, or hydrophobia; or would accept a situation in any extremely unhealthy climate, where he might have a few hours' leisure in the day to make experiments on the nature of the atmosphere. Though a first rate education at a public school and the University has qualified him to undertake with confidence any situation, however arduous, yet there is none so insignificant that he would not accept, if likely to promote his object. Address, post paid, to S. L., post-office, Kings


"APROPOS―an expression which is commonly used to introduce whatever is unrelative to it."-LORD Chesterfield, vol. 2, p. 371.

"La Motte de Vayer mention sa certain Hippias Elien qui se ventait hardiment de fait.'"-BAYLE, vol. 6, p. 177. ne rien porter que ses mains n'eussent

"Il me semble," says Gabriel Naudé, rent jamais d'être cités, de ne citer personne; qu'il n'appartient qu'à ceux-là qui n'espèet c'est une trop grande ambition de se persuader d'avoir des conceptions capables de contenter une si grande diversité de lecteurs sans rien emprunter d'autrui."—Ibid. vol. 6, p. 175. Under Epicurus, N. E.

"Il n'y a pas moins d'esprit ni moins d'invention à bien appliquer une pensée que l'on trouve dans un livre, qu'à être le premier auteur de cette pensée.”—Ibid. p. 177.

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A PREACHER " qui se faisait une règle de tousser par compas et par mesure, précisément à une telle, ou à un telle période: et de peur d'y manquer, il faisait des marques à son manuscrit partout ou il se proposait de tousser. Il écrivait à ces endroits la hem hem, comme on l'a vu dans l'original après sa mort."—Ibid.

Jacques Ferrand published a Treatise "de la Maladie d' Amour." Paris, 1622.Ibid. p. 433.

When Charles Fevret lost his wife, "il fit retrancher son lit de moitié et ne se remaria pas."-Ibid. p. 480.

Henri called Frauwenlob for his praise of women. His funeral, and the wine poured upon his grave. Under the word Frauwenlob.-Ibid. p. 597.

GEDICCUS, his book Mulieres Homines non esse, was a satire not upon women but Socinianism. See N. E. under this head. -Ibid. vol. 7, p. 47.

Bayle thought it strange that in the Consul of Macon " on ait gravement mis en question si les femmes étaient une créature

humaine, et qu'on n'ait décidé l'affirmative qu'après un long examin."-Ibid. p. 49. The father of Scipio Gentilis wrote a Disquisition "an vero Dæmones Morborum causa sint."-Ibid. p. 66.

The Gymnosophistes. "C'était une chose honteuse parmi eux que d'être malade, de sorte que ceux qui voulaient éviter cette ignominie se brulaient eux mêmes."— Ibid. p. 83.

Gregory Nazianzen calls a wife an acquired evil; and what is worse, one that may not be put away.

MR. DEMPSTER to Pinkerton: "You are a bee that has taken pains to collect honey. I am a mere bear, made for overturning the hive, and robbing the combs." — PINKERTON'S Corr. vol. 1, p. 222.

"H. WALPOLE: "I was forced to quit Dow's History of Indostan, because the Indian names made so little impression on me, that I went backward instead of forward, and was every minute reverting to the former page to find about whom I'was reading."-Ibid. p. 226.

"LORD BUCHAN: "I wish death to keep off such quarry. I could let him have plenty of gentlemen at a shilling a dozen that would fill his maw much better than our historian."-Ibid. p. 259.

HISTORY Of Breeches. - Ibid. p. 407.

"EXPERIENCED waggoners and drivers of teams observe that a smart quick look in a horse denotes a hasty passionate temper.STEVENSON's Dorset, p. 419.

"There is a degree of coolness required, in cart-horses, and high spirit is considered rather as a fault than a perfection."—Ibid.

Women have one advantage: none of their duties tend in any way to deteriorate them.

"POTATOES are known to love the taste of new ground." (BATCHELOR'S Bedford

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