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of a pinch of snuff. Our informant has within these few days seen Billy masticate a large quid of pigtail with as much goût as any Jack tar in his majesty's service. When he had finished the tobacco, a pinch of strong rappee was administered, which Billy snuffed without the least demur, and curling up his olfactory organ, delivered one of those charming solos so peculiar to his species. Billy is chiefly employed in carrying milk from his master's farm to Bolton; and if Mr. Walton has any other business to transact in the town, he can leave Billy with security at the door of any customer, whence he will not budge an inch until he hears his master's voice. Billy is invariably accompanied on his journies to Bolton by a small cur dog, which is so attached to him that in the absence of Mr. Walton, he takes his station close to Billy, and will not suffer any stranger to come near him.

WILLIAM ELLIS, once a farmer at Little Gaddesden, who in A.D. 1760, published Every Farmer his own Farrier, says, upon his own experience, that "half an ounce of tobacco at a time, given among a horse's corn, and continued for a week, will prevent worms, cure greasy heels, and create a fine coat."-Monthly Review, vol. 22, p. 156.

PRIOR speaks of "Portugueze" snuff.

A. D. 1641. A MISSION to the "Kionontatehronou, ou Nation de Petun."-Rel.N.France, tom. 5, p. 131.

"A LAS aguas singulares de Sevilla deben los Españoles la bondad de sus tabacos, los mas estimados del mundo."-MASDEU, vol. 1, p. 14.

The note says, "La experiencia confirmó la bondad dicha de estas aguas, habiendo procurado en vano os Ingleses imitar el tabaco Español, valiendose de artifices, que sobornados sacaron de la misma fabrica de Sevilla."

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"IF the charge bestowed upon plantations were valued with the gain reaped from them, it were not worth a purse to put it in; and for ours in England, it would be consumed in smoke. For one staple commodity which it sends out is stinking, barbarous tobacco; for from the barbarous savages it is derived: a brave original for civil men to learn from and imitate!

"The French herein far exceed us; for by their industry and laborious endeavours, they have attained to a rich and profitable traffic of costly furs, which makes our shame the greater, when we consider how easily they have effected it, and how profitably they persevered, whilst we are sucking of smoke, that brings with it many inconveniences, as time has made too plain."-Ibid. P. 414.

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ROWLAND WHITE to Sir Robert Sydney. "I was desired by Mr. Roger Manners, that you will send him by a letter (from Flushing), a ball of tobacco-high Trinidado: you can send him nothing that will more increase his love towards you."— Sydney Pupers, vol. 2, p. 208.

"CAPT. WM. MYDDLETON, the first who smoked tobacco in London. He was brother of Sir Thomas, who purchased Chirk Castle; and of Sir Hugh, who brought the New River to London, then called Myddelton's Water; another of his numerous oro

His scheme for a tobacco trade.-Ibid. thers wrote a treatise on Welsh prosody." p. 446. -YORKE'S Royal Tribes, p. 107.

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"SCARCELY any old house without a small apartment called the Smoking-Room.

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"THERE is reason," says EVELYN, (Misc. In these, says Sir John Cullum, from about | p. 328), " that we who are composed of the

elements should participate of their quali- | ties; for, as the humours have their source from the elements, so have our passions from the humours; and the soul which is united to this body of ours, cannot but be affected with its inclinations."


THE elder Venn, (p. 15), speaks of the vast assembly of perfect spirits, who are swallowed up in love and adoration of God, and are perfectly one with each other.

DANTE. Purgatorio, xxviii. vol. 4, p. 181. Two streams from Paradise, Lethe and Eunoe; the one to wash away the remembrance of sin, the other to renew that of our good deeds.

Semiramis), bore a dove in their banners. “Heralds may here take notice of the antiquity of their art; and for their greater credit blazon abroad this precious piece of ancientry; for before the time of Semiramis we hear no news of coats or crest."-JOHN GREGOIRE, p. 236.

"DEBOHRA prophetissa, quia ab asse nomen habet, vocatur apis fœminei sexus.” Avoda Sara, p. 324.


IN Barbadoes, such was the influence of fashion, or custom, that Dr. Hillary (1759) says, "he had seen many men loaded, and almost half melting, under a thick rich coat and waistcoat, daubed and loaded with gold, on a hot day, scarce able to bear them."

IBID. Paradiso, xviii. v. 29, vol. 5, p. 116. Monthly Review, vol. 21, p. 370. Paradise is called

"L'albero che vive de la cima,' perchè viene arrivato dall' essere sovrano ch'è Dio: al contrario degli altri alberi, che traggono il sugo vitale, e il nutrimento dalla radice."

The Name.

"A WOODEN pillow, about the width of a hoop, and of a semicircular form, to admit inches high, with a broad, flat base. They the head, sustained by a column of four to six are almost exactly similar to those often found in the ancient tombs of the Egyptians, and, notwithstanding their apparent discomfort, are now very generally used in every part of Upper Nubia. The ladies of Shendy

row, they do not disarrange their hair, a serious consideration, if it be true, as I am informed, that the coiffure of the Shendyan beauties requires nine hours' work to be quite comme il faut,- beautifully plaited, bushy at each side, projecting behind, and flat above the forehead."-HOSKINS, p. 124.

BRANTOME, vol. 10, p. 48, speaks of a Cap-value them highly, because, being so nartain Sainte Colombe, "vaillant et brave soldadin, et déterminé s'il en fut oncques." He was "de cette maison valeureuse de S. Colombe en Bearn, mais non légitime." At Rochelle he was wounded three times, and was no sooner recovered from the wound than he received another; twice in Normandy-de-sorte que nous l'appellions et son corps, une garenne d'harquebusades." He was killed at St. Lo.

CORNELIUS à LAPIDE, and many others, following the interpretation of St. Jerome, (who, at the 13th chap. of Isaiah says, that God calleth Nebuchadnezzar columbam), say

"To promote the growth of the nails here (as a decided indication of high rank), they are held over small fires of cedar-wood."Ibid. p. 125.

WHISTLER to Shenstone. 1762.

"I have struck a bold stroke since I have

that the Assyrians (in honour no doubt of | been in town; I mean a laced coat; for

really waistcoats cost as much, and are no | mark of distinction after all."-HULL's Select Letters, vol. 2, p. 33.

LAMBSKIN breeches.-Ibid. p. 98.

ROGER WILLIAMS, (Life, p. 264), says, "I have long had scruples of selling the natives aught but what may bring, or tend to, civilization. I, therefore, neither brought, nor shall sell them, loose coats nor breeches."

A. D. 1767. "A DISSERTATION upon Head-Dress; together with a Brief Vindication of High-Coloured Hair, and of those Ladies on whom it grows: the whole submitted to the Connoisseurs in Taste, whether ancient or modern. By an English Periwig-Maker."

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COZENS, in 1778, published the "Principles of Beauty relative to the Human Head, a Metaphysico Physiognomico Pictorial Work." Each head in the engravings had an antique head-dress. "We sincerely wish, for the honour of the sex, that our countrywomen would study them, and remove the present enormous encumbrances from their heads, to make way for a dress which in more elegant times adorned the heads of the Grecian ladies."-Monthly Review, vol. 58, p. 444.

A.D. 1781. "Les dernières robes en vogue sont les Levites, imitées sur ces robes majestueuses des enfans de la tribu consacrée à la garde de l'arche, et au service du temple de Jerusalem. Ces Levites se modifient déjà de cent manières. Madame la Vicomtess de Jaucour ayant imaginé des Levites à queue de singe, a paru, il y a quelque tems, au Luxembourg avec cette queue, très longue, très tortillée, et si bizarre que tout le monde se mit à la suivre; ce qui obligea les Suisses de Monsieur de venir prier cette Dame de sortir pour éviter un trop grand tumulte. Il faut espérer que, pour l'honneur de l'inventrice le public étant fait à

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THE first Fashionable Magazine commenced May 1768, and, as might be guessed, it was a French production; its title, "Courier à la Mode, ou Journal du Goût." "C'est un nouvel ouvrage périodique, fort intéressant pour Paris, et pour les Provinces, qui contient le détail de toutes les nou

veautés de mode. C'est, si l'on veut, une espèce de Supplément aux Mémoires de l'Académie des Belles Lettres, qui consacre à la postérité le tableau mourant de nos caprices, de nos fantaisies et du costume national."-BACHAUMONT, Mem. Sec. vol. 4,

p. 80.

"WHO would have thought that our side-curls and frizzled toupée had such antiquity, but along with that such barbarism, as to be the fashion of the Germans ere they left their native woods. Tacitus mentions their twisting their locks into horns and rings.

"Cærula quis stupuit Germani lumina, flavam Cæsariem madido torquentem cornua cirro?"-JUVENAL, Sat. xiii. v. 164. PINKERTON, Lett. of Lit. p. 61.

THE Merovingian kings used to powder their heads and beards with gold dust.-Ibid. p. 62.

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