Imágenes de páginas

PRINTED Waistcoats, i.e. "des scenes galantes ou comiques, &c.” engraved on them. 1786. Mem. Sec. t. 33, p. 229.

"In the Samoa Island, many of the women are spotted, which they call sangisengi. It is effected by raising small blisters with a wick of native cloth, which burns but does not blaze. When these are healed, they leave the spot a shade lighter than the original skin. Thus indelible devices are imprinted. This is used like tatooing at other islands, to perpetuate the memory of some important event, or some beloved relative." WILLIAMS, p. 538.

"In my time, the follies of the town crept slowly among us, but now they travel faster than a stage coach. Its fopperies come down, not only as inside passengers, but in the very basket."-MR. HARDCASTLE. Stoops to Conquer.



In that middle class of society which might and ought to be the happiest, marriage is more often too late than too early,

"PEPIGERE tamen Romani cum Sabinis quorum filias rapuerant amicitias ; adeo ut Sabinorum Rex Titus Tatius senex regnaret pariter cum Romulo quem mox ut in societatem regni ejus assumpsit occidit: Sabini quoque et Romani unus populus efficerentur. Quo tempore ad confirmandam conjunctionem nomina illorum suis præponebant nominibus et invicem Sabini Romanorum. Et ex illo consuetudo tenuit ut nemo Romanus sit absque prænomine."— Historia Miscellæ. lib. 1, p. 3.


ROGERS asked Talleyrand whether Buonaparte shaved himself. Talleyrand answered "Yes. One who is born to be a king has

some one to shave him, but they who acquire kingdoms, shave themselves."

Probably Buonaparte would not have liked to trust his throat to a razor in any one's hand but his own.

"TILL new-born chins

Be rough and razorable."

Tempest, act ii. sc. i.

"Now of beards there be
Such a company,

Of fashions such a throng,
That it is very hard
To treat of the beard

Though it be ne'er so long."

Says a ballad concerning beards in a miscellany entitled Le Prince d'Amour. 1660. MALONE's Shakespeare, vol. 17, pp. 366-7.

WHEN Mr. Hoskins was residing in the Temple of Tirhaka, he took the portrait of a Melek of the Shageea Tribe. "As there was no barber in the village, and I was told

he had some skill in shaving, I allowed him

to officiate in that capacity; but most anxshaved by the son of a king. Never did I iously shall I avoid to have my head again

endure such a scarification. His razor, one of the twopenny sort from Trieste, was blunter than even a French table-knife, and he had no means of sharpening it but according to the custom of the country on his bare arm. He drew blood four times, and scraped my head in such a manner that it smarted for several hours afterwards. But it is impossible to endure the wearing of one's hair in this climate, after having once been accustomed to the luxury of having it shaved every week and having lost my penknife, I had been obliged to take my own razor to cut my pencils."-Ibid. p. 164.

BEARD-BRUSHES. "Pulidas escobillas de barba."-Luis MUNOZ. Life of L. de Granada, p. 23.

EFFECT of shaving on physiognomy, and

in pictures; it aids the former, but in some degree injures the latter.

A DISSERTATION on Peculiarity in Death, showing the use and abuse of the Barba Humana, or the Human Beard, 1769. Autograph, with a note respecting the Author, 2s. 6d.-Rodd MS. Qy. Dress.

ULMA, (M. A.), "Physiologia Barbæ Humanæ hoc est, de fine illius." 6s. Folio. Bonon. 1602.

3134. RODD's Cat. 1836.

THE famous Roskolniki schismatics con

sider the Divine image in man as residing in the beard.-Monthly Review, vol. 68, p.


LE Sieur Dumont, at Lille, knit a pair of stockings de cheveux. They were "plus beaux, plus solides, et plus chauds que ceux de soye," and they would wash. "C'est sa propre chevelure qui lui a fourni la matière; il mettoit de côté seulement les cheveux qui tomboient à mesure qu'il se peignoit." He meant to knit a striped pair of different colours, but still "de chevelures humaines." -Mem. Secrets, t. 33, p. 137.

RECEIPTS for its growth.-WURTZUNG's Practice of Physic, p. 116-7.

"THE Lacedemonians obliged their Ephori to submit to the ridiculous ceremony of being shaved when they entered upon their office, for no other end but that it might be signified by this act that they knew how to practise submission to the laws of their country."-Jones of Nayland, vol. 5, p.294.

"IF the Normans can scrape off their beards with an English razor, they are happy. But, in fact, no man can be expected to be patriotic or national in the matter of razors; for if the devil himself kept a cutler's shop, and sold a good article, I think no man who has a beard would scruple to become his customer."-AUGUSTIN ST. JOHN. Journal in Normandy, p. 72.


BRANTOME's uncle, Chastaigneraye. As soon as he was weaned, his father, by advice of a great physician at Naples, had gold, steel, and iron, in powder, given him in whatever he ate and drank, "pour le bien fortifier," till he was twelve years old; and this answered so well, that he could take a bull by the horns and "l'arrester en sa furie." Ibid. t. 9, p. 75.

IN New Zealand stones are thrust down the throat of a babe to give him a stony heart, and make him a stern and fearless warrior.-WILLIAMS, Miss. Ent. p. 543.


WILKES writes to his daughter from the Hague, A.D. 1767, "I was obliged to go in a coach yesterday little better than a wagLeyden. (The canals were frozen, and no gon, to pay my duty to the university of that style we always speak of the university boat could pass.) My good mother (for in where we are educated) received me with raptures, and congratulated herself on hav

ing produced so illustrious a son,—a very flattering compliment for me."-Almon. vol. 3, p. 223.

brought up at Leyden; and there you would "I OFTEN put you in mind that I was

be ordered to continue in bed sixteen or

eighteen hours out of the twenty-four, when you are oppressed with a violent cold."— Ibid. p. 226.

GAUBIUS lectured there in D.'s time. See Monthly Review, vol. 68, p. 555. He expounded the true principles of medical psychology.

STOLP, a citizen of Leyden, left prizes for dissertations on subjects relative to natural religion and moral philosophy.

DR. COLIGNON there in his time. Profes

sor of Anatomy at Cambridge, afterward Deputy Regius Professor of Physic, and Professor of Medicine in Downing College. He died A. D. 1785, and his Miscellaneous Works were published in 4to. 1786. There are poems among them of no merit.-Monthly Review, vol. 76, p. 464.

Handling a Subject.

By the way, and by the bye, difference between them.

"E' D'UOм saggio il parlare aurea catena, Che di sapere preziosi giri Forman, che dietro l'un l'altro si mena." BERTUCCI. Viaggio al Commo Bene, p. 103.

A BOLOGNESE noble asked Guido from what model he took the graceful forms of his female heads. "I'll show you," said Guido, and calling up his colour-grinder, a great coarse lubberly fellow, he bade him sit down, turn his head, and look up at the sky. Then taking his chalk, he drew a Magdalene, and when he observed the noble's astonishment, he said to him, "the beautiful and pure idea must be in the mind, and that it is no matter what the model be." -Monthly Review, vol. 65, p. 145.

SIR W. TEMPLE says of the Chinese gardens, "Their greatest reach of imagination is employed in contriving figures, where the beauty shall be great and strike the eye, but without any order or disposition of parts that shall be commonly or easily observed. And though we have hardly any notion of this sort of beauty, yet they have a particular word to express it; and where they find it hit their eye at first sight, they say the 'Sharawadgi is fine, or is admirable, or any such expression of esteem. And who

1 COURTENAY (vol. ii. p. 161,) says, an eminent Chinese scholar to whom he applied, did not acknowledge this word, which he (T. P. C.) however took to mean picturesque beauty.

ever observes the work upon the best Indian gowns, or the painting upon their best skreens or purcellans, will find their beauty is all of this kind, (that is,) without order." Vol. 1, p. 186.

DR. DEE, 74. When Nalvage (see his appearance, 73) began one of his lessons with this invocation, "Pater Filius Spiritus Sanctus, Fundamentum, substantia et principium omnium," Edward Kelly thought in his mind rerum, but Nalvage answered his thought, saying, "what need I say rerum. The grammarians will be on my side. Omnium is more than to say omnium rerum.”

"THOU art a retailer of phrases, and dost deal in remnants of remnants like a maker of pincushions."-CONGREVE. Way of the World, p. 92.

"I HOPE its slow beginning will portend A forward exit to all future end."

Amaryllis in the Rehearsal.


WHEN Galersis, that great chronicler of the later branches of the house of Amadis, was about to enter upon the adventure in which Don Silves de la Selva won the arms of Jason, he made this exclamation, "O Dieu, et comme je voudroye que tu m'eusses doüe d'un stile si subtil et ingénieux, que je peusse commencer à deduire chose à laquelle je ne trouve commencement."-B. 14, p. 139. Or as in de Nederduytsche tale Overgheset, “O God, hoe hebt ghy my niet ean so subtijlen ende verstandighen stijl begaeft, dat ick kan beginnen eenige dingen de verhalen die nochtans ghaen begin en hebben." So it is written in the 18th chapter of the 14th book of that great history, which 14th book Fynes Moryson bought at Lubeck in the year 1593, "in the Dutch tongue, to practise the same; for these books," says he, in his Itinerary, are most eloquently translated into the Dutch, and fit to teach familiar language, and for this book I paid eighteen Lubeck shillings, and for the binding four Now if my reader should ask why


I do not rather give the passage in the original Castillian than in the traduction thereof, or the overghesetting of that traduction, I reply," &c. &c.

I HAVE not proceeded in writing like the Duchess of Newcastle.-Poems, p. 47.

As South said of Sherlock's Vindication of the Trinity, "the book is certainly like a kind of pot or vessel, with handles quite round it; turn it which way you will, you are sure to find something to take hold of it by."-SOUTH, vol. 1, p. lxxxiv.

It was the opinion of the four persons

"WHERE thoughts like fishes swim the mind whom Sully employed to write his memoirs,


And the great thoughts the smaller thoughts
eat out."
Ibid. p. 60.

“FOR civil, clean, and circumcised wit, And for the comely carriage of it, Thou art the man."

and address their relation to himself, "que longues digressions, exemples, rapports, instructions, et autres narrations hors du principal sujet que l'on s'est proposé, fait perdre le fil, la tissure, et (par consequent) la claire intelligence de la vie de celuy, dont l'on veut faire mention, ou de l'histoire que l'on

HERRICK to Sir John Mince, vol. 1, entend representer. Et afin de ne tomber

p. 273.

"COMMENT donc," said a dwarf who met Prince Fortunian le Beau, on his way from the town of Arene towards Hungary, “Comment donc, savez vous pas où vous allez, et où tend ce chemin que vous tenez? Je suis Chevalier estrange, respondit le prince, qui m'en vay je ne say où, à l'aventure, au plaisir de mon cheval. Je le voy bien, dist le nain en souriant, et cognoy bien que vous vous laissez guider par vostre beste."-Amadis, 1. 16, pp. 120-1.

AMADIS D'ASTRE, when banished unjustly by the Princess Rosiliana from her presence, could not tell where he was going,"comme celuy que s'en alloit à l'aventure au gré de son cheval qui le portoit."—Ibid. 1. xvii. p.


point nous-mesmes dans les fautes et erreurs que nous blasmons en autruy, nous retournerons à nostre dessein."-Vol. 1, p. 241.


JULIUS BATE (the Hutchinsonian) says, "that in the days of prophecy, to dream was a divine art. They used means to procure prophetic dreams, by prayer, drinking of sacred wine, and sleeping within the holy precincts."-Monthly Review, vol. 36, p.


BEATTIE (Life, vol. 2, p. 7). "The view I have taken of dreaming is new, so far as I know. I have attempted to trace up some of the appearances of that mysterious mode of perception to their proximate causes, and to prove that it is in many respects useful to the human constitution. On all subjects of this nature, I have constantly received more information from my own ex

"He that tells a long story should take care that it be not made a long story by his manner of telling it. His expression should be natural, and his method clear; the inci-perience than from books." dents should be interrupted by very few reflections, and parentheses should be entirely disregarded."-CowPER, xv. p. 70-3?

[blocks in formation]

REL. de N. France. A.D. 1642. T. 5, pp.


BAPTISTA MANTUAN'S dream of Picus Mirandula.- PICUS MIRANDULA's Works, ff. 69.

The Dead. SUPERNATURAL notices. Beattie says, "In all cases where such accounts are entitled to credit, or supported by tolerable evidence, it will be found that they referred to something which it concerned men to know; the overthrow of kingdoms, the death of great persons, the detection of atrocious crimes, or the preservation of important lives."—Life of Beattie, vol. 1, p. 215.

DONNE says in a letter (p. 260), "If I shall at any time take courage to express my meditations of that lady in writing, I shall scarce think less time to be due to that employment, than to be all my life in making those verses, and so take them with me, and sing them amongst her fellow angels in heaven."

"THE ancient Christian fathers disposed of our disembodied souls, by conveying them into the central regions of our earth; but as our present geologists make that a redhot or molten mass of fiery matter, any other location of them, while that hypothesis lasts, will be a preferable supposition."-Turner. Sac. H. vol. 3, p. 36.

THE Rerotongans requesting ghosts not to appear.-WILLIAMS, p. 556.

FASTENING them in their graves. The Mosicougos. Parallels on Religions, vol. 1, p. 723.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

How to prevent a husband from coming utiles que pour être en état d'être écoutée to life.-CONGO. Ibid. p. 724.

"In the kingdom of heaven the elect shall not need meat, drink, sleep, air, heat, cold, physic, apparel, or the light of the sun and moon."-PERKINS, vol. 1, p. 94.

THEY are not only to be just, holy, incorruptible, glorious, honourable, and excellent, but also "beautiful, strong, mighty, and nimble."--Ibid. p. 95.

dans les choses utiles, vous priez même dans ces inutilités."-Mem. de M. Maintenon, vol. 6, p. 119.

"A MERE mouthful of moonshine, true lunatics' diet, the cookery of a cracked brain, froth to feed fools with."-CUMBERLAND. Natural Son.

"HE that has not wit enough to find himself sometimes a fool, is in danger of being

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