Imágenes de páginas
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saying that nervous disorders were sometimes owing to smothered genius,—to a suppression of poetry.

"Such genius may exist with the very worst state of nervous disorder. I could instance a patient whom I am not permitted to name, among whose papers I have seen passages exceeding all that I have read in poetry; and who has at this time, outlines of three great works, which himself will not complete, and with which I know no one else worthy to meddle.' "—Ibid. vol. 29, p.


"ADAM CLARKE obtained a book of Mantras or Charms from Ceylon, consisting of eleven leaves, full of the most grotesque figures of gods, demons, &c. The gentleman from whom he received it was in the Supreme Court at Colombo when a woman preferred a charge against a man of extreme oppression and injury, but she could not proceed in her evidence, being seized with severe shivering and violent agitations, and sweating most profusely at the same time. The judge enquired what was the matter; and when a little recovered she said the defendant had enchanted her, and if he were searched, she was sure the charm would be found upon him. Order was given to search him accordingly, and this identical book was found among his clothes. The Judge ordered it to be delivered into the possession of the Court, and in that moment the woman became calm, and proceeded in her evidence without hesitation."-Catalogue of Adam Clarke's MSS. p. 225.


"If you take Sophocles, Catullus, Lucretius, the better parts of Cicero, and so on, you may with just two or three exceptions arising out of the different idioms as to cases, translate page after page into good mother English, word by word, without altering the order; but you cannot do so with Virgil or Tibullus; if you attempt it, you will make nonsense.". - SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE. Table Talk, vol. 2, p. 56. See Aaron Hill's Preface to Gideon.


In the Index of obscure words in Dante, by Volpi, it is said that Cæsar was the first person who was ever addressed in the plural number, "quando fu creato Dittatore perpetuo, per essere in lui solo raccolta l'autorità di tutti i magistrati: dandosi per altro del tu ad ogni persona singolare."-DANTE, vol 3, p. 359.

"THOMAS WHITAKER, Doctor in Physic, of London, A. D. 1638, in a treatise called the Tree of Human Life, or the Blood of the Grape, observes that Noah lived twenty years longer than Adam, which he attributes to his having tasted nectar from that plant from which Adam was excluded, and which he calls an inferior species of the Tree of Life."-BoS WELL's Shakespeare, vol. 17, p. 171. N.

THE Knight of the Sun was taller than the Emperor Trebatius his father, who was eight feet. "Mais quoy qu'il fust d'une si riche taille, on ne vit jamais pourtant un corps si bien proportionné que le sien. Il sembloit qu'une main divine l'eust formé. Aussi plusieurs peintres, tant Grecs qu'Assyriens, ne peurent jamais representer un corps avec une vraye proportion et mesure, jusques à ce qu'ils virent ce Chevalier, et qu'ils l'eurent tiré. C'est pourquoy ils envoyerent son pourtraict en plusieurs contrées du monde, comme le plus parfaict de tous leurs ouvrages."-Chev. du Soleil, tom. 1, p. 93-4.

"THE three great original objects of poetry were self, a mistress, and an enemy; these produced verses upon religion, love, and war; poetry purely descriptive is the product of a much later time."― Monthly Review, vol. 40, p. 117.

Compare with the Triads-and the truth.

"NATURA, Philosophia, et Ars in Concordiâ," or Nature, Philosophy, and Art in Friendship. An Essay in four parts by W. Canty, Cabinet Maker, 28. Nicol. He shows that all houses might be built proof

against fire and vermin, chimnies built so as not to smoke, and smoky ones cured, and furniture and wainscots so constructed as that no vermin can exist therein. - Ibid. vol. 46, p. 623.

His proposal of making book debts transferable justly objected to.-Ibid. p. 373.

"WE remember to have seen somewhere in the Low Countries a print of a bookseller digging in the tomb of an author, and DR. LETTSOM distilled some green tea, saying to himself as he works Il y a de plus." injected three drachms of the very odorous-Ibid. vol. 49, p. 337. and pellucid water which he obtained "into the cavity of the abdomen and cellular membrane, by which he paralysed the animal. He applied it to the cavity of the abdomen and to the ischiatic nerves of another, and the frog died. And this he thought proved green tea to be unwholesome."—Ibid. vol. 47, p. 133.

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"THE trading part of the nation," he says, "dare not retrench their way of living, lest they should thereby ruin their credit, the very life of trade.”— Ibid. p. 353.

MORTIMER'S Elements of Commerce, A. D. 1772. "A list was lately put into my hands of upwards of 1000 alehouse keepers, green-grocers, chandlers, oil shops, and other retail traders in London and the villages adjacent, all of whom were originally footmen and servant maids."-Ibid. p. 368.

"BROAD cloths deteriorated in quality, and deceit complained of both in length and breadth."-Ibid. p. 370.

The stretching of broad cloth and devil's dust are no new inventions. Witness good old LATIMER.

AN anonymous poet in 1774 has this couplet,

Yet doubly happy could I justly claim
One puff of merit from the trump of Fame.

Unhappy poet. If instead of having Snagg for his publisher, he had been in the service of Henry Colburn, a whole band of trumpeters would have been employed in his praise.—Ibid. p. 484.

"LET it be remembered that minds are

not levelled in their powers, but when they are levelled in their desires."

Johnson says this when speaking of Dryden's controversy with Settle.

"Ir is very happy that de tems en tems, there will always arise certain moral characters of very good hearts and very odd· heads, of exceeding benefit in a world too much disordered to be set right by the regular process of sober systematical virtue.” -Letter to Mrs. M. vol. 2, p. 263.

Mrs. Carter says this of Jonas Hanway.

-" "Tis a maxim of mine that neither the

ropes, and rack him till the sinews shrink again, while he hath brought him to twenty-seven yards. When they have brought him to that perfection, they have a pretty feat to thick him again. He makes me a powder for it, and plays the poticary; they call it flock powder: they do so incorporate it to the cloth, that it is wonderful to consider; truly a good invention. Oh that so goodly wits should be so applied; they may well deceive the people, but they cannot deceive God. They were wont to make beds of flocks, and it was a good bed too. Now they have turned their flocks into powder, to play the false thieves with it.” Third Sermon before King Edward VI. vol. i. p. 122, ed. Wat

"If his cloth be eighteen yards long, he will set him on a rack, and stretch him out withkins.-J. W. W.

body nor the mind should be kept to the same food; variety not only gratifies the taste but quickens the appetite." LADY HERVEY'S Letters, p. 149.

"In general I have observed that those who live in town think too little, and those who live in the country think too much : the one makes them superficial, the other sour."-Ibid.

"ONE of young Beattie's lectures was an account of Raymond Sully's mill for making books, alluded to by Dr. Campbell in the Philosophy of Rhetoric. He got Raymond's book in the College Library, and made the mill exactly according to the author's directions? in pasteboard. The model was exhibited at the lecture."—Life of Beattie, vol. 2, p. 213.

BOSWELL had in his youth one Mr. S. for an acquaintance,-a riotous old humourist, who used to rank all mankind under the general denomination of Gilbert. - Letters between ERSKINE and BOSWELL, p. 73.

"THE Morleechians (inlanders of Dalmatia) have in their ritual a service for the solemn union of two friends, male or female. Posestre (half sisters) the sworn female friends are thus made; the men (Pobratimi) half-brothers, their duties are to assist and avenge each other. A quarrel between two thus sworn is talked of all over the country as a scandal, unheard of in former times, and owing only to the depravation which an intercourse with the Italians has brought on."- FORTIS's Travels, Monthly Review, vol. 59, p. 41.

ARTHUR YOUNG says, "that about the year 1760, perch first appeared in all the lakes of Ireland and in the Shannon at the same time."1-Monthly Review, vol. 63, p.


1 Yarrel does not mention this, but simply states, “In the various historical and statistical accounts of the counties of Ireland, the perch

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cide sont de grandes fautes parce que le père et le frère nous sont proches, quel doit estre le meurtre de soy-mesme, puis que nul ne nous peut estre si proche que nous nous sommes ?"—Astrée, tom. 5, p. 525.

JACOBUS BERGAMENSIS, or de Bergamo, says, "that Noah planted the vine because he saw a goat in Sicily eat some wild grapes, and afterwards fight with such courage that Noah inferred there must have been virtue in the fruit. He planted a vine therefore, and wherefore is not said, manured it with the blood of a lion, a lamb, a swine, and a monkey or ape."—CONDE DE MORA ToLEDO, tom. 1, p. 59.

Ibid. 163.-"HORSE and chariot races p. won by the help of the devil." Cassiodorus and Amm. Marcellinus quoted.

TITEA MAGNA was the name of Noah's wife. Pandora was Shem's. Noala, or according to others Cataflua, Ham's. Noegla, Funda, or Afia, Japhet's.-Ibid. p. 57-8.

NASH, in his Collections for Worcestershire, shows that the name of Percy has been spelt twenty-three different ways.— Monthly Review, vol. 67, p. 339.

"BISHOP KIDDER and his wife were killed in their bed in the palace of Bath and Wells, and yet his heirs were sued for dilapidations!"-HORACE WALPOLE, vol. 4, p. 146.

A. D. 1787. "OLD Madam French, who lives close by the bridge at Hampton Court, where between her and the Thames she had nothing but one grass plot of the width of her house, has paved that whole plot with black and white marble in diamonds, exactly like the floor of a church; and this curious metamorphosis of a garden into a pavement has cost her £340. A tarpaulin she might have had for some shillings, which would have looked as well, and might easily have been removed."-Ibid. p. 426.

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STERNE probably called his Corporal Trim after Trim in the Funeral. "M. General Trim-no, pox, Trim sounds so very short and priggish. That my name should be a monosyllable! But the foreign news

will write me, I suppose, Monsieur or Chevalier Trimont. Signor Trimoni, or Count Trimuntz in the German army, I shall perhaps be called."-P. 71.

DONNE to Sir H. Wotton.

"Let me tell you the good nature of the executioner of Paris, who, when Vatan (?) was beheaded (who dying in the profession of the religion, had made his peace with God in the prison, and so said nothing at the place of execution) swore he had rather execute forty Huguenots than one Catholic; because the Huguenot used so few words, and troubled him so little, in respect of the dilatory ceremonies of the others in dying." Letters, p. 122.

"WHEN abjuration was in use in this land, the state and law was satisfied if the abjuror came to the seaside, and waded into the sea when winds and tides resisted.”— Ibid. p. 121.

"I AM now like an alchemist, delighted with discoveries by the way, though I attain not mine end."-Ibid. p. 172.

"HALLER'S catalogue of medical and chirurgical writers, notwithstanding numerous omissions, amount to more than 30,000 names or titles of authors or their works, much the greater part having belonged to the last 300 years."-Monthly Review, vol. 68 (1783), p. 465.

A WATCH tower in Sicily, where there once stood a temple of Castor and Pollux (Polluce) is now called Torre del Pulci, no doubt properly enough.-Ibid. p. 596.

PINKERTON (Lett. of Lit. p. 179) quotes the Abbé du Bos as saying, “Different ideas are as plants and flowers, which do not grow equally in all climates. Perhaps our terri

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