Imágenes de páginas
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"Es tan grande la fuerza de una batalla campal, que con mucha razon dizen los

WATER melons grow in the deserts of que professan la arte y disciplina militar. South Africa.-Philip, vol. 2, p. 121.

FLIES annually destroyed by fire at Florence.”—GALIFfe, Italy, vol. 2, p. 408.

"REX NEMORENSIS, a priest of Diana at Nemi by the lake, who held his place by the tenure of having murdered his predecessor, and was never without a drawn sword to protect himself against his aspirant successor."-Mementoes of a Tour, vol. 2, p. 217.

Gas from a burning spring used for domestic purposes in America.-M'KENNEY'S Sketches, p. 84.

GALILEO's finger bit off by an antiquary. DUPPA'S Travels, p. 13.

Dios me dè cient años de guerra, y no un dia de battalla.”—GARIBAY, vol. 4, p. 1031.

SUGAR canes, Jer. vi. 20, "from a far country."

"THEN Samuel told the people the manner of the kingdom, and wrote it in a book, and laid it up before the Lord."-1 Sam.

x. 25.

A constitution or original compact here.

L'on étoit assuré, avant que l'on parlât, qu'il étoit d'un sentiment contraire à ce qui se diroit. Le mais étoit sa transition favorite, et le non son mot chère et familier."-MARIVAUX, La Paysanne Pauvre, vol. 3, p. 17.

THE miscreant Burke was asked how he felt when pursuing his trade of murder, he

A SAINTLY beard.-HEBER's Journal, vol. replied that " he had no feelings about it 2, p. 17.

THE modern Greeks use Mπ for B.TURNER'S Tour, vol. 1, p. 145.

STRANGE history of a Corsican who was like Prince Leopold of Naples.—Ibid. p. 195.

when he was awake, but that when he slept he had frightful dreams, such as he had never had before."

Drink had something to do with this waking state, for the price of blood was chiefly expended in ardent spirits.

"SHALL I make spirits fetch me what I please?

RED sand fell with the rain at Zante.--I'll have them fly to India for gold,

Ibid. p. 204.

Ransack the ocean for orient pearl,

And search all corners of the new-found
For pleasant fruits and princely delicates."
MARLOW, Dr. Faustus, p. 15.

STORY in Oviedo of the fruit brought from the West Indies by a Devil to England.

"Enter two friars, with a rout of stinkards following them." - MARLOW, Lust's Dominion. This then was a common appellation for the rabble. The dialogue proceeds with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd stinkard. In our days this would be high treason against the majesty of the people!

BALGUY's father composed a sermon weekly for the first four years after he obtained his small preferment; and that his son might follow the same course, he destroyed almost his whole stock, burning two hundred and fifty at one time.

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Aaron Purgatus, a book by Monceau, | In America, where they are sometimes or Moncæus, to justify Aaron for making frozen as hard as stones, they rot if thawed the golden calf!—BAYLE. in open day; but if thawed in darkness they do not rot, and lose very little of their natural odour and properties." — Recueil Indust. xiv. p. 81, as quoted in Jameson's Edinburgh New Phil. Journal.

"KNOWEST thou not that fish caught with medicines, and women gotten with witchcraft are never wholesome."-Euphues.

The first assertion may be true, and probably is; the beasts killed by the Indian poisoned arrow are not rendered unfit for food. The effect is altogether different.

INDIANS." Their connection with the

CHORISTERS pressed formerly.-TUSSER,

p. 316.

"FOR Some centuries there was scarcely lowest orders in the United States has in-milies, who could write his name; wherea Knight of Malta, though all of noble fa

duced a shocking demoralization; the greater number of them in the United States are now entirely dependent on them; they are rapidly decreasing, or in some instances retiring further west. The manner in which they live among the Americans, without actually amalgamating, is curious; they have no vote, no privilege as citizens; but this indifference towards them is got over by saying, 'that they are considered as and treated with as independent nations.' I should however suppose, if they became farmers, out of the lands appropriated to them and gained property, they would be entitled to the rights of citizens. Except in one part of this Continent, they have never yet shewed themselves patient of regular labour; this exception is at Nantucket, where they have long assisted in navigating the whaleships, and prove active, good seamen, They are now becoming extinct most rapidly; the habits of a seaman in such long voyages, and the irregularities attached to it, are sufficient causes. The few who remain at home marry into the lowest orders of whites or of negroes; the latter is the most common."

In the Independent Whig are some remarks by Gordon on Sir R. L'Estrange's style.

Frozen Potatoes," IN the time of frosts, the only precaution necessary is, to retain the potatoes in a perfectly dark place for some days after the thaw has commenced.

fore the Vice-Chancellor who committed all the acts of their chapters to writing, was always a clergyman." - CARTE'S Life of Ormond, vol. 1, p. xxxviii.

"E CRUDELE il rimorso a i solitari,

Chi i pensier non divia,

Ricadendo sul cuor, come in lor centro,
Si pascon del velen che sta piu dentro."

MAGGI, tom. 2, p. 72.

"Ir appears," says PERCY, "from the Earl of Northumberland's Household Book, that horses were not so usually fed with corn loose in the manger, in the present manner, as with their provender made into loaves."-N. BEN JONSON, vol. 2, p. 118.

Horse loaves and horse bread are fre

quently mentioned, and probably the poor ate the same bread, at least bread called by the same name, certainly.

"A SERPENT ere he comes to be a dragon, Does eat a bat."

BEN JONSON, Cataline, vol. 4, p. 269. A serpent, the Greek proverb says.'

"THE Roman soldiers bore other devices for their standards as commonly as the eagle, minotaurs, boars, wolves, dragons, &c. till Marius having won many battles under the eagle, introduced that more generally. Cataline had his (M.'s) silver eagle, and put

1 See GIFFORD'S Note in loc.-J. W. W.

some faith in it."— GIFFORD'S Ben Jonson, | Cæsar."-MALCOLM's Londinium, vol. 3, p. vol. 4, p. 272.


ARIOSTO saying that when Rodomonti set fire to Paris the houses were all of wood, adds

"Ch' in Parigi ora

"THE Rhizomorphaa fungus. This genus, which vegetates in dark mines, far from the light of day, is remarkable for its phosphorescent properties. In the coal mines near Dresden it gives those places De le dieci le sei son cosi ancora." the air of an enchanted castle. The roofs, walls, and pillars are entirely covered with them; their beautiful light almost dazzling the eye."-ED. PHIL. Journ. vol. 14, p. 178. TURNER'S Sacred History, p. 92.

SCURVY-wainscotted rooms instead of walled ones thought to mitigate or prevent the disease. Olaus Magnus, p. 653.1

"MR. BURTON, afterwards Lord Conyngham, was with Lord Charlemont on his passage from Greece to Malta, when a tempest came on, and the Captain at length advised them to prepare for the worst. Burton broke the dead silence which ensued by exclaiming "Well," and I fear with an oath, "this is fine indeed. Here have I been pampering this great body of mine for more than twenty years; and all to be a prey to some cursed shark, and be damned to him!" -HARDY. Life of Lord Charlemont, vol. 1, p. 38.

Such a feeling many a man entertains towards his heir.

"Ma come potrò mai condurmi al fine

Senza par due parole delle stringhe,
Sorelle delle calze, over cugine.
Chi le vuole spagnuole, e chi fiaminghe,
E chi le fa venir fin d'Inglalterra
Come se possin sermoni au o aringhe."

BINO. Op. Burl. vol. 1, p. 302.
"THE Roman armies used to carry tiles
with them, enough for paving the place
where the prætorium or General's tent was
set up. Suetonius the authority in Julius

'I suspect the passage here alluded to occurs in p. 316 of the Edit. Roma, 1555, which I look upon as one of my very curious books. J. W. W.

C. 16, St. 26, tom. 2, p. 153.

THE slaughter of the pagan put a stop to by night.

"Dal Creatore accelerata forse, Che de la sua fattura ebbe pietade." And then "Villani e lupi rescir' poi de la grotte A dispogharli, e a divorar la notte." Ibid. c. 18, st. 162, tom. 2, p. 275. ASTOLFO, in ARIOSTO'S abominable story is by his courtiers


Or del bel viso, or de la bella mano."
C. 28, st. 6, tom. 3, p. 250.

ARIOSTO speaks of

“L'audaci galee dè Catalani.”

Orl. Fur. c. 42, st. 38, tom. 5, p. 14.

"LA ferocità de' montoni, ferendo loro il corno presso l'orecchia, si possa mitigere." SANAZZARO. Parn. Itul. vol. 16, p. 229.

"EL onzeno mandamiento
Es, no estorvaràs."

i. e. not interfere in a quarrel.

CALDERON. El Maestro de Danzas. SOLDIERS could not be quartered upon an hidalgo. The high-minded labrador in Calderon's play, (El Garrotte mas bien dado) is advised to buy an executoria for the sake of this exemption.

THE Venetians. DU BELLAY, in the Recueil, vol. 1, p. 214. A very good sonnet of its kind.

Ibid. p. 161.-SONNET of St. Gelais upon the whims in his mistress's head.

"ATQUI ante annos viginti-quinque nihil receptius erat apud Brabantos, quam thermæ publicæ eæ nunc frigent ubique. Scabies enim nova docuit nos abstinere." - ERASMUS. Diversoria, p. 172.

A. D. 1459. JOHNES's Monstrelet, vol. 10, pp. 44-7, a horrid persecution at Arras for witchcraft. Vaudoisie it was called, meaning a nightly meeting of sorcerers, for to this calumny the poor Vaudois were exposed! It was known "that these charges had been raked up by a set of wicked persons against some of the principal inhabitants of Arras, whom they hated, and whose wealth they coveted."

Ibid. p. 69.-MILITARY patrols established in France, which made travelling safe. The Escorcheurs were thus employed. This was in the latter years of Charles VII.

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"SOME (in Edward III.'s reign) had a project that men's clothes might be their signs to show their birth, degree, or estate, so that the quality of an unknown person might at the first sight be expounded by his apparel. But this was once let fall as impossible. Statesmen, in all ages, (notwithstanding their several laws to the contrary) being fain to connive at men's riot in this kind, which maintaineth more poor people than their charity."-FULLER. Church History, p. 117.

HERODOTUS, lib. 2, § 137.—Criminals in Egypt condemned to the public works.

"GENERALLY speaking, a person connected with grain will tell you at once where any sample of wheat from any part of Europe, or any part of the world, comes from."-MR. JOSEPH SANDERS. Agric. Report, 1833, p. 216.

"THE times forbidden to matrimony were from Advent Sunday till a week after Epiphany; from Septuagesima Sunday till a week after Easter; and from Ascension day

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