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company," have been called away, to enter, we trust, upon a friendship more pure and lasting, and a service unmixed with failure or imperfection. G. P.

MARY ANN, the beloved wife of Rev. Moses Mills, of Oldham, was called home June 13, in her seventy-fourth year. She suffered sore affliction for many years, but maintained much cheerfulness, and as the end approached her soul was sustained and comforted by grace divine. May the same support and consolation be vouchsafed to her bereaved husband; and at length, by faith and patience, may he also inherit the promises!

SHADRACH PRIEST, of Cradley, Stourbridge, fell asleep in Jesus, March 5 last, in the eighty-sixth year of his age. Brought to God in 1832 through that terrible scourge, the cholera, he joined the Wesleyans, but in 1834, in company with Messrs. Evers, Burley, and others, he united with our body, and to the end remained with the Church of his convictions and choice. His chief feature was his strong attachment to the Lord's house. To the last he retained a clear sense of his Saviour's love, and a bright hope of the home above; these filled him with joy, and brought many shouts of "Glory, glory" from his lips. His end was peaceful, and his rest is eternal. J. SOUTHALL.

Notices of New Books.

The Way to Fortune. Third Edition. 2s. 6d. London: T. Fisher Unwin. A SERIES of short essays, with illustrative proverbs and anecdotes from many sources, yet all pertinent to the subjects discussed; and all these subjects are treated in an agreeable and entertaining style, and well fitted to make good impressions, and to produce useful results. There are about fifty essays, extending over 250 pages, and embracing a variety of topics: Beginnings, Choosing a Profession, Time and its Value, Money, Early Rising, Obstacles, Bad Company, Getting into Debt, Wasted Labour, Caution, Manners, Luck, Friends and Enemies; these, and many kindred topics, are handled with a skill and wisdom which cannot fail to absorb the attention, instruct the mind, and benefit the life of the reader. Young men and maidens, it is just the book for you!

From the same enterprising publisher we have received, “I've been a Gipseying." By GEORGE SMITH, of Coalville. Price 68.

Ir contains most touching and thrilling reports of this eminent philanthropist's rambles among our gipsies and their children, in their tents and vans. Few of us can know what large numbers of these strange people are living in our land, and only such men as our author can reveal their dire need of legislative, educational, and Christian measures, or vocalise their loud cry for social and spiritual regeneration. The book abounds with striking facts and wise suggestions, while every page reveals the intense sympathy of this devoted friend to our canal and gipsy populations, and his indomitable energy in keeping before the country the grave questions which their condition suggests, and the remedial measures for which it calls. We must not omit a passing reference to the pictorial illustrations, which are numerous in this handsome volume, and add greatly to its charm. May the startling revelations and rousing appeals of this publication lead to the adoption of measures which shall produce early and radical reform among a race which for three hundred and sixty-eight years has been scorned by the Christians of England!

The Pulpit Commentary: Jeremiah. Vol. I. Edited by CANON SPENCE, M.A., and J. S. EXELL, M.A. Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1, Paternoster-square, London.

THIS portion of the great Commentary now being rapidly issued by the enterprising firm named above, deals with the first twenty-nine chapters of the book

of Jeremiah. An able introduction treats of the life, times, and characteristics of the "Weeping Prophet," then 600 pages are filled with Expositions by Rev. T. K. Cheyne; Homiletics by Rev. W. F. Adeney; and Homilies by Revs. D. Young, J. Waite, S. Conway, and A. F. Muir. These writers have done their work well, and while we occasionally differ from them, we regard the volume, on the whole, as a worthy companion to those which have preceded it, and as adding much strength to the claim of this Commentary to be considered the best for preachers which this age has produced. We anticipate, with eager hope, the remaining issues, and feel sure that the circulation must rapidly increase as the Commentary becomes better known.

The Expositor. Edited by S. Cox, D.D. Second series, Vol. V. London: Hodder and Stoughton. 7s. 6d.

On the "staff" of this increasingly popular and useful serial we observe the names of many of the ripest scholars and ablest critics of our country. And in the volume before us it is gratifying to find that most of the papers are quite as learned as ever, but more practical and profitable than in any previous volume. Dr. Cox's own articles on Balaam are themselves worth the cost of the entire book, and Dean Plumptre supplies a number of papers, which excel in finish of style and fulness of information. Indeed, there is no page of the 476 which form the year's issue that may not profit the reader.

Genesis the Third: History not Fable. By EDWARD WHITE. T. F. Unwin, London. 18.

THIS beautifully printed and well-bound book, of 82 pages, contains The Merchants' Lecture for 1883, delivered for the last time at the Weigh House Chapel, London. The Merchants' Lecture is an ancient Foundation in the Great City, now in its two hundred and tenth year. It is intended to confirm the citizens in the faith, and many illustrious men have given their service to it. Mr. White discusses, with great clearness and force: (1) The place which the Mosaic account of the Creation and Fall of Man occupies in Holy Scripture. (2) Some general objections made to the historical reality of the narrative in Genesis the Third. (3) The sentences pronounced on the Man, the Woman, and the Serpent-tempter. (4) The place of the Hebrew Doctrine of Good and Evil, amidst the Dualisms of Antiquity.

The author proves himself fully abreast of the thought of the times; but, unlike many modern theologians, he refuses to yield a single hair's breadth to the demands of scepticism, and maintains, in full loyalty to the truth of Holy Writ, every claim of the orthodox faith. We admire and thank him for his courage and clearness, which characterise this interesting brochure throughout. The Life of Christ. By Dr. BERNHARD WEISS. Translated by J. W. Hope. Vol. I., pp. 393. 10s. 6d. Edinburgh. T. and T. Clark.

AMONG the innumerable "Lives" of our blessed Lord which form the literary marvel of this age, the above stands pre-eminent. It is acknowledged to be one of the most valuable contributions recently made to Biblical science, and no higher praise or better commendation can be accorded to it. We look with intense longing for the completion of this invaluable work, and with equal ardour we recommend this "Life" to our brethren in the Ministry.

Our Connexional Outlook.



DEAR ME. EDITOR, -A large and interesting meeting of our friends in the Birmingham First and Second Circuits was held at Unett-street last

Saturday. The object of the meeting was to bid farewell to Mr. Gratton and his family, on the eve of their departure for Adelaide, and to suitably recognise his abundant and faithful service as superintendent of the Birmingham Circuit for the last four

years. The large schoolroom was filled with friends who came to tea, and at the after meeting held in the chapel many were present who could not come earlier. After the opening of the meeting the Rev. A. H. Collins (Baptist) and Mr. W. F. Calloway (Congregationalist), representing the Birmingham Nonconformist Ministers' Union, presented Mr. Gratton with fifteen volumes of the works of Canon Kingsley and Bishop Ellicott, in recognition of his valuable services as Secretary of the Union since its establishment nearly four years ago. Mr. Councillor Godfree, Chairman of the meeting, next presented, on behalf of the Birmingham First and Second Circuits, a beautifully illuminated address bound in morocco, and a purse of twenty guineas. Mr. H. Allen, representing the Unett-street Mutual Improvement Society, followed with a present of a valuable field glass, aptly remarking that by its aid Mr. Gratton would be able to keep the old country in view a little longer than with natural vision, and would also in all probability catch through it the first glimpse of the new country to which he was going. The Revs. F. H. Robinson, F. R. Goodfellow, and Messrs. Christie, Holcroft, Cox, Mole, Smith, Scott, Willetts, Halford, Cherrington, White, A. Taylor, Sen., and O. Sanders, also addressed the meeting; all bearing testimony to Mr. Gratton's efficiency, industry, and self-sacrifice, in the pulpit, school, and sick chamber; in business meetings and all philanthropic and public work in which he has been called to take part. After a touching reply from Mr. Gratton, the meeting closed with hearty greetings and good-byes from all who could get near enough to speak to Mr. and Mrs. Gratton. I may add that a resolution of hearty thanks for his services was passed by the Executive Committee of the Gospel Temperance Mission, of which Mr. Gratton was chairman. Our own Ministers' District Meeting also suit

ably recognised Mr. Gratton's services as its secretary for four years, by presenting him with a handsomely bound copy of the complete works of George Eliot.

Our prayer is that God may preserve his life and the lives of his family, and prosper the work undertaken by them in Australia for the Connexion and the Master.-Yours faithfully, F. H. ROBINSON.

Ladywood, June 29.


MORE than once we have directed attention to this-explaining its objects and urging its claims. We now learn that the late Conference sanctioned it, although no resolution to that effect came into our hands. The Rev. J. W. Sims has the movement in charge, and his circular, hereto appended, deserves thoughtful and sympathetic perusal :

"Northwood, Stoke-on-Trent, July 9.

"MY DEAR SIR,- In accordance with the resolution of the late Conference, I earnestly ask your co-operation with the Bible and Prayer Union. This Union exists to promote the systematic daily reading of the Word of God, and daily united and specific prayer. Though called Methodist,' it is not exclusive. Christian believers of any Church will be gladly welcomed as members.

"Members are expected-(a) To read daily the portion of Scripture appointed for the day; () to pray daily for all the members of the Union; (c) to bring before God, in their daily private devotions, the special requests for praise and prayer appointed for the day in the Monthly

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their names and twopence, in return for which a card of membership and a list of readings for the year will be sent. Members are, however, strongly urged to buy the Monthly Letter, which contains notes on the readings, requests for praise and prayer, family readings, and a memory text for each day of the month. This may be obtained (price one penny monthly) from any bookseller; or the Letter will be sent from the above address by the Secretary for twelve months for 18. 6d. prepaid. Those of our friends who have already joined the Union should in future transmit their renewal subscriptions through the secretary. It is most desirable that there should be at least one local Secretary in every Circuit (or, better still, in every society) in the Connexion, and I shall be glad to furnish ministerial or other members with books for the enrolment of members. Will you kindly bring this matter before your July Quarterly Meeting and take such other means as are likely to secure the adhesion of our friends ?-With cordial regards, yours sincerely,

"J. W. SIMS."


We have accounts of quite a number of these, but they do not come to us in fair form for detailed publication; and our fortunate and favoured brethren will be best pleased with this general statement. We congratulate them on the favour they have found among the people, and the valuable expressions of esteem and love they have received. And we congratulate, equally, the many brethren who by devoted service deserved such testimonials last year, but did not get them! No matter! Their witness is in heaven; their record is on high.



ON Tuesday, July 3, a special devotional service was held in the Southstreet Chapel, in connection with the departure of the Revs. E. Gratton and W. Shaw, for Australia. Both of these ministers have laboured in the

Sheffield Circuits. Tea was provided in the schoolroom, where a goodly number assembled. Brief addresses were given by Revs. Dr. Stacey, T. Scowby, T. Addyman, and W. H. Alcock. The public meeting was held in the chapel. There was a large congregation, many people having come from the distant societies in the three Circuits. The Rev. T. Rider presided. The Rev. Dr. Stacey gave a brief history of our Australian Mission, and spoke upon the qualifications required in a successful missionary, and the duty of the Church to mission the world. We were not surprised that, under the force of his eloquence, the congregation broke the regulation-viz., that as the meeting was a devotional one, there should not be applause. The Rev. S. Walker hoped that the confidence, affection, and prayer which that night so evidently gathered about these two brethren would not be transient, but that our Churches would more frequently, in meetings for prayer, remember the great Mission work. The Revs. E. Gratton and W. Shaw gave effective and tonching addresses, breathing the spirit of devotion to their work. At various stages of the meeting prayer for the Divine blessing on the Missionaries and the success of the work was offered by Revs. B. Turnock, J. Flather, Mr. Skelton, Mr. S. Maclaurin, and others. The President urged the great importance of personal and immediate dedication to God. The Revs. W. H. Alcock, T. Scowby, J. Shaw, E. Alty, and others, took part in this interesting meeting. A subdued and holy in fluence pervaded the whole assembly. Several were that night led to say:Thy ransomed servant, I

Restore to Thee Thy own;
And from this moment live or die
To serve my God alone.'



NEW schools are now being built in South-street, superseding old ones

which for some time past have been found inadequate to meet the increasing requirements of Sunday-school work. In the month of March, a meeting of the congregation was held to consider the question, How to secure better accommodation for our Sunday-school? Whilst there was a desire to retain and enlarge the old premises, around which gathered some of the earliest and happiest associations of the friends, yet, being convinced that this would be both expensive and inexpedient, it was determined to provide the most efficient accommodation possible for future work amongst the young. Encouraged by the liberal offer of our large-hearted friend Mr. C. T. Skelton, the people entered unitedly and heartily into the work. Promises were made amounting to nearly £900. Selection was made of plans showing a school with large room and several classrooms, designed for 1,000 scholars. The contract for the building is £2,000. The work is being done by Mr. G. Crookes and Mr. H. Brumby, both devoted friends of our school.

The ceremony of laying the memorial stones took place on June 18, in the presence of a large number of spectators. The Rev. W. Cocker, D.D., announced the opening hymn, appropriate portions of Scripture were read by the ex-President, Rev. W. Longbottom. The Rev. J. Stacey, D.D., offered prayer, after which the Secretary, Mr. Styring, deposited a bottle containing the usual documents. The

Rev. T. Scowby stated that the Committee had invited three ladies to lay the memorial stones of the new school. One of these, Mrs. Skelton, had been selected as representing the church and congregation. Mrs. Whitworth had been chosen as representing the larger family, the denomination, and the third, Mrs. Wilson, had been selected as representing the wide and growing Christian sympathy with the intellectual and moral welfare of the

youth of Sheffield. In requesting these ladies to officiate they had been

actuated not by a wish to obtain large subscriptions to their funds, but to have persons who were highly esteemed and beloved to inaugurate a movement which was for the good of the town and the glory of God. He then presented a silver trowel and a mallet to Mrs. John Whitworth, of Forest Hill, stating that the deep and generous interest which she and her husband, a man as generous as unassuming, took in the progress of the community was widely appreciated; and in inviting her to this service they desired to recognise and honour their well-known excellences of character. The first of the stones was then laid, Mrs. J. Whitworth announcing that she laid it in the name of the Holy Trinity and to the glory of God, and expressed the hope that the building would be erected without accident, and that when built it would receive largely, and continually increasing, the blessing of Him who said, "Suffer little children to come unto Me."

Mr. John Stacey made the next presentation of trowel and mallet to Mrs. Skelton, and in graceful terms spoke of the large and spontaneous generosity of her husband, stating that although for many years the need of a new school had been felt, yet it was owing to his liberality, encouraged by her equally generous promptings, that they had been led to undertake that work. Mrs. Skelton then laid the second stone, expressing a hope that the school might become a great blessing to the people of this thickly populated district.

Mr. Councillor G. Warriss made the next presentation to Mrs. J. Wycliffe Wilson. Referring to her election on the Sheffield School Board, he said that she had gone to that honourable position with the good wishes of the religious communities of the town.

Having laid the third stone, Mrs. Wilson said that it was true that, anxious as she and others were for the secular education of the children, they were still more so for their moral

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