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the fruit of our past labours. The original intention was to build a new chapel only on a new site; but the landlord, who is a Churchman, and does nothing for the village, and is unfriendly to Dissent, put such difficulties in the way of a new site, that it was impracticable. Hence we are compelled to build on the old site (a prominent front site); but this necessitates the pulling down of the old buildings entirely, and the building of both chapel and school at once. on account of this unexpected greater effort and greater expenditure that we are compelled more largely to ask for Connexional sympathy and help.

It is

The public aspect of the movement in respect to the honour of Nonconformists, the obligations of the Connexion, and the spiritual claims and need of the neighbourhood, is set forth in the accompanying letter to a local journal:


To the Editor of " The Reporter." SIR,-In your district news-column of Saturday last there was a paragraph which, however kindly meant, might convey a wrong impression to the public, and especially to those who have already expressed their sympathy and have promised help. Your correspondent, in referring to the pulling down of the Methodist New Connexion old chapel and school, Muslin-street, Newton, says "another is to be built in its place; but how a congregation will be found for it puzzles a great many people; " and then he refers to the empty houses and the impoverished trade of the neighbourhood in a way which seems to imply that it is a great folly to build a chapel and school there at all. Now, Sir, there are reasons, abundant reasons, why the trustees and members have resolved to build there. They have looked at all the facts hinted at by your correspondent; but there are other facts, some of which can be publicly stated, and others not,

which have compelled them to come to their present decision. I suppose your correspondent would not mean that the church and congregation, in addition to the school of 130 scholars and 25 teachers, should disband themselves -give up their ecclesiastical principles and their testimony to evangelical truth, or be swallowed up in the allembracing vortex of the Established Church? Why, Sir, the Methodist New Connexion is the Establishment in Newton, so far as age or priority is concerned, and has the natural repugnance of all ancient Establishments to be disestablished. The old building was erected so far back as 1815, and is the oldest place of worship in the village. Long before the Church of England had its present building we had the "cure of souls;" and now that the Establishment has its church and school, and its worthy Vicar, I am glad to say there is the kindliest feeling between the two Churches, as will be evident from the fact that permission has been kindly given by the Vicar and his friends for the Methodist New Connexion Missionary Society to hold its annual meeting in the "Church School." Whether there are difficulties in Newton or not through the fluctuations of trade, the National Church is carrying on its spiritual work, and we mean to do ours. There is room for us, and there is need for us. We are the only Nonconformist Church in that part of the neighbourhood, and it has long been the reproach of Nonconformity that it deserts old places and small populations and rushes after the great crowds of cities and wealthy suburbs. The vast populations should not be neglected, neither should the small ones. Diminished as the population is at Newton, there are yet inhabitants in the neighbourhood numerous enough to fill both places of worship and both the schools there. As Mr. Bedford, the secretary of the building committee, said, when asked why they were going to build at Newton, "There are hundreds of souls

there that need saving, and there are scores of children that need instruc. tion, and so long as this is the case, there is some justification for our remaining there." The old chapel and school were old, dilapidated, ugly, and uncomfortable, and needed improving away. Their only value was as relics of antiquity-relics of those barn-like, dreary, and unsightly buildings put up as Dissenting chapels and school three-quarters of a century ago. Such relics are too costly to keep-at least, for self-supporting Dissenting communities. For six or seven years have the Nonconformist poor of Newton been working and giving and saving for a new building, and they are worthy of it if ever people were. I never knew faith and self-denial, and heroic endeavour, more persistently sustained, nor amid greater discouragements or more chilling depressions. Nor must the fact be overlooked that we had the old site (with ground rent) and old buildings on our hands, with no probability of disposing of them. But our chief object is to provide more efficient and comfortable accommodation, and on a spot too where we think we have, according to our circumstances, the best chance of conserving our own interests, and promoting the public good. Though Newton has been for some time in an apparent decline, it is not dead, nor dying, and its trade may brighten up yet. It will, if those who have both public responsibility and power considerately and humanely do their duty. -I am, yours sincerely,




ON Sunday, September 30, the anniversary of the opening of the above beautiful chapel was held. The congregations were excellent, services

being conducted by the Rev. H. T. Marshall.

On the following Monday a tea was provided, and after that public meeting was held, nresided over by the Rev. T. T. Rushworth. The object of this meeting was to consider the project of clearing the debt of two thousand pounds that now is on the building.

At the meeting it was made known that a splendid start had already been made, as three gentlemen had promised to give one thousand pounds, if the other members of the congregation would raise the other thousand. With such a beginning, no wonder that the tone of the meeting was hopeful and enthusiastic. All the speeches were short, full, racy, and to the point. The following brethren took part in the proceedings: The Revs. H. T. Marshall, T. T. Rushworth, W. Hookins, and D. Bailey, with Messrs. Alderman Lindley (Mayor), Councillor Loverseed, G. Goodall, T. J. Woolatt, M. Ford, jun., E. Brown, and W. Fearfield.

At the time of writing, the statement below indicates the condition of the effort, but as a large working committee has been formed, it is confidently hoped that the whole of the amount will be realised by the end of next year.

The following is a list of subscriptions:-W. Foster, Esq., £500; Alderman L. Lindley, £250; Councillor E. Loverseed, £250; Mrs. Bradley, £50; total, £1,050. D. BAILEY.

CHRIST'S CHURCH, BULWELL. THE opening of our new church took place on August 23 last. The sermon was preached by the venerable Dr. Cooke. There was a large attendance, and at the public tea about 700 sat down, the expense being defrayed by friends in all parts of the circuit, who sent trays of 5s. each to the number of 174. The evening meeting was presided over by Councillor Acton,

who kindly gave £10 to the funds. Addresses were given by Revs. A. Leach, W. Hookins, D. Bailey, Messrs. E. Brown, E. G. Loverseed, jun., and T. Hardy. The services were continued on Sundays, August 26, by the Rev. T. Rider (President); September 2, by Rev. G. Packer; September 9, by Rev. F. Jewell, who also gave three lectures during the following week, with good results; and on September 16 the Rev. T. T. Rushworth conducted the concluding services. The entire opening services were very successful, both as regards money and spiritual results. We have received from friends unable to be present the following donations:-W. Foster, Esq., £10; J. E. Ellis, Esq., £10; F. Acton, Esq., £10; J. Renals, Esq., £10; T. Shaw, Esq., £5; G. Goodall, Esq., £2 28.; F. N. Ellis, Esq., £1; J. Sharpe, Esq., £1 18.; T. Dalley, Esq., £1; Alf. Cooper, Esq., £1; J. Barnett, Esq., £1; F. Sturton, Esq., £1; tea on opening day, £52 10s.; collection, £114 78. Total, £220. We had previously received £850, so that our income up to present date has reached the sum of £1,070. We are unable to say at present what the cost of the building really is, but the estimate of the architect is £2,000. Dear Sir, you will be glad to know that every Sunday evening's service has been followed by rich displays of God's saving grace. We had five penitents came forward to seek mercy on the first Sunday, when the President preached (glory to God!) and every Sunday since sinners have been pressing into God's kingdom, our beautiful sanctuary being well filled, which is a grand sight. Our dear friends are all aglow with spiritual earnestness and fervour-real fire off the divine altar-God sent-not imported by strangers, or got up by

novel and spasmodic efforts, but by crowded prayer-meetings and holiness meetings, with regular Mission work. Thus we 66 compel them to come in

till God's house is full." We have a splendid lot of earnest Christian workers, but all are poor men and women. We have to look, therefore, in simple faith to God for the money to pay for the church we have erected in His name, and dedicated to His glory; but our people show no anxiety on that ground; they are working for souls, and we are sure He will send the money. He has sent us over £1,000 during the last four years, and has said, "Try Me, and prove Me," which we take to be our special part of the work. If there be any rich people in the Connexion who wish to further God's glory by helping in this grand work, we wish they would please send at once to our Secretary, J. W. Thorp, 8, Forest-road, Bulwell, Nottingham. THOMAS HARDY.



THE memorial-stones of a handsome new Gothic Church in the Redclifferoad, Nottingham, were laid by the Mayor (Alderman Lindley), Colonel Seeley, M.P., Alderman Burton, and Mr. Joseph Fearfield, on Thursday, October 18. The Rev. W. Hookins stated that the church is being erected as the future home of the Woodboro'road congregation, at an estimated cost (including land) of nearly £9,000. The ceremony realised £300, bringing the total of receipts and promises to about £4,500. The church is being built in a rising and respectable district, and it is confidently hoped that a large congregation will be secured, and a strong cause created, which may God grant !

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Believest thou? Then thou wilt speak boldly. Speakest thou boldly? Then thou must suffer. Sufferest thou? Then thou shalt be comforted.

thereof, and the cross do follow one after another."-Luther's

For faith, the confession


Table Talk."

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