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If a survey be taken with a chain which is 3 inches too long; or with one whose length is 42 feet 3 inches, and the map thereof be found to contain 920A. 2R. 20P. Required the true content.

As the square of 42F. Oln. the square of 50% inches 254016

Is to the content of the map 920A. 1R. 20P. =147260P.

:: The square of 42F. 3In. the square of 507 inches 257049

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Third Method for determining the Areas of rightlined Figures universally, or by Calculation.




Plate VIII. fig. 7.


ERIDIANS are north and south lines, which are supposed to pass through every station of the survey.

2. The difference of latitude, or the northing or southing of any stationary line, is the distance that one end of the line is north or south from the other end; or it is the distance which is intercepted on the meridian, between the beginning of the stationary line and a perpendicular drawn from the other end to that meridian. Thus, if N. S. be a meridian line passing through the point A of the line AB, then is Ab the difference of latitude, or southing of that line.

3. The departure of any stationary line, is the nearest distance from one end of the line to a meridian passing through the other end. Thus Bb is the departure or easting of the line AB: but if CB be a meridian, and the measure of the stationary distance be taken from B to A; then is BC the difference of latitude, or northing, and AC the departure or westing of the line BA.

4. That meridian which passes through the first station, is sometimes called the first meridian; and sometimes it is a meridian passing on the east or west side of the map, at the distance of the breadth thereof, from east to west, set off from the first station.

5. The meridian distance of any station is the distance thereof from the first meridian, whether it be supposed to pass through the first station, or on the east or west side of the map.


In every survey which is truly taken, the sum of the northings will be equal to that of the southings; and the sum of the eastings equal to that of the westings.

Plate IX. fig. 1.

Let a, b, c, e, f, g, h, represent a plot, or parcel of land. Let a be the first station, b the second, c the third, &c. Let NS be a meridian line, then will all lines parallel thereto, which pass through the several stations, be meridians also; as ao, bs,


cd, &c. and the lines bo, cs, de, &c. perpendicu lar to those, will be east or west lines, or departures.

The northings ei+go+hq=ao+bs +cd+fr the southings for let the figure be completed; then it is plain, that go + bq + rk = ao+bs+ cd, and eirk=fr. If to the former part of this first equation ei―rk be added and fr to the latter, then go+bq+ei=ao+bs + cd+fr; that is, the sum of the northings is equal to that of the southings.

The eastings cs + qa = ob + de + if + rg + ab, the westings. For aq + yo (az)=de + if + rg + oh, and bocs — yo. If to the former part of this first equation, cs-yo be added, and bo to the latter, then es + aq=ob + de + if + rg + ob; that is, the sum of the eastings is equal to that of the westings. Q. E. D.


This theorem is of use to prove whether the field-work be truly taken, or not; for if the sum of the northings be equal to that of the southings, and the sum of the eastings to that of the westings, the field-work is right, otherwise


Since the proof and certainty of a survey depend on this truth, it will be necessary to shew how the difference of latitude and departure for any stationary line, whose course and distance are given, may be obtained by the tables hereunto


To find the Difference of Latitude and Departure, by the Help of the annex

ed Table.

This table is so contrived, that by finding therein the given course, and a distance not exceeding 100 miles, chains, perches, or feet, the difference of latitude and departure is had by inspection; the course is to be found at the top of the table when under 45 degrees; but at the bottom of the table when above 45 degrees. Each column signed with a course consists of two parts, one for the difference of latitude, marked Lat. the other for the departure, marked Dep. which names are both at the top and bottom of these columns. The distance is to be found in the column marked Dist. next the margin of the page.


In the use of those tables, a few observations only

are necessary.

1. If a station consist of any number of even chains or perches (which are almost the only measures used in surveying) the latitude and departure are found at sight under the bearing or course, if less than 45 degrees; or over it if more, and in a line with the distance.

2. If a station consist of any number of chains and perches, and decimals of a chain or perch, under the distance 10, the lat. and dep. will be found as above, either over or under the bearing;

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