Imágenes de páginas

capacity; and if any of the subordinates so applying shall be found suitable and qualified, the name or names, not exceeding three, of the best qualified shall be certified by the board of examiners to the Secretary, arid from this list the nomination or appointment will be made. But if no such subordinate be found qualified, the said board shall certify to the Secretary the name or names, not exceeding three, of the best qualified among the other applicants, and from this list the nomination or appointment will be made. If, however, no applicants under this regulation shall be found suitable and qualified, the vacancy will be tilled at discretion. Appointments to all other positions in the customs service in said districts may be, until otherwise ordered, excepted from the operation of the rules.

8. When a vacancy occurs in the office of postmaster in cities having, according to the census of 1870, a population of twenty thousand or more, the Postmaster General shall ascertain if any of the subordinates in such office are suitable persons qualified to discharge efficiently the duties of postmaster, and, if such are found, he shall certify to the President the name or names of those subordinates, not exceeding three in number, who, in his judgment, are best qualified for the position, from which list, the President will make the nomination to fill the vacancy. But if no such subordinate be found so qualified, or if the nomination be not confirmed by the Senate, the nomination will be made at the discretion of the President. Vacancies occurring iti such positions in the said post offices as are included in the subjoined classification will be filled in accordance with the rules. Appointments to all other positions in the said post offices may be, until otherwise ordered, excepted from the operation of the rules.

9. When a vacancy occurs in the office of postmaster, of a class not otherwise provided for, applications for the position from any subordinate or subordinates in the office, or from other persons residing within the de livery of the office, may be addressed to the Postmaster General, inclosing proper certifi cates of character, responsibility, and capacity ; and if any of the subordinates so applying shall be found suitable and qualified, the name or names of the best qualified, not exceeding three, shall be certified by the board of examiners to the Postmaster General, and from them the nomination or appointment shall be made. But if no subordinate be found qualified, the said board shall certify to the Postmaster General the name or names, not exceeding three, of the best qualified among the other applicants, and from them the nomination or appointment shall be made. If, however, no applicants under this regulation shall be found suitable and qualified, the vacancy will be filled at discretion. Appointments to all other positions in the said post offices may be, until otherwise ordered, excepted from the operation of the rules.

10. Special agents of the Post Office Department shall be appointed by the Postmaster

General at discretion from persons already in the postal service, and who shall have served therein for a period of not less than one year immediately preceding the appointment. Bat if no person within the service shall, in the judgment of the Postmaster General, be suitable and qualified, the appointment shall be made from all applicants under the rules.

11. Mail route messengers shall be appointed in the manner provided for the appointment of postmasters whose annual salary is less than two hundred dollars.

12. When a vacancy occurs in the office of register or receiver of the land office, or of pension agent, applications in writing from residents in the district in which the vacancy occurs may be addressed to the Secretary of the Interior, inclosing proper certificates of character, responsibility, and capacity; and if any of the applicants shall be found suitable and qualified, the name or names, not exceeding three, of the best qualified, shall be certified by the board of examiners to the Secretary, and from this list the nomination will be made. If, however, no applicants under this regulation shall be found suitable and qualified, the nomination will be made at discretion.

13. When a vacancy occurs in the office of Uiiiied States marshal, applications in writing from residents in the district in which the vacancy occurs may be addressed to the Attorney General of tue United States, inclosing proper certificates of character, responsibility, and capacity; and if any-of the applicants shall be found suitable and qualified, the name or names, not exceeding three, of the best qualfied shall be certified by the board of examiners to the Attorney General, and from this list the nomination will be made. lt\ however, no applicants under this regulation shall be found suitable and qualified, the nomination will be made at discretion.

14. Appointments to fill vacancies occurring in offices in th« several Territories, excepting those of judges of the United States courts, Indian agents and superintendents, will be made from suitable and qualified persons domiciled in the Territory in which the vacancy occurs, if any such are found.

15. It shall be the duty of the examining board in each of the Departments to report to the advisory board such modifications in the rules and regulations as, in the judgment of such examining board, are required for appointments to certain positions, to which, by reason of distance, or of difficult access, or of other sufficient cause, the rules and regulations cannot be applied with advantage; and if the reason for such modifications shall be satisfactory to the advisory board, said board will recommend them for approval.

16. Nothing in these rules and regulations shall prevent the reappointment at discretion of the incumbents of any office the term of which is fixed by law; and when such reappointment is made no vacancy within the meaning of the rules shall be deemed to have occurred.

17. Appointments to all positions in the civil service not included in the subjoined classifications, nor otherwise specially provided for by the rules and regulations, may, until otherwise ordered, be excepted from the operation of the rules.

[Classification omitted.]


Rules and Regulations for the Civil Service Promulgated by the President 19th December, 1871, as Amended by the Executive Order, 10th April, 1HV2.

1. No person shall be admitted to any position in the civil service within the appointment of the President or the heads of Departments who is not a citizen of the United States; who shall not have furnished satisfactory evidence in regard to character, health, and age; and who shall not have passed a satisfactory examination in speaking, reading, and writing the English language.

2. An advisory board of suitable persons to be employed by the President under the ninth section of the act of March 3, 1871, entitled "An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1872, and for other purposes," shall, so far as practicable, group the positions in each branch of the civil service according to the character of the duties to be performed, and shall grade each group from lowest to highest for the purpose of promotion within the group. Admission to the civil service shall always be to the lowest grade of any group; and to such positions as cannot be grouped or graded, admission shall bedetermined as provided for the lowest grade.

3. A vacancy occurring in the lowest grade of any group of offices shall be filled, after due public notice, from all applicants who shall present themselves, and who shall have furnished the evidence and satisfied the preliminary examination already mentioned, and who shall have passed a public competitive examination to test knowledge, ability, and special qualifications lor the performance of the duties of the office. The board conducting such competitive examination shall prepare, under the supervision of the advisory board, a list of the names of the applicants, in the order of their excellence, as proved by such examination, beginning with the highest; and shall then certify to the nominating or appointing power, as the case may be, the names standing at the head of such list not exceeding three; and from the names thus certified the appointment shall be made.

4. A vacancy occurring in any grade of a group of offices, above the lowest, shall be filled by a competitive examination of applicants from the other grades of that group, and the list of names from which the appointment is to be made shall be prepared and certified as provided in the preceding rule; but if no such applicants are found competent, the appointment shall be made upon an examination of all applicants, conducted in accordance with the provisions for admission to the lowest gra«ta

5. Applicants certified as otherwise qualified for appointment as cashiers of collectors of customs, cashiers of assistant treasurers, cashiers of postmasters, superintendents of moneyorder divisions in post offices, and such other custodians of large sums of money as may hereafter be designated by the advisory board, and for whose pecuniary fidelity another officer is responsible, shall, nevertheless, not be appointed, except with the approval of such other officer.

6. Postmasters whose annual salary is less than two hundred dollars may be appointed upon the written request of applicants, with such evidence of character and fitness as shall be satisfactory to the head of the Department.

7. The appointment of all persons entering the civil service in accordance with these regulations, excepting persons appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, postmasters, and persons appointed to any position in a foreign country, shall be made for a probationary term of six months, during which the conduct and capacity of such persons shall be tested; and if, at the end of said probationary term, satisfactory proofs of their fitness shall have been furnished by the board of examiners to the head of the Department in which they shall have been employed during said term, they

| shall be reappointed.

I 8. The President will designate three persons in each Department of the public service | to serve as aboard of examiners, which, under ! the supervision of the advisory board, and I under regulations to be prescribed by it, and at such times and places as it may determine, shall conduct personally, or by persons approved by the advisory board, all investigations and examinations for admission into said Departments, or for promotion therein.

9. Any person who, after long and faithful service in a Department, shall be incapacitated by mental or bodily infirmity for the efficient discharge of the duties of his position, may be appointed by the head of the Department, at his discretion, to a position of less responsibility in the same Department.

10. Nothing in these rules shall prevent the appointment of aliens to positions in the consular service, which, by reason of small compensation or of other sufficient cause, are, in the judgment of the appointing power, necessarily so filled; nor the appointmejit of such persons within the United States as are indispensable to a proper discharge of the duties of certain positions, but who may not be familiar with the English language or legally capable of naturalization.

11. No head of a Department, nor any subordinate officer of the Government, shall, as such officer, authorize or permit, or assist in levying, any assessment of money, for political purposes, under the form of voluntary contributions or otherwise, upon any person employed under his control, nor shall any such person pay any money so assessed.

12. The advisory board shall at any time recommend to the President sach changes in these rules as it may Consider necessary to secure the greater efficiency of the civil service.

13 From these rules are excepted the heads of Departments, Assistant Secretaries of Departments, Assistant Attorneys General, Assistant Postmasters General, Solicitor General, Solicitor of the Treasury, Naval Solicitor, Solicitor of Internal Revenue, Examiner of Claims in the State Department, Treasurer of the United States, Register of the Treasury, First and Second Comptrollers of the Treasury,

other heads of bureaus in the several Departments, judges of the United States courts, district attorneys, private secretary of the President, embassadors and other public ministers, Superintendent of the Coast Survey, ! Director of the Mint, Governors of Territo: ries, special commissioners, special counsel, visiting and examining boards, persons appointed to positions without compensation for services, dispatch agents, and bearers of dispatches.



The Eight-Hour Law.

Fortieth CongressSecond Session.

1868, January 6—The House passed this bill, without a division:

Be it enac'ed, &c, That eight hours shall constitute a d-iy's work for all laboiers, workmen, and mechanics now employed, or who may be hereafter employed, by or on behalf of the Government of the United States; and that all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act he, ami the same are hereby, repealed.

June 24—The Senate considered it, and Mr. Sherman moved to insert after the words il United States," in the fifth line, the following:

*' And unless otherwise provided by law, the rate of wages paid by the United States shall be the current rate for the same labor, for the same time, at the place of employment."

Which was disagreed to—yeas 16, nays 21:

Yeas—Messrs. Cattell, Corbett, Davis, Edmunds, Ferry, Fessenden, Howard, Morgan, Morrill of Maine, Morrill of Vermont, Patterson of New Hampshire. Ross, Sherman, Sumner, Van Winkle, Williams—16.

Nays—Messrs. Buckaleio, Cole, Conkling, Conness, Craarin. Dixon, D >oLittle, Harlan, Hendricks, Johnson, McDonald, McCrcery, Morton, Nye, Pattereon of Tennessee, Pomeroy, Ramsey, Stewart, Tipton, Wade, Wilson—21.

The bill then passed—yeas 26, nays 11:

Yeas—Messrs. Buckaleio, Chandler, Cole, Conness, Cragin, Dixon, Doolitile, Fowler, Harlan, Hendricks, Howard, McCreery, McDonald, Morton, Nye, Patterson of New Hampshire, Patterson of Tennessee, Ramsey, Ross, Stewart, Thayer, Tipton, Wade, Williams, Wi'son, Yates—26.

Nays—Messrs. Corhett, Davis. Edmunds, Ferry, Fesseuden, Morgan, Morrill of Vermont, Pomeroy, Sherman, bumner, Van Winkle—11.

Opinion of Attorney General Hoar as to its

Effect. Attorney General's Office, Washington, April 21, 1869. Hon. A. E. Boliie, Secretary of the Navy.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of" April 3, 1869, in which you ask my opinion upon the true meaning and effect of the act of Congress approved June 25,1868, which fixe's the number of hours

constituting a day's work of laborers, workmen, and mechanics in the employment of the United States, taken in connection with the act of July 16, 1862, which provided "that section eight of an act to further promote the efficiency of the Navy, approved December 21, 1861, be amended so as to read as follows: that the hours of labor and the rate of wages of the employes in the navy-yards shall conform, as nearly as is consistent with the public interest, with those of'the private establishments in the immediate vicinity of the respective yards, to be determined by the commandants of the navy-yards, subject to the approval and revision of the Secretary of the Navy."

In reply, I have the honor to say that the whole subject was fully considered in the opinion given by ray predecessor in office, Mr. Evarts, to the President, on the 25th of November, 1868, to which I beg leave to refer you, and from the conclusions of which I see no reason to differ.

In my opinion the statute of June 25, 1868, has nothing to do with the compensation to be paid to workmen in the navy-yards, and leaves that to be determined under the provisions of the act of July 16, 1862. The provision that eight hours shall constitute a day's labor has no tendency whatever to show whether the day's labor thus established shall be paid at a lower or higher rate than the day of ten hours' labor or at the same rate. The rate of compensation is still left by law to be determined under the rules prescribed by the statute of July 16, 1862, so as to ''conform as nearly as is consistent with the public interest, with those of private establishments in the immediate vicinity of the respective yards, to be determined by the commandants of the navy-yards, subject to the approval and revision of the Secretary of the Navy."

If the private establishments in the neighborhood employed their hands for five hours a day only, there would obviously be no justice in reducing the wages of those employed in the navy-yards to the amount paid by the day in private establishments; and the law intended no such results. On the other hand, I find nothing in the statute which requires you to pay the same price for eight hours' labor which private establishments pay for ten or twelve, unless the amount of service or trie quality of the work make the fewer hours in the navy-yards equivalent in value to the longer time hired in private establishments, or for some other reason make it consistent with the public interest.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
E. R. HOAR, Attorney General.

President Grant's order Respecting Wages of Labor, May 10, 1889.

Whereas the act, of Congress, approved June 25, 1808, constituted on and after that date eight hours a day's work for ail laborers, workmen, and mechanics employed by or on behalf of the Government of the United States, and repealed all acts and parts of acts inconsistent therewith:

Now, therefore, I, Ulysses S. Grant, President, of the United States, do hereby direct that from and after r.his date no reduction shall be made in the wages paid by the Government by the day to such laborers, work men, and mechanics, on account of such reduction of the hours of labor.

In testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the city of Washington, this 19th day of May, in the year of our Lord 1869. [seal.] and of the independence of the United States the ninety-third.

U. S. Grant.

By the President:

Hamilton Fish,

Secretary of State.

Forty-Second Congress, Second Session.

In House.

1872, March 7—Per.ding the deficiency ap propriation bill, Mr. Dawes moved this new section:

Sec. 2. That the proper accounting officers be, and hereby are, authorized and required, I in the settlement of all accounts for the services of laborers, workmen, and mechanics employed by or on behalf of the Government of the United States, between the 25th day of June, 18b8, the date of the act constituting eight hours a day's work for all such laborers, workmen, and mechanics, and the 19th day of May, 1869. the date of the proclamation of the President concerning such pay, to settle and pay for the same, without reduction on account of reduction of hours of labor by Said act, and a sufficient sura for said purpose is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Mr. Farnsworth moved to add these words:

Provided, That no part of the money hereby appropriated shall be paid to any mechanics or laborers who have already been paid for eight hours' labor four fifths as much as the amount which was paid to like laborers and mechanics for ten hours' labor.

The amendment was agreed to—yeas 88,

nays 80:

Yeas—Messrs. Adams, Ambler, Averill, Berber, Barnum, Barry, Beady, Biggs, Bingham, B<-d, A. Blair, Braxton, Burchard, t.'aldwell, CairolL Coburn, Conner, Cotrou, Crtteher, Cross-land. I)<nu*, Donnan, Dox, Du Bo-se, Duke, Et<<reag'\ Farnswon h, Farwell, Fin kem burg, Porker. Garrett, G'dladay, Uamb let on, Handley, Hunk*. Harper, «/. T. Harris, ti.W. Hazel ion, Hereford, Kerr, King, L<u/t tsou, Lewis, Manson, McCormick. McGrew, Mall*a y, Md 'tyre, McJunkin, McKinney, Merrick, Miict ell, Moore, Oit, Palmer, I. C. Parker, Peck, E Perry, Peters, Potter, I'rit-e, Read, E. Y. Rice, ./. M. idee, Siianks, Sheldon, Slater, Slot-urn, Sloss. J. A. iSantii, W. C. Smith, Stevens, Suthermnd, Taff<;, Terry, Tnthill, T\ ner, Van, Trum}). Vauahan, Voorhees, Wai eo, Waidron, Wurr<-n, W>//*,Wniard, Williams oi Indiana, J. T. Wiison, Wi»ch«Hte,—m.

Nays Messrs. Acker, Archer, Arthur, B inks, Bigby, G. M.Brooks. Buckley, Buffiuton, Burdett, K R. Butler, C >ghlan, Conner, C:t-elv, 1). wes, Duell, Bunnell, W. D. Foste\ Frye, Garfield. G', Haldeman,tU\sev, 11,inner, Hawley, 11 y. H ,v\s, J. W. Hazel ton. Hill, Hoar, dolman, Hooper, Houghton, Keliey, Kwliogg, Kendall, Ke>ouain, ldiinger, Lansing, Mar-shall, McCleliund, McCrary. M >rcur, Merriam. B. P. Meyer*, Monroe, Morgan, L. Myers, Niblick, Packard, Packer. Pendleton, Perce, Piatt, Raiuey, Randall, E. H. Roberts. Rusk, Sargent, Sawyer, Seeley, Sessions, Sherwood, Suoemaker, 11. B. Smith. Snanp, Snyder. T. J. Speer, Sprague, Starkweather, Stevenson, Strong, 1). T<>wn*p«d, Turner, Upson, Waddell, Wakeman, Wallace, Wheeler, Whiteley, J. M. Wilson—80.

The morion, as amended, was then agreed to—yeas 117, nays 42:

Yeas—Messrs. Acker, Archer, Arthur, B inks, Barnum, Barry, Bgby, Bird, Braxton, B>-iglu. G. M. Brooks. J. Brooks, Buckley, Buffiuton, B. F. Butler, R. R.Butler, Catdwdl, Carroll, Cobb, C>gnlau, Coin ingo. Conger, Cotton, Crebs, Crtteher, D"vis, Daves, Du Bone, Duell, /Juke, Eidrtdge, Fuikemburg, Porker, C. Foster, W. 1). Foster, Fryc, Garrett, Getz, (Jcoltaday, Haldeman, Hjihey, H inner, J. T. Harris, Hawley, H iy, 11 i.ys. G. W- 11 zjlr.on, J. W. II izelTon, Hill, Hoar, Holman, Hooper, Houghton, K-.-iiey, Kellogg. Kendall, Kerr, Keicaam, Kniiuger, King, Lamison, L'wls, Marshall, McClelland, McCormick, McCrary, MclPnry, McKmney, Meivur, Merriam, Merrick, B. P. Meyers, Mitchell, Monroe, Morgan, L. Meyers, Negley, Ntblack, P..cker, I. C. Parker. Pendleton, Perce, E.Perry, Piatt, liainey, Randall,

F. H. Roberts, Robinson, Rusk. Sawyer, Sneldon, Sherwood, Shoemaker, Slater, Slocum, II. B. Smith, Snapp, Snyder, T. J.'Speer, Sprague, Starkweather, Stevenson, Stowell, Strong, W. i'ownsend. Pa-hill, Twichell, Upson, Voorhees, Wakeman, Wailace, Warren, Wheeler, Whiteley, Williams oi New York, J. M. Wiison, Wood—11.7. .

Nays—Messrs. Ambler. Barber, Beatty, A. Blair, J.

G. Blair, Burehard, Creely, Grassland, Donnan, Dox, Bunnell, Farnsworth, Girfield, Hambleton, Handley, Harper, Manson, McGrew, McLttyre, MeJunkin, Orr, Palmer, Peck. Peters. Pnndle, Bead, E. Y. Bice, J. M. /iice, Seeley, Sessions, Shanks, J. A. Dmitri, W. C.Smith, Terry, Tyner, Waddell, Walden, Waldron, Wiilard, Williams of Indiana, J. I. Wilson, Winchester—42.

In Senate.

April 15—The Senate adopted, in Committee of the Whole, without a division, the following substitute, reported by the Committee on Appropriations, for the above:

That there shall be paid to the policemen, oilers, and shop-tenders who were employed at the Springfield armory, in Massachusetts, or at any other armory or Government establishment, under similar circumstances, on and after the 30th day of July, 1868, the sums respectively by whiph their wages were reduced by order of the War Department under the eight hour law, so called.

April 27—Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, moved to insert the words "and all laws regulating the hours of labor are hereby repealed."

Mr. Spencer moved that the amendment be laid on the table; which was agreed to—yeas 24, nays 20:

Yeas—Messrs. Bayard, Boreman, Carpenter. Casserly, Cole. Cooper, D <vis of West Virginia. Goldthwaite, Kellogg, Kelly, Morton, Pomeroy, Pratt, Ramsey, Ransom, Rice, Scliurz, Spencer, Stevenson, Stewart, Stockton, Sumner, West, Wilson—24.

Nays—Messrs. Alcorn, Ames, Anthony, Buckingham, Caldwell, Chandler, Corbett, Edmunds, Ferry of Connecticut, Ferry of Michigan, Hamilton of Maryland, Hamilton of Texas, Hamlin, Morrill of Maine. Morrill of Vermont, Nye, Robertson, Trumbull, Vickers, Wright—20.

The Senate first, refused (yeas 22, nays 24) to strike out the proviso to the House section, but afterward struck it, out, without a division, after having been reconsidered—yeas 27, nays 23:

Yeas—Messrs. Bayard, Blair, Boreman, Casserly, Conking, Cooper, Davis of West Virginia, Hamlin, Hill, Johnston, Kelly, Logan, Morton, Nye, Pratt, Ramsey, Ransom, Rice, Sawyer, Scliurz, Spencer, Stockton, Sumner, Tipton, Trumbull, West, Wilson—27.

Nays—Mes-rs. Alcorn, Ames, Anthony, Buckingham, Caldwell, Cnandler, Cole, Corbett, Edmunds, Ferry of Connecticut, Ferry of Michigan, Gilbert, Goldthwaite, Hamilton of Maryland, Hamilton of Texas, Harlan, Morrill of Maine, Pomeroy, Robertson, Stevenson, Vickers, Windom, Wright—23.

And then—yeas 24, nays 25—non-concurred in the amendment reported by the Commitiee on Appropriations, stated above, thus concurring in the House section less the proviso.

In House.

May 6—The Senate amendment was concurred in on a division, yeas 78, nays 59, after having voted down an amendment offered by Mr. Farnsworth to add the following words:

And shall aUo pay those who worked ten hours as a day's work twenty per cent, in addition to the sum they have already received.

Proposed Labor Commission.

In House.

1871, December 20—The following bill passed:

That there shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, a commission of three persons, who shall be selected from civil life, solely with reference to their character and capacity for an honest and impartial investigation, and of whom at least one shall be practically identified with the laboring interests of the country, and who shall hold office for the period of one year from the date of their appointment, unless their duties shall have been sooner accomplished, who shall investigate the subject of the wages and hours of labor, and of the division of the joint profi-s of labor and capital between the laborer and the capitalist, and the social, educational, and sanitary con dition of the laboring classes of the United States, and how the same are affected by existing laws regulating commerce, finance, and currency: Provided, That said commissioners shall be appointed irrespective of political or partisan considerations, and from civil life.

Sec. 2. That said commissioners' shall receive an annual salary of $5,000 each, shall be authorized to employ a clerk, and shall report the result of their investigation to the President, to be by him transmitted to Congress.

Yeas 135, nays 36:

Yeas—Messrs. Acker, Ambler, Archer, Arthur, Banks, Barry, Beatty, Bell, Bingham, A. Blair, G. M. Brooks, Buckley, BufFinton, Burdett, Cobb, Coghlan, Conger, Cox, Creb*, Creely, Dawes, Donnan, Box, Duell, Eames, Finkelnburg, Forker, C. Foster, Frye, Garfield, Getz, Gotladay. Goodrich, Griffith, Haldeman. Hancock, Planner, G. E. Harris, Havens, Hawley, Hay. Hays, G. W. Hazeltou, J. W. Hazelton, Hereford, He radon. Ribbard, Hill, Hoar, Holmaa, Houghton, Kelley, Ketcham, Kit linger, King, Ki»sella, Lamport, Lansing, Lowr, Lynch, Manson, Marshall, Maynard. McClelland, MrCrary, McJunkin, MeKee, McKinney, McNeely, M"reur, Merriam, Merrick, B. F. Meyers, Monroe, Moore, Morphis, Negiey, Niblack, Packard, Packer, II. W. Parker, I. C. Parker, Pendleton, Perce. E. Perry, Porter, Prindle, Rainey, E. H. Roberts, W. It. Roberts, Robinson, J. Rogers, Rusk, Scofieid, Seeley, Shanks, Sheldon, Sherwood, Shober, Shoemaker, Slocum, H. B. Smith. J. A. Smith, Snyder, R. M. Speer, T. J. Speer, Sprague, Stevens, Stevenson, Storm, Stoughton, Stovveil, Swann. Sypber, Thomas, W. Townsend, Twichell, Tyner, Upson, Van Trump, Voorhees, Waddell, Wakernan, Walden, Waldron, Wallace, Walls, Washburn. Wells, Wheeler. Wmteley, Williams of Indiana, J. M. Wilson, J. T. Wilson, Wood—135.

Nays—Messrs. Adams, Barber, Bird. Braxton, Bright, Burchard, Caldwell, Campbell, F. Clarke, Comingo,G>nner, Critcher,Crosslan<I, Davis, Dn Bose, Eldredge, Ilandley, J. T. Harris, Kerr,Lewis. McCormick, Mclntyre, Palmer, Peck, Price, Head, E. Y. Rice, J. M, Rice, Ritchie, Sessions, Slater, Taffe, Terry, Whitthorne, Winchester, Young—3d.

In Senate.

1872, May 29—As in Committee of the Whole, the tax and tariff bill pending,

Mr. Sawyer moved to amend by inserting after section eleven the above sections, with an addition so that the second section, after the word '-clerk" read: "at an annual salary of $1,400, and shall report the result of their investigation to the President, to be by him transmitted to Congress; and there is hereby appropriated, for the payment of said salaries, $16,400, and $1,000 in addition thereto for stationery and postage for the use of said commissioners."

Mr. Pomeroy moved to amend the amendment by striking out the words "from civil life," where they first occur in the first section; which was disagreed to.

Mr. Pomeroy moved to amend the amendment by striking out the words:

Provided, That said commissioners shall be appointed irrespective of political or partisan consideration, and from civil life,

Which was disagreed to—yeas 18, nays 35:

Yeas—Messrs. Ames, Anthony, Boreman, Caldwell, Carpenter, Chandler, Clayton, Cole, Corbett, Ferry of Michigan, Flanagan, Frelinghuyscn, Hitchcock, Logan, Morrill of Maine, Nye, Pomeroy, Ramsey—18.

Nays—Messrs. Alcorn, Bayard, Blair, Cameron, Cass'-rlg, Conkling, Cooper, Cragin, Goldthwaite, Hamilton of Maryland, Hamilton of Texas, Hamlin, Hill, Johnston, Kelly, Lewis, Morrill of Vermont, Morton, Patterson, Pool, Robertson, Saulsbury, Sawyer, Scott, Sheriuau, Spencer, Sprague, Stevenson, Stockton, Tipton, Trumbull. Vickers, West, Wilson, Wright—35.

Mr. Wilson moved to strike the word

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