Imágenes de páginas
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A key. 2. With money.

6. O

3. To the breast. 4. Of a hero. 5. We bestow honours. voice. 7. Of a crime. 8. Kinds. 9. Of a river. 10. With a lever. 1. To the king. 2. In the night. 3. Of a silk-worm. 4. In youth. 5. Of a bone. 6. To the mouth. 7. He loves praise. 8. O fraud. 9. Of a serpent.

1. Trees. 2. Of the jaws. 3. With a young man. 4. Of epigrams. 5. To oxen. 6. To Trojan women. 7. With Capys. 8. O Paris. 9. With corn. 10. He repairs the ship. 11. With


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3. Volo. 4. Navis (acc.). 5. Vulnus. 6. Munus.

1. Clavis. 2. Es. 3. Pectus. 4. Heros. 5. Largimur honos. 6. Vox. 7. Scelus. 8. Genus. 9 Amnis. 10. Vectis.

1. Rex. 2. Nox. 3. Bombyx. 4. Juventus. 5. Os. 6. Os. 7. Amat laus. 8. Fraus. 9. Serpens. 1. Arbos. 2. Faux. 3. Adolescens. 4. Epigramma. 5. Bos. 6. Troas. 7. Capys. 8. Paris. 9. Far. 10. Reficit navis. 11. Vis.

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5. I

1. Aditus. 2. Cantus 3. Casus. 4. Cœtus (acc.). 5. Fastus. 6. Flatus.

1. Sumptus. 2. Fluctus. 3. Fructus. 4. Sensus (acc.). 5. Metus. 6. Ritus.

1. Cultus. 2. Saltus. 3. Auditus. 4. Seio vul5. Risus. 6. Ques



1. Acus. 2. Domus. 3. Anus. 4. Ficus (acc.). 5. Manus. 6. Specus.

1. Manus. 2. Penus. 4. Porticus.

3. Lacus.

5. Tribus.

1. Genu.

6. Veru.*

2. Domus.

4. Domus. 5

3. Arcus.
Reviso lacus.


1. The face. 2. Of an appearance. 3. To destruction. 4. A thing. 5. O day. 6. With gore. 1. Faces. 2. Of things. 3. To days. 4. The appearances. 5.0 hopes. 6. With things.

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1. Facies. 2. Species. 3. Pernicies. 4. Res (acc.). 5. Dies. 6. Sanies.

1. Facies. 2. Res. 3 Dies. 4. Species (acc.). 5. Spes. 6. Res.


1. Aula'. 2. Minister2. 3. Gener2. 4. Cado ramus2. 5. Oceǎnus2. 6. Lychnus2 (acc.). 7. Dolus2. 8. Vibro gladius. 9. Forfex3. 10. Decus3. 11. Etas3. 12. Species. 13. Superficies3. 14. Convocavi cœtus1 15. Nutus. 16. Tabes3.

1. In a hall. 2. A servant. 3. To a son-in-law. 4. I cut a branch. 5. Of the ocean. 6. A lamp. 7. Of deceit. 8. I brandish a sword. 9. Of a pair of scis10. For honour. 11. Of ages. 12. By the appearance. 13. The surface. 14. I called an assembly. 15. By a nod. 16. In a consumption. 17. To a soothsayer. 17. Vates.


1. Hatred. 2. To a garland. 3. By a decree of the senate. 4. In silk. 5. With a thousand sestertii. 6. For a calf. 7. To a thrush. 8. In a cavern. 9. Of harps. 10. Comedies. 11. I have heard the bells. 12. To the mistress of a family. 13. With freedwomen. 14. For Anchises. 15. In life. 16. To the sun.

1. I give an opinion. · 2. In a legion. 3. To goddesses. 4. With turbans. 5. A rush. 6. To a rock. 7. Of a wall. 8. At home. 9. O horn. 10. To preeminence. 11. I hear thunder. 12. I saw the lightning. 13. A daughterin-law. 14. Of weeping. 15. To Capys. 16. With a Samnite.

1. In a little boat. 2. To states. 3. Of enemies. 4. By the household gods. 5. In a tower. 6. Of cities. 7. Of Thracians. 8. For oxen. 9. With a poem. 10. To the commonwealth. 11. Of epigrams. 12. O parents. 13. Of souls departed. 14. Of a sieve, 15. To a son-in-law, 16. Of Anchises. 17. Of a hall. 18. With a surety.

1. He threw a stone. 2. O Virgil. 3. Of the Georgics, 4. With a distaff. 5. In a green fig. 6. To spikenard. 7. Of a sapphire. 8. I ask a vote. 9. Of a desert. 10. To a church. 11. With a style. 12. By the mast of a ship. 13. In a balance. 14. To daughters. 15. For souls. 16. I behold Ossa. 17. O Etna.

1. Of oak. 2. By delays. 3. Of men. 4. To villains. 5. In a

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1. Odium2. 2. Sertum2 3. Senätus-consultum2. 4 Sericum2. 5. Sestertium2. 6. Vitulus2. 7. Turdus2. 8. Caverna'. 9. Cithăra'. 10. Comoedia'. 11. Audivi campana. 12. Mater-familias. 13. Liberta'. 14. Anchises'. 15. Vita'. 16. Phobus

1. Do opinio. 2. Legio3. 3. Dea'. 4. Tiaras'. 5. Scirpus. 6. Scopŭlus2. 7. Paries3. 8. Domus24 9. Cornu. 10. Principătus1. 11. Audio tonitru*. 12. Vidi fulmen3. 13. Nurus. 14. Fletus*. 15. Capys3. 16. Samnis.

1. Linter3. 2. Civitas3. 3. Hostis3, 4. Lar3. 5.Turris3. 6. Urbs3. 7. Thrax3. 8. Bos3. 9. Poëma3. 10. Respublica. 11. Epigramma3. 12. Parens3. 13. Manes (pl.). 14. Vannus. 15. Gener 16. Anchises1. 17. Aula'. 18. Præs3

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labyrinth. 6. A vagrant. 7. Labyrinthus. 6. Planus.

Satires. 8. In sea-urchins. 9. 7. Satira'.
Of flesh; 10. To virgins. 11. Of 9. Caro3.
Dido 12. With a fox. 13. To

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15. Of Or

17. Bolts.

11. Dido3.

8. Echinus2. 10. Virgo3. 12. Vulpes3.

13. Felis3. 14. Paris. 15. Orpheus 16. Silex (acc.). 17. Obex3.

1. Of old men. Of a young 1. Senex. 2. Juvĕnis3. 3. To infants. 4. To a 3. Infans3. 4. Vigil3. 5. watchman. 5. With a cloak. Chlamys3. 6. Flatus1. 7. 6. By a blast. 7. In harbours. Portus. 8. Facies". 9. ya 8. From the face. 9. O heirs. Hæres3. 10. Pavo. 11. 10. Of peacocks. 11. Sedition. Seditio. 12. Cupido3. 12. With desire. 13. To players. 13. Histrio3. 14. Re14. Of rest. 15. To a thing. quies 25 15. Res. 16. 16. Of chariots. Currus1. 17. Of houses. Domus28 19. The hands. 18. Portus1.

18. In harbours.


2 & 4

19. Manus.



1. Of Taygetus. 2. Jests. 3. O sails. 4. Of heaven. 5. Of delights. 6. The baths. 7. In Argos.


I. Vessels. 2. Of acres. To the commonwealth. 4. Froni masters of families. 5. O Orphe


6. With Edipus. 7. Of Achilles. 8. To Jupiter..

1. With pounds. 2. The morning. 3. By birth. 4. Tedious stories. 5. In the evening. 6. Of a stripe. 7. To the thigh. 8. Fears. 9. O Tempe. 10. In the place of another.. 11. To chaos. 12. Wealth.

1. Of the feasts of Bacchus. 2. In Syracuse. 3. Of Jerusalem. 4. O Druids. 5. The children. 6. Of the gods. 7. To hot-baths. 8. With spoils. 9. In a camp.

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1. Of a tiger. 2. To the people. 3. With the laurel. 4. Of Fidena. 5. O tree. 6. To a mediator. 7. With all kinds of provisions.

1. Tigris. 2. Plebs. 4. Fidēna1 5. Arbor3. 6.

3. Laurus2&4. or Fidenæ Sequester. 7.Penus2, 34.


1. A good boy. 2. An excellent thing. 3. A great kingdom. 4. Of a broad field. 5. Of a beautiful girl. 6. Of solid silver. 7. To an ignorant workman. 8. To a high rock. 9. To a large head. 10. A just lord. 11. A secret dagger. 12. A high seat. 13. O dear friend. 14. O great truth. 15. O base gift. 16. With a worthy servant. 17. With a large sum. 18. By a sudden death.

1. Sick men. 2. Fair women. 3. Wretched fates. 4. Of prosperous consuls. 5. Of ugly forms, 6. Of ludicrous riddles. 7. To crafty horse-keepers. 8. To the sacred goddesses. 9. To full milk-pails. 10 Crook-backed tyrants. 11. Red flames. 12. Rough bones. 13. O wretched stags. 14. O wool-bearing sheep.

1. Bonus puer. 2. Eximius res3. 3. Magnus regnum2. 4. Latus ager2. 5. Formosus puella'. 6. Argentum solidus. 7. Ignārus faber2 8. Rupes altus. 9. Caput largus. 10. Justus dominus2 (acc.). 11. Arcanus sica (cc.). 12. Sedile3 celsus (acc.). 13. Carus amicus2. 14. Magnus veritas3. 15. Pravus donum2. 16. Minister2 dignus. 17. Amplus summa'. 18. Subitus letum2.

1. Eger vir2. 2. Fœmina' pulcher. 3. Miser fatum2. 4. Prosper consul3 5. Teter forma1. 6. Enigma ludicer. 7. Agāso3 vafer. 8. Dea' sacer. 9. Satur sinum2. 10. Gibbus tyrannus (acc.). 11. Ruber flamma' (acc.). 12. Os3 asper (acc.). 13 Miser cervus. 14. Ovis anĭger.

15. O wretched words. 16. With 15. Miser verbum2. 16.

other titles.

17. In whole trage

dies. 18. In frequent journeys.

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Cæter titulus2. 17. Integer tragœdia'. 18. Iters creber.

1. Ingens lapis3. 2. Prudens mater3. 3. Elegans templum2. 4. Crudēlis ty

*An adjective agrees with a substantive in gender, number and case

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