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In moving for returns of the charities and schools supported by charitable contributions, Lord Brougham remarked, that the number of schools in England, supported by voluntary contributions, had increased so much, that he doubted extremely whether Government ought to interfere for the establishment of a compulsory system. It was to be feared that those who were compelled to pay a rate, would drop their voluntary subscriptions, and thus, on the whole, evil, not improvement, might be the result. Since 1818, the number of scholars in England had increased in the proportion of sixteen to seven; and if Sunday schools were included, the increase was in a still greater proportion. The charitable funds in England, notwithstanding all the abuse in their administration, were worth 80,000 per annum; and if the most were made of the property, they would yield L.1200,000, to L.1,500,000. A bill introduced by Lord Auckland, to put a stop to the practice of sending smugglers to the navy, has been read a second time. The only effectual means of preventing smuggling, is to resort to the system of Free Trade. Earl Grey, in presenting petitions from several places in Scotland against Church Patronage, remarked that he did not support the prayer of the petitions. The Earl of Rosebery admitted there was a strong feeling in Scotland on the subject, but was not prepared to abolish the present system. The General Assembly had the power to make a satisfactory arrangement, and to that body the public ought to look.

PETITIONS. From the sixth Report on the Committee on petitions, which extends to the 7th of March, it appears that the following petitions have been presented. For the repeal of the Union, 79 petitions, with 58,164 signatures; for the removal of the Bishops from the House of Lords, one petition (from Linlithgow) with 316 signatures; for the support of the Church Establishments, 46 petitions, 7235 signatures; for the removal of Dissenters' grievances, 192 petitions, 31,800 signatures; (of these petitions, 56 refer to the alliance of Church and State as an evil;) for the abolition of Irish tithes, 113 petitions, 84,849 signatures; for the commutation of English tithes, 14 petitions, 10,837 signatures; for a better observance of the Lord's day, 32 petitions, 9357 signatures; for the repeal of the Corn Laws, 13 petitions, 104,180 signatures; against an alteration of the Corn Laws, 61 petitions, 15,063 signatures.


The opportunity afforded by the recess of Parliament, has been embraced by several members of Farliament to meet their constituents. Mr. E. L. Bulwer dined at Lincoln, on the 31st March, with a numerous body of his voters. Nearly all the leading Reformers of the town and neighbourhood were present. Mr. Bulwer's speech was very eloquent, and extremely well received; and those passages of it which had an Anti-Ministerial tendency, were loudly applauded. One of the toasts, the best received, "Lord Durham, and an enlightened administration." The friends of Mr. Black burne, to the number of 350, met their representative at Huddersfield, on the 4th April. Mr. Blackburne defended himself from the charge of being "a pension-stuffed lawyer," and of seeking a place in Parliament as a stepping-stone for a judgeship.


The opposition to Church rates continues. At the Lancaster Vestry meeting, held for the purpose of imposing a Church rate for the current year, a resolution was carried by acclamation, that the meeting should be adjourned till that day six months. In several other places the opposition to Church rates has been equally successful.

Captain Ross has been presented with the freedom of the city of London, in a box of British oak.

Lord Durham and Mr. Edward Ellice have left London for the continent, and have arrived at Paris. This trip has excited some sensation both in London and Paris; but its object, supposing it has any other object than pleasure, has not transpired. Lord Durham is to visit King Leopold at Brussels, with the view of consulting the King respecting the management of his affairs in England. The Tories, who abhor Lord Durham for his li beral principles, have been spreading a report that his

Lordship is to remain for some time on the continent, but it is utterly destitute of foundation

There were lately in Birmingham, for some days, upwards of seventy delegates of Trades' Unions, from London, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Belfast, &c. The travelling, and other expenses of these men, are paid by the Unions.

Meetings have been held in London, Birmingham, Exeter, and other places, to petition the House of Commons to remit the sentence of seven years' transportation passed on six members of a Labourers' Union, who were convicted at the Dorsetshire assizes of administering illegal oaths. The meeting at Birmingham first assembled in Beardsworth's Repository, but although it will contain 20,000 persons it was found to be too small, and an adjournment therefore took place to Newhall Hill. A petition was agreed to, in which the sentence was declared to be unjust and of unprecedented severity. The petitioners, very properly reminded the House, that the late King, when Prince of Wales, was, as the Duke of Sussex is now, head of the Free Masons, and that the Duke of Cumberland is at the head of the Orange Lodges, both of which are secret associations, bound together, like Trades' Unions, by oaths and secret forms of initiation. They maintained, that it was unfair to punish the members of Trades' Unions, and to allow these associations to escape. In the course of the proceedings, there was read, amid loud cheering, a letter from Colonel Thompson, author of the Corn Law Catechism, declaring his opinion, that the case of the Dorsetshire men was one of point-blank tyranny, which "would justify any proceedings which tyranny can ever justify, subordinate always to taking the road which leads to the greatest good with the least of evil." It is unnecessary to add, that the proceedings were conducted throughout in the most orderly manner, and that the immense multitude dispersed peaceably. The Ministry, however, has paid no attention to the feeling generally expressed in favour of these unfortunate men. They were sent off with indecent haste to their destination. A declaration by the resident members of the University of Cambridge, relative to the admission of Dissenters to academical degrees, directly adverse to the petitions presented to Parliament by the sixty-three resident members, is in course of signature. One hundred and one names are already appended to it. This University is resolved to keep up the character justly earned by such institutions for bigotry and intolerance.

Sir Thomas Denman has been called to the House of Peers, by the title of Baron Denman of Dovedale, in the County of Derby. The ostensible reason for this step is, that Lord Brougham requires assistance in getting through the Scotch Appeals. We never heard that Lord Denman had much knowledge of Scotch Law, and he has been little employed in Scotch Appeals.

BANK OF ENGLAND.-The account of the liabilities and assets of the Bank of England on the average of the quarter ending on the 1st of April, shows-Liabilities : Circulation, L.19,097,000; deposits, 14,011,000; total, L.33,108,000.-Assets: Securities, L.25,970,000; bullion, L.9,431,000: total, L.35,401,000.

THE REVENUE.-In the quarter ended 5th April, the Customs show an increase, as compared with the corresponding quarter of last year, of L.183,075; the Excise of L. 102,980; and the Stamps of L.87,412. The increase on the quarter is L.384,107; and on the year L.34,033.

A numerous meeting has been held at Leeds to petition Parliament for the vote by ballot. Mr. Baines and several others declared, that it was owing to the practices of the Tories at the late election, that they had become converts to that mode of voting.

A riot, of a serious description, has taken place at Oldham, arising out of the apprehension of two members of a Trades' Union, at one of their meetings, and their subsequent rescue. A mill was attacked, and every thing in it destroyed, as well as in the dwelling-house of the owner. Twelve persons were seized, who will be immediately tried. The Unionists, who, in that part of the country, comprise nearly the whole mechanics in every trade, have had of late several large meetings conducted peaceably.

After two days polling, the Dissenters of Loughborough elected their Church Warden, in opposition to the candidate supported by the Church party. The majority was 348 to 178. The dissenters offered to give up their candidate, provided the claim to Church rates from Dissenters was relinquished. This proposal the Churchmen, of course, refused.

The Wesleyan Methodists have hitherto refrained from petitioning Parliament for a removal of the grievances under which the Dissenters labour. This has arisen from a notion entertained by many of that sect that they are not Dissenters. How this notion can be entertained when laymen were permitted by John Wesley to preach, to say nothing of other unequivocal characteristics of dissent, is incomprehensible; and so a large body of the sect itself thinks. A meeting was therefore held at Birmingham, on the 8th April, which was numerously and respectably attended. A set of resolutions were unanimously carried, to the effect that it was imperative on the Wesleyan Methodists to express their opinions on the union of Church and State, which they characterized as opposed to the spirit of Christianity,-inimical to the advancement of divine truth, and subversive of civil and religious rights. The laws compelling the support of a Church establishment, and those regarding marriage, burial, and the non-admission of Dissenters to the Universities, were denounced as oppressive.

Bribery at elections will never be put down, until those who give the bribes, and not those who receive them, as has hitherto been the case, are punished. We therefore rejoice to record, that two of the partisans of Sir Charles Greville, against whom actions were brought to recover penalties for alleged acts of bribery, previous to the last election at Warwick, have been convicted in the penalty of L.500 each, with costs, the counsel, in each case, taking a verdict for the plaintiff for one penalty only, and for the defendant on all the other counts. The defendants are also disqualified by the statute, upon which the convictions are founded, to vote at any future election, or to hold any civil office. The defendants will probably care little for the first part of the penalty, as the money will no doubt be paid by their employers; but the latter part of it cannot fail to be felt disgraceful and humiliating.

A respectably and numerously attended meeting was held at Worcester, on the 9th April, for the purpose of petitioning Parliament on the present ruinous state of the agricultural interest. The Earl of Coventry took the chair. The speakers did not seem to be able to point out the causes of the distress. In the petition which was adopted, the only causes stated are-The non-existence of an adequate provision for the poor of Ireland,-the consequent influx of Irish produce, at ruinously low prices, and numbers of Irish labourers being driven for subsistence to this country, and the alteration of the currency in 1819; but on this latter point much difference of opinion prevailed. As a matter of course, the petitioners stated that the removal of the protection of the Corn Laws would accelerate their destruction.


A NEW harbour has been projected at Trinity, about a mile to the westward of Leith. The proposed works will consist of a wet dock, containing forty-three acres, affording inner wharfage to the extent of 12,000 feet. This dock will be entered by a lock 200 feet in length, and fifty-five feet in width. The entrance will be protected by a breakwater, parallel to the channel of the Frith, 1,100 feet long, founded in eleven feet water at low ebb of spring-tide. The breakwater will, at the same time, with two check-piers built on arches, secure an outer harbour 900 feet long by 300 wide, where there will be a low-water landing-place, to accommodate steam vessels. The harbour will afford a depth of water even for ships of the line. The estimated expense is L. 250,000. So strong is the feeling in Glasgow against the union of Church and State, that the petition for their separation received 49,411 signatures in a few days. Last year a similar petition was signed by 15,000 only in three weeks. In Edinburgh the petition for separation had

upwards of 12,000 signatures,-that in favour of the union, though every effort was used to procure names, by going from door to door, had only 4243.

A numerous and respectable meeting was held in the Waterloo Rooms on the 3d April, to petition for the emancipation of the Jews. The Lord Provost was in the chair. The resolutions were moved by Mr. Ayton and seconded by Dr. Browne, and carried unanimously.

Agricultural associations, or, as they ought rather to be called, combinations for keeping up the price of food, continue to be formed. At a meeting of the Fife landholders at Cupar, on the 27th March, more than the usual quantity of nonsense regarding the necessity of protecting agriculture-that is keeping up ients-was spoken. The Earl of Leven was in the chair. The resolutions were of the usual tenor. A counter resolution was moved amidst loud opposition by Major Anstruther. The noble Chairman, however, refused to put it at the commencement of the meeting, promising to put it after the resolutions of his own party had been carried, but he forgot his promise. Sir John Oswald distinguished himself by the absurdity of his speech. After inveighing against Free Trade theories, he said, "A great country like this ought always to produce, at least very nearly, sufficient food for its own subsistence; if it did not, he could only say, that it would be at the mercy of other countries, who could raise or depress our markets at their pleasure, and that we would soon become a second-rate power among the nations." Sir John seems to forget, that with all the protection our agriculture enjoys, we are unable to raise suf ficient food for our own subsistence, and we cannot therefore avoid being dependent on foreigners, in some degree, for food. He might have learned from the case of articles which are supplied us by foreigners, that however dependant on them we may be for such articles, we can always procure them at a fair price. Look, for instance, to the cotton manufacture, by far the most im. portant in the country, we are wholly dependant on foreign countries for the raw material, yet we obtain it without difficulty, and the fluctuations in price are much less than in our corn trade. For hemp, flax, tar, tallow. We are almost wholly dependant on a single country having no good feelings towards us-Russiayet we have always had an adequate supply of these articles. If Sir John Oswald's doctrine be correct, we must sink, unless we produce not only a sufficient supply of grain for our subsistence, but also a sufficiency of materials for our clothing, ship building, and other useful arts. But why do we not grow a sufficient quantity of hemp and flax for our own use-simply because the country is too densely peopled, in proportion to the extent and fertility of our soil, and we must therefore have recourse to foreigners to supply us with what we cannot produce ourselves. It might as well be pretended, that every county, and even city, should produce as much food as is necessary for its own subsistence, as that every great country should. Holland, ever since she became a nation, has not produced sufficient food for her population, yet no where has scarcity been less felt, or the price of grain been more steady.

Although the history of nearly all combinations shews that they are quite unfitted for the purpose they are intended the permanent raising of the rate of wages-the working classes almost all over the country still continue their associations. Two delegates from the London National Organization Society, met a numerous body of the Trades' Union delegates of Glasgow, on the 2d April, and it was resolved that as soon as the workmen of Scotland were fully organized, they would correspond and co-operate with their English brethren. The sawyers of Greenock, who struck on the 1st July last, have at length seen the folly of their proceedings, and after exhausting their means, have offered to return to their work unconditionally, but unfortunately for them, their places have been generally supplied.

STIPENDS. From a Parliamentary paper just published, we find that the ministers of a hundred and ninetyone parishes in Scotland, receive payments from the Exchequer to make up their salaries to L.150. The sums vary from L.3 to L. 128. Twelve other ministers,

who are without manses or glebes, receive sums varying from L.27 to L.50, to make up their stipends to L.200.

The Town Council of Edinburgh have given much satisfaction to the inhabitants, by the reductions they have made in the salaries of the municipal officers, which had been raised to an extravagant amount during the days of the close boroughmongering system, when the Councillors and Magistrates elected each other in endless succession, and the offices in the gift of the city were the reward of subserviency and political dishonesty. The following are the principal reductions. The office of Collector of Cess is to be abolished, subject to some retired pension for Mr. Hill-saving L.633. The Chamberlain's salary reduced from L.800 to L.450; the first clerk's from L.210 to L.180, the second clerk's from 1.110 to 1..105, the third from L.100 to L.85. An accountant to be appointed at a salary not exceeding L.300, with a clerk at L.100 or less; the previous expense of this office, including extra work being about L.1,051-the saving will be L.651. The Superintendent of public works is reduced from L.500 to L.350; the Dean of Guild Clerk from L.250 to L.225; the Clerk of Leith Dock Commission from L.250 to L.200. The office of shoremaster, jailor, and flagmaster at Leith (one person) to be abolishedsaving L.150, subject to superannuation allowance; the Bulker's office ditto-saving L.225, ditto. The Collector of Shore Dues, from L.618 to L.400; the Ringer of Music Bells, from L.40 to L.30. Total savings L.2,510, subject to some deductions. The salaries of the precentors,

and some of the other officials, have also been reduced, and instead of three assessors at L.200 each, there is only to be one.

By the death of the Marquis of Breadalbane, his son the Earl of Ormelie, succeeds to the peerage, and a new election for Perthshire must take place. The candidates are Sir George Murray, who was defeated at the late election by a majority of 1,667 to 1,093, and Mr. Robert Graham, of Redgorton, a relation of Lord Lynedoch. This vacancy has occurred very opportunely for the Ministry. They have been unable hitherto to fill up the vacancy occasioned in the office of one of the Lords of the Treasury, by the resignation of Mr. Kennedy; those to whom it was offered finding that they would endanger their seats in Parliament by running the risk of a new election. Mr. Graham has, therefore, been appointed to the vacant office, but whether the appointment will be advantageous to him in his canvass, or the reverse, is doubtful. Perthshire contains many Dissenters who eagerly supported the Earl of Ormelie; but whether that body can be equally relied on now in supporting a Government candidate, is doubtful. At all events, it is fortunate that a member of the family of Breadalbane, was the first liberal candidate under the reform bill for the representation of this extensive and aristocratic county, because the registration of votes could not have been properly organized, without much influence and the expen diture of large sums of money.

The Earl of Galloway, another Scotch nobleman, is also dead. His decease creates a vacancy in the number of the Knights of the Thistle. The vacant ribbon has been given to the Earl of Errol.

Much interest was created among the nautical people in London, by the arrival of the splendid steam ship, Dundee, which, along with a twin vessel, the Perth, are to trade between Dundee and London. The Dundee measures 180 feet in length on deck, and 51 feet in breadth over the paddies; she makes up 107 berths for passengers; and her chief cabin, which is fitted up in a most splendid style, and contains a library of books, is capable of conveniently accommodating 100 passengers at dinner. Her engines are of 300 horse power.

The Paisley election has terminated in the return of Sir Daniel K. Sandford, Professor of Greek in the University of Glasgow. At the close of the poll, the numbers were, Sandford, 542; Crawford, 509; Gordon, 29. Captain Gordon retired some hours before the close of the first day's poll. How the worthy knight is to discharge his duties in the University of Glasgow, and in the chapel of St. Stephen's, at the same time, has not been explained. The Tories consider the return of Sir Daniel

as a triumph, and, we believe, they are right, for we have always suspected that the Greek professor, with all his activity in the cause of reform, and all his professions of liberalism, is nothing but a Tory at heart. His conduct in Parliament will require to be steadily watched.

The erection of the monument to Sir Walter Scott, in Glasgow, is immediately to be commenced. The monument is to be a fluted column, 144 feet high, and surmounted either by a vase or a figure of Sir Walter. The site is the centre of George Square.


THE disturbances in King's County have been of so serious a nature, that four baronies have been placed under the Coercion Act. Mr. O'Connell, in a letter dated 8th April, expresses much dissatisfaction that the petitions for the Repeal of the Union have only been signed by about 80,000 persons, instead of a million, as he expected. This, he says, will ensure the defeat of the motion in the House of Commons, by about 450 to 40. Among the obstacles to success he considers the cholera the most important, hut he hopes that he will have two millions of signatures next year.

Fifteen thousand Repealers met at Navan, in Meath, on the 9th April, to petition for a Repeal of the Union. Mr. Sharman Crawford, from Belfast, presided at the meeting.

The health of the celebrated Dr. Doyle is fast declining, and it is asserted that he has lately exhibited strong symptoms of an approach to Protestantism.

Mr. Robert Maxwell, who was condemned to death for shooting at his cousin, has had his sentence commuted to eighteen months' imprisonment. Much dissatisfaction has been expressed at this leniency, as it is generally supposed that had the convict been a peasant and not a gentleman, the law would have been allowed to take its


ABSTRACT OF THE POPULATION RETURNS FOR IRELAND IN 1833.-English statute acres, 17,183,763; houses inhabited, 1,249,816; building, 15,308; uninhabited, 40,654; total families, 1,385,066; families chiefly employed in agriculture, 884,339; chiefly employed in trade, manufacture, and handicraft, 242,359; families not comprised in these two classes, 251,368; males, 3,749,880; females, 3,972,521; total number of persons, 7,767,401.

LEGACY DUTY.-The legacy duty of Ireland in the last year was L.25,424, and the probate duty L.37,457. In England, legacy duty, L.1,093,343,-probate duty, L.839,041. In Scotland, legacy duty, L.56,674,-probate duty, L.46,422.


THERE seems much reason for believing that Louis Philippe wishes to detach himself from the alliance with England, and ingratiate himself with the Despots. Marshal Maison, whom, not long since, the Emperor Nicholas would not receive, has now met with a cordial reception at Petersburg. Pozzo di Borgo is constantly at the Tuileries; and even a marriage of one of the King's sons to a Russian Princess is talked of. Louis Philippe has showed, for a long period, that all his inclinations are towards despotism. It remains to be seen, how long the people of France will submit to his tyranny. The association suppression bill has passed the French Chamber of Deputies, by a majority of 246 to 154, and the Chamber of Peers by 127 to 22. No amendment of any consequence has been made on it, and no limit fixed to its duration. Several members of the "Société des Droits de l'Homme," who expect to become the victims of the new law, have left the country. The Chamber of Deputies, by a vote of 176 to 168, has refused to grant the money, about one million sterling, which the Ministry had pledged themselves to pay the United States, as an indemnity for the injuries inflicted, during the last war, by the French, upon American commerce. The Duke de Broglie exerted himself very earnestly to procure the ratification of this agreement by the Chamber, but to no purpose. The consequence of this refusal was the resignation of the Duke de Broglie, and of the former foreign minister,

Sebastiani, who was a member of the cabinet, without any specific duties. The Duke is succeeded at the foreign office by the Count de Rigny, the Minister of Marine and Colonies; Admiral Roussin, at present Ambassador at Constantinople, is to supply the place of De Rigny; Barthe, the Chancellor, is made President of the Chamber of Accounts, (Barbe Marbois, the late President, having been dismissed ;) Persil, the Advocate General, takes the Seals; Thiers is appointed to the interior, in the room of Count Argout, who succeeds the Duke de Gaete as Governor of the Bank of France; M. Duchatel is the new Minister of Commerce; and M. Martin, the Advocate General. There has thus been a change of all the Ministers except Soult, who continues President of the Council, and Minister of War, Humaun, the Finance Minister, and Gu zot, the Minister of Public Instruction. It is plain, from the composition of the Ministry, that Louis Philippe means to adhere to the juste milieu system; but a relaxation in the commercial restrictions of France may be anticipated, as the new Minister of Commerce is known for his liberal opinions, and for his advocacy of free trade. He was the French Minister appointed to discuss with Messrs. Villiers and Bowring the changes in the Tariff.

There is nothing which the European governments for the last three centuries have been fouder of, than extending their dominions by planting colonies. Politico-eco

nomic writers have often pointed out the enormous expense attending such attempts, and the little advantage derived from the expenditure. The French have, however, had practical experience in the matter, and that experience will, we have no doubt, have some effect, not only with the government of that country, but in other quarters. In a report made on the budget of the War Department, we find the abandonment of Algiers recommended by M. Passy, the chairman of the committee. He shows that it cannot be retained with a less army than 25,000 men, that it costs France thirty millions of francs, or L.1,200,000 annually, and that its own revenues do not amount to L.60,000, that the natives cannot be civilized, and that European colonists cannot be induced to settle among them. How many of our colonies would be abandoned, if the only matter considered in retaining them was merely the good of the mother country?

Serious disturbances at Lyons commenced on the 9th April. In the course of a trial of some weavers for rioting, the judges were insulted, and threatened by the people in court. They ordered the Court to be cleared, but the workmen refused to obey. The troops, on being sent for, refused to act, and the proceedings were adjourned. The people then erected barricades in the streets. These were attacked by the military, of whom upwards of 30,000 had been quartered in Lyons and the neighbourhood. The fighting continued for five days, and General Aimard, the Governor, was so hard pressed that he was at one time nearly driven out of the city. city has been materially damaged by the firing of cannon, and the carnage on both sides is estimated at 5,000 men, the greater proportion being Government troops, who were much exposed to the fire from the houses and the barricades. The insurgents are supposed to have been from 7,000 to 8,000 in number. The general body of the inhabitants took no part in the quarrel on either side.


At St. Etienne also there was serious disturbances on the 10th and 11th April, and at Marseilles, Grenoble, Chalons, Dijons, and Auxerre, there have been demonstrations which give uneasiness to the Governraent; but no particulars are mentioned. On the 13th and 14th April, there was also a rising in Paris, but of a petty nature, there not having been more than 800 insurgents. It was not however put down, without bloodshed, and the troops seem to have committed many atrocities. The Republicans kept aloof from the attempt, being aware that their time had not yet come. The Government is evidently seriously alarmed at all these attempts. considerable addition is to be made to the army, and 36,000,000 francs are asked to defray the expense of it. The Belgians have been put in alarm by some movements of the Dutch troops on their frontiers, and by a reinforcement of 10,000 men. The Belgian Minister of War has, however, assured the Chamber that he has am


ple means for repelling any invasion that may be attempted. A serious riot occurred at Brussels on the 6th April, in consequence of an ostentatious display on the part of certain of the inhabitants, of attachment to the House of Orange. When the Prince of Orange fled from Brussels in 1830, he left four horses which were lately ordered by the Belgian Government to be sold. They were purchased by some of his partisans and sent to the Hague. A subscription was then raised to indemnify the purchasers, and the names of the subscribers were published in an Orange journal. All this exasperated the people beyond measure. Some inflammatory hand-bills were posted throughout the city, and shortly afterwards the houses of the principal subscribers were sacked. The' garrison of Brussels was too weak to oppose the insurgents by force. In the course of the day, additional troops arrived, and as the fury of the insurgents seemed to be satiated, tranquillity was restored by night-fall. The damage done was considerable.

We have abundance of rumours from Spain, but little intelligence of interest. A new loan for two millions sterling has been decreed, but it is unlikely that contractors will be found, until the Cortes' loans are recognised. M. Sarmento, the Minister from Donna Maria, has been well received at Madrid. The war with the Carlists in the north proceeds, with various success, and excites little attention at Madrid. Like other civil wars, it is distinguished by much ferocity on either side. A body of Carlists entered Vittoria on the 15th March, and put to death 196 prisoners, in cold blood, to retaliate similar atrocities committed by the Queen's troops. Her Majesty has been forced, by the state of her finances, to become a reformer of the Church. A decree has been issued, suppressing all prebends, canonries, and ecclesias tical benefices not connected with the cure of souls,their revenues are to be exclusively applied, in terms of the Papal bulls on the subject, to the extinction of the national debt. The new Spanish Minister, Count Florida Blanca, has arrived in London. A change has taken place in the Spanish Ministry, which, it is believed, will strengthen the liberals. Burgos and Zarca del Valle have retired, and the Count de Toreno and General Llauder occupy their places. M. Remisa succeeds M. Imaz as Finance Minister.

Lord Howard de Walden has gone to Lisbon as Ambassador to Donna Maria. Sensations were created, which are said to have been" very unpleasant,” in consequence of his Lordship having gone to present himself in boots, contrary to the etiquette of the Portuguese court. Don Miguel is still at Santarem; and as his troops are well clothed, and the Usurper has received a supply of money, it is supposed, from England, he may remain there long enough, for neither party has much appetite for fighting. Admital Napier sailed with the view of attacking Figueras, but was prevented by stormy weather. An unsuccessful attempt has been made by the British Ambassador and Admiral Parker to induce Don Miguel to leave Portugal. He was offered a safe conduct out of the country-a liberal income-an amnesty to his followers and a guarantee of his right of succession to the Crown, in default of issue of Donna Maria; but these terms he rejected. A Spanish force of 2000 men has entered Chaves in pursuit of some of the adherents of Don Carlos.

By a communication made from the Cabinet of King William to the Dutch States General, the delay of the settlement of the disputes between Holland and Belgium is pretended to be caused by the refusal of the collateral branches of the House of Nassau, who have a reversionary interest in Luxembourg, to accede to the proposed arrangements. This is, of course, a mere excuse. Prince of Orange has returned from his visit to St. Petersburgh. Notwithstanding the confession of Polari, he is still strongly suspected of having abstracted his wife's jewels which disappeared in so mysterious a man



The Congress of Despots have been sitting at Vienna, but none of their proceedings has transpired.

The Sultan has replied to the questions of our Government relative to the treaty with Russia in a decided tone.

He is determined to keep his engagements with the Czar. The Russian fleet is lying at Sebastapol with 25,000 men on board, and considerable bodies of troops are advancing in the direction of the Danube; yet Lord Palmerston believes in the pacific intentions of Russia!


Resolutions against the removal of the deposits from the United States' Bank have passed the Senate at Washington with only one dissentient vote. Since the removal of the deposits, no fewer than ninety-six banks have failed, and upwards of a million and a half sterling of silver has been shipped from this country to the States. President continues firm, and he is almost unanimously supported by the House of Representatives. On this question, therefore, the two Houses are in direct collision, and the result may be of the deepest consequence to the future welfare of the Union.



THERE is some reason to hope that by the resignation of the narrow-minded and illiberal Thiers, as Minister of Commerce in France, and the appointment of M. Duchatel in his place, that the commercial affairs of that country are placed in hands which can appreciate the benefits of free trade. The new Minister, being a young man, and well versed in the modern doctrines of commercial science, is likely to forward the views which Dr. Bowring and Mr. Villiers have been so ably inculcating on the public mind of France; and we look with much hope to the early establishment of a commercial intercourse with that country, on a much more liberal footing than has ever yet existed. The Prussian Government is still eagerly employed in her project of shutting out British manufactures from the whole of Germany, with the view of supplying their place by the products of Prussia, but has hitherto only partially succeeded in her attempt.


The trade of the woollen and worsted districts has been dull, and many workmen are out of employment. The distress among the working classes at Leeds is represented as being almost unprecedented. The cause appears to be the high price of wool, although there has been a decline in the prices, at the late sales in London, of foreign wools. Indeed, the raw material of many of our principal manufactures has, within the last year or two, been rising in price; the rise, in all probability, being occasioned by the great additional consumption of late years in this country. Thus, in 1820 we imported 2,641,836 lbs. of silk (raw, waste, and thrown;) in 1832, 4,224,897 lbs.: in 1820, we imported 121,527,826 lbs. of cotton wool, in 1833, 296,000,000; in the former year we imported 9,775,605 lbs. of sheep's wool; in 1832, 28,142,489 lbs. The same extraordinary increase is to be observed in the importation of flax and tow; in 1820, the importation was only 382,389 cwts; in 1831, it was 936,411 cwts. We believe that no country, not even Great Britain herself, at any period, ever exhibited so extraordinary an in. crease of her manufactures. Nor is this increase confined to Great Britain. Since the protective system has been relaxed, the linen trade, in the north of Ireland, has resumed its former vigour, and new mills are everywhere erecting.

The Cotton Trade is very brisk. The factories are working full time. Cotton twist is in great demand, but though hand-loom weavers are wanted in Lancashire, wages continue very low.

The LEAD TRADE in the north of England has been for some years in a very depressed state; and some of the towns and villages in the mining districts have, in consequence, been nearly half depopulated. The trade, however, has of late considerably revived; and lead, which two years ago was sold at L.12 per ton, has lately risen to upwards of L.18 per ton. At the ironmasters' quar. terly meeting at Birmingham, on the 10th April, the trade was exceedingly heavy, and recent prices, both for pig and manufactured iron, were not maintained.


THE weather has been very favourable for the operations of the farmer, and the seed has seldom been put in

the ground under more favourable auspices. From the mildness of the winter, and the heavy rains, clay soils required much labour to pulverise them sufficiently. The cold dry weather in April had the double advantage of checking the growth of the wheat, which the openness of the winter had, in many instances, forced into premature luxuriance, and of enabling the cleaning of the soil to proceed under the most favourable circumstances. Wheat, though in general not so green as during the months of February and March, is however looking well, and there is no scarcity of plants. The turnip crop has turned out defective, and hardly any were to be seen by the first of April. Notwithstanding this deficiency, grass parks, probably owing to the high price of stock, have not let so high as during the two preceding years. The fail may be estimated at from ten to fifteen per cent. In the Fifeshire report it is said that the stack yards are still well stored; but in Berwickshire, Roxburghshire, East Lothian, and Mid-Lothian, they appear to be emptier than usual at this time of the year. 'The season has been favourable for stock farmers, but in the grain growing districts, much depression and gloom exist. Grain markets continue dull; no speculation exists in British grain, the present Corn Laws inducing every speculator to employ their capital in foreign grain.

Notwithstanding, however, of the present low price of grain, not only is there no land going out of cultivation in Scotland, as is stated to be the case in England, but the land brought under the plough is annually increasing. Farmers, certainly, do not at present expend so much money in improving their lands as they did in more prosperous times; but still, wherever their landlords will assist them, they show no disinclination to make permanent improvements. Tile drains are coming extensively into use; in some cases they are placed in every furrow -an operation which is attended with much expense. In many instances, however, the landlord pays the expense of cutting the drains and the price of the tiles, the tenant driving them and placing them in the drains. Trenching, regarding which some experiments were made last year in East Lothian, is not extending. It is an operation which requires much skill to determine in what cases it should be employed, for an unskilful person is as likely to deteriorate as to improve the land by resorting to it. We have known land materially and permanently injured by this operation, barren till or gravel being mixed with the soil.

The season has hitherto been favourable for lambing, though some loss among the ewes has been experienced in England. As long as the weather continues dry, however cold and piercing the wind may be, there is little apprehension of loss among the lambs, tender as they must be when newly dropt;-when wet weather comes on, all the vigilance and care of the shepherd are required.

Ewes and lambs are in demand, and the supply seems rather short. At Gifford fair, held on 25th March, they brought about 48. a-head higher than at the same fair last year. The price of fat stock has rather receded, the supply appearing to exceed the demand. Farms continue to let slowly, and at a considerable reduction of rent. Land is almost unsaleable. Though

the question of the Corn Laws may be held to be at rest for the session, both parties are preparing their forces for the struggle, which will be renewed every session, until the present restrictive system is either abolished or greatly relaxed. It is in vain to expect that the twentyfour millions of people of Great Britain and Ireland will continue to be starved, for any great length of time, to swell the rent-rolls of some two or three hundred thousand landholders. It appears, from authentic documents, that wheat is 98 per cent. higher in London than in Hamburgh,-80 per cent. higher than in Amsterdam, though Holland is almost entirely dependent on foreign countries for grain, and 45 per cent. higher than the average of all France. How can it possibly be for the advantage of the country to pay so exorbitant a price for food? and how can our manufacturers continue to compete with those of foreign countries, under so serious and obvious a disadvantage?

Printed by JOHN JOHNSTONE, 19, St. James's Square.

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