Imágenes de páginas

Two merry eyes full of frolic and glee,
Under their lashes looked up unto me;
Two little hands, pressing soft on my face,
Drew me down close in a loving embrace;
Two rosy lips gave the answer so true,

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"Good to love you, mamma, good to love you."

"Lost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes."

1. Turn to Lesson


in your Reader, and tell(a) what kind of sentences are used in the lesson. (b) what parts of speech are used in the sentences which make up paragraphs


2. Mention the nouns in the lesson, and tell what kind of noun each is.

3. Mention every masculine noun, and give its feminine; every feminine noun, and give its masculine.

4. Mention the nouns which denote number, and tell of what number each is.

5. Change the number of some of the nouns, and see what other changes you will need to make in the sentences.



1. How many persons may there be in connection with a


Three: first, the sp ker; second, the person spoken to; third, the person spoken of.

2. Who would be the first person? The second person? The third person?

3. Besides standing for nouns, of what other use may a pronoun be?

A pronoun may show whether the speaker speaks of himself, as I, me; of the person spoken to, as thou, you; or of some third person or thing, as he, it.

4. What is the relation of the speaker to the party spoken of called?

VIII. The relation of the speaker to the party spoken of is called person.

5. What kind of words denote person?

Pronouns denote person.

6. Read from these sentences every pronoun which denotes person, and tell what it shows:

[blocks in formation]

7. When a pronoun shows that the speaker speaks of himself, or of himself and others, of what person is it?

IX. A pronoun which shows that the speaker speaks of himself, or of himself and others, is a pronoun of the first person.

The pronouns of the first person are

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person, or

8. When a pronoun stands for the name of the persons, spoken to, of what person is it?

X. A pronoun which represents the person, or persons, spoken to, is a pronoun of the second person.

The pronouns of the second person are

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9. Which of the pronouns of the second person are commonly used? Which are used in the Lord's Prayer? Which are used by the Quakers?

10. When a pronoun denotes some third person or thing merely spoken of, of what person is it?

XI. A pronoun which denotes some person or thing merely spoken of is of the third person.

The pronouns of the third person are

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1. In the following, mention the pronouns, and tell of what person each is:

You are very prompt to-day.
Ye are the salt of the earth.
Thou hast all seasons for thine.
He wrote it himself.

I found them at the Post Office.

It built a nest under the eaves.

2. As you fill the blanks in these sentences with suitable pronouns, tell of what person each pronoun is:

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3. What is person? What kind of words denote person?

4. When is a pronoun of the first person? Of the second person? Of the third person?

5. Find the pronouns used in the poems "Christ and the Little Ones" (on page 31) and "The Sad Little Lass" (on page 135), and tell of what person each pronoun is.



I. Personal Pronouns.

1. Read from the following every pronoun used, and tell of what person it is:


I saw her touch
Thou hast a fair face.

She came with us.

We did the work ourselves.

The baby hurt itself with a block.

Pronouns which denote person are called personal pronouns.

Pronouns, like itself, ourselves, made by adding self or selves to a simple personal pronoun, are called compound personal pronouns.

The compound personal pronouns are —

[blocks in formation]

2. Tell of what person each of the compound personal pronouns is, and why.

3. What is a personal pronoun?

4. Mention several personal pronouns, and tell what each


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