Imágenes de páginas

XV. The possessive case of a noun or a pronoun is used to limit the application of another noun, and is an adjective.

XVI. An adverb belongs to the word that it modifies.

XVII. Prepositions govern the objective case.


[The references are to pages.]

A or an, article, 66.
Abbreviations, table of, 390-392; used
in writing exercises, 43, 49, 64, 71,

Abstract, meaning of, 107 (note).
Abstract nouns, 106, 107.
Action words, 44-46.
Adjective, from adjectivus, 63 (note).
Adjectives, definition, 63; diminutives,

168; numeral, 158, 160; possessive,
158, 162; pronominal, 158, 161, 162;
proper, 69, 158, 162; qualifying,
158-160; list of qualifying, 303,
304; verbal, 158, 161;
comparison, 165, 166; impossible to
compare some, 167; irregular com-
parison, 167; use same form of
comparison in a series, 291; use of
comparative degree, 289; avoid
doubling the form of comparison,

use of adjectives, 284-302; to assert
or to complete a copulative, 64,
286; belongs to word it modifies,
288; denoting number must agree
with noun it limits, 289; position
of, 286, 287, 290; cautions against
errors, 289-291; cannot modify an-
other adjective, 290;

used as noun, 266; as adverb, 338;
words and combinations used as
adjectives, 295-301; parsing of ad-
jectives, 288.

Adjective clause becomes noun clause
when antecedent is omitted, 369.
Adjective element, 351.

Adverbs, definition, 73; adverbs of
time, place, manner, degree, and
modal adverbs, 208; comparison
of, 313, 314; irregular comparison,

used to ask a question, 366; to com-
plete a copulative verb, 366; modi-
fies a verb, adjective, etc., 336;
belongs to word it modifies, 338;
position of, 340, 341; must not be
used with verb expressing condi-
tion, 289; avoid superfluous ad-
verbs, 341; further cautions, 210,
214, 341, 342;

used as adjective, 295; as noun, 266;
as subordinate conjunction, 372,
373; words and combinations used
as adverbs, 338, 339; parsing of
adverbs, 343.

Adverbial element, 351.
Adverbial phrase, 209.
Adversative conjunction, 216; shows
what, 241.

Alone and only, use of, 342.
Alternative conjunction, 216; shows
what, 241.

And, wrongly used before infinitive,
82, 330.

Antecedent, from ante and cedo, 277

Antecedent, definition, 277; of relative

pronoun, 363; modified by adjec-
tive clause, 363; may be a phrase
or clause, 369; rules for pronouns
with antecedents, 277-280.
Any, use of, 291.

Apposition, 248.

Apostrophe, used in forming plurals,

Article, definite and indefinite, 66, 67;
repeated to distinguish meaning,

As, used in comparison, 342.

As, relative pronoun, 363.

| Comparison of adjectives, 165–170; of
adverbs, 213, 214; rules for writ-
ing, 166; adjectives compared ir-
regularly, 167.

Comparison, descriptive, of objects,

Comparison with, 354.

Complement of verb, 51, 52, 145, 174.

Auxiliary verbs, 316-320; definition, Complete and incomplete verbs, 50-

318; list of, 318.

Baby By, here's a Fly, 41.

Be, verb to be, used to show continu-
ance, 318; not always an auxiliary,
320; conjugation illustrated, 188,
244, 245, 313.

Biography, brief outline of, 335.
Birds' Party, The, 25.

Can, present and preterit tenses of, 189;
used to express ability or possibil-
ity, 317.

Capitals and marks, rules for use of,

6-8, 11, 31, 33, 34, 69, 94, 95, 219.
Case, definition, 146; dative, 251; nom-
inative, 146, 147; nominative ab-
solute, 262; objective, 147; posses-
sive, 147; vocative, 258, 259.
Cepi, to take, spelling of words derived
from, 60.

Christ and the Little Ones, 31.
City, outline for description, 308.
Clause, 232, 376; dependent and inde-
pendent, 376, 377; subjunctive, 312;
used as adjective, 295; as adverb,
338; as noun, 272; as subject of
sentence, 232; position of, 299, 368;
punctuation of, 299; verb must
agree in tense with principal verb
in sentence; exception, 330.
Collective nouns, 105, 106; used as sub-
ject of verb, 240.

52, 171, 173, 174.

Compounds formed from who, which

and what, 371.

Compound words, plural of, 116.
Conjugation, 181-191; of regular verb,
187, 314; of irregular verb, 187,
Conjunctions, definition, 86; adversa-
tive, alternative, copulative, and
causal, 216; coördinate and sub-
ordinate, 358, 359; distinguished
from prepositions, 86; not inflect-
ed, 214; uses, 356, 357; list of con-
junctions used together, 87, 88;
list of conjunctions used to intro-
duce verb in subjunctive, 316;
avoid superfluous conjunctions,
359; parsing of conjunctions, 361.
Connectives, 349, 351.

Contractions, 57; list of, 225.
Coördinate, meaning of, 358 (note).
Copula, may consist of two or more

words, 176; negative copula, 337.
Copulative conjunction, 216; shows
what, 240.
Copulative verb, definition, 175; fol-

lowed by nominative case, 243, 333.

Dative, from dare, to give, 251 (note).
Dative case, 250, 251.

Declarative sentence, definition, 6, 10;
punctuation of, 6, 11; subject of,
231, 232.

Comma, rules for use of, 250, 292, 299, Declension, 148-156; definition, 148;

301 (note), 348, 349, 392, 393.
Command, a form of sentence, 2.
Common noun, 30.

Comparative degree used when but

two objects are compared, 165, 289.

declension of noun, 148; of pro-
nouns, 149.
Definite article, 66.
Definitions, 393, 394.

Degrees of comparison, see comparison.

[ocr errors]

Demonstratives, 126; used as adjec- Im, prefix, 68.

tives, 128, 131.

Dependent clause, 376.

Derivative words, 387.

Description, rules for writing, 307.
Different from, 354.

Diminutives, 108, 168.

Diphthong, definition, 385; improper,

Do, used to give emphasis, 317; not
always an auxiliary, 320; present
and preterit tenses, 190.

Each other, use of, 291.
Either, use of, 291.
Elements of sentence, 349, 350; may be

words, phrases, or clauses, 350-351.
Elephant, outline for description, 308.
Equally, use of, 341.

Exclamation, a form of sentence, 2;
punctuation of, 8.

Exclamation not a part of speech, 91.
Exclamation point, 8, 11, 92.

Fox and the Raven, The, 9.
Fox and the Stork, The, 3.

Gender of nouns, 109-111; masculine
and feminine, 109; of pronouns,
132-136; masculine, feminine, and
neuter, 132, 133.

Give, verb to give, present and pret-
erit tenses of, 187.
Got, proper use of, 330.

Grammar Land, reference, 96 (note).

Had, wrongly used, 330.

Have, had, used to show completion,
318; not always an auxiliary, 320.
Have, verb to have, present and pret-
erit tenses of, 190.

He, his, or him used for singular noun
of indeterminate gender, 278.
Hence, thence, whence, use of, 341.
Her, hers, use and parsing of, 294, 295.

[ocr errors]

Imperative mode, 311.

Imperative sentence, definition, 7, 11;
punctuation, 7, 11; subject of,

In, prefix, 68.

Indefinite article, 66.

Indefinite pronouns, 128, 131; may be
used as adjectives, 157.
Independent clause, 377.
Indicative, from dicare, 311 (note).
Indicative mode, 311.

Infinitive, definition, 267; has no mode,

315; may take an object, 268; may
be modified by an adverb, 268; not
inflected and does not assert, 268;
present infinitive used after verb
in past tense, 330;

used as adjective, 295; as adverb,
339; as noun, 268.

Inflection, definition, 148; called com-
parison, 166; called conjugation,
187; called declension, 148.
Inquiry, a kind of sentence, 2.
Interjection, from inter and jacere,
91 (note).

Interjection, 91-94; definition, 91; punc-
tuation, 92.

Interrogation point, 6, 11.
Interrogative pronouns, 127; must be
of same case as noun represented,
282; used as adjectives, 128.
Interrogative sentence, definition, 6,
11; punctuation, 6, 11; direct and
indirect questions, 233, 234; sub-
ject of interrogative sentence,

Intransitive verbs, 173.

Irregular verbs, 180; lists of, 181, 182.
Italics, rules for use of, 220.

Leader of a phrase, 351.

Letters of introduction, rules for, 257-

Letters of recommendation, 64.
Like, incorrectly used for as, 342.

If, does not necessarily imply subjune- Love, verb to love, conjugation illus-

tive mode, 314, 315.

trated, 187, 314, 323.

Many, used with noun of singular

number, 289.

Masculine and feminine pronouns used

to represent objects without sex,

Material nouns, 104.

May, present and preterit tenses of,
190; used to express liberty or
liability, 317.

Modal adverbs, 208.

Mode, or mood, from Latin word for
manner, 310 (note).

Mode, 310-316; definition, 310; mode
of verb, 311; indicative, impera-
tive, and subjunctive, 311.
More and most, to be avoided before
comparative and superlative de-
gree, 291.

Must, expresses obligation or neces-
sity, 317; not inflected and has no
past tense, 319.

My, mine, use and parsing of, 294, 295.

dative case, 251; in possessive case,
147; in vocative case, 258; inde-
pendent in construction, 259, 260,

used as an adjective, 157, 292, 293;
to identify a person or thing, 247;
as object of transitive verb or verb-
phrase, 147, 242; of verbal word,
145, 147, 243; as subject of verb,
142, 145, 242; to show to whom or
for whom, 251; with modifiers, as
adverb, 262; as subject of sentence,
231; united by conjunctions as sub-
ject of sentence, 231; noun not
inflected for person, 142; object of
preposition understood, 254;
nouns ending in eption, 61; plural
of nouns from foreign languages,
118; nouns without plurals, 115;
words and combinations used as
nouns, 266-268; nouns and verbs
spelled alike but differently ac-
cented, 225; parsing of noun, 270.

Negatives, two equal an affirmative, Noun clause, 369.

Neither, use of, 291; neither, nor,

Neuter, meaning of, 133 (note).
Neuter gender, 133.

Niagara, outline for description, 335.
No, wrongly used for not, 341.
Nominative, meaning of, 147 (note).
Nominative absolute case, 262.
Nominative of address, 259.

Nominative pronouns, 147.

None, use of, 291.

Number of nouns, 113-121; of pro-

nouns, 130-132; of verbs, 137–139;
of adjectives, 289.
Numeral adjectives, 158, 160.

Object of verb, 54, 145, 171.
Object of transitive verb limits the
application of verb, 174.
Object of preposition, 79, 145.
Objective pronouns, 147.

Of, used to denote possession, 151, 152.
Old Oaken Bucket, 366.

Not, used to form negative copula, One another, use of, 291.


Noun, from nomen, 24 (note).
Nouns, definition, 24; may consist of
one or more words, 29; abstract,
106, 107; collective, 105, 106; mas-
culine and feminine, 109; material,
104; proper and common, 30-38;
singular and plural, 113-121; ver-
bal, 104;

declension, 148; case, 146, 147; noun
or pronoun in apposition, 248; in

Only, to be placed next to the word it

modifies, 290, 291, 342.
Our, ours, use and parsing of, 294, 295.

Parenthesis, 299.

Parsing, 220; of adjective, 288; of
adverb, 343; of conjunction, 361;
of noun,
270; of pronoun, 282, 283;
of relative pronoun, 365; of prepo-
sition, 352; of verb or verb-phrase,

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