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Every officer of the quartermaster's department mus, before entering pon the duties of his office, give bond to the United States with two more sufficient sureties, conditioned for the faithful performance of h duty The quartermaster general, in the sum of fifty thousand dollars, quartermasters twenty thousand, assistant quartermasters ten thousand, and Storekeepers five thousand dollars. The sufficiency of the sureties to be certified by the district attorney, or United States' Judge, of the State or Territory in which they reside, or of which they are citizens.

There are in the Quartermaster's department, one Quartermaster general. with the rank of Brigadier General; four Quartermasters, with the rank of Majo s; and twenty assistant Quartermasters to be taken from the line.


C. Irvine, Commissary General of Purchases.....
........................................ 3000 00
Timothy Banger, Chief Clerk......
William C. Irvine, Clerk.....
James Irvine, Clerk..

1550 00

1000 00

950 00


700 00

900 00

Samuel Wilmar, messenger...... ...............................
William Banger, Clerk, military storekeeper's office..........
Edwards S. Fayssoux, Military Storekeeper, Philadelphia.
Charles Litle, do. New York, each with Pay &c. of a Captain of Infantry.

The Commissary general of this department purchases on the orders and estimates of the War Department, all clothing, dragoon saddles and bridles, tents, tent poles, camp kettles, mess pans, bed sacks, and all other articles required for the public service for the army of the United States, excepting only such as are ordered to be purchased by the Ordnance, Quartermaster's, Subsistence, and Medical Departments.

All articles provided by the commissary general of purchases, and in a state fit for immediate issue to the troops must be deposited in the military store near the Schuylkill, and held subject to the orders of the War Department.


Brevet Major John Garland, 3d Infantry.

This Bureau has been added to those attached to the War Department. for the purpose of securing more system and responsibility in supplying clothing for the troops Besides a general superintendency as to economy in obtaining articles necessary for the clothing of the army, the disposition of them when prepared for use, is entrusted to the officer in charge of this Department. His duty is to prepare estimates of clothing and camp equip jage to be provided by the "Purchasing Department" as well as the detailed estimates of those supplies issued to the army He is required to keep sealed, of every article procured under contracts, and to compare them from time to time, and whenever he deems it necessary, with the art cles furnished, to establish their conformity as well as their quality. He is charged with all the correspondence of the department, upon suh ects connected with the clothing of the army, and with the appropriations and requisitions. It is his duty, also, to procure information upon all topics relating to the clothing; and to suggest to the Secretary of War such alterations relative thereto as the good of the service may require, and to point out any disadvantages he may chserve attending the present system. Patterns of every part of the dress of the officers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the army, made in conformity with the requirements of the General Order of the 11th June, 1832, restoring the facings worn by revolu tionary army, are also kept in this department.


Nath'n Towson, Pay MasWilliam Rich, Clerk.. 1700 00 ter General................. 2500 00 William D. Beall, Clerk.. 1100 00 Nathan'l Frye, Chief Clerk 1700 00 Jacob Brodbeck, messenger 700 00 The Paymaster General is stationed at the seat of Government he is charged with the military responsibilities of this department, in all its details. The subordinate officers, being coufined exclusively to the disbursement of public money, are subject only to the orders of the Secretary of War and the Paymaster general, except that they are liable to arrest by he senior offi er of the department or command to which they may be arranged for the regular payment of the troops.

It being provided by law that "the troops be paid in such manner, that the ar ears shall, at no time, exceed two months, unless the circumstances of the ases all render it unavoidable," regular payments become due on the las cass of February, April, June, August, October, and December in each year Payments are made on those days or as soon after as the situation of the roops and other unavoidable circumstances will permit, and in the same rotation; in order that the payments all pos s may be at regular periods. There are, in the Pay Department, besides the Paymaster General, foureen Paymasters, authorized by the act of March 2, 1821.


Brevet Brig. Gen. George Gibson, Commissary General of Subsistence. Major James H. Hook, Commissary of Subsistence.

Captain Thomas Hunt, 5th Infantry.

Charles G. Wilcox, Clerk, Subsistence of the Army.
Richard Gott,

George Forsyth,

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1350 00

800 00

1000 00

1000 00

800 00

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Wm. C. Easton, Clerk, removal and subsistence of Indians.... 1600 00 James Ord, ........ 1000 00 Townsend Waugh, Basil H Waring, The present mode of supplying the army with subsistence was established by the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th sections of an act of Congress passed April 14, 1818, entitled "an act regulating the Staff of the Army of the United States;" and by the eighth section of "an act to reduce and fix the military peace establishment," passed 2d March, 1821. By the former, it Was to continue for five years; and it was renewed for five more by " to continue the present mode of supplying the army," passed 23d January, 1823; and again for five years by act of same title, passed 2d March, 1829. The first named act provides for a Commissary General of Subsistenc whose duties are to make estimates of expenditures for his department, contract and purchase subsistence for the army; regulate .he transm iss on of funds to his assistants; make payments to contractors; adjust accounts for settlement; locate his assistants at their several stations; and, in general,} provide for the proper administration of his department in all its ramifica tions. This act provides, also, for as many assistant commissaries as might be required, to be taken from the subalterns of the line. The 8th section of the act of 24 March, 1821, limits these assistants to fifty, and subjects them to the performance of duty in the quartermaster's department By the act of 2d March, 1829, "the better to enable the Commissary General of subsistence to carry into effect the provisions of the above specified acts" two Commissaries are to be taken from the line of the army; one of whom has the same rank, pay, and emoluments as Quartermaster, and the other with rank, pay, and emoluments of Assistant Quartermaster.

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The Surgeon General is stationed at the City of Washington; he is the director and immediate accounting officer of the medical department. issues all orders and instructions relating to the professional duties of the officers of the medical staff; and calls for and receives, such reports and returns from them, as may be requisite to the performance of his several duties.

He receives from the medical director of armies, districts and deparı ments, cofidential reports relative to the condition of hospitals and infirmaries the character and conduct of the surgeons and assistant surgeons-the state of their books and accounts-the medical topography of the several posts and stations-the nature of the prevailing complaints, their probable causes, and the treatment adopted.

He receives from every surgeon and assistant, performing the duties of surgeon, quarterly reports of sick, with such remarks as may be necessary to exp am the nature of the diseases of the troops, the practice adopted, and the kinds of medicines and stores required, together with a copy of the entries made, for the quarter, in the book kept for the diary of the weather, accompanied with suitable observations.

He receives from every surgeon and assistant surgeon, having charge of public property of any description for the use of the sick, duplicate semiannual returns of the same, in the form and manner prescribed, and also annual requisitions for the supplies required for each hospital, regiment. post or garrison, for the ensuing year, and transmits them, with his instructions to the officers of the apothecary's department.

He receives from the officers of the apothecary's department, duplicates of all invoices and supplies, put up for, and delivered or forward d to, the several surgeons and assistant surgeons, aud also a return of the several articles purchased, received and issued by them.

It is his duty to examine the returns and accounts of the surgeons and assistant surgeons, see that proper vouchers are sent for articles issued, and that the quantities expended with the sick are according to the number on the sick reports, and the nature of their complaints; if found to be so, he shall cerify it, and at the end of each year, and oftener if necessary, send the returns and accounts thus certified, to the office of the proper accounting officer of the treasury, (2d Auditor) for final settlement.

It is his further duty to make to the Secretary of War such reports and returns as may be necessary to explain all the concerus of the department under his charge, with such remarks relative to the improvements in practe and police, and to the clothing, subsistence, &c. of the army, as may seem to be required for the preservation of health, the comfort and recovery of the sick, and the good of the public service.

Army surgeons have precedence in their several grades, according to dates of commissions. They may, when necessary, be employed as Judge Advo cates, but are not to be detailed as members of either general, regimental, for garrison courts martial. They are not permitted to be engaged in pri vate practice

The act of March 2, 1821, provides that the Medical Department shall consist of one Surgeon General, eight Surgeons, and forty-five Assistant Surgeons And the act of June 28, 1832," to increase the number of Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons of the Army of the United States," authorizes the appointment of "four additional Surgeons, and ten additional Surgeon's Mates."


LEVI WOODBURY, of New Hampshire, Secretary, $6000) per annum.

The office of the Secretary of the Navy was created by act of April 30, 1798. He issues all orders to the Navy of the United States, and superintends the concerns of the Naval Establishment generally. A board of Navy Commissioners was instituted by act of 7th February, 1815, to aid him in the discharge of his duties. By act of July 10, 1832, all the powers conferred, and duties imposed, by existing laws, on the Commissioners of the Navy and Privateer Pension and Hospital Funds, were transferred to the Secretary of the Navy. He is by usuage, a member of the cabinet, and holds his office at the will of the President.


JOHN BOYLE, Chief Clerk, superintends, under the direction of the Secretary, the duties of the Department, examines or refers to the other Clerks all matters requiring examination; apportions the business of the office among the clerks, and submits the same, when prepared, to the Secretary; and sees that all directions given by him, are carried into effect.. •$2000 00 Christopher Andrews, Duties-general correspondence with Commanders of squadrons and ships of war and stations, and Commandant of Marine Corps; Heads of Departments and officers; both Houses and Committees of Congress. The annual estimates, for the Naval service and Secretary's Office and Navy Building; African Agency; Claims; Correspondence with Navy Commissioners; Orders for recruiting; Orders for Courts of Inquiry and Courts Martial; summaries of proceedings and decisions; preservation of their Records; and agent for paying salaries and contingent expenses of the Secretary's office....... ........ ... 1600 00 Lauriston B Hardin, is charged with the Register of the Officers of the Navy, and with keeping an account of their services and orders for duty; Register of the Officers of the Marine Corps, Navy Agents, Naval Storekeepers and Naval Constructors, and vessels of war. He prepares nominatious, commissions, warrants, and acting appointmentsKeeps an account of deaths, resignations and dismissions. Prepares for publication annually the Navy Register, for the department, and bienially for the State Department. Attends to the correspondence with officers relative to their orders, services, &c. and with other persons on the same subjects Attends to monthly publication of vessels of war on foreign stations and the changes which take place among them, &c.... Abraham H. Quincy, has charge of applications for appoint. ments of every description in the Navy, and enters the same in proper books, endorses and files the recommendations in such manner that applications may be referred to at a mo

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1400 00

ment's notice. He has charge of the Congress Book, and of the General Letter Book, in which are recorded all letters to persons not in the service of the United States; and attends to any copying or other duties required of him by the Secretary of Chiet Clerk......

.... 1400 00

Thomas R. Miller, records all letters to the President of the United States and Heads of Departments-leiters to Navy Agents, Naval store keepers, &c; files and has the care of Jetters to Officers :—makes out all copies from the records and other documents when required-assists in the general correspondence-attends to and performs the duties of the Warrant and other clerks, when absent by sickness or other causes-and also performs many other duties of a miscellaneous character....................................................

...... .......

1000 00

1000 00

J. D. Simms, registers all letters received at the Navy Department-all letters written from it, and all orders issued to the Officers of the Navy-makes semi-weekly reports to the chief clerk of the state of the correspondence and records of the Department-is charged with the record of letters to the Board of Navy Commissioners, and assists, as occasion requires, in the general correspondence of the Department Thomas L. Ragsdale, Warrant Clerk of the Navy Department, prepares requisitions upon the Treasury on account of expenditures for the Navy-keeps the appropriation accounts, including those of the Navy Pension, Privateer Pension, and Navy hospital Funds-exhibits mouthly a balance sheet of moneys in the Treasury subject to naval purposes-has charge of the book of Bills of Exchange-writes letters relative to the fiscal concerns of the Department and aids in its general correspondence-examines and files the monthly summary statements of Navy Agents, and the returns of other disburs ing officers; and is liable to be called ou for any other clerical duties connected with the business of the Department........ 1000 00 Henry Stark, prepares answers to applications for office, discharges of seamen, &c.-has charge of the correspondence relating to Live Oak—of the returns of the sick, from the fleet surgeons and surgeons attached to the shore stations; and attends generally to any duty assigned him by the Secretary or Chief Clerk...



800 00


Joseph P M Corkle, has charge of the Navy Pension Fund, the Privateer Pension Fund, and the Navy Hospital Fund, and performs all the duties required by the act of July 10, 1832, for the regulation of the Navy and Privateer Pension and Navy Hospital Funds......

1600 00

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