Imágenes de páginas

in defence of, can be sufficiently clear and conclusive, 297-decisive
arguments in refutation of, 301.

Poland, agricultural condition of, 321.

Prices, how they would be affected by the abolition of the Corn Laws,

Princess Palatine, Letters of the, disclosures made by the, regarding the
reign of Lquis XIV, 416.

Prince de Montbarey, character of, 434-short account of his life, 435.

.Quarantine Laws, propriety of the, urged, 475.

Queen Mary, why any dispute was ever made regarding her participa-
tion in the murder of Darnley, 2.

Revolution, Danish, when brought about, and by whom, 371.
Revulsions, Commercial, what kind of, lie in the sphere of the economist,
and what causes produce, 70-operation of these causes exemplified,
72—what would diminish the frequency of, 75-connection of the
currency with, 79-impropriety of the clamour raised against the
theory of the Economists, because they did not predict the late revul-
sion, 81-improvements of Government on the currency insufficient to
prevent, 91.

Sackatoo, capital of the Felatah empire, described, 203.

Scotland, disabilities attaching to the Peers of, 398.

Shary, river of, in Central Africa, 196—its magnitude, and the rate at
which it flows, 197.

Sheik of Bornou, what power possessed by the, 187-battle fought by
the, and with whom, 198.

Shoua Arabs, called Dugganahs, account of the, 199.

Size, whether the perception of, involves a peculiar and original faculty,

Slave-trade in Africa, how carried on, 207.

Smith, Mr Charles, computation of, concerning the annual consumption
of corm, 320.

Spiritual censures, unlawfulness and mischief of enforcing, by temporal
pains and penalties, 492.

Spurzheim, Dr, opinion of, regarding a faculty supposed to be seated in
a certain part of the brain, 274.

State, what consequences would ensue were its alliance with the Church
of England dissolved, 491.

Struensee, Comte de, account of his elevation under Christian VII, 366
-fluctuating character of, 368-instances of his impolitic administra-
tion, 369—what caused the conspiracy to subvert the administration
of, 370—execution of, 372-answers made by his counsel to the
charges preferred against him, ib.

Tavannes, policy recommended by, to the Court of France, 127.
Tchad, great lake of, description of the, 180.

[blocks in formation]

Thomas a Kempis, who is generally allowed to have been the author of
the book entitled, and how long the controversy concerning it was
agitated, 2.

Tithes, when they fall upon consumers, 353.

Tripoli, favourable opening furnished at, for exploring Africa, 175.

Walker, the curate of Dr Gauden, testimony of, regarding the Icon Basi-
like, 31.

Warburton, Bishop, his argument on the advantages of an alliance of
Church and State, 494-remarks on it, and by whom, 495-observa-
tions on a quotation of, from Icon Basilike, 497.

Weight, whether the power of perceiving, involves a peculiar and distinct
faculty, 291.

Williams, Mr, vindicated as to his exertions for the reform of Chancery
abuses, 482.

Wordsworth, Dr, character of, as a controversialist, 7.


No. LXXXIX. will be published in December.

Printed by J. Hutchison,
for the Heirs of D. Willison.




THE DIRECTORS being frequently applied to, by persons at a distance, for information respecting the Plan upon which the ACADEMY is conducted, the expense, and other particulars, have printed the following Statement, as the most convenient and satisfactory form of returning an answer to such applications.

The EDINBURGH ACADEMY is a Public Classical School, for Boys from eight to fifteen or sixteen years of age.

It was established by Private Subscription, the Subscribers having raised the necessary funds by Proprietary Shares, and the Proprietors were formed into a Body Corporate by a Royal Charter. The superintendence is vested in fifteen Directors, chosen by the Proprietors from among their own body.

The Establishment was opened on 1st of October 1824, and the Studies of each year commence on the 1st of October, and continue till 1st August, when the Vacation begins. It consisted at that time of a Rector, four Classical Masters, a Master for the English Language and Literature, a Master for Arithmetic and Geometry, with two Assistants, and a Writing Master with two Assistants; a French Master is now added.

When a Boy commences his Classical Studies at the ACADEMY, he enters the First or Junior Class. He continues to be taught exclusively by the same Master (in the Classical department) for four years, during which time he belongs to the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Classes, in successive years.

According to the original plan, a Boy at the commencement of the fifth year was to leave his former Classical Master, to enter the Rector's Class, and remain there two years, to complete the course of instruction, consisting of English, Latin, Greek, Geography, Writing, Arithmetic, and Geometry, which was usually followed, with the exception of Geometry, at the High School of Edinburgh, and other similar establishments in Scotland, previously to his going to the University. It has, however, been long a subject of regret with many parents in Scotland, that, by this system, their sons are obliged to terminate their School education at an age much too early for their entering upon the comparatively independent life of a College student, as this course of six years brings them to the University at the early age of fourteen, freed at once from the regular discipline of a School, with this farther disadvantage, that the Session of the Colleges does not extend beyond six months.

Strongly impressed with the conviction of the evil consequences that have frequently resulted from this system, and urged by the solicitations of the parents of Boys at the ACADEMY, the Directors have remodelled the system from the commencement of the fifth year's studies, and have now made arrangements for extending the course of instruction from six to seven years.

During the three last years, the Boys will belong to the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Classes, respectively. The Classical instruction of these Pupils will be divided between the Rector and the under Masters. Instead of all connexion ceasing, at the end of the fourth year, between the Pupil and the Master with whom he com. menced his Studies, as was the case in the former system, the Pupil will now be one half the time under that Master, in the fifth, sixth, and seventh years, and the other half under the Rector. The Rector will prescribe the Studies in each of these Classes, the Masters acting as his Assistants in preparing the Pupils in that work which they are daily to go through with him. A very important benefit flows from this arrangement, for the Boys will have the advantage of continuing under a Master with whom they are perfectly acquainted, and who, by long experience, has acquired a thorough knowledge of the habits and dispositions of his Pupils; and the Master, besides the gratification of sharing more largely in the honour of turning out a distinguished Scholar, in place of being confined to the elementary Books, will have the satisfaction of accompanying his Pupils in their Studies of the higher Classics,

The four junior Classes are examined for two hours once a-fortnight by the Rector.

The state of advancement of each Class may partially be judged of by the following statement of the Studies of the first year of the Institution, 1824-25: FIRST CLASS.-Latin-Ruddiman's Rudiments and Valpy's Delectus; Geography and Writing.

SECOND CLASS.-Latin-Adam's Grammar, Phædrus, Cornelius Nepos; Greek— Charter-House Rudiments; Geography and Writing.

THIRD CLASS.-Latin-Mair's Introduction to Syntax, Cæsar's Commentaries, Ovidii Electa; Greek-Charter-House Rudiments, Sandford's Exercises and Extracts; Geography, Arithmetic, and Writing.

FOURTH CLASS.-Latin-Eneid, and Composition in Prose, and in Hexameter and Pentameter Verse; Greek-Charter-House Rudiments, Sandford's Exercises and Extracts; Geography, Arithmetic, and Writing.

RECTOR'S CLASS.-Latin-Sixth and Ninth Books of the Eneid, four Books of the Odes of Horace, Twenty-first Book of Livy, Compositions in Elegiac and Sapphic Measure, and Recitations from Virgil, Horace, and Livy; GreekMoor's Greek Grammar, Dalzell's Analecta Minora, First Book of Xenophon's Anabasis, Sandford's Greek Exercises, Adam's Roman Antiquities, Geography, Writing, Arithmetic, and First Book of Euclid.

In all the Classes, a portion of the time is allotted to English Grammar, Reading, Recitation, and Prose Composition.

Since the first of October 1825, the course of instruction in the four junior' Classes has been nearly the same as what is stated above. The Boys who were in the Fourth Class last year, constitute the Fifth Class this year, and have been partly taught by their former Master, and partly by the Rector. Their Studies since the 1st October have been as follows:-They have read a considerable portion of Sandford's Greek Extracts, the First Book of Xenophon's Anabasis, the Twenty-second Book of Livy, and the three first Books of Horace; they have been regularly exercised in the practice of Composition in Latin Prose and Verse; they have studied the Geography of Ancient and Modern Greece, Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt.

Those who constitute what in the above statement is termed the Rector's Class this year form the Sixth Class. They have been almost exclusively taught by the Rector, and their Studies, since the 1st of October, have been as follows:-They have read the Second, Third, and Fourth Books of Xenophon's Anabasis, the Medea of Euripides, and the Acts of the Apostics. In Latin, they have read the Twenty-second Book of Livy, the Adelphi of Terence, the Second and Third

Book of Virgil's Georgics, his Eclogues, and a considerable portion of Horace's Satires and Epistles. Their exercises in Composition have been particularly attended to. Their Studies in Geography have been the same as those in the Fifth Class.

During the present year, the Studies of the Fifth and Sixth Classes, under the Mathematical Master, have been,-

ARITHMETIC-as far as the Extraction of the Square and Cube Roots; First Three Books of Euclid; and Algebra, as far as Quadratic Equations.

With regard to the extent of instruction proposed to be followed in the Seventh Class, which is to commence 1st October 1826, it is expected that the greater proportion of the Class will be able to read, in Latin, Tacitus, and such parts of Lucretius and Juvenal as are proper to put into the hands of Boys;—in Greek, Homer, several of the Plays of Euripides and Sophocles, and the Historical parts of Herodotus; and that the greatest benefit will be derived from the opportunity that will be afforded of paying greater attention to composition in Greek and Latin Prose and Verse.

With regard to Mathematics, where the Pupils come under the charge of the Mathematical Master at the beginning of the third year, the majority of them will, in the Seventh Class, accomplish Euclid, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Conic Sections, Algebra, and Practical Mathematics.

With regard to French, it is presumed that an hour's instruction every day, for ten months, will enable the majority of the Pupils to read and understand, grammatically, the more easy Authors in that Language.

All the Classes in the ACADEMY are under the superintendence and control of the Rector, the Reverend JOHN WILLIAMS, (late of Baliol College, Oxford, and Vicar of Lampeter.)

There are Libraries in the Third and Senior Classes, consisting of Books of instruction and amusement, suited to the age of the Boys in the different Classes. These Books are lent out weekly to the Pupils, at the discretion of the Master, as a reward for good conduct.

The hours of attendance are from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M., with various short intervals for play.

There are large and commodious Rooms for each Class, with a Hall for occasional Meetings and Public Exhibitions of the whole School. There are about three acres of play-ground, surrounded with a wall, in the centre of which the building is situated, and the Gates are locked from 9 to 3 o'clock.

The expense of the ACADEMY to each Pupil is as follows:

Every Pupil pays annually, in the month of October, an Academy Fee, which is Two Guineas for the First Class, and Three Guineas for each subsequent year. The Fees for instruction are payable at two periods, viz. October and March, in equal sums; and these, together with the Academy Fee, make the whole amount payable annually by each Pupil in the respective Classes, as follows:-

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Average annual expense of the seven years,.....10 2 7

There are no other payments for any purpose whatever, nor are any presents or gratuities by the Pupils permitted.

The number of Boys in each Class is limited to 110.

The Children and Grandchildren of Proprietors have a preference, provided their names are given in to the Secretary three months before the annual opening of the School, on the 1st October. In all other cases, all that is necessary is to enter the Boy's name in the Secretary's book, and he is admitted in the order of application.

The Vacation lasts the whole of the months of August and September. There is also a Vacation of a week at Christmas; but there are no other Holidays

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