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feigned repentance-strong faith in Jesus Christ-and that zeal and love which characterize the humble, meek, lowly, devoted, self-denying, spiritual, heavenly-minded child of God—and thus furnish us for every good work. Whether we shall ever go into the vinevard of our Lord, is known only to him. The harvest truly is great, and the laborers are few. Should we enter the field, may we be found wise as serpents and harmless as doves-baptized with the Holy Ghost and with fire.

"But I think that our views should not be altogether directed to the end of our preparatory course. There are many opportunities now of doing good. The call from many a lowly cottage is, 'Come over and help us! And we ought to inquire for persons to whom we may be useful. If indeed we feel as we ought, we hold ourselves to be very small and unworthy. But we are looked upon by those around us as having already entered on a ministerial course, and we have a particular character to sustain. Occupying such a situation, how necessary it is that we should be circumspect, and walk worthy of our vocation.

"A few days since, I had some interesting intelligence from the east. The good work appears to be going on. Some, whom I left distressed, have obtained a hope. The time is coming, when 'a nation shall be born in a day.' We may see greater things than our eyes have ever yet witnessed. O! may the preciousness of immortal souls, and our responsibility to God, to ourselves, and to others, be written on our hearts, as with a pen of iron and the point of a diamond. And may we be kept very humble, and very sensible of our entire dependence' Farewell."

J. B. Taylor.


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"Perhaps you may wish to know how I have em ployed myself during the past session. O that I could tell you I had been faithful! But alas! in all things I come short, and in many I offend. However, I have endeavored to do, at least, a little for my Redeemer, by visiting the people of this neighborhood, and conversing with them on the concerns of their souls. In several instances I have been encouraged. The prayer-meetings are continued every other Sabbath. I have also been engaged in several other places. I am about establishing a Sunday school for colored people at the village where I hold my meetings. I hope that you are actively engaged in your sphere. Our working days will soon be over, and the consideration ought to sink deep into our hearts. Souls may be waiting for us to be the means of their conversion. 'UP AND be doing,' should be our motto."



"October, 1821.

'Knowing that you feel anxious about your friend, I give you early information of my safe arrival in L., and of the improvement of my health. I am nearly well of my cold-but alas! I am compelled to say that my heart is not warm on a subject on which I ought to be all on fire. Pray for me, that the Sun of righteousness may arise with healing in his beams; that my doubts and fears may all be removed; that my sorrow may be turned into joy. You know how painful it is

to be under a cloud. But, blessed be the Lord, I know that I do want more religion, and that my chief desire is to be holy. Nothing can satisfy me but the eternal fountain of life and light.


'Return, O holy Dove, return,
'Sweet messenger of rest;

I hate the sins that made thee mourn,
'And drove thee from my breast.'

After I had written the preceding, (the other evening,) I laid aside my paper and took hold of Clarke on the Promises, when I met with the following hassage: 'The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath thee are the everlasting arms. He shall drive out the enemy before thee; and shall say, Destroy them.' From this I derived some encouragement. I have since found it good to wait on the Lord; and feel strengthened to persevere. Pray for me, that I may hold fast, and hold on to the end.

"December 8.-I have reason to praise the Lord for his goodness to my soul since I wrote the foregoing. Last Monday night particularly was a season of enjoyment to me. I enjoyed a delightful 'time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord.' It was our monthly prayer-meeting. I trust that I have not lost the blessed Savior yet. The world and all its enjoy. ments appeared, and do still appear diminutive and transitory. I felt, and still feel determined, the Lord helping me, to live nearer to him-'O for grace to love him more.""

"Lawrenceville, Dec. 1, 1821. "Since I wrote last, I have made quite a tour through Connecticut. The occasion was this. While going to New-York at the commencement of our vacation, on board the steam-boat between New-Brunswick and the city, I fell in with Major Ridge, an Indian chief, of the Cherokee tribe. My becoming acquainted with him seemed providential. I saw his credentials, which were very satisfactory, from our missionaries-and finding him a stranger in a strange land, without a guide, I offered to him my friendship. With this he seemed to be highly gratified. I conversed with him as much as I could about his country and its productions; about the missionaries, schools, &c. among the Cherokees. This rendered our trip very agreeable. I was particularly pleased to have beside me, from the wilderness, one of those for whom so much exertion had been made.

"On our arrival in New-York, I conducted Major Ridge to my brother's, where the family immediately became interested in him.

"On Sunday he attended church and prayer-meeting. In the evening I concluded to accompany him to Cornwall, where he had a son at school. Accordingly on Monday morning we set out for New-Haven, where we tarried for the night. On Tuesday we went to Litchfield. The country is beautifully diversified with hill and dale. I passed through the place where Mr. Newton formerly resided, who went with the last mission family to the Osages.

"I found Litchfield a beautiful place, situated on a

commanding eminence, from which one may look over a very fine range of country. There I saw Mr. Nettleton. "On Wednesday we arrived at Cornwall. It is a small village on a plain surrounded with mountains. But to return to my companion. He manifested very great pleasure in meeting his son. Both parental and filial affection were strongly displayed. Tears stole gently down the cheeks of both father and son; so that for some time they were incapable of much conversation. When they had become more composed, the father, through his son, began, apparently with much feeling, to express his gratitude for my unexpected attention. During the afternoon I had an interview with the son. He is nearly of my size, about eighteen years of age, possesses an intelligent mind, uses good language, and exhibits refined manners. He has been nearly three years at Cornwall, and has made rapid progress. He is regarded as a youth of first rate talents. But he appeared quite a stranger to his own heart.

"In the evening I attended a conference meeting conducted by the young men, and heard some of the heathen youth speak and pray! David Brown is particularly interesting.

"Next day I had an interview with Major Ridge just before I left him. Mr. Brown was my interpreter. At the close, the Major gave me the assurance that he would hereafter give his whole mind to the subject of religion. His wife has become a member of the church in the wilderness, and he is desirous of becoming a member too.

"I left Cornwall on Thursday. Mr. Brown accompanied me as far as the burying ground, to view the

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