Imágenes de páginas
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Crop, eight hundred bushels. Cost per bushel, fifty-two cents.

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Yield, forty bushels per acre. Cost, forty-one and three quarter cents per bushel.

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Yield, forty bushels per acre. Cost, thirty-seven and one half cents per bushel.

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Yield, thirty-five bushels per acre. Cost, twenty-five cents per


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Yield, thirty-three bushels per acre. Cost, twenty-seven and one half cents per bushel.

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Yield per acre, four hundred bushels. Cost, sixteen and one half cents per bushel.

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Yield, per acre, two tons. Cost, nine dollars and eighty-three cents per

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For the purpose of obtaining data similar to that previously asked for with reference to the cost of farm crops, blanks were (during two years) sent out to our reporters, and when returned, properly filled out, were tabulated, go to show the estimated cost of each kind of live stock in each county in the State. While these reports show considerable variation in the views of different correspondents, yet when tabulated as collected, at the rate of five or six to each county, we think the average would prove a fair one, and not far from correct.

To illustrate the manner in which these reports were made, we give three in full, as they reached this office:


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This is an extreme estimate, and exception may be taken to it, because during the last six months of her third year the cow should have given enough milk to have partly paid for her keep during that year, and should have had credit for a calf. On the other hand, one correspondent claims that his figures and results are based upon his actual experience.

Another one of our reporters, who is a member of the Board, gives the following figures, as based upon his own experience:

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This reporter claims that his heifers calve soon after they are two years old, and will pay for their keep during their third year.

A Lehigh county reporter gives the following figures as regarding the cost of a cow at three years old:

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This correspondent claims that the heifer should not have a calf until three years old, and that her future increased value as a cow will more than pay for the extra cost.

In the same manner estimates of the cost of each kind of live stock were arranged in tabulated form for each county, with the result as exhibited in the following table:

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