Imágenes de páginas

ARIZONA TERRITORY, Governors of, 69; dele- |
gate from, 76; assessor and collector of in-
ternal revenue, 99; mail service in, 156; gold
and silver product, 220, 221, 650.

Capital, 481; area, 484; population, 484,
485; organization of, 484; government, 484;
judiciary, 484; Supreme court, 484, 485;
United States court, 485; finances, 485; in-
debtedness, 485; wealth and industry, 485;
ruins of Spanish settlements, 485; Indian
hostilities, 485; surface, 485; productions,
485; Colorado river, 485; climate, 485; min-
erals, 486; lumber, 486; railroads, 486.
ARKANSAS, Governors of, 64; U. S. Senators of,
71, 262 Representatives in Congress, 74,
263; collectors of customs in, 97; assessors
and collectors of internal revenue, 99; mail
service in, 155; land grants to, 174; pension-
ers in, 176, 177; temperature and rain-fall,
186; average yield and prices of crops, 187;
prices of farm stock, 188.

Capital, 281; area, 281; population, 281,
284; settlement of, 281; admitted into the
union, 281; ordinance of secession passed,
281; reconstruction in, 281; new constitu-
tion adopted, 281; provisions of. 281; gov-
ernment, 281; legislature, 281; qualification
of voters, 282; judiciary, 282; appointments
of judges, 282; United States courts, 282;
Supreme court, 282; circuit courts, 282; fi-
nances, 282; state debt, 283; education, 283;
injury to literary institutions by the war,
283; declaration of Gov. Murphy, 283; pro-
visions of constitution with regard to edu-
cation, 283; charitable and penal institutions,
283; Institution for the blind, 283; peniten-
tiary, 284; wealth and industry, 281; agri-
cultural statistics of, 284; minerals, 284;
value of property, 284; Banks, 284; votes at
presidential elections, 728.


ARMY LIST, 111; general officers, 111; Adjutant
General's Department, 111; Inspector Gen-
erals, 111; Chief Signal Officers of the Army,
112; Quartermaster's department, 112; sub-
sistence department, 112; medical depart-
ment, 112; pay department, 113; corps of en-
gineers, 113; ordnance department, 114; en-
gineer battalion, 114; regiments of cavalry-
1st to 5th, 114; 6th to 10th, 115; regiments
of artillery-1st to 5th, 115; regiments of in-
fantry-1st, 115; 2d to 14th, 116; 15th to 27th,
117; 28th to 40th, 118; 41st to 45th, 119; pay
of the army, 121; organization of, 122.


ASIA, eclipse of the sun visible in, 12; area and
population of, 592; civilization, 592; Euro-
pean possessions, 592; governments purely
Asiatic, 592; religions of, 592; states and
smaller divisions, 592; religious statistics,
611, 614, 615, 618-622.

ASSESSORS of Internal Revenue, 99.
ASSISTANT Adjutant Generals, 108, 111.
ASSISTANT Instructors and Professors in Mili-
tary Academy, 109; in Naval Academy, 129.
ASSOCIATE JUSTICES, of the Supreme Court,
62, 147.

[blocks in formation]


10; seasons, 10; rising and setting of Mer-
cury, 10; eclipses for 1869, 11: lunar eclipse,
11; eclipses of the sun, 12; table of eclipses
visible in North America, 14; asteroids,
14; Venus and Mars, 15; phases of Venus,
15; evening stars, 15; morning stars, 15;
ephemeris of the principal planets, 16;
sun's declination for Washington,18; eclipses
of Jupiter's moons, 18; moon's place or
longitude, 19; constellations and signs of
the Zodiac, 19; occultations of Regulus and
Aldebaran, 19; high water-at Boston, 20;
at New York, 20; at Philadelphia, 21; at
San Francisco, 21; mean time of sun-rise
and sun-set, 22-44; length and increase of
days, 22-44; moon's phases, 23–45; situation
of the planets, 23-45; mean time of begin-
ning and end of twilight, 23-45; planetary
conjunctions, 46; Saturn's rings, 46; sun and
planets, 47; tide-table, 48; star-table, 49;
latitude and longitude, 50-58.

ATTORNEY General, 80; duties of, 146.
ATTORNEY General's office, 146.
ATTORNEYS General, 62.
area and population of divisions, 602; for
divisions (see each division); religious statis-
tics, 612, 614.

AUSTRIA, capital, 540; area, 540, 541; popula-
tion, 540, 541; history, 540; accession of the
House of Hapsburg, 540; made an arch-
duchy, 540; constitution proclaimed, 540:
races, 541; cities, 541; reigning sovereign
and family, 541: list of sovereigns, 541: gov-
ernment, 541; Provincial and Central Diets,
541 ministry of Austria proper, 542; con-
stitution of Hungary, 542; Hungarian min-
istry, 542; ministry of the empire, 512; af-
fairs common to all parts of the empire, 542;
educational establishments, 542; universi-
ties, 542; revenue and expenditures, 543;
public debt, 543; army and navy, 543; for-
tresses, 513; imports and exports, 544;
Society of the Austrian Lloyd, 544; rail-
ways and telegraphs, 544.

AVERAGE price of principal products, 187; yield
of, 187; price of farm stock, 188.


BADEN, capital, 566; area and population, 566;
emigration, 566; reigning sovereign and
family, 566; Legislative Chambers, 566;
ministry, 566; education, 566; universities,
566; receipts, expenditure, and debt, 566;
railways, 566; army, 566; telegraph lines, 566.
BALTA, JOSÉ, president of Peru, 533.
BALTIMORE, courts of, 360; commerce of, 363.
BAPTISTS, divisions of, 617; in America, 617;
in Great Britain, 618; on the continent of
Europe, 618; in Asia and Australia, 618;
missions in Burmah, 594.

BATTLE, LORENZO, president of Uruguay, 133.
BAVARIA, capital, 564; area, 564; population,

564; districts, 564; emigration, 564; reign-
ing sovereign and family, 564; government,
564; Upper and Lower House, 564; ministry,
565; education, 561; universities, 561; rev-
enue, expenditures, and debt, 565; railways,
565; army and fortresses, 565; production
of beer, mines, &c., 565; banks, 565; tele-
graph lines, 565; post-office, 565.
BELGIUM, capital, 544; area, 544; population,
514; history, 544; independence established,
544; reigning sovereign and family, 544; gov-


ernment, 544; Senate and Chamber of Rep-
resentatives, 545; ministry, 545; education,
545; revenue and expenditures, 545; nation-
al debt, 545; army and navy, 545; fortresses,
545; commerce, 545; imports and exports,
545; state railway, 545.

BLAIR, F. JR., letter of acceptance of nomina-
tion, 273.

BOLIVIA, capital, 525; area, 525; population,
525; history, 525; treaty with Brazil, 525;
government, 525; army, revenue, expendi-
tures, imports, 525.

BOSTON, high water at, 20; Normal and train-
ing school, 368.

BOUNTY Land Warrants, 172.

BRAZIL, capital, 525; area, 525; population,
525; history, 525; constituted a kingdom,
525; constitution adopted, 525; slaveholders,
525; suppression of slave-trade, 525; colo-
nies, 525; reigning sovereign and family,526;
government, legislative assembly, 526; vot-
ing compelled, 526; new ministry formed,
July 1568, 526; revenue, expenditures, and
debt, 526; paper currency in circulation,
526; army and navy, 526; commerce, 526;
trade with United States, 526.

BREMEN, area and population, 564; Senate, 564;
income, expenditure and debt, 564; imports
and exports, 561; commercial navy, 564;
army, 564.

BRIGADIER Generals, 111-120.
BRITISH America, 533.

BRITISH India, capital, 593; area, 593; popula-
tion, 593; divisions, 593; cities, 593; gov-
ernment, 594; governor-general, 594; edu-
cation, 594: finances, 594; revenue, expen-
ditures, and debt, 594; army, 594; exports
and imports, 594; railways, post-offices and
telegraph lines, 594; arrivals and clearances,
594; cotton, 594.

BRITISH Possessions, area, 533, 534; population,
533, 534; income, 533, 534; expenses, 533,
534; import and exports, 533, 534.
BRUNSWICK, capital, 561; area, 561; population,
561 reigning sovereign and family, 561;
Legislative Chamber, 561; revenue, expen-
diture and debt, 561; army, 561; mines, 561.
BUREAU of Refugees, Freedmen, and aban-
doned lands, 108; organization of, 125; com-
missioner of, 125; departments of, 125. (See
Freedmen's Bureau).

BUREAU of military justice, 108, 111; navy
yards and docks, 128; navigation, 128; ord-
nance, 128; construction and repair, 128;
equipment and recruiting, 128; steam-engi-
neering, 128; provisions and clothing, 128;
medicine and surgery, 128; Indian affairs,
179; officers and duties of, 179; of industrial
resources, Alabama, 280.

BURMAH, capitals, 594; arca and population,
594; divisions, 594; government, 594; edu-
cation, 594; revenue, 591; missions, 594.


CADETS, appointment of to military academy,
110; qualifications of, 110; examination of,
110; pay of, 111.

CADET ENGINEERS in the navy, 131; number
of, 131; pay of, 131; examination of, 131;
appointment of, 132.

CALIFORNIA, Governors of, 64; U. S. Senators

of, 71, 262; Representatives in Congress, 74,
263; collectors of customs in, 97; assessors
and collectors of internal revenue in, 99;
military department of, 124; mail service


in, 155; land grants to, 174; pensioners in,
176, 177; temperature and rainfall, 186; av-
erage yield and prices of crops, 187; prices
of farm stock, 188; colleges in, 196.

Capital, 285; area, 285; population, 285,
292; settlement of, 285; ceded to the United
States, 285; government, 285; legislature,
285; qualification of voters, 285; judiciary,
285; election of judges, 286; United States
courts, 286; Supreme court, 286; District
courts, 286; registers in bankruptcy, 286;
times and places for holding courts, 286;
courts in San Francisco, 286; finances, 287;
state debt, 287; education, state board of,
287; school officers, 288; state board of ex-
amination, 288; county and city boards of
examiners, 288; state diplomas, 288; life
diplomas, 288; State Normal School, 289;
schools of San Francisco, 289; schools of
Sacramento, 289; charitable institutions,
290; Insane Asylum, 290; Institution for the
Deaf, Dumb, and Blind, 290; State Reform
School, 290; State Prison, 291; wealth and
industry, 291; soil and climate, 292; produc-
tions, 292, 293; fruits, 292; vineyards, 292;
production of silk, 292; Big Tree grove,"
293; mineral wealth, 293, 647; trade and
commerce of San Francisco, 293; votes at
Presidential elections, 668.

[ocr errors]

CANADA, Dominion of, capital, 534; area, 534
population, 534; history, 534; Inter-colonial
Conference of Quebec, 534; action with re-
gard to Confederation, 534; government,
534; cabinet, 534; Governor General, 535;
Senate and House of Assembly, 535; army,
535; statistics of population, 535; produc-
tions, 536.

CANDIDATES for Naval Academy, 130; nomina-
tion of, 130; qualifications, 130; appoint-
ment, 131.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, capital, 599; area, 599;
population, 599; nativity of population, 599;
Governor and Councils, 599; revenue, ex-
penditure, and debt, 599; imports and ex-
ports, 599.

CAPITOL at Washington, 512.
CAPTAINS of the navy, 133, 135.
CAUCASIAN race, 538.

CENTRAL AMERICA, history, 526; population,
526. (see each State).

CERNA, VINCENT, President of Guatemala,

CEYLON, area and population, 595; Governor
and Council, 595; revenue and expenditure,
595; imports and exports, 595.
CHARLES ALEXANDER, Grand Duke of Saxe-
Weimar, 560.

CHARLES, King of Wurtemberg. 565.
CHARLES XV. King of Sweden and Norway,


CHARLES, Prince of Rumania, 591.
CHICAGO, population of, 323; receipts and ship-
ments of, 323.

CHIEF JUSTICES of the Supreme Court of the
United States, 147.
CHIEF JUSTICES of the Supreme Court, 62.
CHILI, capital, 527; area, 527; population, 527;
history, 527; census report, 527; govern-
ment, 528; president, 528; ministry, 528;
Council of State, 528; Senate and Chamber
of Deputies, 528; revenue and expenditures,
528; debt, 528; army and navy, 528; com-
merce, 528; imports and exports, 528; ton-
nage, 528; education, 528; university, 528;
secondary instruction, 528.

[blocks in formation]

CHRISTIAN IX. King of Denmark, 546.
CHRISTIANITY in America, 524; in Europe, 539;
in Asia, 532; in Abyssinia, 598; in Madagas-
car, 600; in Turkey, 609; in Africa, 609; sta-
tistics of, 610-622; divisions of Roman Cath-
olic Church, 61-615; Oriental Churches, 610,
615; Protestant Churches, 610, 616–622.
CIRCUIT COURTS of the United States, 147; of
each State, (see each State).
CIVILIZATION of Europe brought to America,
523; in Asia, 592.

COAL, in Alabama, 280; in Arkansas, 284; in
Illinois, 322; in Iowa, 337; in Indiana, 329;
in Kansas, 341; in Kentucky, 346; in Mis-
souri, 394; in Nebraska, 395; in North Car-
olina, 426; in Ohio, 432; in Pennsylvania,
444, 654 in Tennessee, 457; in Virginia,
471; in West Virginia, 475; in Alaska, 484;
in Colorado, 489; in Dakota, 492; in Monta-
na, 500; in New Mexico, 501; in Washing-
ton Territory, 507; history of, 653; annual
product for the world, 655; product for the
United States, 656.

COAST LINE of the United States, 59.

COINS, foreign gold and silver, 221; of the Uni-
ted States, 222.

COLFAX, SCHUYLER, nominated Vice President,
267; letter of acceptance, 266; inaugurated,

COLLECTORS of customs 97.

COLLECTORS of internal revenue, 99.
COLLEGES and collegiate institutions, 196.
COLLEGE, Yale, 297; Trinity, 297; Delaware,
305; St. Mary's, 305; Emory, 314; Iowa Ag-
ricultural, 333; St. John's, 361; Dartmouth,
404; Princeton, 408; Agricultural of New
Jersey, 408; Columbia, 415; Rutger's Fe-
male, 415; Vassar, 415; Agricultural of Ver-
mont, 465; of William and Mary, 470; Wash-
ington, 470; Agricultural of West Virginia,
474. (See Universities).

COLOMBIA, United States of, capital, 528; area,
528; population, 528; history, 528; changes
of organization, 528; independent Indians,
528; government, 529; ministry, 529; Sen-
ate and Chamber of Representatives, 529;
revenue and expenditures, 529; debt, 529;
army, 529; commerce, 529; imports and ex-
ports, 529; arrivals, 529.
COLONELS, 111-120.

COLORADO TERRITORY, Governors of, 69; dele-
gate from, 76; assessor and collector of in-
ternal revenue. 199; mail service in, 156;
gold and silver product of, 220, 221, 605.

Capital, 486; area, 486; population, 486;
organization of, 486; failure of admission to
the Union, 486; government, 486; change of
capital, 486; legislature, 487; judiciary, 487;
Supreme court, 487; District courts, 487;
terms of courts, 487; finances, 487; sources
of revenue and disbursements, 487; educa-
tion, 488; Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion, 488 wealth and industry, 488; agri-
cultural lands, 488; gold and silver mining,
488; coal and other minerals, 489; statistics
of business of Denver, 489; products, 489;
banks, 489.

COMMANDERS, 133, 135.

COMMISSIONER of Internal Revenue, 96; duties
of, 96; of Freedmen's Bureau, 125; of Gen-
eral Land Office, 169; of pensions, 169, 175;
of patents, 169, 181, 182; of Indian office,
169, 179; of agriculture, 183; of education, 190,
COMMISSIONERS to establish peace with Indian
tribes, 180.

COMMITTEES of the Senate, 72, 261, 802; of the
House, 76, 262, 803.
COMMODORES, 132, 135.
COMPARATIVE TABLES, 603; large divisions of
the world, 603; political divisions of the
world, 603; cities, 607.

CONGREGATIONALISM, in America, 618; in Eng-
land and the colonies, 618.
CONGREGATIONALISTS, in America, 618; in
Great Britain, 618.

CONGRESS, 70; two houses of, 70; Senate, 70;
House of Representatives, 70: apportion-
ment of members, 71; fortieth congress, 71;
sessions of, 71; members of, 71, 261; com-
mittees of, 72, 261; proceedings of, 225: acts
of, 246; forty-first congress, 262; librarian
of, 214; library of, 214.
CONGRESSES, list of, 63.
CONJUNCTIONS, planetary, 46.
CONNECTICUT, Governors of, 64; U. S. Senators
of, 71, 262; Representatives in Congress, 74,
263; collectors of customs in, 97; assessors
and collectors of internal revenne, 99; mail
service in, 155; pensioners in, 176, 177; tem-
perature and rainfall, 1855; average yield and
prices of crops, 187; prices of farm stock,
188; colleges in, 196.

Capitals, 294; area, 204; population, 294,
301 settlement of, 294; government, 294;
legislature, 294; qualification of voters, 294;
National Guards, 294; judiciary, 295; Uni-
ted States courts, 295; Supreme Court of
Errors, 295; Superior court, 295; State's at-
torney, 296; terms of Supreme court, 296;
terms of Superior court, 296; finances, 26;
receipts for civil list account for year ending
March 31, 1868, 298; expenditures, 296; state
debt, 297; education, 297; colleges, 297;
Yale college, 297; professional schools, 297;
academies and high schools, 298; State Board
of Education, 298; State Normal School, 296;
teachers' institutes, 298; school statistics,
298; charitable institutions, 299; American
Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, 299, 300;
Retreat for the Insane, 299, 300; State Re
form School, 299, 300; School for Imbeciles,
300, 301; Soldiers' Orphans' Homes, 300; in-
digent blind, 300; Hartford Hospital, 301;
State Prison and Jails. 301; county jails, 301;
wealth and industry, 301; increase in popn-
lation, 301; increase in value of property,
302; manufactures, 302; mines, 302; banks,
302; insurance, 302; railroads, 302; votes at
Presidential elections, 696.

CONSTELLATIONS of the zodiac, 19.
59; basis of the government, 59.
ratification of, 258.

CONSULAR branch of department of State, 80.
CONSULAR officers in foreign countries, 82.

CONVENTION, postal, with Great Britain, 150;
with Belgium, Netherlands, &c., 150; with
Hong Kong, 151.

CONVENTION, National Republican at Chicago,
265; National Democratic at New York, 28;
Soldiers' and Sailors' National, at Chicago,
266; at New York, 269.

[blocks in formation]



COURTS OF THE STATES, (see judiciary of each

CROPS, wheat, 185; corn, 185; average yield
and average price, 187; condition of, 189.

CUBA, area, 537; fertility, 537; mines, 537;
railroads, 537; population, 537; liberation
of slaves, 537; government, 537; chief towns,
537; productions, 537; population, exports
and imports of Porto Rico, 537.
CUSTOMS, Collectors of, 97.


DAKOTA TERRITORY, Governors of, 69; dele-
gate from, 76; assessor and collector of in-
ternal revenue, 99; military department of,
124; mail service in, 156; gold and silver
product of, 221.

Capital, 489; area, 489; population, 489,
492; organization of, 489; government, 489;
qualification of voters, 490; militia, 490;
judiciary, 490; Supreme and District courts,
490; terms of courts, 490; finances, 490:
education, 490; public school system, 490
school officers, 491; school-buildings, 491:
"Dakota Hall," 491; teachers' institutes,
491; school statistics, 491; wealth and in-
dustry, 491; immigrants, 492; Indian hos-
tilities, 492; public lands, 492; railroads,
DANISH POSSESSIONS, area, 536; population,
536; sale of St. Thomas and St. John, 536;
settlements in Greenland, 536.

DAYS, length and increase of, 23-44.
DEAF MUTES, institutions for, (see each State);
methods of instructing in American Asy-
lum, 299; college for, 513.

DEBTS OF THE STATES, 215; (see each State and

DELAWARE, Governors of, 65; U. S. Senators
of, 71, 262; Representatives in Congress, 74,
263; collector of customs in, 97; assessors
and collectors of internal revenue, 99; mail
service in, 155; pensioners in, 177; temper-
ature and rain-fall, 186; average yield and
prices of crops, 187; prices of farm stock,
188; colleges in, 196.

Capital, 303; area, 303; population, 303,
805; settlement, 303; constitution adopted,
303 government, 303: legislature, 303; qual-
ification of voters, 303; judiciary, 303; ap-
pointment of judges, 304; United States
courts, 304; judges of state courts, 304;
terms of courts, 304; finances, 304; state
debt, 304; education, 305; colleges, 305;
wealth and industry, 305; railroads, 305; ag-


riculture, 305; foreign trade, 305; banks,
305; products, 305; votes at presidential
elections, 670.

York, 268.

DENMARK, capital, 545; area, 545, 546: popula-
tion, 545, 546; history, 545; Schleswig-Hol-
stein wars, 546; reigning sovereign and
family, 546; treaty of Vienna, 546; govern-
ment, 546; Diets, 546; Iceland, 516; minis-
try, 546; education, 546; revenue and ex-
penditures, 546; public debt, 546; army and
navy, 546; imports and exports, 547; com-
mercial marine, 547.

sioner of, 183; established, 183; business of,
183; building of, 183.

sioner of, 190; act creating, 190; informa-
tion sought by, 191; modes of obtaining in-
formation, 191; modes of disseminating in-
formation, 192; plan of publication, 192;
work done, or in progress, 193.

DEPARTMENT of the Interior, 169; bureaus in,
169; chief officers in, 169; public lands, 170;
bounty land warrants, 172; private land
claims, 174; pension office, 175; army pen-
sions, 175; navy pensions, 176; bureau of
Indian affairs, 179; patent office, 181.
DEPARTMENT of the Navy, 128; bureaus in,
128; chief officers in, 128; United States
Naval Academy, 129; list, 182; naval
constructors, 136; of the United
States navy, 136; naval force, 138; squad-
rons, 139; navy yards and shore stations,
140; pay of the navy, 141.

DEPARTMENT of the Post Office, (see Post Office

DEPARTMENT of State, 80; diplomatic branch,
consular branch, disbursing agent, transla-
tor, clerk of appointments and commissions,
clerk of rolls and archives, clerk of authen-
tications, clerk of pardons and passports, 50;
intercourse with foreign nations, 81.
DEPARTMENT of the Treasury, 95; bureaus in,
95; chief officers in, 96; collectors of cus-
toms, 97; assessors and collectors of inter-
nal revenue, 99; United States Coast Survey,
104; Light-house board, 105; Light-house
districts and officers, 105; Supervising in-
spectors of steamboats and their districts,

DEPARTMENT of War, 107; bureaus in, 107;
chief officers in, 108; United States Military
Academy, 108; military divisions, districts
and departments, 124; Freedmen's Bureau,


DEPOSITS at United States Mint, 219.
DISCOVERY of America, 523.
DISTILLED Spirits, laws respecting tax on, 246,
247, 250.

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, area, 510; population,
510, 514; ceded to the General Government,
510; present limits, 510; judiciary, 510; Su-
preme court, 147, 510; District and Criminal
courts, 511; terms of court, 511; charitable
institutions, 513; Hospital for the Insane,
513, 514; Columbian Institution for Deaf,
Dumb and Blind, 513, 514; U. S. Jail, 514;
classification of population, 514; Washing-
ton, (see Washington City).

DIVISIONS of the World, in order of area and
population, 603-605; in order of density of
population, 605, 606; alphabetically arranged,
606, 607.

DUEÑAS, FRANCISCO, president of San Salva- | FIFTEENTH Constitutional Amendment, 801.
dor, 527.

DUTCH Possessions, area and population, 537.
DUTIES levied on leading articles of merchan-
dise, 236.



ECLIPSE, of the moon, 11, 12; of the sun, 11,

12, 13.

ECLIPSES, 11; table of, 14; of Jupiter's moons,


ECUADOR, capital, 529; arca, 529; population,

529; history, 529; government, 529; provin-
ces, 529; revenue, expenditures and debt,
529; exports and imports, 529.

EDUCATION, (see Department of). Journal of,
190, 192; in the several States, (see under
Education in each State and territory); in
Chili, 528; in Austria, 542; in Belgium, 545;
in Denmark, 546; in France, 549; in Ger-
many, 402; in Prussia, 557; in Saxony, 559;
in Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 559; in Bavaria,
565; in Wurtemberg, 566; in Baden, 566; in
Great Britain, 571; in Ireland, 572; in Scot-
land, 572; in Greece, 577; in Italy, 578; in
Portugal, 581; in Russia, 583; in Spain, 585;
in Sweden, 587; in Norway, 587; in Switzer-
land, 588; in Turkey, 590; in British India,
591; in Burmah, 594; in Madagascar, 600.
EDUCATIONAL documents, 192, 193.
EDUCATIONAL tables, 196.

EGYPT, capital, 599; area, 599; population, 599;
nativity of population, 599; sovereign, 599;
independence, 599; ministry and Assembly
of Representatives, 599; revenue, expendi-
tures and loans, 599; army and navy, 600;
commerce, 600.

ELECTIONS, of Senators, 79; of members of
House of Representatives, 79; of President
and Vice-President, 79.

ELECTORS, of President and Vice-President, 79.
ENVOYS Extraordinary, 81.

EPHEMERIS of the principal planets, 16, 17.
ERAS, corresponding with 1869, 9.

ERNEST I., Duke of Saxe-Altenburg, 561.
ERNEST II., Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 561.
ESPINOSA, XAVIER, president of Ecuador, 529.
ESTABLISHED Church of England and Ireland,


EUROPE, area, 538; population, 538; compara-

tive size, 538; divisions, 538; increase of
population, 538; races, 538, 539; countries,
539; empires, 539; States and rulers, 539,
540; statistics of Christianity in, 611, 622.
EUROPEAN Conferences, 539; possessions, 372.
EVENING stars, 15.

EVENTS, record of for 1868, 739.

EXAMINATION of Cadets for the Military Acad-

emy, 110; of applicants to the Naval Acad-
emy, 130; of cadet engineers, 131.
EXCHANGES, Agricultural, 184.
EXECUTIVE government of United States, 79.
EXPENDITURES of the U. S. Treasury, 237.
EXPORTS, of New York, 420, 520; of Great
Britain, 575; of France, 552; of Russia, 584;
of British India, 594; of China, 595, 596; of
Japan, 596; (also see each State and country).


FARM stock, prices of, 188.
FEEJEE Islands, area and population, 601; num-
ber, 601: missions, 601; offers of cession to
Great Britain, 601; indemnity to United
States, 601; exports, 601.

FINANCES, of the United States, 235; act to
suspend further reduction of the currency.
246; of individual States, (see each State and

FINANCIAL tables, 237.

FINLAND, ancient constitution, 584; govern-
or general, 584; revenue and expenditure,
584; army and navy, 584.
FLORIDA, Governors of, 65; U. S. Senators of,
71, 262; Representatives in Congress, 74,
263; collectors of customs in. 97; assessor
and collector of internal revenue, 99; mail
service in, 155; land grants to. 174; tem-
perature and rain-fall, 186; average yield
and prices of crops, 187; prices of farm
stock. 188; reconstruction of, 234, 248.

Capital, 306; area, 306; population, 36,
310; ceded to the United States. 306; settle-
ment, 306; admitted into the union, 306; or-
dinance of secession passed, 306; repealed,
306; constitution adopted, 306; ratified, 306;
fourteenth amendment ratified, 306; govern
ment, 306; legislature, 306; qualification of
voters, 307; judiciary, 307; appointment of
judges, 307; Supreme court, 307, 308; Cir-
cuit courts, 307, 308; United States courts,
308; finances, 308; state debt, 309; educa-
tion, 309; Board of Education, 309; com-
mon school fund, 309; seminaries, 309; char-
itable institutions, 309; criminals, 310;
wealth and industry, 310; emigration, 310;
fruits, 310; manufactures, 310; steamboat
and canal companies, 810; votes at presiden-
tial elections, 735.
FOREIGN coins, 221.

FOREIGN Consuls in United States, 90.
FOREIGN legations in United States, 89.
FOREIGN intercourse, 81; postage, 158.
FOURTEENTH constitutional amendment, 257;
ratification of, 257.

FRANCE, capital, 547; area, 547; population,
548;-in cities and departments, 547, 548:
nationality, 548; reigning sovereign and
family, 548; list of sovereigns, 549; govern-
ment, 549; constitution. 549; Council of
State, Senate and Legislative body. 549;
ministry, 549; education, 549; educational
institutions, 549; political journals, 549;
finances, 549; expenditures, 519, 550; rev-
enue, 550; public debt, 550; army, 550; de-
tails of organization, 551; navy, 551; details
of organization, 552; commerce, imports
and exports, 552; gold, silver, and other
products, 552; business of the Post Office
department, 552; telegraph lines and rail-
roads, 552; banks, 553; colonies, 553.
FRANCIS JOSEPH I., Emperor of Austria, and
King of Hungary, 541.

FREDERICK FRANCIS II., Grand Duke of Meck-
lenburg-Schwerin, 559.

FREDERICK WILLIAM I., Grand Duke of Meck-
lenburg-Strelitz, 559.

FREDERICK I., Grand Duke of Baden, 566.
FREEDMEN'S Bureau, 125; commissioner of,
125; organization of, 125; appropriations
for, 126; expenditures of, 126.
FREEDMEN, Schools for, 127.
FRENCH Possessions, area, 537; population,


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