Imágenes de páginas


HUSH thee, my babby,
Lie still with thy daddy,

Thy mammy has gone to the mill,
To grind thee some wheat,

To make thee some meat,

And so, my dear babby, lie still.


HEY, my kitten, my kitten,

And hey, my kitten, my deary!

Such a sweet pet as this

Was neither far nor neary.

Here we go up, up, up,

And here we go down, down, downy; And here we go backwards and forwards, And here we go round, round, roundy.


I WON'T be my father's Jack,
I won't be my mother's Gill,
I will be the fiddler's wife,

And have music when I will.

T'other little tune,

T'other little tune,
Pr'ythee, love, play me
T'other little tune.


RIDE, baby, ride!

Pretty baby shall ride,

And have a little puppy-dog tied to her side, And little pussy-cat tied to the other,

And away she shall ride to see her grandmother,

To see her grandmother,

To see her grandmother.


HUSH a bye, baby, on the tree top,

When the wind blows, the cradle will rock; When the bough bends, the cradle will fall, Down will come baby, bough, cradle, and all.

[blocks in formation]


DANCE, little baby, dance up high,
Never mind, baby, mother is by;
Crow and caper, caper and crow,

There, little baby, there you go;
Up to the ceiling, down to the ground,
Backwards and forwards, round and round;
Dance, little baby, and mother will sing,
With the merry coral, ding, ding, ding!


[The following is quoted in Florio's New World of Words," fol., London, 1611, p. 3.]

To market, to market,

To buy a plum-bun :
Home again, come again,
Market is done.

[blocks in formation]


Toм shall have a new bonnet,
With blue ribands to tie on it,
With a hush-a-bye and a lull-a-baby,
Who so like to Tommy's daddy?


BYE, baby bumpkin,
Where's Tony Lumpkin?
My lady's on her death-bed,
With eating half a pumpkin.


[From The Pleasant Comœdie of Patient Grissell,' 1603.]

HUSH, hush, hush, hush!

And I dance mine own child,

And I dance mine own child,
Hush, hush, hush, hush!


GIVE me a blow, and I'll beat'em,
Why did they vex my baby?
Kissy, kiss, kissy, my honey,

And cuddle your nurse, my deary.





[The first line of the following is the burden of a song in the Tempest,' act i, sc. 2. and also of one in the Merchant of Venice,' act iii, sc. 2.]

DING, dong, bell,
Pussy's in the well!
Who put her in?-

Little Tommy Lin.

Who pulled her out?—

Dog with long snout.

What a naughty boy was that

To drown poor pussy-cat,

Who never did any harm,

But kill'd the mice in his father's barn.

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