Imágenes de páginas


684. Baker, George M. School discipline of today. Kentucky high school quarterly, 2: 28-34, April 1916.

685. Deutsche, Abraham. Some broader aspects of school discipline. Education, 36: 514-24, April 1916.

Says that teachers should be trained in "the common elements of child hygiene, to result finally in more cooperation between the teacher and health inspection system." Discusses the problem of the exceptional child. Continued from March number.

686. Lucas, James Oscar. Retardation. Progressive teacher, 22: 13-14, April 1916.

687. McMurry, F. M. Improving the study period. Western teacher, 24: 247-52, March 1916.

Suggestions for teachers for improving the study periods.

688. Sears, J. B. Time allotment in the schools of Salt Lake City. Educational administration and supervision, 2: 137-50, March 1916.

Bibliography: p. 148-50.

689. Stitt, Edward W. Home work for elementary pupils. Educational review, 51: 360-86, April 1916.

Results of a questionnaire sent to principals and assistant principals of New York City. Out of 616 replies, 564 votes were recorded in favor of home study. Cites reasons for such study.


690. Alabama. Dept. of education. Rural schoolhouses and grounds. With suggestions for the erection, repair, and equipment of school buildings with state aid, and a classification of consolidated schools. Montgomery, Ala., The Brown printing company, 1916. 88 p. illus., plans. 8°. (Bulletin no. 52) 691. Betelle, James O. Assembly halls. American school board journal, 52:

11-13, 78-80, April 1916.

Discusses the betterment of assembly halls in general appearance, seating accommodations, stage arrangements, lighting, acoustics, and other important elements, avoiding recommending any extravagances or unnecessary costs.

692. Fitzpatrick, F. W. Building the school. American school board journal, 52 15-16, 91, April 1916.

Discusses the construction of school buildings principally from the point of view of fire protection.

693. Todd, John B. One-story and cottage schools. American school board journal, 52 20-21, April 1916.

Contains a table showing the comparative costs of one-story and cottage schools.


694. Barker, Creighton. Health supervision in small town schools. Journal of the American medical association, 66: 1188-90, April 15, 1916.

The writer says the only way in which to have health supervision universally adopted is by
State legislation. "Until it becomes compulsory, however, the small towns will evade the issue."

695. Berkowitz, J. H. Sanitary school surveys as a health protective measure. [New York] The New York association for improving the condition of the poor [1916] 9 p. illus. 8°.

Reprinted from the Modern hospital, March 1916, vol. VI, no. 3, p. 213-15.

Gives some interesting facts disclosed by a sanitary survey of one of the large public schools of
New York city.

696. Hunt, Caroline L. and Ward, Mabel. School lunches. Washington, Government printing office, 1916. 27 p. 8°. (U. S. Department of agriculture. Farmers' bulletin 712)

697. Hunter, George W. An experiment in student cooperation. Outlook, 112: 704-7, March 22, 1916. illus.

Activities of the sanitary squad of the De Witt Clinton high school, New York city.

698. Rose, Wickliffe. The rural school and the public health. High school quarterly, 4 173-80, April 1916.

"As at present administered the rural school is . . . a menace to the physical welfare of the child. . . and to the health of the community."


699. Bigelow, Maurice A. The educational attack on the problems of social hygiene. Social hygiene, 2: 165-77, April 1916.

Discusses the teaching of sex problems.


700. National collegiate athletic association. Proceedings of the tenth annua convention, held at New York city, December 28, 1915. 88 p. 8°. (Frank W. Nicolson, secretary-treasurer, Wesleyan university, Middletown, Conn.) Contains: 1. L. R. Briggs: Intercollegiate athletics, p. 45-47. 2. Albert Lefevre: Schedulemaking and institutional responsibility, p. 47-51. 3. R. N. Corwin: College ideals and athletics, p. 51-56. 4. Howard McClenahan: Athletic standards, p. 57-61. 5. H. A. Garfield: Athletics for all, p. 61-66. 6. W. H. Taft: College athletics, p. 66-71.

701. Hammett, C. E. The influence of athletics upon physical education in American colleges. Educational review, 51: 355-59, April 1916.

Says that athletic games are coming more and more to displace formal gymnastics. "A distinctly American system of physical training is in process of development, a system adapted to the character and temperament of American youth."

702. Meylan, George L. Report of the committee on status of physical education in American colleges. American physical education review, 21 : 155–57, March 1916.

Summary of questionnaires.

703. Ziegler, Karl. Körperliche jugendausbildung an amerikanischen stadtschulen. Körperliche erziehung, 12: 13-16, heft 1, 1916.

A summary of Cincinnati's provision for physical education, by the director of physical education in the Cincinnati schools.


704. Allan, M. M. The teacher as social worker. Journal of experimental pedagogy (London), 3: 217-25, March 4, 1916.

Presidential address delivered to the Training college association, England. Says that "the function of the teacher as a social worker may well appear as his most important function."

705. Berkeley, Gwendoline. Some impressions of Berlin before the war. National review (London), 67: 75-90, March 1916.

An interesting pen picture of student life at a girls' school and at the University of Berlin. A social study.

706. Hunter, Fred M. Community activities as a means of motivation. American education, 19: 460-65, April 1916.

Address delivered at the Detroit meeting of the National education association, Department of superintendence, February 24, 1916.

707. Klemme, E. J. Educating for peace. American schoolmaster, 9: 120-23, March 1916.

The writer says that the public schools are developers of sentiment and that through them the teacher has a wonderful power in promoting the principles of peace.

708. Morgan, Alexander. Education and social progress. London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green, and co., 1916. 252 p. 12°.

Aims to show the part that education, properly interpreted and exercised, may play in removing the barriers to social progress and in improving the condition of the whole body politic.

709. Rosedale, Blanche Cole. Community centers in New York city. Mother's magazine, 11: 109–11, April 1916.

Why they are; what they are; what they do; how to start one in your town or district.


710. Faddis, Jennie Rebecca. The school's need of the parent. Inter-mountain educator, 11: 8-12, March 1916.

Read before the Montana state teachers' association at Great Falls.

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711. Forbush, William Byron. Guide book to childhood. Philadelphia, G. W. Jacobs & company [1916] 557 p. 8°.

712. Holmes, Elizabeth. Co-operation of mother, kindergartner, and primary teacher. Kindergarten and first grade, 1 : 111–16, March 1916.

713. Kansas. University. University extension division. Dept. of child welfare. The cigarette problem; a plan for enlisting the boys of Kansas in a campaign against the juvenile use of nicotine. Topeka, Kansas state printing plant [1916] 7 p. 8°.

714. Putnam, Helen C. The new ideal in education-better parents of better children. Journal of education, 83: 372-74, April 6, 1916.

Read in the National council of education, at Detroit, February 22, 1916.


715. Brown, Samuel Winsor. Present legal status. New and proposed legislation concerning religious instruction in public schools. Religious education, 11: 103-8, April 1916.

716. Coe, George A. A general view of the movement for correlating religious education with public instruction. Religious education, 11: 109–22, April 1916.

717. Tenney, C. W. The Bible and the public school. School news and practical educator, 29: 389-90, April 1916.


718. Bonser, Frederick G. Is "prevocational" a needed or desirable term? Manual training and vocational education, 17: 585–88, April 1916.

The writer says that there is expressed and growing dissatisfaction with the term "prevocational." The junior high school plan meets all the needs of the "prevocational" school and removes any necessity for a separate development and a separate term.

719. Laselle, Mary A. Book work with a special class of girls in a pre-vocational school. Elementary school journal, 16: 430-41, April 1916.

Describes the character of the academic work in a home-making school, viz, the Newton vocational school, Mass.

720. Rodgers, R. H. Manual arts lesson plans. Manual training and vocational education, 17 592-602, April 1916.

"R. H. Rodgers of Stout institute shows why successful teaching demands daily preparation, and presents typical lesson plans illustrating how the analysis of subiect-matter and processes may be accomplished."

721. Fleming, Ralph D. Railroad and street transportation. Cleveland, O., The Survey committee of the Cleveland foundation, 1916. 76 p. front., plates, diagrs. 12°. ([Cleveland foundation. Publications] 14)

One of the 25 sections of the report of the educational survey of Cleveland conducted by the Survey committee of the Cleveland foundation in 1915.

722. Gowin, Enoch Burton and Wheatley, William Alonzo. Occupations; a textbook in vocational guidance. Boston, New York [etc.] Ginn and company [1916] xii, 357 p. illus. 8°.

A combination of vocational guidance and vocational information, with the emphasis placed strongly upon the latter.

723. Jennings, Irwin G. Vocational guidance in colleges and universities. Educational review, 51: 331-41, April 1916.

Recommends the establishment of a vocational guidance bureau, to study vocations, students, parents, alumni, and outside interests. The head of the bureau should "collect information concerning as many vocations as possible in which young men of ambition and education can find openings."

724. Marten, Charles. What are the vocational guidance bureaus accomplishing? Better schools, 2: 63-67, March 1916.

In summarizing the writer says that during the past five years the vocational bureaus have made considerable progress toward awakening public sentiment in their favor. Steps have been taken toward securing a definite knowledge of the needs and possibilities of the leading occupations, leading educational centers have organized prevocational courses, vocational schools have been introduced in all parts of the United States, and placement and follow-up work has been attempted.

725. Righter, Leonard. The curriculum and vocational guidance. Elementary school journal, 16: 369-80, March 1916.

Discusses "a scheme whereby vocational guidance is brought about through material presented as a part of the curriculum." Contains bibliography.

726. Shaw, Frank L. The building trades. Cleveland, O., The Survey committee of the Cleveland foundation, 1916. 107 p. front., plates, diagrs. 12°. ([Cleveland foundation. Publications] 15)


The printing trades. Cleveland, O., The Survey.committee of the Cleveland foundation, 1916. 95 p. illus. 12°.

Items 726 and 727 are sections of the report of the Education survey of Cleveland conducted by the Survey committee of the Cleveland foundation in 1915.


728. Jarvis, C. D. What shall be our policy concerning gardening in the elementary city schools? Nature-study review, 12: 174-78, April 1916.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American nature-study society, Columbus, Ohio. 729. Landers, J. Alvin. History and development of agricultural education in America. Mississippi educational advance, 5: 27-28, March 1916; 10-14, April 1916.

730. Main, Josiah. Decline and fall of a state system of boys' and girls' agricultural clubs. School and society, 3: 514-20, April 8, 1916.

A description of the state system of agricultural clubs in Oklahoma, which was in operation up to the fall of 1914, when the federal system of clubs was substituted for the state system.

731. Randall, J. L. Home gardening under the direction of the public schools. High school quarterly, 4: 197–202, April 1916.


732. Kandel, I. L. Commercial education in England. School and society, 3: 541-49, April 15, 1916.

In conclusion, the writer says that while England's "contribution to the field of commercial education has been slight, the period of experiment has begun and the future will probably see a solution characteristic of the English genius when applied to practical affairs."


733. Taylor, Alonzo E. The present and future of the medical school. Alumni register (University of Pennsylvania) 18: 499–505, March 1916.

Address delivered at the 150th anniversary of the Medical school of the University of Pennsylvania, February 4, 1916.


734. American political science association. Abstract of final report of Committee on instruction in political science. American political science review, 10: 147-48, February 1916.

735. Fitzpatrick, Edward A. Progress of the movement for training for public service. Public servant (Madison, Wis.) 1: 19–26, March 1916.


What is civic education? National municipal review, 5: 278-82, April 1916.

The writer says: "If education is going to mean anything in an industrial democracy or in a social democracy, our citizens must understand the actual function of the judiciary and its actual operation."

737. McVey, Frank L. The relation of the universities to public service. School and society, 3: 411-15, March 18, 1916.

738. New blood in civics. Optimist, 2 73–79, March 1916.

Says that civics should be taught in the grades, in all history classes and in other classes, but that the final place for civics is in the senior high school year, because before that period the pupil can not grasp as many of its more profound problems and because he should go into the world with what school can give him fresh in his mind.

739. Preparation for citizenship. Mind and body, 23: 1-6, March 1916.

"The Wyoming plan of military drill is being advocated by the War department of the United States... the Wyoming plan really has very little of what generally is known and advocated as 'Military drill.'" A comparison of the Wyoming and the Philadelphia plans of military, moral, civic, business, and educational preparation for citizenship is presented in tabular form. 740. Russell, James Earl. Education for citizenship. Teachers college record, 17: 113-26, March 1916.

"First of a series of addresses given before the staff of Teachers college with the aim of studying the basic principles which must underlie a system of education suited to the needs of a democratic society such as ours. An important topic in this discussion is the nature of the state and the relation of the individual to it."

741. Teaching, vol. 2, no. 8, March 1, 1916. (The school and the nation)

Contains: 1. W. E. Myer: Training for citizenship, p. 5-9. 2. W. E. Myer: The American educational crisis, p. 11-15. 3. Anna Brogan: Teaching civics, p. 15-18. 4. F. C. Walters: Civics socialized in the schools of Kansas, p. 18-24. 5. Anna Brogan: Every day patriotism, p. 24-26.

742. United States. Bureau of naturalization. An outline course in citizenship to be used in the public schools for the instruction of the foreign and native born candidates for adult-citizenship responsibilities. Prepared by Raymond F. Crist. Washington, Government printing office, 1916. 28 p. 8°.

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