Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

First school year.

Second school year.


Third school year.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


position, with characters

in daily use, and sentences of common style.


in daily use, and sentences
of common style.

4 Addition, subtraction, mul-
tiplication, and division;
calculation of weights,
measures, coins, and times.

[blocks in formation]

4 Decimal fractions; common
fractions; simple propor-
tion; abacus arithmetic-
addition, subtraction, mul-
plication, and division.

3 Outlines of Japanese history
and geography (contin-

Plants, animals, minerals;
natural phenomena.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

in daily use, and sentences
of common style.
Common fractions; propor-
tions; percentages; abacus
arithmetic-addition, sub-
traction, multiplication,
and division.
Outlines of Japanese history
(continued); outlines of
foreign geography.

Physical and chemical phe-
nomena of common occur-
rence; elements and com-
pounds; construction and
operation of simple appa-
ratuses; outlines of human
physiology and hygiene.

Various figures...

Solo singing.

3 Common gymnastics; sports;
military gymnastics (for

3 Sewing, cutting, and mend-
ing of common garments.
Simple work; agricultural
pursuits; general princi-
ples of agricultural pur-
suits; aquatic productions;
general principles of
aquatic productions.
General principles of com-

[blocks in formation]


Fourth school year.

Divisions of subject.

Principal points of morals.
Reading, writing, and com-
position, with characters
in daily use, and sentences
of common style.

4 Proportions;

mensuration; bookkeeping;
abacus arithmetic-addi-
tion, subtraction, multipli-
cation, and division.

3 Supplementary lessons on
Japanese history and on
Japanese history and geog-

Physical and chemical phe-
nomena of common occur-
rence; elements and com-
pounds; construction and
operation of simple appara-
tuses; the relations of
plants, animals, and miner-
als among themselves and
to man; outlines of human
physiology and hygiene.
2 Various figures; simple geo-
metric drawing.

[blocks in formation]










[blocks in formation]



Adams, Francis. The Free School System of the United States. London, 1875. Adams, H. B. Thomas Jefferson and the University of Virginia. Washington, 1888. (U. S. Bureau of Education.)

Adams, John Quincy. Educational Reform in Silesia by Frederick II. Am. Jo. Ed. (1867-8), vol. 17, pp. 125–128.

Albree, John. Charles Brooks and His Work for Normal Schools. Medford, 1907. Allen, William. Memoir of Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, D. D. American Quarterly Register (1837), vol. 10, pp. 2–31.

Allen, William H. Civics and Health. Boston, 1909.

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Ayres, Leonard P. Laggards in Our Schools. New York, 1909.

Ayres, Leonard P. The Spelling Vocabularies of Personal and Business Letters. (Russell Sage Foundation), New York, 1913.

Bache, A. D. Report on Education in Europe. Harrisburg, 1838; Philadelphia, 1839.

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Baker, James H. Report of Progress by the Committee on the Culture Element and Economy of Time in Education. N. E. A. proceedings, 1909, pp. 373-376; supplementary report by W. H. Smiley, pp. 377-380.

Baker, James H. Reorganization of American Education. N. E. A. proceedings, 1911, pp. 94-103.

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Botta, Vincenzo. Public Instruction in Sardinia. Am. Jo. Ed. (1857), vol. 3, pp. 513-530; vol. 4, pp. 37-64; 479–504.

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Charles. History of the Introduction of State Normal Schools in rica. Boston, 1864.

DW, Elmer E. The Making of Our Middle Schools. New York, 1903.
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Butler, Nicholas Murray. The Scope and Function of Secondary Education.
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Chubb, Percival. The Teaching of English. New York, 1908.

Comenius, Johann Amos. Great Didactic. Trans. by M. W. Keating. New York, 1911.

Common Schools in Connecticut, containing a summary of Henry Barnard's Fourth Annual Report (1842). Am. Jo. Ed. (1855–56), vol. 1, pp. 669–722. Compayré, Gabriel. The History of Pedagogy. Trans. by W. H. Payne. Boston, 1896.

Compayré, Gabriel. Reform in Secondary Education in France. Educational Review (1903), vol. 25, pp. 130-145.

Cousin, Victor. Report on the State of Public Instruction in Prussia. Trans. by Sarah Austin. London, 1834; New York, 1835. The two editions are exactly alike except that the New York edition contains a preface by J. Orville Taylor.

Cousin, Victor. Extracts from his Report. Am. Jo. Ed. (1870), vol. 20, pp. 227-250.

Day, Clive. A History of Commerce. New York, 1907.

Davidson, Thomas. Aristotle, and Ancient Educational Ideals. New York, 1892. Dewey, John. Current Problems in Secondary Education. School Review (1902), vol. 10, pp. 13-28; discussion, pp. 28-45.

Dexter, Edwin G. A History of Education in the United States. New York, 1904.

Draper, Andrew S. Fifth Annual Report. Albany, 1909. (Educational Department, State of New York.)

Dutton, Samuel T. and Snedden, David S. Administration of Public Education in the United States. New York, 1908.

Early School Codes of Germany. (Karl Von Raumer.) Am. Jo. Ed. (1859). vol. 6, pp. 426–434.

Eberhard, Dr. Public Instruction in Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Am. Jo. Ed. (1870), vol. 20, pp. 573-604.

Eliot, Charles W. Reports as President, in Harvard Reports.

Eliot, Charles W. Educational Reform. New York, 1898.

Eliot, Charles W. Undesirable and Desirable Uniformity in Schools. N. E. A. proceedings, 1892, pp. 82-95.

France, Education in. Rep. U. S. Com. Ed., 1902, vol. 1, pp. 667-719.

France, Current Tendencies in Secondary and Higher Education in. Rep. U. S.
Com. Ed., 1910, vol. 1, pp. 413-417.

Giddings, Franklin H. The Principles of Sociology. New York, 1909.
Gilman, Daniel C. Shortening the College Curriculum.

1891), vol. 1, pp. 1-7.

Educational Review

Greenwood, James M. Seven-Year Course of Study for Ward-School Pupils.

N. E. A. proceedings, 1903, pp. 247-260; discussion, pp. 260-263.

Gulick, Mrs. Charlotte Emily. Emergencies. Boston, 1909.

Hall, G. Stanley. Adolescence. 2 vol. New York, 1904.

Hall, G. Stanley. Youth; Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene. New York,

Hall, G. Stanley. Educational Problems. 2 vol. New York, 1911.

Hanus, Paul H. Obstacles to Educational Progress. N. E. A. proceedings, 1902, pp. 157-171.

Hanus, Paul H. A Modern School. New York, 1904.

Harper, William R. The High School of the Future. School Review (1903), vol. 11, pp. 1-3.

Hartwell, Charles S. Economy in Education. Educational Review (1905), vol. 30, pp. 159-177.

Hartwell, Charles S. Promotion by Subject and Three-Year Courses. School Review (1907), vol. 15, pp. 184-196.

Hartwell, Charles S. Questionnaire. School Review (1907), vol. 15, pp. 313316; tabulation of results, pp. 445-446.

Hinsdale, B. A. The Tripartite Division of Education. School Review (1896), vol. 4, pp. 513-522.

Hoag, Ernest B. Health Studies. Boston, 1909.

Hoyt, Charles D., and Ford, R. C. John D. Pierce, Founder of the Michigan School System. Ypsilanti, 1905.

Hinsdale, B. A. Horace Mann. New York, 1900.

Italy, Public Instruction in the Kingdom of. Am. Jo. Ed. (1870), vol. 20, pp. 145-180.

Italy, Progress of Education in, by Will S. Monroe. Rep. U. S. Com. Ed., 1906, vol. 1, pp. 73-90.

Japan. Department of Education. Education in Japan. Prepared for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis, 1904.

Jenks, Henry F. Catalogue of the Boston Latin School, established in 1635, with an historical sketch by Henry F. Jenks. Boston, 1886.

Kay, Joseph. Extracts from the report on the Social Condition and Education of the People in England and Europe. Am. Jo. Ed. (1860), vol. 8, pp. 413-434. Laurie, S. S. Historical Survey of Pre-Christian Education. London, 1895. Lewes, George H. Problems of Life and Mind: The Study of Psychology. 5 vol. London and Boston, 1874 and 1880.

Low, Leopold. Die Lebensalter in der Judischen Literature. Szegedin, 1875. Referred to in Hall's Adolescence.

Lyttle, E. W. Should the Twelve-Year Course of Study be Equally Divided Between the Elementary School and the Secondary Schools? N. E. A. proceedings, 1905, pp. 428-436.

Luther, Martin. Letters to the Mayors and Aldermen of all the Cities of Germany.

Mann, Horace. Report of an Educational Tour in Germany, France, Holland, and Parts of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1847.

Mann, Horace, Extracts from the Seventh Annual Report of. Am. Jo. Ed. (1860), vol. 8, pp. 382-396.

Mann, Horace, Life and Works of-(Lee & Shepard ed.) 5 vol. Boston, 1891. Mann, Horace. Reports of the Secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of Education. (1838-1849.) Bardeen, Syracuse.

Martin, George H. The Evolution of the Massachusetts Public School System. New York, 1894.

Massachusetts Teacher, The. October, 1873.

Massachusetts Legislation, 1636-1789. Rep. U. S. Com. Ed., 1892-93, vol. 2, pp. 1225-1239.

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Maxis, Clarence. Dangers and Chemistry of Fire.

ment, Ohio.

State Marshal's Depart

McMaster, John Bach. A History of the People of the United States. 7 vol. New York, 1883-1900.

Melancthon, Philip. Extracts from the Book of Visitation. (Karl Von Raumer.) Am. Jo. Ed. (1857), vol. 4, pp. 741-764.

Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society. Historical Collections. Lansing,

Middle Schools of Prussia. Rep. U. S. Com. Ed., 1910, vol. 1, pp. 477-479.
Monroe, Paul. The History of Education. New York, 1906.

Monroe, Will S. Comenius and the Beginnings of Educational Reform. New
York, 1900.

Nightingale, A. F.

New England First Fruits. Old South Leaflets, No. 51.
The Plan of a Six-Year Latin Course.
337, 338.

School Review

(1895), vol. 3, pp. Nightingale, A. F. Results of the Chicago Experiment in Introducing Latin into Seventh and Eighth Grades. School Review (1898), vol. 6, pp. 379–393. Olin, Stephen. The Life and Letters of-2 vol. New York, 1854. Ordinance of 1787, The. Old South Leaflets, No. 13.

Pattison, Mark. Digest of his Report.


Pattison, Mark.

Am. Jo. Ed. (1870), vol. 20, pp.

Compulsory School Attendance in Prussia. Am. Jo. Ed.

(1870), vol. 19, pp. 617-620.

Paulsen, Friedrich. German Education, Past and Present.
Lorenz. New York, 1908.

Trans. by T.

Philbrick, John. Report of the Superintendent of Common Schools to the General Assembly (Connecticut, May, 1856). Am. Jo. Ed. (1856), vol. 2, pp. 469-472.

Philbrick, John. Reports as Superintendent of the Schools of Boston in Reports of the School Committee of Boston, Boston.

Philippines-Reports of the Secretary of Public Instruction and of the General Superintendent of Education are to be found in Reports of the Philippine Commission. See 1903, vol. 3; 1904, part 3; 1906, part 3; 1907, part 3; 1908. Plan for College Admission, The New Harvard. N. E. A. proceedings, 1911, pp. 567-571.

Plan for College Admission, The New Chicago University. N. E. A proceedings, 1911, pp. 572-575. A condensed account only.

Potter, Alonzo. The School. New York, 1842.

Primary Education in Germany, History of. Am. Jo. Ed. (1860), vol. 8, pp. 348-359. Rise of compulsory education in Germany described.

Report of the Committee of Ten. New York, 1893; also U. S. Bureau Education, Washington, 1893.

Report of the Committee of Fifteen on Elementary Education. New York, 1893. Report of the Committee on College Entrance Requirements. National Educational Association, Winona.

Report of the Committee on Secondary Schools (Chicago University Conference). J. Stanley Brown, chairman. School Review (1904), vol. 12, pp. 19-22.

Report of the Committee on Elementary Schools (Chicago University Conference). F. L. Soldan, chairman. School Review (1904), vol. 12, pp. 15-19. Report of the Committee on Colleges (Chicago University Conference). Nathaniel Butler, chairman. School Review (1904), vol. 12, pp. 22-28. Report of the Commission of Twenty-one (Chicago University Conference). William R. Harper, chairman. School Review (1905), vol. 13, pp. 23–25.

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