Imágenes de páginas

Report of the Committee on an Equal Division of the Twelve Years in the Public Schools Between the District and High Schools. G. B. Morrison, chairman. N. E. A. proceedings, 1907, pp. 705-710. The first report of the committee.

Report of the Committee on Six-Year Course of Study. E. W. Lyttle, chairman. N. E. A. proceedings, 1908, pp. 625-628. The second report of the standing committee.

Report of the Committee on Six-Year Course of Study. G. B. Morrison, chairman. N. E. A. proceedings, 1909, pp. 498-503. The third report of the standing committee.

Report of the Committee on the Reorganization of Secondary Education (New York High School Teachers' Association). C. D. Kingsley, chairman. New York, 1910.

Report of the Committee of Nine on the Articulation of High School and College. C. D. Kingsley, chairman. N. E. A. proceedings, 1911, pp. 559-567. Ross, E. A. Social Psychology. New York, 1908.

Rules of the School Committee of Boston. Boston.

Scotland, Recent Educational Developments in. (A. P. Laurie.) Rep. U. S. Com. Ed., 1910, vol. 1, pp. 521-550.

Sharpless, Isaac. English Education in the Elementary and Secondary Schools. New York, 1892.

Shearman, Francis W. System of Public Instruction and Primary School Law of Michigan. Lansing, 1852.

Shinn, J. H. Discussion of Hill's (Charles W.), What Can be Done to Bring Pupils Further On in Their Studies Before They Leave School to go to Work? N. E. A. proceedings, 1892, pp. 658-662.

Soldan, F. L. Shortening the Years of Elementary Schooling. School Review (1903), vol. 11, pp. 4–20.

Sparks, Jared. Works of Franklin. 10 vol. Boston, 1836-40.

Statistics of Institutions for Secondary Instruction in the United States. Rep. U. S. Com. Ed., 1871, pp. 614-635.

Stowe, Calvin. The Prussian System of Public Instruction and Its Applicability to the United States. Cincinnati, 1836.

Stowe, Calvin. Summary of his Report, in Western Literary Institutes Transactions (Cincinnati, 1837), pp. 204-228; also, Am. Jo. Ed. (1860), vol. 8, pp. 371-382.

Strayer, George Drayton. Age and Grade Census of Schools and Colleges. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bulletin No. 5, 1911.

Sturm, John. System of Instruction. (Karl Von Raumer.) Am. Jo. Ed. (1857), vol. 4, pp. 169-182; 401-415.

Subjects and Courses of Public Instruction in Cities. Special Report of the
Commissioner of Education. Am. Jo. Ed. (1870), vol. 19, pp. 467-576.
Swett, John. American Public Schools. New York, 1900.

Stowe, Calvin. Report on Elementary Public Instruction in Europe. Boston, 1838.

Thorndike, Edward L. The Elimination of Pupils from School. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bulletin No. 4, 1907.

New York, 1897.

Thurber, Samuel. The Order and Relation of Studies in the High School
Course. N. E. A. proceedings, 1887, pp. 428-442.
Thwing, Charles F. The American College in American Life.
Thwing, Charles F. History of Higher Education in America.
Trotzendorf, Valentine F., The Monitorial System of.
Am. Jo. Ed. (1858), vol. 5, pp. 107-113.

New York, 1906. (Karl Von Raumer.)

United States Bureau of Education.

History, No. 18; No. 22.

Contributions to American Educational

Updegraff, H. The Origin of the Moving School in Massachusetts. New York, 1908.

Walden, J. W. H. The Universities of Ancient Greece. New York, 1909. Watson, Foster. The English Grammar Schools to 1660: their Curriculum and Practice. University of Cambridge Press, 1908.

Webster, William C. A General History of Commerce. Boston, New York, 1903. Wimmer, Hermann. Public Instruction in Saxony. Am. Jo. Ed. (1870), vol. 20, pp. 554-564.

Wright, John H. The Three Years' College Course. School Review (1897), vol. 5, pp. 696-709.

Wrightman. Annals of the Boston Primary School Committee.


Academies, Colonial period, 14-18. See also High schools.
Adams, Francis, on education in Germany, 36.

Adams, J. Q., on educational system of Silesia, 20.

Age, school. See School age.

Alameda, Cal., reorganization of school system, 82-83.
Argentina, school system, 93.

Aurora, Ill., reorganization of school system, 80.

Ayres, L. P., study of school elimination, 100–102, 112–113.
Baker, President, on economy of time in education, 61-65.
Baltimore, Md., reorganization of school system, 83-84.

Barnard, Henry, and education in Prussia, 24; on grading of rural schools, 32;
on maintenance of union schools, 33-34; on state of education in Connecti-
cut, 18; work for education, 4-5.

Berkeley, Cal., course of study, elementary schools, 171-172; course of study,
lower high schools, 169-171; reorganization of school system, 87, 102–115.
Berkeley plan. See Berkeley, Cal.

Bibliography, 177-182.

Boston, first steps toward segregation, 28-29.

Boston Latin School, work and development, 76-77.

Brookman, Thirmuthis, on study of mathematics, 147–150.

Brooks, Charles, and Prussian system of schools, 21-22.

Butler, N. M., on elementary and secondary periods of school life, 54-55.

California, readjustment of courses of study, 73–74.

Chemistry, early introduction into college curriculum, 9.

Chicago, college preparatory schools, 77.

Chicago, University of, and articulation with secondary schools, 70-72; en-
trance requirements, 71-72; high schools and academies affiliating and
cooperating with, 56-60.

Child-study, development, 116-119.

City school systems, grouping of grades, 75-94.

College entrance requirements, program of the

See also under names of cities.

University of Chicago, 71-72;

report of committee of the National Education Association, 52–54.

Colleges and universities, development, 5-8; early curriculum, 9-10; sectarian
influences, 5-6; time scheme, 64.

Colonial colleges, dominating influences, 5-6.

Colonial education, secondary schools, 11.

Comenius, plan of education, 42.

Committee of Fifteen, recommendations, 50-52.

Committee of Nine, report on secondary education, 69-70.

Committee of Ten, recommendations, 47-52.

Commission of Twenty-one, University of Chicago, report, 59–60.

Concord, N. H., course of study for high schools, 165-166; early grading of
schools, 31; reorganization of school system, 85-86.

Connecticut, education, as depicted by Henry Barnard, 18; grading of rural
schools, 32; union of school districts, 33-34.

Cooking. See Home economics, 128.

Cooper, W. J., on study of history, 150-153.

Courses of study, elementary schools, Berkeley, Cal., 171-172; first cycle,
116-135; second and third cycles, 136-159; for six-year high school, 163;
high schools, 164-170; length, in certain cities, 35. See also under Berkeley,
Cal.; Saginaw (East Side), Mich.

Curriculum, colleges and universities, 9-10.

Degrees, discussion, 62-63.

Economics, early instruction, 9.

Economy of time in education, 61-65.

Elective studies, and University of Virginia, 9-10.

Elementary education, time scheme, 64.

Elementary schools, courses of study, 171–172; desirability of shortening course

to seven years, 58; Japan, course of study, 173-176; length of course, 35-39.
Elimination, school, investigations into, 100-102.

Eliot, C. W., and school programs, v; on school programs, 43–47.

England, school system, 97-98.

English language, study, 123, 153–157.

Evans, C. S., on manual training, 140-142.

Federal aid to education, 4, 8.

France, school system, 96-97.

Franklin, Benjamin, on education of youth, 15.

Franklin's academy, 15.

Garfield Junior High School, Richmond, Va., course of study, 164.

Geography, study, 128-131.

Germany, educational system, 25-28; length of school course, 36-39; school

system, 19-20, 95-96.

Graded schools, rise, 19-39.

Grammar schools, Colonial, 14-16.

Greek, study of, 7; value in religious training, 11-12.

Greenwood, J. M., and schools of Kansas City, 60-61.

Hall, G. S., and child study, 116-117; on advent of puberty, 38-39; on the
prepubescent period, 134.

Harper, President, on reorganization of the system of education, 56–59.
Harris, W. T., and correlation of studies, 50.

Harvard University, early curriculum, 9; modifying entrance requirements,
44-45; requirements for admission, middle of seventeenth century 11
Health information, 131-133.

High schools, affiliating and cooperating with University of Chicago, 56-60;
courses of study, 164-170; early conception of functions, 18; length of course,
35, 42-43; preparation for college, 47-48; six-year course, 53-54, 163; the
field and function of education in, 69-70. See also Berkeley, Cal., reorganiza-
tion of school system.

High schools and colleges, articulation, 70-73.

History, instruction, 9, 125, 150-153.

Home economics, study, 127-128, 143-145.

Illiteracy, early, 4.

Ireland, school system, 98.

Italy, school system, 97.

Ithaca, N. Y., reorganization of school system, 85.

Jacksonville, Ill., reorganization of school system, 82.

Japan, elementary school course, 173-176; school system, 93-94.
Jefferson, Thomas, on elective system of studies, 9-10.

Kalamazoo, Mich., reorganization of school system, 81.

Kansas City, organization of elementary schools on seven-year basis, 60-61.
Land grants, Federal, 4.

Lange, A. F., on function of the high school, 64.

Languages, modern, inaugurated by Bowdoin College in 1825, 9; recommenda-
tions of the Committee of Ten, 48-50; study, 157-158.

Latin, report of Committee of Fifteen, 51-52; study, 7, 48, 50, 157-158; value in
religious training, 11-12.

Latin grammar schools, New England. See Academies.

Los Angeles, Cal., course of study for intermediate schools, 167-168; reor-
ganization of school system, 86-87.

Luther, Martin, on the study of Latin and Greek, 7.

McLean, Fannie, on study of English, 153–157.

Mann, Horace, on German schools, 25; work for education, 4-5.

Manual training, 128, 140-142.

Marshalltown, Iowa, reorganization of school system, 80.

Massachusetts, foundation of public-school system, 2-3; movement toward

graded schools, 34.

Mathematics, study, 147-150.

Melancthon, Philip, school plan of, 41.

Michigan, foundation of school system, 22.

Ministry, students, in Colonial period, 7.

Minneapolis, Minn., reorganization of school system, 87-90.

Mississippi Territory, extension of ordinance of 1787, 4.

Morrill Act, provisions, 8.

Muskegon, Mich., reorganization of school system, 80-81.

National Education Association, and college entrance requirements, 52-54.

New Albany, Ind., reorganization of school system, 82.

New England, early school system, 2-5; humanistic conception of educa-
tion, 13-14.

New York, school system, 32-33, 90-92.

New York City, work of Free School Society, 20-21.

Nightingale, A. F., on the function of the secondary school in relation to the
college period, 53-54.

Normal schools, Prussia, 21-22.

Northwest Territory, provision for education, 4.
Olean, N. Y., reorganization of school system, 84.
Olin, Stephen, on Prussian system of education, 24.
Ordinance of 1787, provisions for education, 4, 8.
Patriotism, instruction, 124.

Pattison, Mark, on primary education in Germany, 38.

Peabody, Mass., reorganization of school system, 79-80.

Pennsylvania, foundation of academies, in Colonial period, 15.
Pennsylvania, University of, early instruction in chemistry, 9.
Philbrick, J. D., on education in Germany, 26.

Philippine Islands, reorganization of school system, 92-93.
Pierce, J. D., and educational system of Prussia, 22-24.
Potter, Alonzo, on New York school system, 32-33.
Prentiss, Bertha C., on vocational education, 143–145.
Preparatory schools, college, 77-79.

Providence, R. I., college preparatory schools, 78–79.

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