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RUSSIA AND TURKEY.-Treaty of Armistice between Russia and the Ottoman Porte; August 24, 1807.

Art. 1. From the date of the signature of the treaty, all hostilities shall cease between the two belligerent powers.2. As the Sublime Porte and Russia equally wish, with the most amicable intention, the establishment of peace and harmony, the high con

into execution, and if neutral nations should, contrary to all expectation, acquiesce in such usurpations, his Majesty might probably be compelled, however reluctantly, to retaliate in his just defence, and to issue orders to his cruisers to adopt towards neutrals any hostile system to which those neutrals shall have submitted from his enemies. The com missioners of the United States will therefore feel, that at a moment when his Majes-tracting parties will appoint, after the signaty, and all the neutral nations are threatened with such an extension of the belligerent pretensions of his enemies, he cannot enter into the stipulations of the present treaty without an explanation from the United States of their intentions, or a reservation on the part of his Majesty in the case above-mentioned, if it should ever occur.The undersigned, considering that the distance of the American government, renders any immediate explanation on the subject impossible, and animated by a desire of forwarding the beneficial work in which they are engaged, are authorised by his Majesty to conclude the treaty without delay. They proceed to the signature under the full persuasion that before the treaty shall be returned from America, with the ratification of the United States, the enemy will either have formally abandoned, or tacitly relinquished, his unjust pretensions, or that the government of the United States, by its conduct or assurances, will have given security to his Majesty, that it will not submit to such innovations in the established system of maritime law; and the undersigned have presented this note from an anxious wish, that it should be clearly understood on both sides, that without such abandonment of his pretensions, on the part of the enemy, or such assurances or such conduct on the part of the United States, his Majesty will not consider himself bound by the present signature of his commissioners to ratify the treaty, or precluded from adopting such measures as may seem necessary for counteracting the designs of his enemy whenever they shall occur, and be of such an extraordinary nature as to require extraordinary remedies -The undersigned cannot conclude, without expressing their satisfaction at the prospect of accomplishing an object so important to the inte rests and friendly connection of both nations, and their just sense of the conciliatory disposition manifested by the commissioners of the United States, during the whole course of the negociation.


ture of the present armistice, plenipoten tiaries to negociate and conclude a peace as soon as possible, to meet in the most convenient situation for both. If in the course of the negociation for a definitive peace, difficulties should unfortunately arise, so as to obstruct a definitive arrangement, hostilities shall not re-commence before next spring, that is to say, before the 21st of March, 1808, new stile of the christian æra.-3. As soon as the present armistice is signed, the Russian troops shall begin to evacuate Wallachia and Moldavia, and all the provinces, fortresses, and other territory which they have occupied during the war; and to retire within their ancient frontiers, so that the said evacuation shall be completed in the space of thirty-five days from the date of the signature of the present armistice.— The Russian troops shall leave, in the territory and fortresses which they shall evacuate all the effects, cannon, and ammunition, which they found on taking possession of them. The Sublime Porte shall appoint commissaries to receive the aforesaid fortresses from Russian officers appointed for the aforesaid purpose. The Ottoman troops shall, in like manner, retire from Moldavia and Wallachia, and repass the Danube. They will only leave in the fortresses of Ismail, Brailow, and Giurgion, garrisons sufficient to keep them. The Russian troops shall correspond with the Ottomans, so that the two armies shall begin to retire at the same time from Wallachia and Moldavia. The two contracting parties shall in no way meddle with the administration of the two principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia till the arrival of the plenipotentiaries charged with the office of negociating for a definitive peace. Till peace is concluded, the Ottoman troops shall not enter any of the fortresses evacuated by the Russians. The inhabitants alone shall be at liberty to enter them. 4. Conformably to the preceding article, the island of Tenedos, as well as every other place in the Archipelago, which, before the intelligence of the armistice shall have arrived, shall be occupied by the Rus sian troops, shall be evacuated. The Rus

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sian troops which are stationed before Tenedos, or any other place in the Archipelago, shall return to their ports, in order that the Dardanelles shall be at once open and free. If the Russian ships in proceeding to their ports shall be obliged to stop at any port in the Archipelago, in consequence of tempestuous weather, or any other unavoidable accident, the Turkish fficers shall not oppose any obstacle, but on the contrary, shall afford them the necessary aid. All the ships of war, or other Ottoman vessels, which, during the war shall have fallen into the hands of the Russians, shall be restored, with their crews, as well as the Russian vessels which shall have fallen into the hands of the Ottomans. The Russian ships in proceeding to their ports shall not take on board any subject of the Sublime Porte.--5. All the vessels of the Russian flotilla stationed at the mouth of the Sunne or elsewhere, shall go out and proceed to their ports, in order that the Ottoman vessels may go out and come in with perfect safety. The Sublime Porte will give orders that the Russian vessels proceeding to their ports shall be respected, and that they shall be permitted to enter into any Ottoman port in case they shall be obliged to do so by tempestuous weather or any other inevitable accident --6. All the prisoners of war and other slaves of both sexes, of whatever quality or rank, shall be immediately liberated and restored on both sides, without any ransom, with the exception, however, of mussulmen who shall have voluntarily embraced the christian religion in the Russian empire, and the christian subjects of Russia who shall have voluntarily embraced the mahometan religion in the Ottoman empire. Immediately after the conclusion of the present armistice, all the commanders, officers and inhabitants of the fortresses of Turkey, who are at present in Russia, shall be restored and sent to Turkey, with all their property and baggage.The present treaty of armistice, written in Turkish and in French, has been signed by the two plenipotentiaries, and by the Adju. tant Commandant Guilleminot, and has been exchanged, in order that it may be ratified by the Grand Vizier, and by his excellency the General in Chief Michelson. The two plenipotentiaries shall take care that the said ratifications shall be exchanged within one week, or sooner, if possible.Done and decreed at the castle of Slobosia, near Giurgion, the 20th of the month of Dgemaziul-Ahir, the year of the Hegira 1222, and the 12th of August (old style), or the 24th of August, 1807, (new style) of




FOREIGN OFFICIAL PAPER. RUSSIA. -Proclamation issued by the Emperor of Russia, on the conclusion of Peace with France. Given at St. Petersburgh, August 9, 1807.

We, Alexander the First, by God's grace, Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias.--The war between Russia and France, through the powerful assistance of the Most High, and the distinguished valour of our troops, has ended. Peace is happily restored. In the course of this war, Russia has experienced the magnitude of her resources in the love aud devotion of her sons, and which she may reckon upon finding on all occasions.The troops in general have exhibited an unexampled valour, the firmest intrepidity, and heroic action; wherever they were called by the voice of honour, the sense of danger disappeared: their glorious deeds will rmain beyond the power of oblivion in the annals of national honour, and a grateful country will consider them as standing examples for posterity.-The nobles of the civil class, treading in the footsteps of their predecessors, have not only distinguished themselves by the sacrifices they have made of their property, but also by their perfect readiness to hazard their lives for the honour of their country.-The merchants, and ail the other classes, neither sparing of their endeavours nor their property, have cheerfully borne the burden of the war, and have shewn themselves ready to make any sacrifice whatever. With such a general and intimate union of valour and patriotism, it has pleased the Most High, defending and strengthening our armies in the severest conflicts, finally to reward their intrepidity by putting a happy period to a sanguinary war, and presenting us with a propitious peace, by a treaty, between France and Russia, which was concluded and ratified on the 27th of June, in our presence, at Tilsit. -According to the basis of this treaty, we have rejected all the plans for the enlargement of our frontiers at the expense of our allies, as inconsistent with justice and Russian dignity. Not wishing to extend our spacious empire, we only made use of our arms to restore the violated tranquillity of the Continent, and to avert the danger which threatened our own, and the states that were in alliance with us.-Through the establishment of the present peace, Russia's ancient limits are not only secured in their

complete inviolability, but rendered more complete by the addition of a natural and advantageous line of frontier.-Several countries and provinces have been given up to our allies, which had been lost by the fortune of war, and subjected by force of arms.-Peace being concluded upon these principles, we are convinced that all our faithful subjects will join with us in offering their prayers to the throne of the King of Kings, that Russia may long enjoy its advantages, defended by the blessings of the Supreme, and the unshaken and tried valour of her armies Given at St. Petersburgh, Aug. 9, 1807, and the seventh year of our reign.- -(L. S.) ALEXANDER. ANDREI BUDDERG.

PORTUGAL.-Proclamation of the Prince Regent of Portugal: given at the Palace of Mafra, Oct. 20, 1807.

It having been my greatest desire to preserve within my dominions the most perfect neutrality during the present war, upon the good account of the acknowledged good effects that result from it to the subjects of this Crown; but it being impossible to preserve it any longer, and reflecting at the same time how beneficial a general peace will be to humanity, I have judged it proper to accede to the cause of the Continent, by uniting myself to His Majesty the Emperor of the French and King of Italy, and to His Catholic Majesty, in order to contribute, as far as may be in my power, to the acceleration of a maritime peace, wherefore I am pleased to order, that the ports of this kingdom may be shut against the entry of all ships of war and merchant vessels belonging to Great Britain; and thus it is to be understood.-Given at the Palace of Mafra, the 20th of October, 1807. By order of the Prince Regent, our Sovereign.-That all persons may have due notice, it is directed that this Edict be publicly affixed.J. F. LUDOVIC. Lisbon, Oct 22, 1807.

DOMESTIC OFFICIAL PAPERS. MASSACRE AT VELLORE.Proclamation relative to the Massacre at Vellore: pubtished by Order of the Governor in Council, and dated Fort St. George, December 3, 1806.

The right hon. the Governor in Couneil, having observed that in some late instances an extraordinary degree of agitation has prevailed among several corps of the Native Army of this coast, it has been his lordship's particular endeavour to ascertain the motives which may have led to conduct so different from that which formerly dis. tinguished the Native Ariny. From this

inquiry, it has appeared, that many persons of evil intention have endeavoured, for malicious purposes, to impress upon the native troops a belief that it is the wish of the British government to convert them by forcible means to Christianity; and his lordship in Council has observed with concern that such malicious reports have been believed by many of the native troops -The right hon. the Governor in Council therefore deems it proper in this public manner to repeat to the native troops his assurance, that the same respect which has been invariably shewn by the British government for their religion and for their customs, will be always continued; and that no interruption will be given to any native, whether Hindoo ot Mussulman, in the practice of his religious ceremonies.-His lordship in Council desires that the native troops will not give belief to the idle rumours which are circulated by enemies of their happiness, who endeavour, with the basest designs, to weaken the confidence of the troops in the British government. His lordship in Council desires that the native troops will remember the constant attention and humanity which have been shewn by the British government, in providing for their comfort, by augmenting the pay of the native officers and Sepoys; by allowing liberal pensions to those who have done their duty faithfully; by making am ple provision for the families of those who may have died in battle; and by receiving their children into the service of the hon. Company, to be treated with the same care and bounty as their fathers had experienced. -The right hon. the Governor in Council trusts that the native troops, remembering these circumstances, will be sensible of the happiness of their situation, which is greater than what the troops of any other part of the world enjoy, and that they will continue to observe the same good conduct for which they were distinguished in the days of General Lawrence, of Sir Eyre Coote, and of other renowned heroes.--The native troops mnst, at the same time; be sensible, that if they should fail in the duties of their allegiance, and should shew themselves disobedient to their officers, their conduct will not fail to receive merited punishment, as the British government is not less prepared to punish the guilty, than to protect and distinguish those who are deserving of its favour.

It is directed that this paper be translated with care into the Taniul, Telinga, and Hindoostany languages; and that copies of it be circulated to each native battalion, of which the European officers are enjoined and ordered to be careful in making it knową

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to every native officer and Sepoy under his command. It is also directed that copies of the paper be circulated to all the magistrates and collectors under this government, for the purpose of being fully understood in all parts of the country.-Published by order of the right hon. the Governor in Council. G. BUCHAN, Chief Sec. to Government.

GIBRALTAR.-Order relative to Foreigners; residing in Gibraltar, dated Head Quarters, October 8, 1807.

was decided to commence the embarkation of the army on Tuesday, the 13th instant.— Accordingly, on that day, the 8 battalions of the line of the King's German Legion, were embarked in the arsenal; and, on the 14th, the 2 light battalions of the King's German Legion, together with Brigadier Gen. Macfarlane's brigade, viz. the 7th and 8th regiments of British, which embarked in the same ships which brought them from Hull. These corps, with the depot and garrison company of the legion, and the sick and Notiee having been received from the wounded of the army, completely occupied officers commanding the Spanish lines, that all the troop ships, whether for home or foin consequence of orders from the Court, reign service, which had not been approthe communication is closed between Spain priated to the conveyance of naval stores.and the Fortress; it is hereby ordered and These ships having been removed to the directed, that all subjects of His Most Cathoroad, were replaced by the horse ships.-On lic Majesty, and of all countries under the the same day the advanced posts were withdominion of France, residing within this drawn from Kolhaven, Werdenberg, Corsplace, leave the same with the least possible cer, Kallenberg, Fredericksberg, Hersholm, delay. It is further ordered, that all Aliens, and adjacents, and proceeding through a or Foreigners, not actually in the employ of chain of cavalry posts, reached the environs some one or other of the departments of of Copenhagen in three marches.-The emGovernment, or in that of British merbarkation of the royal artillery, with the field chants, or long-established inhabitants of and battering ordnance, having been gra this place, do also quit the town and terri dually carried on from the Kalk Brauderie, tory within 20 days froin the present date, that of the cavalry and foreign artillery in the unless they shall have obtained, previous to dock-yard, and that of the British regiments that period, Permits of Residence of a date, from the citadel, to the men of war, the e subsequent to the present. And it is to be remained on shore, on Sunday afternoon, clearly understood, in future, that all perthe 18th instant, only the brigade of guards, sons by whose application, or under whose who moved on that day from the palace of responsibility, strangers are suffered to re-with one brigade of British light artillery, Fredericksberg, to the strand near Hellerup, side in this garrison, are to be responsible for their maintenance, as well as for their good conduct. All persons whatsoever in the several departments of Government, to whom the same may appertain, shalld do their utmost to put these orders in force.-By Command. (Signed) R. WRIGHT, Secretary.

EVACUATION OF ZEALAND.- -From the Supplement to the London Gazette of Sa· turday, October 31. Dated Downing street, Oct. 31, 1807.

A Dispatch, of which the following is an Extract, has been received from Lieut. Gen. the Right Hon. Lord Cathcart, K. T. addressed to Lord Castlereagh, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, 'dated on board his Majesty's ship Africaine, the 21st Oct. 1807.

As no sort of infraction of the Capitulation had been made by the Danes, who, on the contrary, acted most honourably in the strict and literal fulfilment of their engagement; with a view to the fulfilment of the Articles of the Capitulation on our part, it

the flank companies of the 324 and 50th regiments, with the 82d regiment, under Major Gen: Spencer, in the arsenal; and the 4th regiment, with a detachment of the roy al artillery in the citadel, under Lieut. Col. 4th, or King's own regiment, having been in Wynch, who acted as Lieut. Governor, the garrison there the whole time.-Lieut. Gen. Sir G. Ludlow was appointed to command the rear guard of the army. In the evening asted 24 hours, and rendered further emof the 18th, a gale of wind came on which tion from the shore with the ships very difbarkation impossible, and any communica ficult. As soon as it became evident that the impracticable, a correspondence took place evacuation of the island, on the 19th, was between the British and Danish head quar ters, the result of which left no reason to apprehend that hostilities would recorimence on either side at the expiration of the term, although the Danish General protes'ed, in strong terms, against our retaining the citadel, which, on the other hand, it was not judged expedient to evacuate. -- Qu the 20ththe morning was calm, and, as soon as it was

light, the drums of all his Majesty's regi- | respective slips; after which the floating

ments on shore beat the General; and the dock-yard and harbour being entirely cleared of transports and British vessels, the corps commanded by Major Gen. Spencer rowed out of the arsenal, under the guns of the citadel, and proceeded along the shore to Hellerup, to be in readiness to reinforce the guards. His Majesty's sloop Rosamond having been also towed out of the harbour, and the King's ships within reach of the Three Crown Battery, having got under weigh, the 4th regiment marched out of the citadel, and proceeded to join the guards, covered by its own flank companies, and by a picquet of the guards.- -As soon as they had marched, the bridge was drawn up, and the British Fort Adjutant was sent to the Danish head quarters, to acquaint the General, that he was at liberty to send a guard to take charge of the citadel; accordingly, a small detachment of the royal artillery, and of the 4th regiment, were relieved by a guard of Danish troops, and the ordnance inventories and keys having been given over to the officers appointed to receive them by Major Bodecker, the Fort Major, and Capt. Patterson, of the royal artillery, the British detachment embarked with those officers, at the citadel, and proceeded to Hellerup -As soon as the 4th regt. had joined the guards, Lieut, Gen. Sir G. Ludlow began the embarkation, which was completed with great expedition and regularity. No troops of the enemy appeared, and there was no concourse of inhabitants. People of all ranks in the city, in the villages, and on the public road, were extremely civil. Had any disturbance been intended, or had any been accidentally excited, the embarkation would have been equally secure from insult, the place selected being open and level, and out of the range of fire from the Crown Battery or Citadel, but commanded by his Majesty's light ships of war.The brow, or stage itself, from which the troops embarked, was judiciously and ingeniously contrived by Sir Home Popham, to answer equally the purposes of embarkation and defence. A small vessel, a praam, and a floating battery, were fastened successively to each other on the beach; the two first being planked over, and the last beyond them having several guns of large calibre prepared for action, in an oblique direction, and manned by seamen.-The flat boats drew up on the two sides of the praam, and the gun-boats, which also received troops, were placed beyond the floating battery, so that, as soon as the brigade of artillery was embarked, the troops marched to their boats, and the whole put off to their


battery and praam were destroyed.

Admiralty Office, Oct. 31, 1807-Copy of a letter from Admiral Gambier to the Hon. William Wellesley Pole, dated on board his Majesty's ship the Prince of Wales, off Copenhagen, Oct. 20, 1807.

Sir;—I have the honour to acquaint you, for the information of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, that the whole of the Danish fleet being equipped (except two unserviceable ships of the line and two frigates, which have been destroyed), and the arsenal cleared of the stores, the army has been re-embarked; and that I shall proceed, with the first favourable wind, to carry into execution the instructions I have received from the Lord Viscount Castlereagh.-Having so far accomplished the service on which I have been employed, I feel it my duty to state the great activity, energy, and zeal, which have been shewn by Vice Admi al Stanhope and Rear Admiral Sir Samuel Hood, in superintending the equipment of the Danish ships, and the embarkation of | the stores from the arsenal; nor has the same spirit been less manifest in the cap. tains, officers, seamen, and marines, who have all executed their respective parts, in the general exertion, with a promptitude and alacrity, which has not only entitled them to my warmest thanks and praise, but will, I doubt not, when the aggregate result of their Jabour is considered, obtain for them the approbation of their sovereign, and the ap plause of the nation.--In the space of 6 weeks, 16 sail of the line, 9 frigates, 14 sloops of war and smaller vessels, besides gun boats, have been fitted for sea, and all the large ships-laden with masts, spars, timber, and other stores, from the arsenal, from whence also 92 cargoes have been shipped on board transports, and other vessels char tered for the purpose, the sum of whose burden exceeds 20,000 tons A considerable number of masts and spars have been put on board the Leyden and Indexible, which were well adapted for this purpose, and some valuable stores on beard his Majesty's ships; nor can I forbear to remark, that such was the emulation among the several ships of the fleet to which the Danish ships were respectively attached for equipment, that within 9 days 14 sail of the line were brought out of the harbour, although several of them underwent, in our hands, considerable repairs. Of the 3 ships on the stocks, two have been taken to pieces, and the useful parts of their timbers brought away; and the third, being in a considerable state of forwardness, was

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