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Judge. Your client had better make a compromise, ask her what she will take.'

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Counsel. My good woman, his Lordship asks you will take.'


Old woman.-'I'm obliged to his Lordship' (curtsey) as he's so kind (curtsey). 'I'll just take a glass o' warm ale.'

A RHYME of one.

You sleep upon your mother's breast,

Your race begun,

A welcome, long a wish'd-for guest,

Whose age is One.

A baby-boy, you wonder why

You cannot run;

You try to talk-how hard you try!—

You're only One.

Ere long you won't be such a dunce;

You'll eat your bun,

And fly your kite, like folk, who once

Were only One.

You'll rhyme, and woo, and fight, and joke,

Perhaps you'll pun!

Such feats are never done by folk

Before they're One.


Some day, too, you may have your joy,

And envy none;

Yes, you, yourself, may own a boy,

Who isn't One.

He'll dance, and laugh, and crow, he'll do

As you have done:

(You crown a happy home, tho' you

Are only One).

But when he's grown shall you be here

To share his fun,

And talk of times, when he (the dear !)

Was hardly One?

Dear Child, 'tis your poor lot to be

My little son;

I'm glad, tho' I am old, you see,—

While you are One.



The hair she means to have is gold,

Her eyes are blue, she's twelve weeks old,

Plump are her fists and pinky.

She fluttered down in lucky hour

From some blue deep in yon sky bower

I call her LITTLE DINKY.

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