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PARCIUS junctas quatiunt fenestras
Ictibus crebris juvenes protervi,
Nec tibi somnos adimunt; amatque
Janua limen,

Quae prius multum facilis movebat
Cardines. Audis minus et minus jam:
Me tuo longas pereunte noctes,

Lydia, dormis?

Invicem moechos anus arrogantes
Flebis in solo levis angiportu,
Thracio bacchante magis sub inter-
lunia vento;

Cum tibi flagrans amor, et libido,
Quae solet matres furiare equorum,
Saeviet circa jecur ulcerosum;

Non sine questu,

Laeta quod pubes hedera virente
Gaudeat pulla magis atque myrto,

Aridas frondes Hiemis sodali

Dedicet Hebro.



LESS often now the wanton youths
Thy close-barred shutters shake

With frequent blows; nor do they now

Thy lonely slumbers break.

The door which used, in former times,
On ready hinge to swing

Is now close shut, and, seldom used
Doth to its threshold cling.

Less often and less often now

Comes to your ear the cry,

"Sleep'st thou all night, while here outside

I perish and I die?"

Your turn shall come when, old and foul,

For lovers you shall seek,

In lonely lanes where Thracian winds

Sweep by with louder shriek.

When wanton love and burning lust

Your wretched heart shall hold,

And you, complaining, seek in vain

For lovers as of old,

To find, alas! that joyous youth

In ivy takes delight,

Or thinks the myrtle's darker green

More pleasant to the sight

Than withered leaves, that, dull and dead

(Though fair they once might be),

Are tossed for Hebrus' icy stream
To carry to the sea.




Si quid vacui sub umbra

Lusimus tecum, quod et hunc in annum
Vivat et plures, age, dic Latinum,
Barbite, carmen,

Lesbio primum modulate civi;
Qui, ferox bello, tamen inter arma,
Sive jactatam religarat udo
Litore navim,

Liberum et Musas, Veneremque, et illi
Semper haerentem puerum canebat,
Et Lycum, nigris oculis nigroque
Crine decorum.

O decus Phoebi, et dapibus supremi
Grata testudo Jovis, o laborum
Dulce lenimen, mihi cunque salve
Rite vocanti.


THEY call us. If beneath the shade

We've sung a song with thee

Which both the end of this year's course

And other years may see,

Come, sing a Latin song, my lyre,

Whom Lesbius tuned before;

(Who fierce in war, yet in war's midst,

Or when his bark touched shore,
Would sing of Bacchus and the Nine, -
Of Venus and her boy,

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