Imágenes de páginas

truth mystified by Trinitarianism, 84.-Mystery pleaded, 84.--Orthodoxy absurd,

84.-The Trinity of the Scriptures, 84.-God ONE Father, 84.- Proof texts, 84.-1

John v. 7, spurious, 85.-Unity of nature, 85.-All energy from an UNKNOWN CENTRE,

85.-Deity in person localised in the heavens, 86.-Ascension of Jesus, 86.-Deity in

personal manifestation, 87.-On Mount Sinai, 87.-This personal presence constantly

implied, 87.-God's existence underived, 88.-All things from and in Him, 88.-Ab.

surdity of "creation from nothing," 88.-Spirit, the basis of being, 88.-The relation

between Father and Spirit, 89.-The Father in heaven the Spirit every where, 89.-Spirit,

the agent of the Father, 89.-An universal element in nature, S9.-Electricity, 90.-

Illustrations from nature, 90.- Holy Spirit as distinct from Spirit, 90.-Demonstrated at

Pentecost, 91.-Also in the Christian miracles, 91.-Necessity of miracles in producing

conviction, 91.-The gifts of the Spirit in the government of the early ecclesias, 92.—

Absence of Spirit-manifestation in this age, 93.-Animal excitement mistaken

for the Spirit's influence, 94.-The Spirit in the written word, 94.-Days

of barrenness predicted, 94.-ANGELS, 94.-Manifestations of God, 94.-The names

of God considered, 94.-A difficulty explained, 95.-Augels, corporeal beings in perfec-

tion, 95.-Resembling human beings, 96.-Prototypes of righteous men, 96.-THE

NATURE OF CHRIST, 97.-Opposite opinions, 97.-Both unscriptural, 97.-Mutilation of

Matthew and Luke by Unitarians, 98.-Genuineness of passages considered, 98.-

Christ was more than an example, 99. - Christ, a man, constituted Son of God, by the

mode of his conception, by anointing of the Spirit, and by resurrection from the dead,

100.-Christ's pre-existence discussed, 101.- THE CRUCIFIXION, 104.-A manifestation

of love, 104.-The principles involved, 103.-Adam's condemnation, 105.-Human

disobedience, 106.-The Eternal Law, met and triumphed over, in Christ's death and

resurrection, 106.-The means of securing the benefit-belief of the truth and baptism,

107.-Christ the second Adam, 107.-Natural virtue no foundation of hope, 108....




The position of the devil in modern theology, page 109.-The importance of knowing

whether there is a personal devil or not, 110.-The Bible doctrine of the devil an integral

part of the gospel, 110.-The orthodox devil a fiction, 111.-His immortal existence

impossible, 111.-A mortal devil an absurdity, 112.-No formal devil theory in the

Bible, 112.-The temptation in the garden of Eden, 113.-The serpent the tempter, 113.

-"Satan" out of the question, 114.-The tradition about the devil being a fallen angel

examined, 114.-The fallen angels of Jude and Peter not alive, 114.- Consigned to death

for their disobedience, 114.-The earth the probable scene of their rebellion, 114.-The

"dragon" of Revelations a political symbol, 114.-The Hebrew word "Satan," its

use and meaning in the Old Testament, 116.-Where translated and where untrans-

lated, 116.-Job's "Satan," 117.-Other instances, 117.-"Satan" in the New Testa-

ment, 118.-"Satan" at Pergamos, 118.-Peter a "Satan," 119.-The "Satan" to

whom perverts were handed over by the apostles, 119.-Paul's "Satan," 120.-The

"Satan" that entered into Judas, 120.-The spirit of the flesh the great "Satan," 121.

-The popular "Satan" excluded by experience, 122.-"Devil" a Greek word, 122.-

Its meaning, 123.-Its use in the New Testament, translated and untranslated, 123.—

The devil destroyed by Christ, 123.-Siz put away, 124.—Sin in the flesh the great

devil, 124." Devil," a personificatia of a principle, 126.-Personification common

in the Scriptures, 126.-Illustrations, 126.-The reason of sin being called the devil,

127.-The fall, 127.-Instigation of the serpent which constituted itself the calumni-

ator (devil) of God, and the aversary (Satan) of man, 127.-The works thereof, 127.-

Mankind the children of the devil, and, aggregately, the devil himself, 128.-The

temptation of Jesus, 12%.-Casting out of devils (demons), 128.-The origin of the

expression, 130.-Deraons of Pagan invention, 130.-The theory reflected in ancient

language, 131.-Christ's conformity to popular speech, 131.-" Demons," a name for

epileptic disorders, 131.-Modern parallels-a declaration, 132..

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Natural anxiety as to conditions of obtaining life, page 257.-Humility of mind necessary,

257.-Like a little child, 257.-Immortal-soulism destructive of understanding the

truth, 257.-Divine purpose not to save en masse, 258.-Peter's declaration, 258.-Few

chosen, 258.-Belief of the Gospel, the first essential; nature of faith, 259.-Substance

of the Gospel, 259.-The NAME of Jesus Christ, 260.-The fitness and beauty of

Christianity, 261.-Our high calling, 261.-The preaching of the Gospel, 261.-The

narrow way, 262.-Modern religion-valueless from a divine point of view, 262.-Only

hope in the Bible promises, 262.-Virtue, no title to future life, 263.-Belief natural to

man, 263.-The first condition of salvation, 264.-Baptism Essential, 264.-New Testa-

ment-instances, 264.-A test of obedience, 265.-Action depends on character of doer,

266.-Cleansed by the Word, 266.—A summing up, 267.-The fruits of the Spirit, 267.

-Commandments of Christ to be taught, 267.-Breaking of bread, 267.-Time of

observance, 268.-The Sabbath considered, 268.-Paul's teaching, 269.-Conclusion,269 257



Obedience forgotten, page 270.-Christ's commandments, the rule of duty, 270.-Testi-

monies, 270.-Nullified by ways of Christendom, 270.-An objection to apostolic com-

mandments, 270.-Christ's teaching on this point, 271.-The Spirit given to guide

them into truth, 271.-To abide with them, 271.-Apostolic, same authority as Christ's

commandments, 271.-Acceptance dependent on obedience, 272.-Relation of Christen-

dom to the teaching of the New Testament, 272.-Human opinion has displaced the

Word, 273.-Commands not self-evident chiefly disregarded, 273.-" Be not conformed

to this world," 273.-The world, God's enemy, 274.-Doomed to destruction, 275.—

Practical disregard of this teaching, 275.-Interest and activity in the world's politics,

275.-Church and State, 275.-Duty of separation, 276.-Christ's example, 276.-

Apostolic ditto, 276.-Separation means from aims and objects, 277.-Cæsar and

Christ, 277.-Authority and titles forbidden, 277.-Object of this command, 278.—

Ambition checked, 278.-Christendom again convicted, 278.-"Lay up not treasures

upon earth," 279.-New Testament teaching, 279.--Disregarded by "Christians," 279.—

"Resist not evil," 279.-Universally ignored, 280.-Intention of this rule, 281.—An

objection considered, 231.-Christ's example supplies a rule, 281.-Christendom

resists evil, 281.-The absoluteness of the disciple's duty, 281.-Secondary considera-

tions a mistake, 281.-The "special constable," 281.-Obedience to magistrates, 282.

-Application of this commandment, 282,-Reason of objections, 283.-Christ's com-

mands absolute, 283.-Apostolic teaching, 283.-These principles exclude resort to

law, 283.-Analysis of the procedure, 288.-Going to law with the stranger considered,

284. The "hour" of the saints is coming, 285.-Summary of commandments disre-

garded, 285.-Our duty in the state of evil, 286.-Christian code, perfect and perfect-

ing, 286.-Unpopular because opposed to natural man, 286.- Acknowledgment of in-

debtedness, 286 Biblical matters the supreme study, 287..



"The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine. They shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables" (2 Tim. iv. 3, 4). "Of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them " (Acts xx. 30).

"There shall be false teachers among you

and many shall follow their pernicious.

ways, by reason of whom, the way of truth shall be evil spoken of" (2 Pet. ii. 1, 2). "Try the spirits whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world" (1 Jno. iv. 1).

"Their word will eat as doth a canker" (2 Tim. ii. 17).

"All nations deceived" (Rev. xviii. 23).


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and practice established by the labours of the apostles in the first century, is recognised by men of very different ways of thinking. The unbeliever asserts it without fear; the church partizan admits it without shame, and all sorts of middle men are of. opinion that it would be a misfortune were it otherwise. The unbeliever, while himself rejoicing in the fact, uses it as a reproach to those who profess to follow the apostles whom he openly rejects; the churchman, while owning the apostles as the foundation, regards it as the inevitable result of the spiritual prerogative vested in "the church," that there should be further unfoldings of light and truth leading away from the primitive form of things; and the moderate and indifferent class accept it as a necessary and welcome result of the advance of the times, with which they think the original

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apostolic institution has become inconsistent.

Is there not another meaning to the fact? To such as have confidence in the Bible as a divine record, the quotations standing at the head of this page must suggest a view of the present state of things very different from that entertained by the common run of religious professors. Do not these quotations require us to believe that it was in the apostolic foresight (a foresight imparted to them by that presence of the Holy Spirit which Jesus before his departure promised he would secure for them during his absence -Jno. xiv. 17; xvi. 13)—that the time coming was a time of departure from what they preachedwhen men indulging in "fables and walking in “ pernicious ways,' would wholly turn aside from the saving institutions of the gospel delivered by them, and realise the fulfilment of Isaiah's prophecy as to the state of things upon earth just

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