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Corporation may enacts statutes.




Duties of corporation.

Theology shall, ex officio, always be one-and the remaining six members shall be selected, chosen and appointed by the Finance Committee of the Church Missionary Society of England-the corporators mentioned in the first section of this Act, having been selected, chosen and appointed according to the provisions in this section contained.

X. It shall be lawful for the said Board of Governors, and they are hereby empowered, in addition to exercising the powers in this Act conferred upon, or by law vested in, or incident to, a corporation aggregate, to draw up, pass and enact statutes and ordinances for the appointment and continuance in office of Governors-naming the number of Governors who shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of the said Corporation and the exercising of the powers thereof for the appointment of teachers and the prescription of the course of study, instruction, training and discipline-for whatever else, in this direction, may be deemed needful and expedient for the welfare of the said school-and for any and all other matters and things connected with or incident to the said Corporation: Provided always that the said statutes or ordinances shall not be contrary to law; and provided further that any statutes or ordinances bearing upon or proposing any change in, the Board of Governors, shall be invalid and of no effect, until they shall have the separate sanction of the Council of St. John's College and that of the Finance Committee of the Church Missionary Society of England; and no change shall be made in the composition of the Board of Governors, during the lifetime of the said Henry Wright without his consent and sanction; nor after his death, without the consent and sanction of the said Church Missionary Society of England.

XI. No member of the said Corporation shall be individually liable or accountable for the debts, contracts, acts or defaults of the said corporation.

XII. It shall be the duty of the said Corporation, when thereunto required by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, to render an account in writing of its affairs; which account shall set forth in particular the annual income derived from lands, tenements and hereditaments

hereditaments held or owned by the Corporation; other income and the source whence it is derived; the members of the Corporation; the number of teachers employed; the various branches of education and the course of instruction.


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An Act to incorporate "The Community of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary."

[Assented to 25th June, 1879.]

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WHEREAS there has existed for a certain number of years, in the City of Winnipeg, in the County of Selkirk, in the Province of Manitoba, an association of religious Ladies under the name of "The Community of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary," whose object is to instruct and educate the young ladies; and whereas the said Community has already educated a large number of young ladies; and whereas the said Ladies have by their petition prayed that the said association be incorporated; and whereas in consideration of the advantages to be derived from said institution, it is expedient to grant their prayer; therefore,

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent. of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as fol lows:

I. The Rev. Sisters Marie Jean de Dieu (née Clémence Cadieux), Marie Martin de l'Ascension (née Marie Odile Leduc), Marie Florentine (née Georgiana Duhamel), Marie Géraldine of St. Joseph (née Louisa Nagle), Marie Léontine (née Luce Brosseau), and such other persons who may hereafter, under the provisions of this Act, become members of the said institution, shall be and are hereby a body politic and corporate, in fact and in name, under the name of "The Community of the Sisters of the Holy names of Jesus and Mary," and under said name shall have perpetual succession, and a corporate seal, and may, from time to time, modify, renew or change at pleasure such corporate seal; and may, under the said name, possess, have or receive for themselves and their successors, for the uses and purposes of the said corporation, all lands, tenements and hereditaments, and all real or immoveable estate lying and being in this Province not having an annual value exceeding

exceeding eight thousand dollars; and to sell, alienate and dispose of the same, and acquire others in their stead for the same purposes; and under the said name they shall have full power to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, assign and be assigned, in all courts of Justice, and other places, whatsoever, in the same manner and with the same rights that all other corporations or persons whatever may be empowered to do; and a majority of said corporation, for the time being, shall have full power and authority to make and establish such rules. by-laws and regulations not being contrary to this Act nor to the laws in force in this Province, as they shall deem useful and necessary to the interest and management of the affairs of the said corporation, and for the admission of members therein; and to change and revoke the same, from time to time, in part or in whole, as also those of the said institution which may be in force at the time of the passing of this Act; the said corporation shall be empowered to make execute and manage, and shall make, execute and manage all and every matters and things concerning the said corporation, and the management and administration of the same, according to the power and authority thereof, and under the provisions of the statutes, stipulations, dispositions and regulations hereinafter prescribed and established.


II. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted, that Proviso. the interest, rents, income and profits of all kinds whatever, derived either from real or personal property, belonging to the said corporation, shall be exclusively appropriated and employed to the maintenance of the members of the said corporation, the construction and repair of the buildings necessary for the purposes of the said corporation, the advancement of education, and the expenses which may be incurred in connection. with the object and purposes of said institution.

may appoint

III. The members of said corporation, for the time Corporation being, or a majority of them, shall have the power to attorneys, etc. appoint attorneys or other persons charged with the management of the real and personal property of said corporation, and all officers so appointed shall exercise all power and authority for the management and good administration of the affairs of the said corporation which may be conferred to them by the rules and regulations of said corporation.


Members of


personnally liable.

IV. Nothing contained in this Act shall have or shall shall not be be considered to have the effect of the effect of rendering any of the above mentioned persons, or any member of said corporatiun, or any person whatsoevet, personally responsible or accountable for any debt of said corporation, or for any deed or agreement execute by, or bond given for and in the name of the said corporation, nor for any matter or thing connected with the said corporation.

Public Act.

V. Nothing contained in this Act shall be considered or construed as affecting in any way the rights of Her Majesty, Her heirs and successors, or those of any other person or persons, or of any body politic or corporate, except as herein above mentioned and prescribed.

VI. This Act shall be deemed a public Act.


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