Imágenes de páginas

things to their view, and has no little tact in taking advantage of the prevailing interest and apropos of the moment. In the preface to the present work he irresistibly arrests public attention by the following por tentous flourish of trumpets, "It must not be concealed that all that has been passing in the two hemispheres during the last thirty years has been only the prelude to the action, the denouement of which is now at hand. Never has there been a grander spectacle offered to the eyes of mankind; never have results more important to humanity been on the point of accomplishment. See if I exaggerate, and say, if at this hour, as in former times, the combat is only from man to man, and not of a world to a world; if the present question is of the interest of individuals, and not rather of the interest of the species; of the ascertaining of certain portions of territory, and not rather of the assigning the place and rank which man should occupy in society. The result is inevitable. For a long period it has been evident that the time for settling the great social question was at hand; and that from discussions to discussions we should at length arrive at the foundation of the question. At that point we now are." There is a morceau to make the mouth of the most lukewarm politician water! Blessed are the publishers that have such brochure writers as M. de Pradt. The

learned Abbé then takes an eagle-flight round Europe, throwing a rapid glance at each of its states as he wings his way, and then skims over the Atlantic, where he is equally concise yet comprehensive. The titles of some of the chapters are not a little piquant, and afford a characteristic specimen of the quick presto-begone and frisky manner in which our lively neighbours can treat the most vast and important matter. E. g. Coup d'œil sur le monde in six pages. The same upon Europe-Can Europe become Constitutional-Has Europe the right of becoming Constitutional? Ancient and modern Civilization in Europe-Real state of the social World-The Wish of Europe-Liberty of the Press in 1822with many others of equally attractive titles. But notwithstanding this little dash of Charlatanism, there is both information and a certain degree of talent in the book. At all events it will sell, and be talked of,

and that is the chief look out both of writer and publisher.


Dr. SOUTHEY (the Laureate) is about to publish "A Tale of Paraguay," in a 12mo volume.

An Epic Poem is shortly expected from the pen of the Ettrick Shepherd, entitled "Queen Hynde."

Among the literary novelties of the day, we hear that "Memoirs of Captain Rock, the celebrated Irish Chieftain, with some Account of his Ancestors," are about to make their appearance, written by himself!

Mrs. HOFFLAND has another tale in the press, entitled "Decision "

It is reported that "The Memoirs of a late celebrated English Countess," the intimate friend of an Illustrious Personage, written by herself, will appear in the course of the present month.

We understand that a new Translation of "Josephus, the Jewish Historian," has lately been undertaken by a Clergyman of the Established Church.

CAPTAIN BROOKE has the following works nearly ready for the press, viz.

1. A Narrative of a short Residence in Norwegian Lapland, with an account of a Winter's Journey performed with ReinDeer, through Norwegian Russia, and Swedish Lapland, interspersed with numerous plates and various particulars relating to the Laplanders.

2. Lithographic illustrations of a Journey across Lapland, from the shores of the Polar Sea to the Gulf of Bothnia, chiefly with Rein-Deer, and during the month of December, showing the manner in which the Laplanders perform their winter Expeditions, the appearances of the Northern Lights, and the most striking features and incidents that occurred during the above period.

MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. The learned President, Sir Humphrey Davy, bart. in a paper on the cause of the corrosion and decay of copper used for covering the bottoms of ships, read before the Royal Society, has pointed out a simple, effectual, and economical method of remedying this evil. The cause, he ascertained, was a weak, chemical action, which is constantly exerted between the saline contents of sea water and the copper. He finds that a very small surface of tin, or with a large surface of copper, renders it other oxidable metal, any where in contact negatively electrical, that sea water has no action upon it; and a little mass of tin brought even in communication by a wire with a large plate of copper, entirely preserves it. By the desire of the Lords of the Admiralty, he is now bringing this discovery to actual practice on ships of war. A patent, which had for its object the remedying of the same evil, was lately taken out by Mr. Mushet, of the Mint; and it is a curious fact, that the means he recom mends for improving the copper employed in sheathing is-alloying it with a very small portion of tin, or of zinc, or of arsenic, or of antimony.



The following fact has been stated by M. Reynard to the Société des Sciences of of Lisle. During the campaign of Russia several loaves of sugar had been enclosed in a chest containing some flasks of extract of lead. One of these flasks having been broken, the liquid escaped, and the sugar became impregnated with it. During the

distresses of the campaign it was necessary to have recourse to this sugar; but far from producing the fatal results which were expected, the sugar formed a salutary article of nourishment to those who made use of it, and gave them a degree of vigor and activity which was of the greatest service in enabling them to support the fatigues of marching. Hence M. Reynard thinks that sugar might be adopted for preventing the effects of subacetate of lead, instead of the sulphates of soda, and of magnesia, which are not always at hand.


At Chelmsford Sessions the Magistrates discussed the question whether some respectable females of that town, disciples of Mrs Fry, should he allowed to visit the prisoners in the gaol occasionally; and, on coming to a vote, they rescinded, by a majority of twenty-five to seven, the permission which had been given by three of the five visiting magistrates. The prison, it was said, was a Church of England establishment, and it might be dangerous to permit Sectarians to give instructions to the prisoners! Besides, prayers from the liturgy were read every morning by the Chaplain, as directed by the late act, and it would be extremely indelicate, and hurtful to his feelings as a minister and a gentle man, to permit others to interfere with the moral improvement of the prisoners!

ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH, Liverpool, is an object of considerable architectural interest for its taste, and having been nearly the first cast-iron church erected in the kingdom, the whole of the frame work of the windows, doors, pillars, groins, roofs, pulpit, and ornamental enrichments are of cast-iron. The length is 119 feet; the breadth 47. It is ornamented by a splendid window of stained glass. The tower raised to the height of 96 feet, and standing on a hill, the site of an ancient sea-beacon, is elevated 345 feet above highwater mark, and commands one of the finest views in the kingdom, comprehending the town and shipping of Liverpool, the estuary of the Mersey, the level surface of Lancashire, as far as the eye can trace the prospect, with the craggy hills of Wales towards the west, and towards the north-east the distant mountains of Cumberland and Westmoreland.


Dr. Brown employs chlorine in solution in cases of the scarlet fever, he says with the utmost success. From a tea-spoonful to a table-spoonful is given every two or three hours, without the addition of any other substance. The solution should be fresh, and swallowed quickly to avoid coughing; in the sore throat sometimes accompanying the fever, it is more easily swallowed than mucilaginous drinks. As the disease declines, the quantity of medicine is diminished: the whole quantity in the cases of children has never exceeded two ounces, and in adults five ounces.


A Latin MS., undoubtedly by Milton, long supposed to be irrecoverably lost, has just been discovered at the State Paper Office. The subject is religious, and the arguments are all drawn from the Scriptures. There are many Hebrew quotations, and the work is one of considerable bulk, as it contains 735 pages, many of them closely written, and believed to be in the handwriting of the poet's nephew, Phillips, with many interlineations in a different hand. It was found in an envelope addressed to Cyriac Skinner, Merchant. The situation which Milton held, of Latin Secretary to Cromwell, will account for such a discovery being made in the State PaperOffice.


The following is part of a letter received from this indefatigable traveller, dated Cape Coast,* Oct. 26th, by a gentleman of Cambridge:

"I write to you, my dear friend, by a transport which is just sailing for England, and send you a few lines in haste. I cannot enter at present into a detail of all the events which brought me to this coast, but reserve them till I write you more fully. I am only able now to tell you, that I am going to take a northern direction from the kingdom of Benint," straight up to Haussa Benin is situated on the east of this coast, and the route I intend to take is over a tract of land entirely unknown, so that I hope I shall not be deemed an intruder in the path of northern travellers. I shall endeavour to give you a full account, if possible from Benin; but I fear it will be a long time before you receive any of my letters from that quarter. If God please, I hope to meet the Niger on the east of Haussa, previous to my reaching the capital of that kingdom. I shall not fail to write to you by the first opportunity of a caravan to the north. I could not take many notes of what I could observe at this place, and I am surprised that so little is known of it in England, or, indeed of the settlements on this coast. In my voyage here, I fortunately met with an English gentleman, captain of a man of war, a native of Plymouth, who, in consequence of the death of Sir R. Mends, has taken the command of the squadron on this coast, as senior officer. He is enthusiastic in every thing that relates to discovery, and I feel myself highly indebted to this gentleman for the kind assistance he has afforded me in the furtherance of my views; and it is grateful to me, and I thank God, that I have met with an Englishman who has in some measure balanced the injuries I have sustained from those I will not name to you at Tangier. Remember me most kindly to all friends. I shall write to you again as soon as I am able."

* Cape Coast Castle is a fortress on the coast of Guinea, in latitude 5 deg. north, It is the chief of our settlements in those parts.

† Benin is seated near the river of the same name, in latitude 8 deg. 40 min. north

EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES. Two mummies, lately brought from Egypt by M. Caillaud, were lately opened at Paris. One of these had been remarked for its size and extraordinary weight. The head bore a crown, formed of plates and buttons of copper gilt, imitating the leaves and young fruit of the olive. Attention was also much attracted by the case, on which were painted figures resembling those on the zodiac of Denderah. A Greek inscription was also observed upon it, nearly defaced. The name of Pentemenon was found also on a bit of papyrus, which seemed to have been placed between the folds of the dress. Much curiosity having been excited respecting it, M. M. Caillaud consented to open it. There were present a great number of distinguished persons. The mummy was first weighed in its envelopements, and found to be 106 killo. The length was 1m. 90c.; the size of the head 42c.; and its circumference 1m. 38c.; the breadth of the shoulders was 47c. &c. &c. After this an outer bandage was taken off, which confined to the body a cloth covered with paintings and hieroglyphics little observed in Egypt. Under this were other wrappings, solid, and forming the first envelope, which were easi ly removed. The second envelope was fastened round the neck with a knot, which the sailors call a flat knot (næud plat). Beneath were a few finer bandages, like napkins or large pieces of cloth. In the next envelope, larger, thicker, and older bandages were found; also four Egyptian tunics, without sleeves and unsewn, to apply them close to the body. This was fixed by black bitumen round the head and feet. The next envelope consisted of bandages placed lengthways, from the fect to the head, with transversal bands; four large pieces then wrapped the body, of the finest linen. The sixth envelope was formed of transversal bands, of a yellow colour, from the bitumen in which they had been soaked. After this were fifteen pieces of a similar colour. The seventh and last envelope was saturated with black bitumen, and formed six different pieces, stuck together with balsam. After which came a slender covering, and then the body. The toes were wrapped separately; the arms and hands were extended on the thighs. The subject was of the masculine sex, and appeared about forty-five or fifty years of age at most. The length was 5 feet 3 inches 9 lines French measure (about 5 feet 9 inches English). The breast and part of the abdomen were gilt. The body was filled with a black balsam. No MS. was found; but large masses of black balsam were discovered on the legs. The unrolling the body took three hours, and 2800 square feet of cloth were taken off. M. Caillaud found several parts of the arms were also gilt. The hands long, and very well preserved; the fingers well made and plump; the ears entire; and the nose, although injured by the extraction of the brain, little deformed. The face was less inclined than in ordinary mummies. The

hair was perfectly preserved, fine, and a little curled. On the left side was an opening, about five inches in diameter, by which the balsam was introduced into the body. Under the cloth which covered the face below each eye, on the ball of the cheek, a gold plate was found, with the representation of an eye with the lids. On the mouth was another plate, with a representation of a tongue placed perpendicularly to the closing of the lips, which were fast shut. The conjectures respecting their usages are of course vague and unsatisfactory.

The six Universities in the kingdom of the Netherlands contain the following proportion of students. Liege, 446; Leyden, 402; Utrecht, 377; Louvain, 326; Ghent, 286; Groningen,!290; Total, 2127. In 1323, no less a sum than 242,246 florins was wholly devoted to these objects, out of a revenue by

no means over-abundant. This amount is entirely independent of provincial and local expenditure for the same purposes.


The Scotch method of preserving eggs, by dipping them in boiling water, which destroys the living principle, is too well known to need farther notice. The preservation of potatoes, by a similar treatment, is also a valuable and useful discovery. Large quantities may be cured at once, by putting them into a basket as large as the vessel containing the boiling water will admit, and then just dipping them a minute or two at the utmost. The germ, which is so near to the skin, is thus "killed," without injuring the potatoe. In this way several tons might be cured in a few hours. They should then be dried in a warm oven, and laid up in sacks or casks, secure from the frost, in a dry place. Another method of preserving this valuable root is, first to peel them, then to grate them down to a pulp, which is put into coarse cloths, and the water squeezed out by putting them into a common press, by which means they are formed into flat cakes.

Died, at the age of 126 years and 3 days, Mr Thadey Doorley, a respectable farmer, residing near the Hill of Allen, county of Kildare. He retained his faculties to the last moment, and was able to take field amusement within the last six months of his life. He was married about nineteen years ago, at the age of one hundred and seven, to a woman of thirty-one years of age.


The Ionian, or Woman in the Nineteenth Century; by Miss Renou. 3 vols. 1. 18. Henry Fitzroy, the Young Midshipman. 18mo. 2s. boards.


To a Lady, on seeing her take her Watch from
her Bosom, complaining it did not go right.
How could you, Mira, think that watch
The measur'd pulse of time could catch,
Where time's unknown? for what's placed there
Loses all sense of time and care.



NO. 4.]

BOSTON, MAY 15, 1824.

[VOL. I. N.S.


(Lond. Lit. Gaz.)

Of all the changes in this changing world, nothing has produced a greater change than the effects of boiling-water! Who would have formed an idea, when the adventurous Blanchard launched from the cliff to cross the Straits of Dover in his aërial car, that in the course of a few years we should see our vessels stemming the dashing wave, propelled by the powers of steam, and the whole journey from London to Paris performed on wheels! But it verifies the old remark—“There will always be hot work between England and France." A man may now breakfast at Dover, dine at Calais, and return back to supper. For my part, nothing but the quickness of the passage can reconcile me to the loss of the old Dover byeboats-The hearty hard-featured veteran of a Captain, with his tough yarns; the round-shouldered, easy, accommodating mate; the laborious and watchful crew; and above all, the mingled character of the steward, half sailor half landsman, with his bottle of porter in one hand, bowsing at a rope with the other, and the mop tucked under his arm. Then, to notice his patient endurance amid the calls of "Steward, steward!" on one side, and violent abuse on the other. But these things have now passed away, and all evaporated into smoke. Formerly, we used to be worried for half-a-crown here, and five shillings there, and all that sort of thing-Now that was just

17 ATHENEUM VOL. 1. new series.

as it should be, for an Englishman dearly loves his money (will grumble at every item in his bill-find fault with every thing out of it) and fight in noisy strife for every inch of ground to keep it in possession. But in the present day it is drawn out of our pockets by commission, without the honour of a contest, and we find our cash making unto itself wings, without being allowed the privilege of giving them a clip to arrest its flight. Formerly, when a man quitted home to travel, it was with the prospect of change in all its varieties; and the incidental difficulties on the road, as they enhanced the pleasures of the journey, were also anticipated long before setting out. Modern improvement has now smoothed down all obstructions, and we may travel from Dan to Beersheba without encountering a single peril. However, nothing, in my opinion, can compensate for the bustle, the confusion, the hurrying of captains and mates, with their anxious faces-the being almost smothered with cards on alighting at the Ship Inn or York Hotel,and then we had our choice of performing the voyage in what vessel and with whom we pleased-But now we are treated no better than Dilly passengers (who carry their franks in their faces) and must either go by their boiling kettles, and be steamed like an image on the lid of a china tea-pot, or remain at home. It was at the first of the Peace, when the whole herd of

John Bull's family were driving to the Continent, I rolled up my guineas, (sovereigns were not then in fashion, though kings were all the go) in my leathern purse, having carefully counted them first and appropriated each to its separate destination. The chaise was at the door with four good beasts; not that my haste required leaders, but then a pair of additional horses would give me an air of importance on the road, and obtain more respect than if a coronet had graced the pannel with only two. Then, that requisite appendage, baggage-I have known many a traveller who has been chiefly valued for the number of his trunks, though probably none of them were more than half filled. However, all was settled to my mind, the postillions in their scarlet jackets mounted, and, to use the language of the novel-writers, I threw myself into the seat and we drove off. Oh, the glorious effects of peace, how it harmonizes the mind! -I declare, by the time I reached Canterbury, the congees and obsequiousness of the landlords, (this name is now degenerated into Proprietors, another evidence of the ill effects of steam on old English customs,) the respectful bows and attention of a host of waiters, pretty bar-maids, and hatless hostlers, rendered me in perfect good humour with myself and every body else, and I began to fancy my per annum was some hundreds more than it actually was. But my guineas, -Ah, my poor guineas, one after the other, changed colour and became as pale as silver, while the rest shivered and rattled as if they had been troubled with a galloping consumption. But the dinner and the wine at the Fountain! Well, if a man is to see the world, he must pay for the liberty, though he get cooped up in the King's Bench for the remainder of his days. The road between Canterbury and Ewell was rather of a sombre cast, inviting the mind to solitude; but who could reflect, that was going to France! Then, the dashing equipages returning, and bowing to the insides as they passed; it might be the Marquis or his gentleman; what did it signify, so that the balls on the coronet were right?

From Ewell the scenery was beautifully picturesque :-the road formed midway down the side of a lofty hill; the meandering stream watering the pastures and winding through the vale below (now ornamented with Kersney Abbey, the seat of the late John FEsq., and finely contrasted with the humble steeple of the village church);

the grand descent of the valley in front, beyond which the British Channel appeared rolling its waves in pride and grandeur;—while in the distance, like darkling specks upon the tide, just rising from the horizon, the high blue land of France was dimly seen; -on the one hand, almost perpendicularly above the town, the smooth green sloping of the battery; and on the left the turrets of that hoary castle, framed in history-I dearly love to pass an hour within its walls, losing myself in dreams of former days, and listening to the descriptions of Julius Cæsar's sword and all the panoply of the olden times. What care I whether they are genuine or not, I would not be undeceived for double their worth. But to proceed,-we entered the town and rattled down Snargate-street; while the phalanx of Touters followed like hounds when the game is in view.* Out rushed a troop of waiters from the Ship, while W, with his powdered head, or the old lady in her coif cap, all kindly stood to take in the stranger as he sojourned on the way. scarcely was my foot upon the pavement, when a motley group surrounded me, thrusting their cards into my hand, "The fast-sailing Poll, sir,” says one rough tar; "capital accommodations, would you like to board her, sir?" "The Countess of Elgin, sir, belonging to the house of L commanded by Captain H, is the first upon turn, sir," cried a worthy old gentleman, who I recollected to have seen in the same spot in the same occupation, as Master of the Minerva, twenty years before; and several oth

* Touters are a kind of mosquito fleet of small craft; i. c. men employed to worry passengers either to embark in the vessels in whose interest they are employed, or to transport travellers to the

various inns. Their occupation is extremely imposing.

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