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there ; take the turns out of the coach side ;) for you Elinor has lived, and for whip. The decks were cleared, the for you Elinor will die.' The Lieutenstoppers clapp'd upon the top-sail ant turned his looks upon the speaker, sheets, the yards slung, the guns cast whose voice thrill'd to his very soul.loose when the Boatswain roared out He gazed for one moment on the pallid from the forecastle, There it goes, Sir, cheek: 'Tis she! 'tis she! my love, -Try Junk in you-know-red,white, my Elinor!' and they sank together in and blue! Trail that gun forward, each other's arms. Restoratives were you lubber, and elevate her breech!' immediately applied, and soon produA french Frigate, (cried the Lieuten- ced the desired effect. Why, my Eliant, rubbing his hands in ecstacy :) nor, are you here, and thus disguised ?' Now, my boys, for wooden clogs for Stay, Wingwood, (said she,) and I your sweethearts. All ready with well tell you all; but first, this (pointthe gun,' said the gunner, casting his ing to her companion,) this is my broeye along the sight. Speak to him ther. You know my early history :Bounce, and ask the news. Aye, An orphan supported solely by his own aye, Sir, (replied the old tar as he ap- exertions; our father, as we supposed, plied the match to the priming;) I'll perish'd in the service of his country ;whisper a word in his ear.' In a few our mother sunk broken-hearted to the minutes the action commenced, and at grave; my brother became a sailor, the second broadside I fell with a wound and through his industry I have been in my breast. Take that poor fellow maintained. A few days since we rebelow,' said the Captain, catching hold ceived some vague information that our of the wheel I had left. I was carried honoured father still existed, and having down to the Surgeon, and from my loss escaped from his cruel tyrants, was still of blood was unable to go again to deck. at Plymouth. We determined to asThe man we had press'd the night be- certain the matter personally. William fore lay senseless on the deck, and the persuaded me to adopt this disguise, agitated lad sat beside him. For two that I might the more readily escape hours the firing continued without ceas- insult if separated from him. On our ing, (and many a poor fellow was arrival yesterday, with scarcely a ray brought down to be dock'd,') when the of hope, we understood the person we drop-oht of the Frenchman was hauled were in search of was appointed to the down, and three cheers resounded command of a frigate. Her name ?' through the vessel, which we, in spite inquired the Lieutenant eagerly.-"The of our wounds, joined in. The young Brilliant.'- Mysterious Heaven!' ejacman was roused by it, and rising, gazed ulated the Surgeon as he instantly aswistfully around: he grasp'd the hand cended the ladder to the deck. The of his youthful associate, and press'd it Brilliant! (reiterated the young Offito his lips. At this moment the second cer ;) 'tis plain--'tis evident-the Lieutenant was supported below by one names agree. Do you not know, my of the Midshipmen and a seaman.— love, what ship you are now on board ? Why (said the junior officer) did you -No. Oh, Elinor, this-this is the conceal your wound so long? You are Brilliant frigate.' This the Brilliant! now faint pray Heaven, it may'nt (faintly articulated the brother of Eliprove fatal.'Let me see, (said the nor, struggling to rise ;) but my head is surgeon ;) let us hope for the best.'- strangely disordered; yet if you have The young man's waistcoat and shirt mercy, ask him-ask the Captain if evwere thrown open, when, suspended er he remembers my dear mother's from his neck, appear'd the portrait of name. Beg him to say if Maria Wenta blooming girl. He snatch'd it in his worth ever held a sacred spot in his hand, and raised it to his lips. Eli- breast.' She did! she did! (exclaimnor, (said he,) Elinor, and must we ed a voice, descending down the hatchpart- -part for ever!-- Never! way.) My children! my children!' (shrieked the lad, as he sprung to his and the Captain immediately folded them in his arms. What need of saying more? We bore up for Dartmouth

* Tria juncta in uno, we fancy-Ed.
Drapeau ensign, we presume.

with our prize. The Lieuteuant, whose wound was but slight, was made hap

py, and all hands had a double allowance of grog." AN OLD SAILOR.

(Blackwood's Edin. Mag.)

HETHER from lack of matter or lack

the use of her tongue, and a bed-ridden

W of brains I cannot tell, but the Irish nun the use of her limbs ! Nec Deus

parliament, weary of expending their verbal ammunition upon politics, have turned it to theology, and undertaken a crusade against heretic unbelievers, under the happy auspices of a princely German quack, a superannuated Irish titular archbishop, four or five friars, two or three medical doctors, a hypochondriacal matron, and an hysterical miss, supported by skirmishers and Kerry evidences, ad libitum, in the shape of editors, essayists, attestators, &c. The success of this holy campaign appears indubitable. Entrenched within the impregnable walls of a Dublin nunnery, defended by a second Joan of Arc, sanctified by the benediction of infallibility,the good old cause of Popish miracles defies the puny malice of its once potent foes,-wit, learning, truth, honesty, and common sense. Much as I reverence this unlooked-for revival of exuberant Faith, which can not only remove mountains, but make them, I have some doubts whether it will operate favourably for the advancement of Irish catholics to a British legislature. John Bull is a matter-of-fact sort of fellow, mightily given to apply that faculty called reason to all subjects that come within the range of his discussion, somewhat distrustful of sanctified appearances,afraid of wolves in sheeps' clothing, and horribly alarmed by the idea of being priest-ridden, in consequence of what he once suffered from such sticking and troublesome jockeys. When he considers the number and magnitude of evils and misfortunes under which an entire nation really suffers, he will find it impossible to believe that the God of all the earth, leaving these to the ordinary course of Providence, or regarding them as beneath his care, should employ the visible arm of Omnipotence in enabling a few knaves or fools to work a couple of miserable and insignificant miracles! to make a sulky miss recover

intersit nisi dignus vindice nodus. I am afraid he will consider it less as a proof of divine condescension than of divine displeasure-of intellect miserably degraded, of shameless bigotry, and of triumphant superstition! I shall be glad to know how Mr. Brougham likes this novel specimen of senatorial qualification exhibited by his new clients-whether it will animate his zeal in the cause of such liberal, pious, and enlightened petitioners--whether he will feel much satisfaction in contemplating the powerful legislative assistance, he, the proud champion of civil and religious liberty, is, if successful, likely to obtain from the disciples and admirers of Prince Hohenlohe, from believers in all the trumpery of monkish lies and legends, from the defenders of pious frauds, from the assertors of all the spiritual rights, powers, privileges, and immunities of the HispanoHibernian church, and from the volunteer advocates of miracles in a Dublin nunnery! Happy qualifications for the exercise of legislative functions in a British senate of the 19th century!!

In times of national barbarism, when pious fraud was deemed requisite for the subjugation of minds incapable of rational persuasion, and accessible only through their fears, the miracle-monger might have found some apology for his deception in the necessity of deceiving. To see it resorted to now, to see the divine truths of Christianity thrown into the back-ground, and a confederacy of sacerdotal jugglers exhibiting their legerdemain, with nuns and nunneries; to see popular ignorance, rusticity, and superstition, not endeavoured to be removed by moral and rational instruction, but endeavoured to be retarded and confirmed by the grossest frauds of the grossest ages, is no less to be wondered at than deplored. Occasional instances of fancied inspiration, of enthusiastic ra

ving, or of monkish quackery, would never surprise; from individual acts of deceit, of folly, and of falsehood, no state of society is or ever will be exempt. But to behold the highest dignitaries of a church calling itself Christian, and professing to be the lineal possessor of apostolic virtue, the perfect pattern of evangelical rectitude, and the sole depository of divine commission-to see also a sage assembly of self-constituted senators, claiming more than an equal share of natural talent, of acquired knowledge, of legal ability, and of liberal patriotism; to see all these, I say, sanctifying, sanctioning, and defending the miserable delusion, while not a single voice among the host of that church's educated and wellinformed followers, raises a fresh sound in defence of reason and truth, is wonderful and astonishing indeed!!! If they believe this linsey-woolsey compound of Irish and German manufacture-what must we call them-Fools. --If they do not, I leave my readers to find the appropriate appellation. Instances of providential favour and protection, both to nations and to in dividuals, have been, and now are, sufficiently apparent in God's moral government of the world. The records of the past, and the experience of the present, abundantly attest the overruling direction and allwise and almighty Power. Although the clear voice of reason proclaims the necessity of miracles to the primary support of our divine religion, at a time when every human power, prejudice, and passion warred against it, yet does she employ an equal strength of argument in demonstrating the futility of fancying that they are to remain when those obstructions have been overcome, and the system they were wanting to establish, secured upon an immoveable foundation. It must be no ordinary cause that will induce the Deity to change the settled course of things, invert his own rules, and disturb the order of Nature, for such is the power .possessed by the real, and claimed by the pretended performer of miraclesWho fed starving multitudes, and covered shivering nakedness, in the land of miracles in 1823? The power and


goodness of God unquestionably; but it was the goodness and power of God naturally operating on the minds of the generous and beneficent in both islands, and in a more particular and transcendant degree on those of the heretical inhabitants of Great Britain.— It is thus that the Christian revelation attests the divinity of its origin, maintains its character, and displays its influence. It is thus that the true professor is distinguished from the spurious,by higher views, deeper reflections, and more exalted sentiments, by his attachment to the substance, his disregard for the show. Girt with the invulnerable panoply of celestial truth, diffusing its radiance, though with unequal lustre, over all the earth, and receiving hourly accessions to its strength, Christianity scorns the puny aid of the bigot's narrow dogmas, or the wonder-worker's fragile crutch. It spurns at the appearance of pious imposture, whether the result of simple superstition, of stupid credulity, of grovelling ignorance, or of unworthy artifice. rests for support on its moral fitness for the wants of man, its adaptation to every stage and condition of life, the simplicity of its principles, the purity of its doctrines, and the sublimity of its truth. If the DIVINE WORD has not been written in vain, we know already, or at least it is our own fault if we do not know, as much of its nature, obligations, and exalted excellence, as can possibly be imparted. All that remains to the pastor is to teach, and all that remains for the disciple, is to follow the instructions of the MASTER. This, and this only, constitutes the sum and substance of the Gospel Covenant; this is to act in accordance with the beneficent intention of the heavenly Author; this is, in the best, and only present sense of the words, to give EYES TO THE BLIND, and FEET TO THE LAME. The Church which departs from these principles, and substitutes her own prescriptions for those of the celestial Healer, written, as they are,in never-fading colours, and attested by inspired and incorruptible witnesses, may deck herself with what titles or garments she pleases, but her religion is not the religion of Jesus Christ.

(Euro. Mag.)


"Solvitur acris hyems."-Horat.

IN the olden times, the passing away
of the severity of winter, and the
milder influence of spring's approach,
might prepare the nobleman or man of
fashion for a journey to his estate, and
might remind him, that it was time to
give up the pleasures of town, and to
sojourn amongst his tenantry in the
country; the coach-and-six would be
ordered to the door, with a suitable re-
tinue, and the cavalcade would move,
in ordinary time, and arrive in stateli-
ness at the family mansion, in a given
period, proportioned to its distance
from the metropolis. The leaving town
is now a matter of more difficulty, the
season is much further advanced, and
the departure more like a retreat than
a journey. Seldom is it orderly, some-
times it is a complete race; obstacles
not unfrequently present themselves on
the day of march, so that the London
campaign ends in a hostile scene; fa-
mily disagreements form a part of the
skirmish,regret is attendant on the foot-
steps of past pleasure, whilst the ex-
hausted purse and wounded heart bear
a memento of the winter season. The
better to elucidate this statement, let
us take a scene in the living romance of

"The Ostler is come from Newman's, Sir, to know at what hour you will want the post-horses?" says the first footman of a man of fashion in the autumn of life. "Tell him that I shall give him a crown for his trouble, but that I cannot leave town to-day; he may come at two o'clock to-morrow afternoon, or let him call at twelve for orders; but stop, John, let me have the four greys that I always have, and his master may send in his bill at the same time; and――hark ye, John! take this down to Drummond's (a letter,) and bring back an answer." John obeys,-"The devil's in the people! there is not a single bill here before me (the number being immense) that is not five times what it ought to be. John!" "Sir." "Send up the housekeeper." She comes-"Pray what is this bill of

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Gunter's, as long as my arm? what!
all that for fruit and ices? One huu-
dred, two hundred,-brought forward
two hundred and forty, what! more
still? why the man's mad; he takes
me for a natural." "No, indeed! Sir
Charles, it is all right."
right! Yes, I suppose, as it is with
a mail coach, all right!' so drive on ;
but that wont do, what is it for?" "A
supper, Sir Charles! a supper ordered
by my lady." "It never came into
the house." "Yes, indeed! it did,
Sir, it was whilst you were at New-
market." "Ay, that's another memo-
randum of ruin; but go on, pray who
in the name of wonder is Mr. Green-
field, the nurseryman? Nursery maids
are destructive articles enough, but
what is this claimant upon four pages
of paper?" "Evergreens, rare flow-
ers, and shrubs, for my Lady's first
party; it has been owing these four
months."-" And, (interrupting Mrs.
Harrison) shall for as many years, I
have not the least recollection of it.".
"Sir Charles, here is an account from
the musicians." (Sir Charles in re-
ply)" Not very likely to increase the
harmony menage; I have been pretti-
ly fiddled and diddled by these per-
formers this spring, but they must just
be so good as to wait my time, or I will
never employ them again. Let me see
your account, Harrison; by Jove, this
can never be right; it must be cast up
twice over. What! a hundred and

odd pounds for items and sundry things
forgotten in last account? I wish that
your memory had not served you bet-
ter in the present one. Postage of let-
ters! ah ! that's a hum.-Money lent
Miss Sophia-what! twenty pounds
in crowns and sovereigns! Then
again-paid for messages: pray have
we not six tall, long-sided footmen; a
porter, like two single men rolled into
one; and nearly as many grooms as
horses ?". "Yes, Sir Charles, but
then Miss Sophia and her sister would
often not take patience until some of
them came in, and would despatch a


my departure on account of the heavy bills which have come in, and pray let the horses have one day's rest, and give me one day's quiet after four months high fever." "Very well, pa."

But Miss Sophia rides the black horse, for she has Horace Wildair to meet, and many a tender adieu to give and take, besides an arrangement to make as to where his letters can be directed to. John returns without money, the banker being greatly overdrawn upon, and the next day a power is given to sell out,to make up which, the woods at Clover-hall will groan in a few months. Dun follows dun, on the morning of departure, until irritated nearly to phrenzy, Sir Charles tells the post-boys 'to drive like h-ll!' a pretty cool way of setting off! her Ladyship pants all the way at the jobation (as she calls it) which her losses at play produced; and fair Sophy "looks and sighs, sighs and looks, looks and sighs, and looks again,” as she passes the lodging in Picadilly, where her favourite Lancer sleeps out his noon-day slumbers, in debt, in love, and in the dumps. Such is the state of father, daughter, and dear mamma.— With how little comfort or satisfaction can the family behold the summer, already far advanced, the flowers of spring faded away, the dreams of delight vanished on airy wing, cares and mistrusts multiplied, purses and pocket books dwindled into delicate form, or empty as the imagined joys of the season; or as the emptier heads of those who pursued them!

chairman to her dress maker for fear she might send some article of dress too late, and the like of that." "A pretty like of that, to come to such an amount! and pray where is the poodle puppy for which you make a little modest item of five guineas ?" "Oh! Sir, he was stolen three days after we bought him; I advised Mistress not to take him, as I know that they fellows who sell them, always entice them back again, but she would have her way." "You may say that, Harrison, and so I must pay five guineas for a puppy that I never saw, to my remembrance, and which is now running up and down the streets, with many other puppies that I wish I had never seen ?" "If you please, Sir Charles."—" I cannot say that it pleases me very much, but come up again when I send for you, and in the mean time order Atkinson (the house steward) to come to me;" (he arrives)" I see in Monsieur Ladrone's account, liqueurs, Florence wine, and Macaroni, charged twice over, the same articles on the same "No, Sir, there is a mistake in the date, but the articles were had, it's all right." "All right, ha! why, this seems to be a cant word amongst you, and(turning over a mountain of bills,) here's an account of Martel's, the wine merchant, in which he charges me for the champaigne which I returned to him." "No, Sir, that wine was returned; but it is other wine that was sent, it was certainly had, Sir.". "Yes, below stairs, I suppose, and I am had if I pay it, but I will see about it to-morrow, tell my daughter to come here." "Yes, Sir Charles, I'll speak to her maid." "I dare say you will --Sophy, love, I thought you told me that Madame Tournetete's bill was one hundred and six pounds, and I here find it one hundred and sixty-six." "Yes Pa, it's all right." "D——n the all right."" Indeed it is, (smiling,) I had a robe of gros de Naples and a ball-dress of tulle since that." "Well, Sophy, it is no laughing matter to me, but it must be paid; recollect that you must not ride the grey horse to-day, as he goes off to-morrow." "What horse then ?” "None, my dear girl; you know that I am forced to put off

Such is one leaving town; others are still more difficult. It is an important hour for the spendthrift; the idler; the romantic female of bon ton ; the exquisite of feeling, and of dress. The blood hounds of the law hunt the former out of town; the second can find no charms in nature and in rural scenes; the third is in mourning for past scenes, if not past sins, and has no resource but the circulating library to solace her until her return to town.The exquisite of feeling has had her little fluttering heart flattered and flirted, waltzed and quadrilled away, the void is insupportable; the last must have a neck-and-neck race with

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