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Now first published by his nephew, John Johnson, LL.D.
(New Mon.)

TOTHING can be more picturesque than the first portion of the following extract, nor more amiably easy than the second.

"At seven o'clock this evening, being the seventh of December, I imagine I see you in your box at the coffee-house. No doubt the waiter, as ingenious and adroit as his predecessors were before him, raises the tea-pot to the ceiling with his right hand, while in his left the tea-cup descending almost to the floor, receives a limpid stream; limpid in its descent, but no sooner has it reached its destination, than frothing and foaming to the view, it becomes a roaring syllabub. This is the nineteenth winter since I saw you in this situation and if nineteen more pass over me before I die, I shall still remember a circumstance we have often laughed at.

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"How different is the complexion of your evenings and mine! yours, spent amid the ceaseless hum that proceeds from the inside of fifty noisy and busy periwigs; mine, by a domestic fire-side, in a retreat as silent as retirement can make it; where

no noise is made but what we make for our own amusement. For instance, here are two rustics, and your humble servant in company. One of the ladies has been playing on the harpischord, while I, with the other, have been playing at battledore and shuttlecock. A little dog, in the mean time, howling under the chair of the former, performed, in the vocal way, to admiration. This entertainment over, I began my letter, and having nothing more important to communicate, have given you an account of it. I know you love dearly to be idle, when you can find an opportu aity to be so; but as such opportunities are rare with you, thought it possible that a short description of the idleness I enjoy might give you pleasure. The happiness we cannot call our own, we yet seem to possess, while we sympathize with our friends who can."

Here is an exceedingly droll description, written in Cowper's own genuine and exquisitely humourous

manner :

"He had stolen some iron-work, the property of Griggs, the butcher. Being convicted, he was ordered to be whipt; which operation he underwent at the cart's tail, from the stone-house to the high arch, and back again. He seemed to show great fortitude, but it was all an imposition up

11 ATHENEUM VOL. 1. new series.

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on the public. The beadle, who performed it, had filled his left hand with red ochre, the lash of his whip, leaving the appearance through which, after every stroke, he drew of a wound upon the skin, but in reality not hurting him at all. This being perceived by Mr. Constable H, who followed the beadle, he applied his cane, without any such management or precaution, to the shoulders of the too merciful executioner. The scene immediately became more interesting. The beadle could by no means be prevailed upon to strike hard, which pro

voked the constable to strike harder; and

this double flogging continued, till a lass of Silver-end, pitying the pitiful beadle thus suffering under the hands of the pitiless constable, joined the procession, and placing herself immediately behind the latter, ing him backwards by the same, slapped seized him by his capillary club, and pullhis face with a most Amazonian fury. This

of my paper than I intended it should; but beadle threshed the thief, the constable the I could not forbear to inform you how the beadle, and the lady the constable, and how the thief was the only person concerned who suffered nothing."

concatenation of events has taken up more

We shall conclude our extracts from the first volume, with a charmingly light and lively passage, on the manner in which time escapes from us in these short postdiluvian days :—

"It is wonderful how, by means of such real or seeming necessities, my time is stolen away. I have just time to observe that time is short; and, by the time I have made the observation, time is gone. I have wondered in former days at the patience of the antediluvian world; that they could endure a life almost millenary, with so little variety as seems to fall to their share. It is probable that they had much fewer employments than we. Their affairs lay in a narrower compass; their libraries were insearches were carried on with much less indifferently furnished; philosophical redustry and acuteness of penetration, and fiddles, perhaps, were not even invented. How then could seven or eight hundred years of life be supportable? I have asked this question formerly, and been at a loss to resolve it; but I think I can answer it now. I will suppose myself born a thousand years before Noah was born or thought of. L rise with the sun; I worship; 1 prepare my breakfast; I swallow a bucket of goats'milk, and a dozen good sizeable cakes


fasten a new string to my bow; and my youngest boy, a lad of about thirty years of age, having played with my arrows till he has stript off all the feathers, I find myself obliged to repair them. The morning is thus spent in preparing for the chace, and it is become necessary that I should dine. I dig up my roots; I wash them; I boil them; I find them not done enough, I boil them again; my wife is angry we dispute; we settle the point; but in the mean time the fire goes out, and must be kindled again. All this is very amusing. I hunt; I bring home the prey; with the skin of it I mend an old coat, or I make a new one. By this time the day is far spent ; I feel myself fatigued, and retire to rest. Thus, what with tilling the ground, and eating the fruit of it, hunting and walking, and running, and mending old clothes, and sleeping and rising again, I can sup

pose an inhabitant of the primæval world so much occupied as to sigh over the shortness of life, and to find, at the end of many centuries, that they had all slipt through

his fingers, and were passed away like a shadow. What wonder then that I, who live in a day of so much greater refinement, when there is so much more to be wanted, and wished, and to be enjoyed, should feel myself now and then pinched in point of opportunity, and at some loss for leisure to fill four sides of a sheet like this? Thus, however, it is; and if the ancient their complaints of the disproportion of gentlemen to whom I have referred, and not serve me as an excuse, I must even time to the occasions they had for it, will plead guilty, and confess that I am often in haste, when I have no good reason for being so."

It seems almost superfluous for us to say, that a work, from which such extracts as these can be culled in the space of a few pages, recommends itself to general attention, as a source of the most agreeable amusement.


Original Anecdotes, Literary News, Chit Chat, Incidents, &c.

ON THE DEATH OF YOUNG CHILDREN, Ephemera die all at sun-set, and no insect of this class has ever sported in the beams of the morning sun.* Happier are ye, little human ephemera! Ye played only in the ascending beams, and in the early dawn, and in the eastern light; ye drank only of the prelibations of life; hovered for a little space over a world of freshnesss and of blossoms; and fell asleep in innocence before yet the morning dew was exhaled!


A delicate child, pale and prematurely wise, was complaining on a hot morning that the poor dew-drops had been too hastily snatched away and not allowed to glitter on the flowers like other happier dew-drops,† that live the whole night through, and sparkle in the moon-light and through the morning

* Some class of ephemeral insects are born about five o'clock in the afternoon, and die before midnight --supposing them to live to old age.

If the dew is evaporated immediately upon the sun-rising, rain and storm follow in the afternoon; but, if it stays and glitters for a long-time after sunrise, the day continues fair.


onwards to noon-day: "The sun," said the child," has chased them away with his heat-or swallowed them in his wrath." Soon after came rain and a rainbow; whereupon his father pointed upwards-"See," said he, "there stand the dew-drops gloriously re-set— a glittering jewellery-in the heavens and the clownish foot tramples on them no more. By this, my child, thou art taught that what withers upon earth blooms again in heaven." Thus the father spoke, and knew not that be spoke prefiguring words; for soon after the delicate child, with the morning brightness of his early wisdom, was exhaled, like a dew-drop, into heaven.

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years ago black currants were generally used, and gave a very pleasant flavour; but, unfortunately, some doctor happened to take it into his head, that the currants made the whiskey very urinal and enervating, and immediately the influence of the gentle sex became evident: currant whiskey disappeared from every table in the island, and has not since been seen.


wind, when the thermometer indicates a temperature ten degrees lower; and a foggy atmosphere, in like manner, is much more injurious than a clear one of equal cold; in fact, there is no condition of the air so invariably pernicious, so chilling, and oppressive to the organs of respiration, as the frequent combination of frost with fog. The sudden vicissitudes of the weather, especially from heat to cold, are among the most active causes of inflammatory SAGACITY AND RAPACITY OF WATER disease. As, then, the vicissitudes of the weather, and especially its cold, are by far the most prolific source of disease, is it not a little extraordinary, that opinions so diametrically the reverse of truth, as the wholesomeness of frost and the fatality of mild weather, should not only be generally preva lent, but even supported by the proverbial authority that "An open winter makes a fat church-yard ?"-Ask any attentive observer, he will not fail to tell you, he has remarked, that during a Christmas of severe frost, how much the gaiety of the season has been chequered by the numerous funerals which daily pass along the streets, evincing at once the bracing and wholesome influence of frost !—The origin of this erroneous doctrine, which is so palpably contradicted by facts, may probably be traced to the sensations of alertness and the disposition to activity, and the consequent glow of the circulation, experienced by the vigorous and healthy in a clear and moderately frosted atmosphere. But such persons forget how much the weak and infirm, the aged and the invalid, suffer under such cir



The fondness of the Irishman for his whiskey, I have often curiously observed; above the wines of France, he quaffs his native punch; and among the vines of Spain he longs for it. This love is only like the Swiss emotion for the Ranse des Vaches; but this preference did not appear so strange when I found their faculty declaring they knew no spirit less noxious in dilution. It is still the custom in Ireland to impregnate their whiskey with fruit: some

Nature certainly shows less wisdom in some parts of her management for the preservation of species than in others: let the following fact suffice. That species of water-fowl called moor-hen is, during the progress of incubation, in the habit of uttering a frequent and plaintive cry, which is pleasing, though mournful: this note serves to betray the otherwise attentive bird into the hands of sauntering boys, who are wandering on the sedgy banks of rivers which they haunt, and where their nests are invariably found. It likewise tends to draw the attention of its direst enemy, that keen sporting animal the water-rat; than whom there is not a more active rapacious "hunter of prey," throughout the domains of every river. During the many hours I have sat silent on the banks of the Darent, which is an asylum for thousands of those noxious animals, I have seen them repeatedly on hearing the moor-hen's pitiful plaint from her nest, dash immediately into the water from the opposite side, and, swimming across to the spot, immediately dart into the nest, and, having scared the mother from her eggs or brood, would either devour the former by sucking them on the spot, or, seizing hold of a young bird in its mouth, would re-plunge with it into the water, and carry it across, to be devoured in its own nest. The otter himself, is not more bold, quick, rapacious, than this spirited animal; he will frequently dive and bring up small fish, such as gudgeons, minnows, fry, &c. and quite in a manner similar to the "water-dog," the otter himself. None of the watery tribe, not even the largest trout, as he swims across, dare attack him, except

the larger species of pike, who proves an overmatch for him, and draws him, after a short struggle, a shrieking victim, into the watery gulph, where suffocation precludes the exercise of his natural powers and courage. It is not uncommon, in opening a large-sized pike, to find one, or sometimes two, water-rats in his maw; and these fish certainly do good in large pools, ponds, and rivers, by diminishing the race of such depredators as water-rats; for, although their natural propensities cause them to prefer any spot where water is, to other places, they are great depredators, of all field produce, and their disposition for eating is almost unceasing.


An anecdote of Fox, at a time when declining life had taught him the more sober views of character, is interesting. He had now lost his old homage for our republican imperial neighbours.

"In one of the latest days of Fox, the conversation turned on the comparative wisdom of the French and English characThe Frenchman,' it was observed, 'delights himself with the present; the Englishman makes himself anxious about the future. Is not the Frenchman the wi


ser? He may be the merrier,' said Fox; but did you ever hear of a savage who did not buy a mirror in preference to a telescope ?»




I was one day dining at an eminent restaurateur's, when I observed a Cockney-looking gentleman regarding a plate of roast duck at an opposite table, with an eagerness which evinced a strong desire to partake of the same delicious morsel, he seized hold of a waiter's arm, and ineffectually endeavoured to make him comprehend the cravings of his appetite, by pointing to the quickly-vanishing wing; finding his efforts unsuccessful, he bawled out, equally to the astonishment and amusement of the guests," Apportez-moi!” and then imitated to perfection the quacking of a duck; and, as animals were not included in the curse of Ba

bel, he succeeded in obtaining the object of his desires.


It is a fact that these busy noisy birds prefer building their nests in elmAs an illustrative trees to any other. fact, I beg to mention, that there is a fine mingled assortment of elms and horse-chesnut trees growing in beautiful diversification on the banks of the river Darent, at Hawley, in Kent, and yet not in one of the latter species of trees do the rooks ever build their nests. Every frequenter of rural nature knows what a grand picturesque object a full grown horse-chesnut tree Sheridan's pleasantries are proverbi- forms; it possesses much of the mascual; but the following instance of his line majesty of the oak in the breadth conversational sportiveness is new :— and heighth of its structure; and in "Sheridan used to say, that the life of a autumn, when its full shining leaves manager was like the life of the Ordinary are spread in perfection, and their verof Newgate-a constant superintendence of dant drapery is intermingled with its prolific round prickly fruit, the sight is beautiful, as well as it is in spring, when its full dotted blossoms form a variety of snow-like festoons, delighting the climbing and searching eye, as it views them.

executions. The number of authors whom

he was forced to extinguish, was,' he said, a perpetual literary massacre, that made St. Bartholomew's shrink in comparison. Play-writing, singly, accounted for the employment of that immense multitude who drain away obscure years beside the inkstand, and haunt the streets with ironmoulded visages, and study-coloured clothes. It singly accounted for the rise of paper, which had exhausted the rags of England and Scotland, and had almost stripped off the last covering of Ireland. He had counted plays until calculation sank under the number; and every rejected play of them all seemed, like the clothes of a Spanish beggar, to turn into a living, restless, merciless, indefatigable progeny.'"

I consider it singular that rooks should dislike building their nests in these trees, which are far better adapted to shelter them and their young, either from a too intense heat of the sun, or the visitation of unpleasant rains, than the elm-tree is: but such is the fact, that they uniformly reject the

horse-chesnut trees, and fix their airy settlements among the elms.

If that eminent naturalist, Bingley, were alive, I would ask him for a solution of so singular a phenomenon; as he is not, I will endeavour to answer it

myself. I consider this strong objection to arise from a rankness of vegetachesnut tree, and which proves so offensive and unpleasant to the sensitive organs of these birds, that they cannot dwell comfortably in their branches : the bitter quality of the fruit, when ripe, is well known to be of so repulsive a nature that even hungry swine will not eat them. It is likewise singular with what strength (and wisdom of instinct,) rooks attach their nests to the highest branches of those trees where they form their colonies; so much so, that village boys inform me they can stand on them without disturbing in the least the equilibrium of their position.

tion which is inherent in the horse


It is not generally known how much Hume revised his History. When living in Edinburgh, busy with that classical composition, he was intimate with an old Jesuit, who, like most of the order, was a scholar, and a man of taste; to his opinion, as the parts were finish. ed, the manuscript work was submitted. Soon after the publication of Elizabeth's reign, the priest happened to turn over the pages, and was astonished to find on the printed page sins of the Scottish queen that never sullied the written one; Mary's character was directly the reverse of what he had read before. He sought the author, and asked the cause : "Why, (answered Hume,) the printer said he should lose 500. by that story; indeed he almost refused to print it: so I was obliged to revise it as you saw." It is needless to add, the Jesuit reviewed no more manuscripts.


Plants may be completely protected from the depredations of insects, by washing them with a solution of bitter aloes, and the use of this wash does not appear to affect the health of the plants in the slightest degree; and, wherever the solution has been used, insects have not been observed to attack the plants again.



Paris, Feb. 7, 1824.

Life and Writings of Ducis. I MENTIONED to you M. Campenon's J. T. Ducis, who died in 1817, was one of first of his day. His Hamlet, Romeo our first tragic poets, and perhaps the et Juliette, Othello, Roi Lear, d'Abufar, Macbeth, will always be popular on the stage, and demanded from the press. M. Campenon was the poet's intimate friend, and he relates a variety of anecdotes, which friendship only could have known. Ducis had a sort of antique spirit. Napoleon sought his acquaintance, and was esteemed by him, while he thought him the champion of liberty; but when he became its oppressor, he was deserted. The most brilliant places were offered to Duris, but he refused them all, and preferred his independence to splendid slavery. Even in old age this firmness of character was unyielding and intact. The first interview with Bonaparte took place at Malmaison, on the invitation of the first Consul. " "M. Ducis presented himself in the costume he usually wore in his walks-a gray coat, worsted stockings, occurred at dinner, which was simple. round hat, and walking stick, Nothing During the evening the conversation turned on the events of the day. The first Consul spoke of his projects as one accustomed by victory to vanquish all obstacles.

"You want, (said he, to his guests,) laws altogether different from tout le monde marche au hasard, tout those you have hitherto had-Quand le monde se heurte--I see nothing regular

any where your administration is still without system, because your late government was without will and ener France in a condition to give law to gy. I will establish order; I will place Europe. I shall make all the wars accessory to a stable peace,-give you solid institutions, harmonize your wants and your habits,--protect religion, and place its ministers above necessity"

Et après cela, General?' interrupted Ducis, in a gentle tone. resumed Bonaparte, somewhat surpri"Après cela!" sed, Après cela, bon homme Ducis, vous me nom merez juge de paix dans quelque village." The modest reply

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