Imágenes de páginas
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The highest price does not always mean the largest profits. Good prices should be charged, to be sure; but the percentage of gain is largely dependent on equipment and methods. For example, the average printer would lose money on an order for sales-books, even though paid considerably more than current prices. Printers of sales-books make them a specialty, and every facility for quick, accurate, economical work is provided. They make money at prices that seem so low because there is no lost time, little chance of error, no waste material. All printers can't do a special kind of printing, of course; but every one can be a specialist to the extent of eliminating the lost time. Whenever a compositor is obliged to search over slides and stones-often through locked-up forms—for letters needed in the work in hand; whenever he must "skirmish" for leads, or slugs, or furniture, or quoins, or rule; whenever he is sent to the pressroom to change bad letters or battered rule, time is lost-costly time, for which the office does not receive one cent. Go into your composing room this minute and quietly investigate. Look into the type cases and take careful note of the quantity of letter available and the condition of the faces. You will find many cases that need sorting up; many sadly battered faces that should be dumped. Then write us and order new, sharp, clean-cut, SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED FACES to replace the battered ones; order LEADS, RULE, SLUGS, FURNITURE, etc., so that the men can do their work quickly, accurately and economically. These things will cost you nothing, for the time they will save will more than pay for them.


You Can't Afford to Pay for Lost Time

Barnhart Bros. & Spindler



183-185-187 MONROE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL., U. S. A.


Headquarters, 171 Washington street.
Chairman-Milton J. Foreman.
Vice-Chairman-Alexander H. Revell.
Secretary-M. L. McKinley.

Assistant Secretary-Henry Barrett Cham-

First session held Dec. 12, 1905.
Committee reports made Oct. 3, 1906.

ganizations and Public Authorities-A. H.

Public Education-Graham Taylor.
Public Utilities-Charles Werno.
Penal, Charitable and Reformatory Insti-
tutions-George E. Cole.

Municipal Parks and Public Grounds-Bryan Lathrop.

Law-John P. Wilson.

Rivers and Harbors-Joseph M. Patterson. Rules, Procedure and General Plan-B. A. Eckhart.

The convention is made up of delegates chosen by or representing the mayor, city council, governor, assembly, board of education, sanitary trustees, county board, public library board and the Chicago park boards. Its purpose is to frame a comprehensive, simple and elastic charter for the CHICAGO CHARTER CONSTITUTIONAL. city of Chicago to be submitted to the state In a decision announced Feb, 15, 1906, the legislature for consideration. The commit-State Supreme court held that the Chicago tees and chairmen are as follows: charter amendment to the constitution passed by the legislature in April, 1903, and ratified by the people of Illinois at the general election in November, 1904, was valid and that the acts passed in conformity therewith by the assembly in 1905 were therefore constitutional. These acts comprised the municipal courts law, the law extending the mayor's term to four years and making other changes as to city officers and the law regulating the price of gas and electricity.

Municipal Elections, Appointments and Tenure of Office-Lessing Rosenthal. Municipal Executive and Departmental Organization-Francis W. Parker.

Municipal Legislature-John P. McGoorty. Municipal Courts-John F. Smulski. Municipal Taxation and Revenue-B. W. Snow.

Municipal Expenditures and AccountingFrank I. Bennett.

Relations of the Municipality to other Or

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In the fall of 1904 President Roosevelt, re-sponses, but pending the conclusion of the sponding to a request made by the delegates of the interparliamentary union, sent a note to the powers taking part in the first peace conference at The Hague suggesting that the time was opportune for another meeting. The note met with favorable re

Japanese-Russian war no time was fixed. When the war ended in 1905 Emperor Nicholas invited the nations to send delegates to The Hague. The invitations were accepted and the date of the conference was tentatively fixed for May, 1906.

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Gentlemen: In response to your request we are glad to say that we have used your stereotype metal continuously for many years past and your linotype metal almost continuously since we have used the linotype machines. On our autoplate machines we are using your autoplate metal. We are pleased to state that all the above metals are giving us entire satisfaction. Yours truly, VICTOR F. LAWSON.

Manufactured Exclusively by

E. W. Blatchford Company,



Scientific, medical, educational, legal and general.

rection-General secretary, Dr. Alexander
Johnson, New York, N. Y.

National Educational Association-President,
Nathan C. Schaeffer, Lancaster, Pa.; per-
manent secretary, Irwin Shepard, Winona,

American Bankers' Association-President, | National Conference of Charities and Cor-
G. S. Whitson, New York, N. Y.
American Bar Association-President, Alton
B. Parker, New York, N. Y.; secretary,
John Hinckley, Baltimore, Md.
American Civic Association-President, J.
Horace McFarland, Harrisburg, Pa.
American Economic Association-President,
Prof. Frank W. Taussig, Harvard uni-

American Historical Association-President,
Prof. John B. McMaster.

American Medical Association-President,
Dr. Joseph D. Bryant, New York, N. Y.;
secretary, George H. Simmons, Chicago.
American Political Science Association-
President, Prof. Frank J. Goodnow, New
York, N. Y.

American National Red Cross Society-Pres-
ident, Wm. H. Taft, Washington, D. C.
American Society of Religious Education-
Secretary, Dr. J. E. Gilbert.
Association of American Physicians-Presi-
dent, Dr. Frank Billings, Chicago; secre-
tary, Dr. Henry Hun, Albany.

[blocks in formation]

National Geographic Society-President,
Willis L. Moore; secretary, O. P. Austin,
Washington, D. C.

National Municipal League-Secretary, Clin-
ton R. Woodruff, Philadelphia, Pa.
National Republican League-Secretary,
Chauncey Dewey, Hamilton, O.
National Spiritualists' Association-Presi-
dent, H. D. Barrett, Canaan, Me.; secre-
tary, Mrs. Mary T. Longley, Washington,
D. C.

[ocr errors]

Patriotic League-Secretary, James T. White, 5 East 16th street, New York, N. Y. United Irish League of America-President, Michael J. Ryan, Philadelphia, Pa.; secretary, John O'Callahan, Globe building, Boston, Mass.

General Federation of Women's Clubs-
President, Mrs. Sarah Platt Decker, Den-
ver, Col.; recording secretary, Mrs. Mary
B. K. Sherman, Chicago.

National Congress of Mothers President,
Mrs. Frederick Schoff, Philadelphia, Pa.;
corresponding secretary, Mrs. E. C. Grice,
Philadelphia, Pa.

National Council of Women-Corresponding
secretary, Mrs. Belinda S. Bailey, San
Francisco, Cal.

Woman's Christian Temperance Union-Corresponding secretary, Mrs. Susanna M. D. Fry, Evanston, Ill.

National American Woman Suffrage Association-President, Rev. Anna H. Shaw; corresponding secretary, Miss Kate M. Gordon, New Orleans, La.

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CIRCULATION OF THE CHICAGO DAILY NEWS FOR 1906. DATE. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

















17... 18

H'lid'y 326,700 331,685 Sund'y 327,029 321,802 Sund'y 316,621 306,729 316,400 312,421 319,957 312,791 326,456 329,115 334,696 332,698 320,791 320,518 317,485 Sund'y 319,295 312.687 Sund'y 310.668 323,073 328,387 354,696 330,976 Sund'y 319,482 316,048 308,380 320,280 313,900 319,060 313,755 Sund'y Sund'y 333.267 331.176 328,665 H'lid'y 315,226 309,582 317,401 Sund'y 321,493 315.858 326,374 333,522 330,802 328,021 320,667 321,069 Sund'y 312,689 319,931 315,093 314,454 305,438 323,430 331,986 331,828 Sund'y 322.950 320.853 319,853 317,463 313,679 355,964 316,706 Sund'y 326.411 332.082 335,264 330,932 323,045 309,239 317,212 315,260 Sund'y 329,547 318,191 314,400 327,289 333,498 Sund'y 326.358 324.376 Sund'y 320,143 310,694 316,244 315,232 319,810 314.464 327,411 333,411 332,838 329.178 315,692 324,274 320,804 Sund'y 322,465 315,868 Sund'y 319,212 323,873 332,573 331.540 330,925 Sund'y 319,306 318,959 316,686 321.684 314,823 320,403 318,745 Sund'y Sund'y 334,347 329,312 321,841 320.096 311,151 316,275 321,754 Sund'y 319,891 319,088 327,378 333,466 337.978 326,088 319,691 320,354 Sund'y 315,885 321,715 311,814 321,113 314,180 322,074 329,643 337,157 Sund'y 322,055 318.690 319.346 316.245 339.947 314,383 320,177 Sund'y 326,212 340,771 335,450 330.397 321.434 305.438 316,261 317,134 Sund'y 315,792 320,477 324,535 326,395 329,003 Sund'y 326,632 326.062 Sund'y 318,324 314,580 310,353 315,417 319,663 346,415 331,951 331,291 336,861 327,634 312.475 320,442 317.674 Sund'y 310,487 314,816 Sund'y 317,423 336,516 335,173 335,039 327.009 Sund'y 318,325 316,347 318,720 313,731 318,258 319,521 323,704 Sund'y Sund'y 403,640 326,192 322.348 321.956 309,783 316,793 307,086 Sund'y 317,327 323,857 332.088 330,732 363,927 322,747 318,987 321,253 Sund'y 314,521 310,811 318,151 318.201 322,138 329,351 330,572 357.583 Sund'y 320,197 320.847 317,392 310,911 315,053 315,692 317,867 Sund'y 331,783 332,614 347,282 328.270 321,419 309,194 314,702 315,567 Sund'y 312,208 316,802 324,490 323,538 332,157 Sund'y 322.571 342,795 Sund'y 314.251 314.511 311.638 315,691 317,035 325,802 379,340 332,043 339,546 323,770 307,954 323.898 313,205 Sund'y 310,081 316.298 Sund'y 328,052 321,099 338,985 336,559 324,801 Sund'y 314,106 312,413 318,288 312,274 319,960 306,549 329.037 Sund'y Sund'y 334,351 324,424 324.670 321,204 306,970 317,948 311,976 Sund'y H'lid'y 328,983 330.411 329.404 333,982 319,376 323,075 315,357 Sund'y 320,645 310.535 318,172 315.671 330,204 329,823 331,952 335,552 Sund'y 323,433 316,734 321,684 319.696 310,109 317.222 316.999 Sund'y 330,056 332,715 332,063 323,931 322,447 301,281 312,665 308,890 Surd'y 318,322 316,710 330,852 334,472 Sund'y 321,930 317.234 Sund'y 317,118 305,210 311,252 H'lid'y 318,933 328,671 332,185 337,267 267,591 309,986 314,909 316.125 Sund'y 311,340 318,731 Sund'y 335,657.. 321,178 321,149 315,874. 311,172 313,595 Total. 8,277,717 7,821,0598,871.928 8,419,943 8,648,450 8,231,472 7,835,703 8,406,4907.734,3248,400,609 7,838,0407,833,612 Av'r'g. 318,373 325,877 328,589 336,797 320,312 316,595 313,428 311,351 309,372 311.133 313,521 313,344 Unsold copies are deducted in the totals. TOTAL FOR THE YEAR 1906.. DAILY AVERAGE FOR THE YEAR 1906...















98,819,347 COPIES 318,185 COPIES


YEAR. Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Av'ge

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11,429 14,841 16,414 18,408 20,715 22,769 35,320 25,366 25,204 23,312 24,439 26,715 22,037
28,406 37,019 37,736 37,867 38,348 43,743 49,844 40,911 39,371 38,777 39,380 36,817
38,667 41,346 46,299 46,608 47,105 49,428 47,560 16,500 44,571 44,310 14,992 44.760
48,891 49,425 49,874 49,445 53.834 58,776 56,049 50.623 57,958 58,566 59.672 54,473
57,795 62.965 67,959 69,305 65,067 63,832 71,209 70,397 68,551 62,097 58,100 60,395
61,679 66,941 66,058 65,208 65,193 70,408 73.078 70,456 67,808 63,907 64,819 64.399
67,278 71,379 77,153 76,994 77,462 78.603 78,177 79,423 73,185 71,863 74,527 74,919
76,877 82,538 96.828 87,852 88,645 93,292 91,231 88,495 86,221 89,196 107,429 82,465
84,119 89,959 98,029 104,513 100,802 100,238 108.823 101,329 97,900 96,817 102,705 102,497
104,197 110,325 116,024 117,869 125,294 113,471 112,438 117,677 109,728 110,460 115,103 110,148 113,615
114,022 119,148 123,040 124,912 118,743 122,714 126,925 132,178 121,938 122,659 154,096 122,419 125,225
120,657 126,891 137,123 136,490 135,921 140,525 128,897 123,852 113,894 127,724 131.777 159,098 128,676
120,947 126,446 130.828 132,348 131.378 148,576 142,653 134,238 130,016, 128,670 135,527 147.786 134.059
136.365 141,885 142,655 143.633 136,923 130,414 125,136 125.190 124,497 120,304 139.020 130,850 132,957
136.926 139,769 144,467 156,196 141,953 141.733 141,858 139,707 138,025 137,294 140,524 145,707 142,022
148,232 155,402 159,849 162,563 161,804 169,096 170,430|166,259 171.053 163,626 173,070 168,430 164,175
171,818 180,019 188,567 191,933 196,218 202,267 201,591 203,216 190,481 188.966 192,575 200,589 192,495
206,388 204,471 207,590 206.285 198,495 195,865 232,022 194,071 185,595 186,070 198,017 197.256 200,881
198,947 207,246 211,378 212,992 205,732 202,605 201,378 195,907 193.311 195,562 202,553 202,762 202,496
208,781 213,032 216,542 212.104 209.945 210.265 206,272 193.853 189.106 190.700 206,609 200,479 204,724
201,340 208,779 226.392 231.396 222,560 217.707 212.111 219,557 229.763 238,603 228,113 232.997 222,595
239,065 249,951 260,222 295.313 338.695 310.820 298,526 279,243 262.061 257,339 259,085 254,947 275,514
260.995 266,761 267,597 266.677 253,148 252,405 249,243 250.598 250.564 256,681 271,733 269,975 259,562
279,219 287,116 288,389 286.657 275,427 272.598 262.081 261.109 268.278 276.960 280,789 271.384 275,789
281,609 287.113 292.285 295.874 283.297 281,698 275.910 271.783 304,780 292.918 295.635 296.526 288,156
304,466 309,198 310,385 305,825 300.007 307.406 301,915 305,133 299,607 302,895 303,883 300,589 304,218
304,870 310.033 311,771 311,374 302.644 306.305 297.500 294.147 295,351 301,732 312,165 319,518 305.534
321,898 338.458 338,784 333.324 320.867 319.064 310.249 310.677 309,431 309,212 314.616 307,765 319,539
315,800 317,994 325,024 322.607 325.373 318,204 306,335 302,624 301,714 301,560 305,211 308,865 312.637
318,373 325.877 328,589 336,797 320,312 316,595 313,428 311,351 309.372 311,133 313,521 313,344318.185

Suggestions Purchasers of The Chicago Daily News Almanac and Year

Book are invited to send suggestions for its improvement to the Editor of The Chicago Daily News Almanac and Year-Book, 123 5th-av., Chicago.

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