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under sixteen years of age, such widow, or if no widow, such child
or children shall be entitled to receive half the monthly pay to which the
deceased was entitled at the time of his death, which allowance shall
continue for the term of five years; but in case of the death or inter-
marriage of such widow before the expiration of the said term of five
years, the half-pay for the remainder of the term shall go to the child or
children of the deceased: Provided, That such half-pay shall cease on
the death of such child or children. And the money required for this
purpose shall be paid out of the navy pension fund under the direction
of the commissioners of that fund.
Approved, March 4, 1814.

Statute II. March 9, 1814.


Specific ;ip

Eropriation for uilding floating batteries.

Chap. XXI.—An Act autlurrizing the President of the United States to cause to be built, equipped and employed, one or rrtore floating batteries for the defence of the waters of the United States.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of five hundred thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated for the purpose of building, equipping, and putting into service, one or more floating batteries of such magnitude and construction as shall appear to the President of the United States best adapted to attack, repel, or destroy any of the ships of the enemy which may approach the shores or enter the waters of the United States; and that the sum hereby appropriated shall be paid out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Approved, March 9, 1814.

Statute II.

March 19,1814.


Specific appropriations.

Act of Jan. 11, 1814, ch. 2.

Specific appropriations.

Chap. XXV.—Jin Act making appropriations for the support of the military establishment of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That for defraying the expenses of the military establishment of the United States, including the volunteers and militia in their actual service, for the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, for ordnance, fortifications and the Indian department, the following sums, including the sum of one million five hundred thousand dollars already appropriated by the first section of the act, entitled " An act making certain partial appropriations for the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen," be, and the same are hereby respectively appropriated, that is to say:

For the pay of the army of the United States, including the private servants kept by officers, and for the pay of the volunteers and militia in the actual service of the United States, seven millions nine hundred and sixty-five thousand three hundred and sixty dollars.

For forage to officers, two hundred and sixty-four thousand five hundred and seventy-six dollars.

For subsistence of the army, and of volunteers and militia, four million nine hundred and seventeen thousand four hundred and seventy dollars.

For camp and field equipage, four hundred and sixty thousand dollars.

For the medical and hospital department, two hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars.

For bounties and premiums, two million five hundred and forty thousand dollars.

For clothing, two million thirty-six thousand dollars.

For the Quarter-master's department, three million five hundred thousand dollars.

For ordnance and ordnance stores, including arsenals, magazines, and armories, seven hundred thousand dollars.

For fortifications, five hundred thousand dollars.

For contingencies, seven hundred thousand dollars.

For the Indian department, four hundred and sixty-four thousand five hundred dollars.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the several appropriations herein before made shall be paid out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Approved, March 19, 1814.

Statute II.

Chap. XXVI.—An Act making appropriations for the support of the Navy of March 19,1814 the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That for defraying the expenses of the navy for the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, the following sums, including the sum of one million of dollars already appropriated by the act, entitled " An act making certain partial appropriations for the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen," be, and the same hereby are respectively appropriated, that is to say:

For pay and subsistence of the officers, and pay of the seamen, two million five hundred and seventy-nine thousand three hundred and fortyone dollars.

For provisions, one million four hundred and thirty-nine thousand nine hundred and two dollars and fifty-two cents.

For medicines, hospital stores, and all expenses on account of the sick, one hundred and twenty thousand dollars.

For repairs of vessels, one million five hundred thousand dollars.

For contingent expenses, including freight, transportation, and recruiting expenses, five hundred thousand dollars.

For ordnance, ammunition, and military stores, three hundred thousand dollars.

For navy yards, docks and wharves, one hundred thousand dollars.

For pay and subsistence of the marine corps, two hundred and eighteen thousand two hundred and seventy-nine dollars and fifty cents.

For clothing for the same, seventy-one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight dollars and ten cents.

For military stores for the same, twenty-seven thousand six hundred and eight dollars and seventy-five cents.

For contingent expenses for the same, forty-six thousand dollars.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the several appropriations herein before made shall be paid out of any moneys in .the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Approved, March 19, 1814.

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Chap. X.XVIl.—-AnAciin addition to an act, entitled "An Act allowing a bounty March 19 1814.

to the owners, officers ant crews of the private armed vessels of the United

States." [Obsolete.]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in lieu of the bounty now allowed by law, the sum of one hundred dollars be paid to the owners, officers and crews of the private armed vessels of the United States,

Vol. Ill—14

Aug. 2, 1813, ch. 55.

The sum of 100 dollars to be paid out of

tho treasury to privateers-men for each prisoner taken by them.

Bounty to be paid by the Secretary of the Treasury.

Specific appropriation of 8200,000.

commissioned as letters of marque, for each and every prisoner by them captured and delivered to an agent authorized to receive him in any port of the United States, or of a power at war with Great Britain, or delivered at any station within the dominions of the king of Great Britain established for the exchange of prisoners of war, whereby such prisoner shall be actually placed and allowed by the government of the kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in the account of prisoners to the credit of the United States. And the Secretary of the Treasury"is hereby authorized and required to pay, or cause to be paid, to such owners, officers and crews of private armed vessels commissioned as aforesaid, or their agents, the aforesaid sum for each prisoner captured and delivered as aforesaid.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That, for the purposes aforesaid, the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, be, and the same is hereby appropriated.

Approved, March 19, 1814.

Statute II.

March 24,1814. Chap. XXVIII.—^/n Act making appropriatiomfor the support of government for [Obsolete.] '^* year onc thousand eight hundred and fourteen.

Specific ap- gf ,'j enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the

propria ons. United States of America in Congress assembled, '1 hat for the expenditure of the civil list in the present year, including the contingent expenses of the several departments and offices; for the compensation of the several loan officers and their clerks, and for books and stationery for the same; for the payment of annuities and grants; for the support of the mint establishment; for the expense of intercourse with foreign nations; for the support of light-houses, beacons, buoys, and public piers; for defraying the expenses of surveying the public lands, and for satisfying certain miscellaneous claims, the following sums be, and the same are hereby respectively appropriated, that is to say:

For compensation granted by law to the members of the Senate and House of Representatives, their officers and attendants, two hundred and fifty-two thousand two hundred and fifty-five dollars.

For the expense of fire-wood, stationery, printing, and all other contingent expenses of the two Houses of Congress, fifty-two thousand dollars.

For the expenses of the library of Congress, including the Librarian's allowance for the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, eight hundred dollars.

For compensation to the President and Vice-President of the United States, thirty thousand dollars.

For compensation to the Secretary of State, clerks, and persons employed in that department, including a clerk on old records, and a clerk and messenger in the patent office, fifteen thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight dollars.

For additional compensation to the clerks in said department, not exceeding fifteen per centum on the sum allowed by the act, entitled " An act to regulate and fix the compensation of clerks, and to authorize the laying out certain public roads, and for other purposes," one thousand and seventy-two dollars and fifty cents.

For the incidental and contingent expenses of the said department, including the expense of printing and distributing ten thousand four hundred copies of the laws of the first and second session of the thirteenth Congress, and printing the laws in newspapers, twenty thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

For compensation to the Secretary of the Treasury, clerks, and persons employed in his office, thirteen thousand two hundred and ninety-nine dollars and eighty-one cents.

Act of April 21,1806, ch. 41.

For expense of translating foreign languages, allowance to the person Specific apemployed in transmitting passports and sea-letters, and for stationery and ProPrlatlon•• printing in the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, one thousand .five hundred dollars.

For compensation to the Comptroller of the Treasury, clerks, and persons employed in his office, including the sum of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine dollars for compensation to his clerks, in addition to the sum allowed by the act of the twenty-first of April, one Act of April thousand eight hundred and six, fourteen thousand eight hundred and 21,1806, ch. 41. sixty-six dollars.

For expense of stationery and printing and contingent expenses in the Comptroller's office, eight hundred dollars.

For compensation to the Auditor of the Treasury, clerks, and persons employed in his office, twelve thousand two hundred and twenty-one dollars.

For expense of stationery and printing, and contingent expenses in the Auditor's office, five hundred dollars.

For compensation to the Treasurer, clerks, and persons employed in his office, including the sum of one thousand dollars for compensation to his clerks, in addition to the sum allowed by the act of the twenty- Act of April first of April, one thousand eight hundred and six, seven thousand two 21,1806, ch. 41. hundred and twenty-seven dollars and forty-five cents.

For expense of stationery and printing and contingent expenses in the Treasurer's office, three hundred dollars.

For compensation to the Commissioner of the General Land-office, clerks, and persons employed in his office, twelve thousand four hundred and ten dollars.

For expense of stationery and printing, and contingent expenses of the General Land-office, three thousand seven hundred dollars.

For compensation to the Commissioner of the Revenue, clerks, and persons employed in «his office, nine thousand four hundred and ten dollars.

For expense of stationery and printing, and contingent expenses of the revenue office, including the sum of five thousand three hundred and twenty-five dollars seventy-three cents, the amount of expenditures for these objects during the year one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, for which no appropriation has been made, nine thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight dollars and thirty-six cents.

For compensation to the Register of the Treasury, clerks, and persons employed in his office, sixteen thousand and fifty-two dollars and two cents.

For additional compensation to the clerks in the treasury department, not exceeding fifteen per centum on the sum allowed by the act, entitled "An act to regulate and fix the compensation of clerks, and to authorize Act of April the laying out certain public roads, and for other purposes;" six thou- 21,1806,ch.41. sand six hundred and thirty-four dollars and nine cents.

For compensation to the Messenger of the Register's Office, for stamping and arranging ships' registers, ninety dollars.

For expense of stationery and printing, and contingent expenses of the Register's office, two thousand eight hundred dollars.

For fuel and other contingent expenses of the Treasury department, four thousand dollars.

For the purchase of books, maps and charts for the Treasury department, four hundred dollars.

For compensation to a superintendent and two watchmen, employed to secure the buildings and records of the Treasury department during the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, including expenses and repairs of two fire engines, buckets and lanterns, one thousand one hundred dollars.

Specific ap- For defraying the expense of stating and printing the public accounts propnationa. f0I ^ year one tnousan(j eight hundred and fourteen, one thousand two hundred dollars.

For compensation to the Secretary of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, two hundred and fifty dollars.

For compensation to the Secretary of War, clerks, and persons employed in his office, including the sum of three thousand nine hundred Act of April and sixty dollars, in addition to the sum allowed by the act of April 2l,i806,ch.4l. twenty-first, one thousand eight hundred and six, fifteen thousand two hundred and ten dollars.

For expense of fuel, stationery, printing, and other contingent expenses in the office of the Secretary of War, two thousand dollars.

For compensation to the Accountant of the War department, clerks, and persons employed in his office, including the sum of fifteen thousand dollars for clerk-hire, in addition to the sum allowed by the act of Act of April the twenty-first of April, one thousand eight hundred and six, twenty21, iS06,ch.41. five thousand nine hundred and ten dollars.

For contingent expenses in the office of the Accountant of the War department, one thousand dollars.

For additional compensation to the clerks in the War Department, not exceeding fifteen per centum on the sum allowed by the act, entitled Act of April "An act to regulate and fix the compensation of clerks, and to authorSi, 1806, ch. 41. jze jne laying out certain public roads, and for other purposes," two thousand two hundred and twenty-six dollars.

For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the Paymaster of the Army, nine thousand five hundred dollars.

For compensation to the Superintendent General of Military Supplies, clerks, and persons employed in his office, ten thousand four hundred and ten dollars.

For contingentexpensesintheofficeofthe Superintendent General of Military Supplies, five hundred dollars.

For compensation to the clerks in the Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, one thousand five hundred dollars.

For compensation to the Secretary of the Navy, clerks, and persons employed in his office, including the sum of one thousand six hundred Act of April dollars in addition to the sum allowed by the act of the twenty-first 2l,l806,ch.41. April, one thousand eight hundred and six, eleven thousand four hundred and ten dollars.

For contingent expenses in the office of the Secretary of the Navy, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For compensation to the Accountant of the Navy, clerks, and persons

employed in his office, including seven hundred and fifty dollars for a

deficiency in the appropriation for the year one thousand eight hundred

and thirteen, and a further sum of three thousand dollars in addition to

Act of April the sum allowed by the act of April twenty-first, one thousand eight

21,1806, ch. 41. hundred and six, fourteen thousand one hundred and sixty dollars.

For contingent expenses in the office of the Accountant of the Navy, one thousand dollars.

For additional compensation to the clerks in the Navy Department, not exceeding fifteen per centum on the sum allowed by the act, entitled Act of April "An act to regulate and fix the compensation of clerks, and to authorize 21,1806, ch. 41. the laying out certain public roads, and for other purposes," one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five dollars.

For compensation to the Postmaster General, Assistant Postmasters General, clerks, and persons employed in the general post office, including one thousand two hundred and three dollars and twenty-five cents, for deficiencies in the appropriations for the years one thousand eight hundred and twelve, and one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, and the sum of five thousand seven hundred and fifty-five dollars, in addition

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