Imágenes de páginas

Ingustata mihi porrexerat ilia rhombi.

Post hoc me docuit, melimela rubere minorem
Ad lunam delecta; quid hoc intersit, ab ipso
Audieris melius. Tum Vibidius Balatroni :
"Nos nisi damnose bibimus, moriemur inulti,"
Et calices poscit majores.
Vertere pallor
Tum parochi faciem nil sic metuentis, ut acres
Potores, vel quod maledicunt liberius, vel
Fervida quod subtile exsurdant vina palatum.
Invertunt Allifanis vinaria tota

Vibidius Balatroque, secutis omnibus; imi
Convivae lecti nihilum nocuere lagenis.


Affertur squillas inter murena natantes

In patina porrecta. Sub hoc herus, "Haec gravida," inquit, "Capta est, deterior post partum carne futura.

His mixtum jus est: oleo, quod prima Venafri
Pressit cella; garo de succis piscis Hiberi;
Vino quinquenni, verum citra mare nato,
Dum coquitur; cocto Chium sic convenit, ut non
Hoc magis ullum aliud, pipere albo non sine aceto,
Quod Methymnaeam vitio mutaverit uvam.
Erucas virides, inulas ego primus amaras
Monstravi incoquere; illutos Curtillus echinos,
Ut melius muria, quod testa marina remittit."
Interea suspensa graves aulaea ruinas
In patinam fecere, trahentia pulveris atri,
Quantum non Aquilo Campanis excitat agris.
Nos majus veriti, postquam nihil esse pericli
Sensimus, erigimur; Rufus posito capite, ut si






very different from the ordinary.-30. Ingustata; that is, such as I had never tasted before.-31. Minorem ad lunam delecta, gathered at the wane of the moon.' 34. Damnose vehementer; properly, in such a way ut damnum hospiti inferamus. Moriemur inulti is an expression of epic poetry, here jocularly used in reference to drinking. 38. Strong wine dulls the taste. Men of fine taste in wine drink comparatively little. Hence the guests on the imus lectus are sparing. See line 40.- 39. Allifani were a kind of large cups, so called from Allifae, a town of the Samnites, where they were much used. 45. His, scil. rebus. The constituents of the sauce are these: oil from Venafrum (Carm. ii. 6, 15), that which flowed first from the olives, before they were much pressed (prima cella); and caviare from the fish scomber, which was caught near New Carthage in Spain. With this, in the operation of cooking, Italian wine five years old was mixed. After the cooking, Chian wine is added, white pepper, and some vinegar made from Lesbian wine; for Me thymnaeus, in line 50, is from Methymna,' a town of Lesbos.54. Aulaea, curtains.' These were stretched in the form of a tent round the table, to keep off the dust of the roof. Now, when they



Filius immaturus obisset, flere. Quis esset
Finis, ni sapiens sic Nomentanus amicum
Tolleret: "Heu, Fortuna, quis est crudelior in nos
Te deus? ut semper gaudes illudere rebus
Humanis!" Varius mappa compescere risum
Vix poterat. Balatro suspendens omnia naso,
"Haec est condicio vivendi," aiebat, AC eoque
Responsura tuo nunquam est par fama labori.
Tene, ut ego accipiar laute, torquerier omni
Sollicitudine districtum! Ne panis adustus,
Ne male conditum jus apponatur, ut omnes
Praecincti recte pueri comptique ministrent!
Adde hos praeterea casus, aulaea ruant si,
Ut modo; si patinam pede lapsus frangat agaso.
Sed convivatoris, uti ducis, ingenium res
Adversae nudare solent, celare secundae."
Nasidienus ad haec: "Tibi di, quaecunque preceris,
Commoda dent; ita vir bonus es convivaque comis."
Et soleas poscit. Tum in lecto quoque videres
Stridere secreta divisos aure susurros.'
'Nullos his mallem ludos spectasse; sed illa
Redde, age, quae deinceps risisti.' 'Vibidius dum
Quaerit de pueris, num sit quoque fracta lagena,
Quod sibi poscenti non dantur pocula, dumque
Ridetur fictis rerum, Balatrone secundo;






fall they are full of black dust.-59. Esset, used in the lively narcative for fuisset.-63. Mappa, napkin.' — 64. Suspendens omnia naso. See i. 6, 5. Balatro's words of consolation are full of irony. -66. Responsura-par fama labori; that is, your fame, or honour, does not correspond to, come up to, your exertions to make a good feast. 67. Tene-torquerier, 'how you were tortured with anxiety lest,' &c. All this is ironical, and is intended to intimate that Nasidienus had neglected many of those small matters which go to constitute comfort: the bread was burnt, the sauce was badly made, the slaves ill attired, and, what was more, Nasidienus, from want of slaves, had had to make the 'groom' (agaso) wait at table, and he had broken a plate (line 72.)-77. Et soleas poscit. Nasidienus has taken Balatro's irony as earnest, and goes out to make some new arrangements. Hence he asks for his slippers, which were laid aside by a person when he lay down at table. Scarcely has he gone out when, on every couch (quoque, from quisque), the groups begin to make to each other derogatory remarks on the entertainment.-79. Horace interrupts his friend.-81. De pueris = a pueris.-83. Ridetur fictis rerum, Balatrone secundo. They laugh in reality at the host and his entertainment, but they pretend to be laughing at other jokes. Balatro helps Vibidius in this pretence, and states a cause for each laugh. Balatro was, as it were, the second actor in the comedy, in which Vibidius played the first part. As to fictis rerum = fictis rebus, see

Nasidiene, redis mutatae frontis, ul arte
Emendaturus fortunam: deinde secuti
Mazonomo pueri magno discerpta ferentes
Membra gruis sparsi sale multo non sine farre,
Pinguibus et ficis pastum jecur anseris albae,
Et leporum avulsos, ut multo suavius, armos,


Quam si cum lumbis quis edit. Tum pectore adusto
Vidimus et merulas poni et sine clune palumbes,
Suaves res, si non causas narraret earum et
Naturas dominus, quem nos sic fugimus ulti,
Ut nihil omnino gustaremus, velut illis
Canidia afflasset pejor serpentibus Afris.?



ii. 2, 25.-84. Mutatae frontis; that is, he now looks cheerful, as if by his skill he was about to repair the damage sustained by accident. -87. Gruis sparsi. See Zumpt, § 42.—89. Compare the precept laid down in ii. 4, 44.-93. Sic ulti. We revenged ourselves on him by eating nothing, as if Canidia (the poisoner so often attacked by Horace) had breathed upon the viands.





EXCELLENT remarks on the moral lessons which may be drawn from Homer's poems. They are addressed to M. Lollius, the eldest son (hence in line 1, maxime) of M. Lollius, to whom the 9th ode of the 4th book is addressed. The youth was studying oratory at Rome. Horace was spending the summer at Praeneste (now Palestrina.)

TROJANI belli scriptorem, maxime Lolli,

Dum tu declamas Romae, Praeneste relegi;

Qui quid sit pulchrum, quid turpe, quid utile, quid non,
Planius ac melius Chrysippo et Crantore dicit.
Cur ita crediderim, nisi quid te detinet, audi.
Fabula, qua Paridis propter narratur amorem
Graecia Barbariae lento collisa duello,
Stultorum regum et populorum continet aestus.
Antenor censet belli praecidere causam.
Quod Paris, ut salvus regnet vivatque beatus,
Cogi posse negat. Nestor componere lites
Inter Peliden festinat et inter Atriden;

Hunc amor, ira quidem communiter urit utrumque.
Quidquid delirant reges, plectuntur Achivi.


4. Chrysippus, a Stoic philosopher; Crantor, an Academic, a follower of Plato.-7. Barbariae. The Trojans, not being Greeks, were barbari.-8. Aestus = cupiditates.-9. Antenor. See Iliad, vii. 348. Antenor and Aeneas had always recommended peace. For praecidere we should have in prose praecidi. Horace, by poetic licence, omits the subject, perhaps Priamum.-11. Nestor. See Iliad, i. 254.-13. Hunc; namely, Atriden. Agamemnon was irritated at the loss of Chryseis.-14. The Greeks had to pay for their leader's quarrel; for



Seditione, dolis, scelere atque libidine et ira
Iliacos intra muros peccatur et extra.
Rursus quid virtus et quid sapientia possit,
Utile proposuit nobis exemplar Ulixen,


Qui domitor Trojae multorum providus urbes

Et mores hominum inspexit, latumque per aequor,


Dum sibi, dum sociis reditum parat, aspera multa
Pertulit, adversis rerum immersabilis undis.
Sirenum voces et Circae pocula nosti;
Quae si cum sociis stultus cupidusque bibisset,
Sub domina meretrice fuisset turpis, et excors
Vixisset canis immundus vel amica luto sus.
Nos numerus sumus et fruges consumere nati,
Sponsi Penelopae, nebulones, Alcinoique
In cute curanda plus aequo operata juventus,
Cui pulchrum fuit in medios dormire dies et
Ad strepitum citharae cessatum ducere Curam.
Ut jugulent homines, surgunt de nocte latrones;
Ut te ipsum serves, non expergisceris? Atqui
Si noles sanus, curres hydropicus; et ni
Posces ante diem librum cum lumine, si non
Intendes animum studiis et rebus honestis,
Invidia vel amore vigil torquebere. Nam cur,
Quae laedunt oculum, festinas demere; si quid

[blocks in formation]

they were unsuccessful after Achilles in his anger left them to themselves.-16. Result of the poet's observations in regard to the moral bearings of the Iliad. He comes now to the Odyssey.-19. Domitor Trojae, because it was by his advice that the wooden horse was built. Horace here translates the commencement of the Odyssey: providus = πολύτροπος, inspexit alludes to the Homeric νόον ἔγνω. 23. Sirenum. See Odyssey, xii. 39. Circae pocula. See Odyssey, x. 136.-24. Stultus cupidusque for stulte cupideque. Ulysses did drink of Circe's cup, but not till he had received an antidote from Hermes.-27. Ulysses is a pattern of wisdom. The suitors of Penelope, on the other hand, the juventus Alcinoi, so called from their chief, are examples of average humanity, men born to eat and drink, and counted by their heads, not their opinions-they not having any; hence numerus. Among these he jocularly reckons himself, saying nos.-29. Cute, here corpore.-31. Cessatum ducere Curam. Čura is conceived as a goddess, whom, by the sound of the lyre, the suitors endeavour to induce to be quiet and cease from annoying them. Cessatum is the supine. 32. The poet passes over to the general remark, that men have little anxiety for moral improvement. De nocte, by night,' beginning before night ends. Zumpt, 308. -34. Hydropicus. Much walking was considered as a preventive of dropsy. Ni posces-torquebere. The sense is: if you do not rise early to pursue the study of philosophy, envy and desire (amor taken generally) will keep you awake, to your great annoyance.—


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