Por favor sea feliz

Selector, 30 sept 2018 - 176 páginas
Por favor, sea feliz es un libro que le dara todas las bases para que usted sea dichoso, viva alegre y aprenda a gozar cada momento de su existencia. El autor, caricaturista de profesion, describe las mil y una formas de obtener la felicidad cotidiana, tanto en la salud como en los achaques, en la pobreza o en la opulencia, en compania o en soledad y reflexiona acerca del amor, el dolor, la familia, las ansiedades, la sabiduria natural de los ninos y la dicha. La formula de la felicidad esta en nosotros mismos, pero para obtenerla hay que estar alerta, mejorar nuestros puntos de vista y estar dispuestos a hallar, en todo momento, el menor pretexto para ser feliz. La dicha cuesta muy poco. Usted la tiene en sus manos: decidase y, por favor, sea feliz. Description in English: Please be happy is a book that will give you all the bases for you to be happy, live cheerfully and learn to enjoy every moment of your existence. The author, cartoonist by profession, describes the thousand and one ways to get daily happiness, both in health and ailments, in poverty or in affluence, in company or alone and ponders about love, pain, family, anxieties, natural wisdom of children and bliss. The formula of happiness is in ourselves, but to get it you have to be alert, improve your views and be willing to find, at all times, the slightest excuse to be happy. Bliss costs very little. You have it in your hands: make up your mind, and please be happy.

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Sobre el autor (2018)

Andrew Matthews has written and illustrated such books as "Being Happy, Making Friends and Follow Your Heart." He is also a motivational speaker who has given keynote speeches and seminars for more than 500 organizations and companies such as Kodak, Coca Cola, Hewlett Packard and Goodyear.

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