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sion, &c. I then told him that the object of my present journey was to open a communication, that we might consider him in future one of our chief friends; and, as a pledge of that friendship, a missionary should come and reside with him; to which he replied, that * he hoped in future no grass would be allowed to grow on the road between Kuruman and Quaque;' adding, Mateebé, I know will try to hinder you, because he is afraid of losing you; he is afraid that you will build your house with me.' He stated, that the strayed oxen would arrive to-day; and agreeably to our entreaties, he consented to pardon the man who killed the ox. I made him a present of beads and buttons, with a number of other trinkets. I also gave him a hat; one of the Griquas directed him to put it on his head, which he did, but immediately removed it to the head of another, saying, that he could not see its beauty on his own.'

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most of the Griquas were come to exchange property, he informed them, that on Friday he should commence. As soon as he departed, the noisy multitude did not allow us a moment's leisure. During the night we were annoyed with hyænas, of which there are three sorts, the striped, spotted, and another very small.

"5. This morning three oxen were sent to us for slaughter, and in the course of the day boiled corn, pottage, and beer. I visited the town, which is very large; I am not able to judge of the number of inhabitants; but the town itself covers at least eight times more ground than any town I have yet seen among the Bechuanas, so that the population must be very great compared to South African towns in general; thus the dominions of the Wankeets would form an extensive field of missionary labour. Makabba's wives, who are

numerous, have each a separate establishment, consisting of three or four houses, a corn-house, and a general store-house. They have also a number of round jars for corn, from eight to twelve feet in diameter, and nearly the same in height, which are raised from the ground upon a circle of stones. Their premises and houses are on a plan rather different from what I have seen elsewhere. The houses are not larger, but they are built with somewhat more regard to taste and comfort. The accuracy with which circles are formed, and perpendiculars raised, proceeding only by the eye, is surprising. Their outer yards and house floors are very clean, and smooth as paper. No dairy-maid in England could keep her wooden bowl cleaner and whiter than they. In this respect, they form a perfect contrast to the Batclhapees. The front cattle-fold, or place where public meetings are held, is a circle of 170 feet diameter, formed with round posts eight feet high, and as close to each other as they can stand, and each post is hewed round with the axe. Behind lies the proper cattle-fold, capable of holding many thousand oxen; there are also large sheep-folds. In the early part of the day, Makabba is generally employed in cutting out skins to sew together for cloaks : in the afternoon he is frequently found in a state of intemperance. He seems an old man, although his mother is still alive. He is tall, strong, and healthy, but has rather a Hottentot look; and his countenance displays a good deal of cunning. From his conversation, one may easily discern that he is pretty well versed in African politics. He dreads the displeasure of none of the surrounding tribes, but he fears the Makooas, or civilized people. War is almost perpe


tual between him and the Baqueans, a very populous nation to the N. E. and E. Beyond the Baqueans lies the Mangwatto tribe, distinguished for industry and riches, and beyond the Mangwatto is the Magalatsela, who seem to form the limits in that direction of the aborigines of the country, for beyond them (they say) are a half-white people, who wear linen, and whose manners are very savage. This afternoon I walked to a neighbouring height, from which I was able to count fourteen considerable villages, the farthest being distant about one mile and a half; and I was informed that there are more towns which I could not see.


6. Last night we heard a woman screaming in the town, and on inquiry this morning, we found that a hyæna had carried away her child, which had wandered a few yards from the door. On expressing our astonishment, we were informed, that such occurrences are very common, and that after bed-time the hyænas stroll through all the lanes of the town, and carry away whatever they can seize. As these animals are thus accustomed to gorge themselves with human flesh, it becomes extremely dangerous to pass the night in the open field, and especially on the confines of a town. I pointed out plans by which it appeared to me they might succeed in extirpating them; but they seemed very indifferent to my suggestions. The country of the Wankeets is hilly, and still more mountainous to the north and east. The soil in general is very rich; water is rather scarce, but, I believe, the rains are pretty abundant; nevertheless, irrigation would be absolutely necessary to raise European grain and vegetables. I understand that the countries to the north and east abound with rivers, and are very fruit

ful and populous. The mountains here are adorned to their very summits with stately trees and shrubs unknown in the more southern provinces of the continent, which give the country a fine appearance. The several sorts of game are nearly the same as those of the countries farther south. The rivers to the eastward are infested by an animal which, from the description of the natives, appears to be the crocodile. It is from six to twelve feet long, with four short legs, the scaly parts invulnerable, so that it can only be pierced in the belly or under the neck. It is rather dangerous to cross rivers, as this animal is capable of seizing an ox, which it frequently does. The natives call it the quean, and it is probable that the nation inhabiting those parts derived their name from baquean, which is the plural of quean. The animal is amphibious, and frequently seizes dogs and other animals, which happen to sleep near the river. To the north of the Molopo is found the boa constrictor. This animal is sometimes seen upwards of twenty feet long, and from two to three in circumference. The skin of those I have seen, exactly resembles that of the common boa constrictor; but they are less dangerous, as they seldom attack man. They usually prey on a species of antelope, which they seize, divide in two, and swallow.

"This afternoon I had further conversation with Makabba, on the subject of a missionary residing with him, with which he professed to be highly pleased. We also hinted, that it was probable a missionary might go to the Baharootsee; on which he remarked, 'that men of peace should live in every nation, that a friendly intercourse might be kept up. Pointing to a bunch of beads which hung at his kaross, he remarked, that a

friend of mine had sent them to him from the Baha


rootsee. I suppose,' says he, their words frightened him back the road he came, by representing me to be the king of villains. I hope he did not believe the testimony of my enemies. My enemies are not the persons to judge of my character.' As I have before remarked, the field of labour is an extensive one, and possesses some advantages which we have not at the Kuruman; but it must be a life of faith, zeal, and selfdenial, removed far from intercourse with civilized men, subjected to a government which would call for a double portion of prudence, and to the society of men, destitute almost of the commonest feelings of humanity. Still the thousands of Wankeets, who know not their right hand from their left, invite the missionary to come, while the Head of the church says, "Go preach the gospel to every creature. Lo, I am with you.'

This evening, long before I retired to rest, we heard, towards the water-pools, women and children screaming, as if in the greatest danger. I sent off a few men, who ran to the spot, and found three children, who had been drawing water, closely pursued by hyenas, which were at the very point of seizing them. The men succeeded in driving the animals away, on which they ran towards the women, whom the men also rescued. I understand that it frequently happens that children, who are sent to the pools for water, never return! Many must thus in the course of a year be devoured ; a reflection which must make every person shudder. We informed Makabba this morning, that, from the advance of the season, we were obliged to shorten our stay; that the morrow was the Sabbath, a day which we kept holy unto the Lord, doing no work; that it

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